Signs He Will Leave His Wife for You: The 15 Clues That it Will Happen

Signs a married man cares for you

What are the signs he will leave his wife for you? If you are dating a married man, you are probably on the lookout for promising signs he will leave his wife for you. Is this even a possibility?

You may be wondering if your relationship with a married man is going in the right direction. Men can be fickle, and oftentimes their actions don’t always reflect what they are say.

Being in a relationship with a married man can be very difficult.Especially is because you often feel like you are second best.

There is usually the fear that he might never actually leave his wife for you, so you are always waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Let’s first explore the possibility and the chances that he will leave his wife for you and set your mind at ease.

Do men ever leave their wives for another woman?

Do married men ever leave their wives for you?
Do men ever leave their wives for you?

The short answer is yes, they do. Men have left their wives for the other woman before, and they will do it again. I talk more about this topic in my article 5 common reasons leave their wives.

While it may not be as common as women leaving their husbands for another man, it does happen.Research shows that 5% of men leave their wives for another women. If his marriage is on the brink of divorce, your chances even go higher as 64% of divorcee men will remarry.

Men have left their wives for the other woman before, and they will do it again

Mama Nkima

So, there is a chance that he will leave his wife for you. But what are the signs that it will actually happen?

Signs He Will Leave His Wife for you

Wouldn’t it be nice to know for sure that he will leave his wife for you?Unfortunately, there is no foolproof way to know for certain. I delve deeper into this topic in my article ‘will he leave his wife’ the truth about married men and affairs.

It’s impossible to know what goes on inside someone else’s marriage. And even if he says all the right things, there’s no guarantee he’ll actually follow through.

Well, I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that there are tried-and-true signs that he will leave his wife for you. The bad news is that they’re not always easy to spot.

But never fear! I’m here to help you out. Here are the15 Clues He is getting ready to Leave His Wife, and for you.

The 15 Dependable Signs He Will leave His Wife For You

Signs he will leave his wife for you

1. He talks about getting a divorce

This is a pretty obvious sign, but it’s worth mentioning. If he’s talking about getting a divorce, there’s a good chance he will actually leave his for you. I mean, who jokes with idea of divorce?

Of course, this doesn’t mean that he’ll definitely leave his wife for you. So, pay attention to his tone and how angry at his wife he is. If he’s talking about how miserable he is, it’s more likely that he’ll want out of the marriage altogether.

Even better if you’re the only one he confides in about his marital problems, that’s a good sign that he sees you as a potential partner.

He trusts you enough to confide in you and wants your opinion.Trust is crucial in any relationship because it regulates the extent to which people allow themselves to be committed to and invested in that relationship.

Remember, it’s always possible that he’s just venting and doesn’t actually intend to leave his wife. But if he seems serious about it, there’s a good chance he will.

Trust is crucial in any relationship because it regulates the extent to which people allow themselves to be committed to and invested in that relationship.

Mama Nkima

2. He is paying more attention to you than his wife, his actions speaker louder than his words

If he’s suddenly started paying more attention to you than his wife, that’s a pretty good sign that he’s thinking about leaving her for you.

Getting preferential treatment than his wife might manifest as tardiness towards her, cancellations of plans with her, and more time spent with you.

These are all warning signs that your affair partner is losing interest in his marriage and may be ready to move on to something new.

It’s not always easy to spot this one, though. If he’s good at hiding his feelings, he might be able to keep up the act around his wife. One clue is to look at his energy and vibe, if he is more relaxed and happy around you but tenses at the thought of being his wife at home, then celebrate.

You are the one he wants to be with! It’s a good sign that he sees you as a potential replacement for his current spouse.

If he treats you better than his wife, it is a pretty good indicator that he will leave his wife for you.

3. When with you, he is never in a hurry to leave means he might leave his wife you

If he’s never in a hurry to leave when he visits you, it’s a good sign that he wants to be with you.

It could mean that he’s not interested in going home to his wife, or it could just mean that he enjoys spending time with you and doesn’t want the visit to end. Both are good signs for your relationship!

Of course, this one is a bit tricky. If he’s just trying to make you feel special, he might act like he doesn’t want to leave even if he’s actually eager to get home to his wife.

The best way to tell if this one is true is to pay attention to how he acts when he’s around his wife. If he’s in a hurry to leave her, it’s a good sign that he’d rather be with you.

If you’re the only one he takes his time with, it’s a good sign that he sees you as a potential partner.

It is definitely a good sign if your affair partner is never in a hurry to leave when he visits you. With time he might decide to stay forever!

…if your affair partner is never in a hurry to leave when he visits you. With time he might decide to stay forever!

4. He introduces you to his friends and family as his girlfriend

This is a big one. If he’s introduced you to his inner circle as his girlfriend, it’s a pretty clear sign that he wants to leave his wife for you.

After all, why would he introduce you as anything else if he wasn’t serious about the relationship?Besides that’s big stamp of approval on your relationship right there!

If he’s introduced you to his friends and family as his girlfriend, it’s a pretty clear sign that he will to leave his wife for you because he is making a space for you in his world.

This is a big step in any relationship, and it shows that he’s serious about you and leaving his wife. If you’re the only one he introduces as his girlfriend, it’s a good sign that he sees you as a potential partner.

It is definitely a good sign if your married boyfriend has introduced you to his friends

5. He talks about your future together

Signs he will leave his wife for you- he talks about a future with with

If he sees a future with you, that is a promising sign that your extra-marital affair with him is headed to a full blown romantic relationship.

It is always a positive sign if he’s started to include you in decisions about his future. It means he sees you as a potential long-term partner.

If your guy starts talking about future plans that don’t include his wife, then it’s a pretty clear sign that he is considering leaving her for you.

This is especially true if he starts making long-term plans, like buying a house or starting a family. If he includes you in his future plans, it’s a good indication that he sees you as being part of his life for the long haul.

It is a very good sign that he’s considering leaving his wife for you, or at least that he’s serious about your relationship.

Make His Actions Match His Promises
Order Your Help Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Either way, it’s a huge sign that he will leave her for you.

6. He has moved some of his things into your place

If your boyfriend has started to move some of his things into your place, it’s a sign that he’s ready to leave his wife for you.

He’s making a physical commitment to you and your relationship, and he’s sending a clear message that he’s not going back to her.

Either way, it’s a sign that he’s serious about you and that he’s preparing for a future without his wife.

If you look around you house and boyfriend’s things are there, it is a sign that he has been spending more and more time at your place and is slowly moving in without her.

This is a very good sign that he is ready to leave his wife for you and make a new life with you.

7. He has given you a key to his house or apartment

If your boyfriend has given you a key to his house or apartment, it means that he trusts you and sees you as a part of his life.

It’s a sign that he’s ready to leave his wife for you, because he wants you to have a place in his life.

He’s giving you access to his home, and that’s a big deal. It means that he sees you as being part of his future, and he wants you to be a part of his life.

If your guy has given you a key to his place, it’s definitely a sign that he plans on leaving his wife for you. He wants you to have a place in his life, and he’s giving you access to his home. That’s a huge deal!

It is definitely a good sign that he has given you a key to his house or apartment because it means he’s ready to take that plunge with you.

8. He texts you a lot even when he is with his wife

If your boyfriend is texting you even when he is with his wife, it means that he can’t get you out of his mind. It’s a sign that he’s thinking about you even when he’s with her, and that’s not a good sign for their marriage, but good for you.

It means that he would rather be talking to you than spending time with her. If your guy is always texting you, even when he’s with his wife, it’s a sign that he can’t get you out of his mind.

He’s thinking about you even when he’s supposed to be focusing on her, and that means his marriage is on the brink of divorce.

It’a only matter of time and he will leave his wife for you.

9. He Doesn’t Hide When He’s in Public with You

A married man showing off in public is a promising sign

Showing you affection in public is one the biggest signs he will leave his wife for you.  If your boyfriend doesn’t try to hide when he’s in public with you, it means that he’s not ashamed of being seen with you.

It’s a sign that he’s proud to be dating you, and that he’s not afraid of what people will think. He knows that you’re the one he wants to be with period.

If your guy is happy to be seen with you in public, he’s proud to show you off to the world. And just like telling his friends and family about, this too is huge stamp of approvement on your relationship.

It’s a safe bet that he’s ready to leave his wife for you, because he’s not afraid of what people will think. He knows that you’re the one he wants to be with, and he’s not ashamed of it.

Your boyfriend not hiding when in public is a good sign that he plans on leaving his wife for you. He is proud of dating you and wants to show you off instead of hiding the relationship.

10. He Consistently Chooses You Over His Wife

If your boyfriend is constantly taking your side over his wife, it’s a sign that you are his first choice. He values you more than her. It’s a sign that he’s ready to leave his wife for you, because he’s choosing you over her.

If your guy is constantly taking your side and defending you to his wife, it means that he values you more than her. He’s choosing you over her, and that’s a big deal.

For instance, If you accidentally overcook fish and he’s wife is making fun of you, then this man steps in and says that’s how he likes his fish just to defend you. That is a confession of his undying love, baby!

If he’s always taking your side and defending you, even when you’re in the wrong, it’s a sign that he loves you more than her.

It’s only a matter of time until he leave his wife for you because he is constantly choosing you over her.

If he’s always taking your side and defending you, even when you’re in the wrong, it’s a sign that he loves you more than her.

Mama Nkima

11. That his marriage is really troubled is a tell-tale sign that he will leave his wife for you.

If he is one of those chaotic and troublesome type of relationship with his wife, is one of the clear signs he will leave his wife for you. He probably already has one foot out of that marriage.

A troubled marriage can take a toll on the partners involved especially the man. If your boyfriend’s marriage is troubled he’ll probably tell you about his unhappiness in the marriage. If not you look out for signs that a married man is unhappy in my other article.

He might not say it outright but he drops hints here and there, or sometimes, he vents to you about how unhappy he is in his current family.

He might not be aware of it but he is seeking comfort outside of his marriage because he isn’t getting what he needs from his wife. And tha’ts a green sign for you my love. Go get your man!

12. He has separated with his wife; a raving sign he will leave his wife for you.

If your boyfriend has separated from his wife, it’s a clear sign that he’s ready to leave her for you.

He’s already taken the first step by physically separating himself from her, and that means he’s emotionally ready to move on too.

If he is separated the chances he will end up with you extremely high.Infact, nearly 7 in 10 men remarry after separatig from their wives according to this study.

So, if your boyfriend is separated from his wife, it’s a good sign that he’s ready to leave her for you.

13. He has had the talk with his children and He introduces you to his children.

Meeting a married man's kids is a good sign

If your boyfriend has introduced you to his children, it’s a sign that he’s ready to leave his wife for you.

Children are a big part of a man’s life, and if he’s introducing you to them, it means that he’s serious about you. He sees you as a potential step-mother to his children, and that’s a big deal.

If he hasn’t introduced you to his children yet, but he’s talked about you to them, it’s also a good sign. He’s considering you as a part of his future, and that means he’s ready to leave his wife for you.

A man can never introduce you or even talk about you to his children if you are a just a fling. You can rest assured that he sees a future with you if he talks about you to his kids.

He can do this by including you in family gatherings and events, it’s a sign that he’s ready to leave his wife for you. He’s introducing you to his family as someone who is important to him, and that’s a big deal.

Children are a big part of a man’s life, and if he’s introducing you to them, it means that he’s serious about you.

Mama Nkima

14. He is exclusively seeing only you

A man having only you as his girlfriend is one of the best signs he will leave his wife for you.

All his attention is on you and he has no other girlfriend.Whilst some might argue this point, but your boyfriend is only seeing you and not dating anyone else.

That’s a sign that he’s ready to leave his wife for you to take your relationship to the next level.

He’s made the decision to focus all his attention on you, and that means he’s serious about you. He sees you as the only woman in his life. This is proof of his strong feelings for you.

In my opinion this is a strong affection signal and if I were you, I’d sit back and relax. In a small period of time, your man will definitely start the divorce process to be with you.fou

15. You know it in your gut

If you have a gut feeling that he’s going to leave his wife for you, then trust your instinct.

You know him better than anyone else, and if you feel like he’s ready to take the next step with you, then he probably is.

Go with your gut feeling on this one. And you know what? Your gut is almost always right.If you have a feeling that he’s going to leave his wife for you, then chances are, he is.

Bonus Clue: He no longer wears his wedding band

This is one of the surest signs he will leave his wife for you. His wedding band is symbol of his commitment to his wife. If he no longer wears it, somewhere in his subconcious he has already detached from her.

It means that he’s ready to move on. He’s ready to commit to you, and that’s a big deal. He’s made the decision to take off his wedding ring, and that means he’s serious about you. He sees you as the only woman in his life.

Think of your extramarital affair with this man, how many of these signs does your man have? If he has more than one, then there’s a good chance he’s ready to leave his wife for you.

His wedding band is symbol of his commitment to his wife. If he no longer wears it, somewhere in his subconcious he has already detached from her.

Mama Nkima

If you’re in a relationship with a married man, and you’re wondering if he’s going to leave his wife for you, then these are the signs to look out for.

Perhaps you’ve noticed some of the signs above in your affair partner, but you’re wondering how long long it will take for him to finally leave his wife for you? How long should you wait?

How long to wait for a married man to leave his wife

How long is long enough to wait for a man to leave his wife for you

There is no is answer to how long you should wait for a man to leave his wife for you. It might, days, months or even years. Each cheating relationship is different and amount of time it will take for him to leave his wife will depend on many factors such as:

  • How long has he been married?
  • The level of unhappiness in his marriage?
  • How dedicated is he to you and the affair?
  • Does he have young children?

All these factors create a different dynamic for each extramarital affair and emotional affair.Quite frankly fo this evaluation, you will have to use your intuition and judgment on this one. If you feel like he’s ready to leave his wife for you, then go for it.

But if you’re not sure, then it might be best to wait it out a little longer.After all, you don’t want to get your heartbroken.

Keep in mind that even if he does leave his wife for you, there’s no guarantee that the relationship will work out. In fact, statistics show that most affairs don’t last.

The bottom line is you shouldn’t have to wait for a man to leave his wife for you. When is ready, he’ll do it. But if he’s not ready, then there’s no amount of waiting that’s going to you shouldn’t wait for a man to leave his wife make him ready. Sometimes he simply won’t ever leave!

Why won’t he leave his wife for you?

Every philandering man has his own personal reasons why he won’t leave his wife for you. No matter how unhappy his marriage is, some marriages are somewhat a messy situation that men can’t walk a way from.

Here are the most common reasons why he won’t leave his wife for you but for detailed view on this check out my article why he can’t ‘leave his wife for you‘.

1. He is afraid divorce, it’s stigma and it’s cost

The average cost of a divorce in the United States in 2020 is $12,900. This price only goes up when you add on complications, such as children, custody agreements, divorce lawyers and more.

Life after divorce is even more challenging and expensive and comes with a number of financial stressors. He doesn’t want to start over.

Most men in their 40s have been married for a while. They have established careers, homes, and routines.

The idea of starting over from scratch is daunting for most men. It’s much easier to stay in a unhappy marriage than it is to start over.

The other hurdle ida the divorce stigma .Society still looks down on men who get divorced, especially if they’re the ones who initiate it.

Make His Actions Match His Promises
Order Your Help Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Because of that he will stay in his bad marriage and damaging relationship.

The idea of starting over from scratch is daunting for most men. It’s much easier to stay in a unhappy marriage than it is to start over.

2. He has kids so he can’t leave his wife for you

If he has young children, then he’s going to be much less likely to leave his wife. He doesn’t want to disrupt their lives and he doesn’t want to be an absentee father.

In most cases, men will stay in unhappy marriages for the sake of their children.Married people will sacrifice their future happiness if it means their children grow up well.

If his children are young it is harder to leave. He might be more likely to leave his wife if he has older children. They are more independent and they don’t need him as much.

3. He’s to comfortable to leave his wife for you

Marriage is a comfort zone for most men. It’s a safe place where they know what to expect. They might not be happy, but at least they’re not uncomfortable.

Leaving his wife would mean leaving his comfort zone. He’s just not ready for that yet He’s getting what he needs from the marriage

Even though he’s unhappy, he’s still getting some of his needs met in the marriage.

For example, he might be getting financial stability, a place to live, companionship, sex, or all of the above. As long as he’s getting some of his needs he might choose to stay.

Why a man won’t ‘leave his wife‘ for you can be blames on many reason but each man always has his person reasons that make him pull the plug on his marriage.

It would be absurd and heartbreaking to invest your time and love on a man that will not leave his wife for you. Let’s look at some common signs that he is not leaving, no matter what he says.

Tell-tale signs he will never leave his wife for you

I know you don’t want to consider the fact the your married boyfriend might never leave his wife for you. But often and sadly, they don’t. How do I know if he will never leave his wife for me?

There are a few key signs that indicate he will never leave his wife for you:

  • He’s still living with her
  • They haven’t filed for divorce yet
  • They’re still having sex
  • He talks about her positively etc.

Check out all the surefire signs he will never leave his wife for you in my other article.

Now that we’ve looked at the promising signs that he will leave his wife for you, and the bad signs that he won’t, let’s tackle some of the most common questions I get asked about this topic.


What makes a man leave his wife?

Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to these questions.Every man is different, and every relationship is unique.However, there are some general patterns and things make a decide to leave his wife for you?

It’s a personal decision when a man decides to leave his wife for you. The most common motivators for a man to leave his wife for seem to hinge on two factors:

  • How unhappy he is in his current situation
  • How strong his feelings for you are.

Anything that increases his dissatisfaction in his toxic marriage or anything that increases his bond to you both work to make him leave his wife for you. Find out more in my article what makes a man leave his wife for you.

How do you tell if a man wants a divorce?

If you’re in a relationship with a man, and you’re wondering whether he’s considering leaving his wife for you, there are some signs you can look for. The clearest sign that he wants to divorce his wife for you is if he tells you explicitly that he plans to do so.

If he’s unwilling or unable to communicate openly about his feelings, there are some other signs you can look for:

  • He starts talking about your future together
  • Your married boyfriend introduces you to his friends and family
  • He starts making long-term plans with you
  • You notice a change in his attitude towards his attitude towards his wife

Will he leave his wife for me statistics

There are no hard and fast statistics on men leaving their wives for other women. As a relationship coach I have realized that it’s not as uncommon as you might think.

In fact, I would estimate that around 20-30% of my clients come to me because they’re considering leaving their wife for another woman.Remember my unclients are already on the path to divorce and pretty unhappy in their abusive in their abusive relationships.

For the average guy, your chances are bit lower and studies place the probability between 3-5%.

Why Will he leave his wife for you

There can be many reasons why a man will leave his wife for you. It could be because he’s unhappy in his current situation.Perhaps he feels like he’s not being appreciated, or he simply has stronger feelings for you than his wife.

If you’re wondering whether a man will leave his wife for you, the best thing to do is to ask him directly. He may be unwilling or unable to communicate openly about his feelings.

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
However, there are some other signs you can look for, which we’ve covered in this article.


Hope this article has helped to answer some of your questions.Especially thouse about whether a man will leave his wife for you.Remember, every relationship is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer.

The best thing you can do is to communicate openly with your partner and pay attention to the signs we’ve covered in this article.

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What Will Make Him Leave His Wife for You: The Ultimate Guide

What will make him leave his wife for you

If you’re looking to take your relationship with a married man to the next level, you need to know what will make him leave his wife for you. In this blog post, we will discuss the ultimate guide to making your man leave his wife for you. We will cover everything from how to make him fall in love with you to how to get him to move out of his home and into yours. So, sit back and relax – we have everything covered!

What will make him leave his wife for you

Lets set some strategies for how to make a man leave his wife for you without making too much effort. Try them and you will see the magic.

The first step is to make him fall in love with you. This may seem like an obvious one, but it’s worth mentioning because it’s the most important thing you can do. If he doesn’t love you, he won’t leave his wife for you – simple as that. So, how do you make him fall in love with you?

In my article How to make a married man fall madly in love with you? I go over some key points that you need to keep in mind if you want to make him fall head over heels for you. Some of the main things are to be yourself, show interest in his life, and make sure you have a good time when you’re together. If you can follow these simple tips, he’s sure to fall for you in no time.

If you need more details on how to make him fall in love with you, check out the full article linked above.

What makes a man leave his wife for you?

Even though every situation is different when it comes to men leaving their wives, there are some key things that will always make a man leave his wife for you.

One of the biggest things is if he feels like he can’t be himself around her. If he feels like he has to put on a façade or act differently than how he truly feels, it’s only a matter of time before he gets fed up and leaves.

Another big thing is if she doesn’t show any interest in his life. If she seems disinterested in the things he likes or what’s going on in his world, it’ll make him feel unimportant and unappreciated.

And finally, if she’s always causing drama or fighting with him, it’ll eventually be too much for him to handle. No one wants to be in a constant state of conflict, so if she’s always starting arguments or picking fights, he’ll likely leave her to find peace elsewhere.

These are just some of the things that can make a man leave his wife for you. I have written more about the topic and i don’t feel like i will be able to include all of it here, but be sure to checkout my article What makes a man leave his wife for another woman? for all the details.

Next lets talk about what to do to make him move out of his house and into yours.

How do you make him leave his wife and want you instead

Once you have him head over heels in love with you, it’s time to move on to the next step – getting him to leave his wife.Relationship expert Mama Nkima says this can be a bit tricky because he’s probably not going to want to leave her if they’re still happily married.However, it’s actually not as difficult as it sounds. With the right approach, you can get him to leave his wife and start a new life with you. Here’s what you need to do:

1. Make him feel attracted to you on a physical level

This means dressing up and looking your best when you’re around him. He needs to be able to see that you’re a catch and that he would be lucky to have you.

Try you best to be hotter than his wife. This one is pretty self-explanatory. If you can make him feel attracted to you on a physical level, then he may be more likely to consider leaving his wife for you. Men are naturally visual creatures, so if you can give him what he’s looking for physically, appearance -wise, you’re already ahead of the game.

Of course, being hotter than his wife isn’t the only thing you need to do. If you want him to leave her for good, you need to make sure that he’s also emotionally and mentally attracted to you. But we’ll get into that more later.

For now, just focus on being the best version of yourself that you can be. If you can do that, he’s sure to notice and appreciate you even more.

Emotional attraction is all about making him feel good when he’s around you. This means being positive, fun, and easy to be around. Men are attracted to women who make them feel good, so if you can do that, you’re already ahead of the game.

2.Create deeper emotional connection with him

The next step is to create a deeper emotional connection with him. This means having heart-to-heart conversations, sharing your hopes and dreams, and being there for him when he needs you.Basically, you need to become his best friend.

When you’re his best friend, he’ll be more likely to confide in you and tell you things that he wouldn’t tell his wife. He’ll also start to depend on you emotionally, which is a huge step in the right direction.

Of course, becoming his best friend doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time and effort to build that level of trust and intimacy. But if you’re patient and consistent, it will happen eventually.

3. Make him feel like he can’t live without you

This means being there for him when he needs you, supporting him through thick and thin, and always having his back.Romantic relationship expert Mama Nkima says that men are attracted to women who they can depend on. Men are naturally drawn to women who make them feel safe and secure.

You need to make him feel like you are an essential part of his life. And once he sees you as an essential part of his life, leaving his wife will become a lot easier for him.Basically, you need to become his rock.

When you’re his rock, he’ll start to depend on you for everything. He’ll see you as the one person he can always count on, no matter what.

And when that happens, he won’t be able to imagine his life without you. That’s when you know you’ve got him Hook, line and sinker.

The bottom line is this: if you want him to leave his wife for you, you need to make him feel emotionally and mentally attracted to you. You need to become his best friend and the one person he can always count on.

It takes time and effort to get to that point, but it’s definitely worth it. If you can do that, he’s sure to leave his wife for you eventually.

Make His Actions Match His Promises
Order Your Help Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Making him laugh and enjoy your company

Be funnier than his wife.Making him laugh and enjoy your company more than hers could give you an edge in this situation.

Both men and women are attracted to people who make them laugh, After a long day of work, he might want to come home to someone who can make him forget his troubles and just enjoy life. If you can do that for him, he might start seeing you in a different light.

Some times men leave their wives for other women because they feel like the spark has gone out of their relationship. They crave for happy memories and laughter. If you can provide that for him, he might start to see you as a potential long-term partner for a long time relationship.

Of course, this isn’t to say that you should try to be someone you’re not. Just be yourself and let your true personality shine through. If you can do that, he’s sure to notice and appreciate you even more.

Be more fun than his wife, make him laugh more, and create happy memories with him.These are the things that will make him leave his wife for you eventually.

5. Be unpredictable, adventurous and keep things fresh and exciting

Be more exciting than his wife. If your life is full of adventure and excitement, while hers is mundane and routines, he will be drawn to you. Make him feel like he’s living a life of adventure by your side.

Be unpredictable and keep things fresh and exciting. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should start living a life of crime or constantly putting yourself in danger. Just find ways to add some excitement and adventure into your life. Go on new and exciting trips, try new things , and just generally live life to the fullest.

Married women always get stuck in routine, instead of enjoying all life has to offer.Watching you live life to the fullest will be a breath of fresh air for him and it will make him want to be with you more.

Do things that make him see you as a fun and exciting person, and he’s sure to start wanting to spend more time with you.Eventually, he might even leave his wife for you.

Men are attracted to women who can make them feel good, so if you can do that, you’re already ahead of the game. long-term relationship are built on premise of friendship first. If you can be his friend, you’re already on the right track.

Of course, being friends with him isn’t enough to make him leave his wife for you. You also need to make sure that he’s physically and emotionally attracted to you.

6. Make sure you dress well and take care of yourself

One of the best ways to make sure he’s physically attracted to you is to dress well and take care of yourself. Men are visual creatures, so if you look good, he’s sure to notice.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that you should start wearing revealing clothes or trying to look like a supermodel. Just make sure that you’re dressing in a way that flatters your figure and makes you feel confident.

When you take care of yourself and dress well, it shows that you respect yourself. That’s something he’s sure to find attractive.

In addition to dressing well, you should also make sure to take care of your skin and hair.

Dressing up is just the first step, though.

You also need to make sure you keep the spark alive between you by flirting with him and being playful. If he feels like he’s getting all the attention from you, he’s more likely to leave his wife for you.

7. Look good and be confident around him

Good looking women are irresistible to men. Of course, when am talking about looking good, it’s not about having a nice physique and a pretty face, that is far from the truth.Looking good is about feeling good about yourself and being confident.

As long as you are confident around him, he will find you attractive. If you are not confident about your looks, then start working on it.Dress up in clothes that make you feel good about yourself, do your hair and makeup in a way that makes you feel pretty and take care of your skin.

When you look good and feel confident around him, he will have no choice but to notice you and feel attracted to you.

Of course, looking good is just one part of the equation. You also need to make sure that you are being fun and flirty with him.

8. What will make him leave his wife for you? Be better than the wife

What will make him leave his wife for youFirst thing you need to know when you want to win a man who is in a relationship with another woman, is the weakness and strengths of his woman.

Get a smart way of asking him his woman’s weakness and use it to your advantage. If the woman does not love enough, use that as a weapon by loving him more. Make some breakfast in bed; show him that he is the most important thing in your life.

Is the other woman not romantic enough? Sure yes, otherwise he wouldn’t be with you in the first place. Use that to your advantage.

Make His Actions Match His Promises
Order Your Help Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Create the magical moments in your relationship, tell him that he is wonderful, send him romantic messages, and just be spontaneous.

This will make him see the ugly side of his wife noticing what he has missed all a long. Men are like giant babies.

9.Listen to him to make him listen to you

A man can have like four girlfriends, but chances are, he will go with the woman who does not give him a hard time. Be easy on him. When he asks for an outing please go.Compatibility is key in any relationship. One of the way of showing if the two of you are compatible is by listening to him just like he listens to you.

Be a good listener, do not judge him and just be there for him when he needs you. This will make him feel appreciated and loved. And we all know that feeling loved is one of the things that make a man happy in a relationship. As humans, we are inclined to give if we are given to in the first place. So, if you want him to listen to you, start by listening to him.

Be understanding and do not nag him about his ex, his mother or anything that has to do with his personal life. If you want him to open up to you, give him the same courtesy. What will make him leave his wife for you?Being a good listener is one of them.

10. Don’t Rush him into leaving his wife for you

What will make him leave his wife for you

One of the worst things you can do is to rush him into leaving his wife for you. Not only will this turn him off, but it will also make him less likely to actually leave her. If you want him to leave his wife for you, take your time and let things happen naturally.

Give him time to break up with his wife. Give him space to figure out his feelings, clear his head, and make important decisions.Divorcing his wife is a huge decision for him.

On the other hand remarrying is also a hill climb for most men.Research has shown that (64% of men versus 52% of women), are more likely to remarry after a divorce than women you must ensure that you tread these grounds with caution.

Let him figure out what he wants without any pressure from you. What will make him leave his wife for you?Patience and understanding.

Don’t rush him, don’t crowd him, and let it happen as he needs it to. If he does have feelings for you, give him time to break it off with her. If you rush or crowd him, it could sabotage everything for you

The most important thing is to have realistic expectations. Don’t expect him to leave his wife for you immediately. It takes time to develop feelings and even longer to act on them.

If you give him the space he needs, there’s a good chance he’ll eventually come to you. What will make him leave his wife for you? Time, patience, and realistic expectations.

The Perfect solution to making Man You Love leave his wife for you is by following these simple tips:

There’s no surefire answer, to making Man You Love leave his wife for you but there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of making him leave his wife for you.

But the closest to a perfect solution is to let him feel like he’s missing out on something great by being with his wife.

Make His Actions Match His Promises
Order Your Help Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Second, be understanding and supportive; offer a shoulder to cry on when things don’t go well for him and be there for him when he needs someone.

Finally, don’t give up; keep pursuing him and let him know that you’re not going anywhere until he’s yours.

Well now that you know what you need to do to make him leave his wife for you, it is profound that you also know What will make him NOT leave his wife for you.

What will make him NOT leave his wife for you

We have talked about What will make him leave his wife for you, but What about those things that will keep him with his wife? Only about 5% ( of men leave their wives for another woman. What a re the chances are your married boyfriend is in the 5%? In this section i write about the things you should avoid if you want to influence him otherwise.

So What are those things that you should avoid if your goal is to make him leave his wife for you and get into a romantic relationship with you?

  • Nagging him about leaving his wife
  • Rushing or crowding him
  • Not giving him space
  • Making unrealistic expectations causing a number of emotional abuse.
  • If his family doesn’t approve of you
  • Child custody

In my article Why he can’t leave his wife for you , I talk more in-depth about what might be holding him back from leaving his wife for you.

How do you tell if a married man will leave his wife for you?

This is a question I’m asked a lot and it’s not an easy one to answer.Every situation is different but there are some general signs you can look for:

  • He talks about his unhappy marriage often
  • If he frequently brings up the topic of leaving his wife
  • He has started to distance himself from his wife
  • He’s less interested in being intimate with his wife

In my article 10 Signs he will leave his wife for you I talk about the signs in more detail and what you should do if you see them.

If you see some of these signs in your relationship with a married man, there’s a chance he could leave his wife for you. But as I said before, every situation is different so it’s impossible to say for sure.

How do you make him choose you over the other woman?

If you want him to choose you over the other woman, it’s important to make sure you offer something that she doesn’t.

Think about what you have to offer that is unique and special. What can you give him that the other woman can’t? Here are some things to consider:

  • A more relaxed and stress-free relationship
  • More freedom and independence
  • A stronger emotional connection

If you can offer something that the other woman can’t, it will make it more likely that he’ll choose you over her and want to make a family. Men often want what they can’t have so it’s important to make yourself seem like a challenge.

In my article How to make him choose you over the other woman I talk more about what you can do to make yourself more attractive to him and increase your chances of making him leave his wife for you.

Can man love two woman at the same time?

It’s not impossible for a man to love two women at the same time but it is unlikely he would love them equally. This is called Polyamory.Polyamory is the practice of, or desire for, romantic relationships with more than one partner at the same time, with the informed consent of all partners involved.

If a man is married, it’s more likely he’ll stay with his wife because of the commitment he made when they got married.However I’ve seen cases where a man is in love two or more women. For instance In Moslem communities we’ve seen cases of man with more than one wife where he seems to love them all equally.

In these situations, the man usually has a strong sense of responsibility and feels the need to take care of all his wives and children.

However, if a man is in a relationship with one woman but is in love with another, it’s more likely he’ll eventually leave the first woman for the second.

How do you know if a man loves you?

inking about whether or not a man loves you can be frustrating and confusing. If you’re not sure how he feels, it’s important to look for the signs.

Here are some signs that a man loves you:

He regularly tells you he loves you

This man shows affection by hugging, kissing, and touching you

He talks about you all the time

He always wants to be around you

And many more.

In my article How to know if a married man loves you? – 25 Signs I talk about the signs in more detail and what to do if you’re not sure how he feels.

What if he says he loves me but won’t leave his wife?

I’ve heard from many women who have been in this situation before. A man tells you he loves you but he won’t leave his wife for you. What do you do?

The first thing you need to do is ask yourself if you believe him when he says he loves you. Do you – If you don’t, then suggest you move on and find someone who will be able to give you the commitment you deserve.

If you do believe him, then you need to ask yourself if you’re willing to wait for him to leave his wife. If so, then you need to be patient and understanding. It’s important to remember that he made a commitment to his wife when they got married and it might take him some time to realize that he wants to be with you instead.

If you’re not willing to wait for him, my tailor-made advice then is you need to end the relationship.

I ’ve also heard from women who have decided to stay in a cheating relationships even though he won’t leave his wife. If you decide to do this, make sure you set clear boundaries and expectations from the beginning.

In my article What if he says he loves me but won’t leave his wife? I talk about this


I hope this article helped you understand What will make him leave his wife for you. But more importantly, I hope it gave you the clarity and confidence to pursue the man you want even if he is still married.valuating your own self-worth is the first step in attracting a man who will love and respect you for who you are.

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What makes a man leave his wife for another woman – The Psychology of Infidelity

woman looking at man sunset

What makes a man leave his wife for another woman is a question almost every woman has asked herself at some point. What could possibly lead him to make such a drastic decision?

When it comes to understanding why men leave their wives for another woman, you have to look at the psychology of infidelity, beyond merely what a man thinks.

To really understand this psychology, your research needs to be done at his primal and innate desires that drive him to act, as some would say, “unreasonably.”

There are many factors that can contribute to a man’s decision to cheat, and it’s important to understand the psychological motivations behind this behavior before you make any harsh assumptions or judgments.

Infidelity is NOT an accident, falling off a bike is.

Cheating is a choice. I know Nurse Becky is hot and Paul said he couldn’t help himself but HE decided to have sex with her. Now, this isn’t one of those men-are-trash articles and Becky isn’t all innocent either, but when it comes to infidelity in relationships the responsibility lies on the philandering partner’s shoulders, in this case Paul.

When it comes to infidelity in relationships the responsibility lies on the philandering partner’s shoulders

Mama Nkima

Off-course some men will blame it genetics and research has indeed discovered that, for a variety of reasons, sons of fathers who cheat are prone to do so as well. Much of it has to do with sociology-economic backgrounds and upbringing.

That being said, cheating alone isn’t likely to make a man leave his wife for another woman or leave your marriage at risk of divorce.However, the psychological unmet needs that drive a man to cheat in my experience are often the very same ones that push him out from his marriage altogether.

The psychological unmet needs that drive a man to cheat and leave his wife for another woman

Needs are meant to be met otherwise lack of any makes man feel restless, unhappy or unfulfilled in his marriage. When a man’s needs are not being met by the dynamic he has his wife. He may start seeking out other women relationships in hopes fulfill them leaving his marriage at risk of divorce.

Sense of belonging and connection

A man needs to feel a sense of connection to his wife in order to remain faithful. This connection is on many levels physical and sexual, emotional and/or spiritual. It is essential for a man to feel close to his wife in some way .

If a man doesn’t feel connected to his wife, he may start looking for that intense connection elsewhere.

If a man doesn’t feel connected to his wife, he may start looking for that intense connection elsewhere.

Mama Nkima

This was the case for John, who told me he left his wife because she “never really seemed interested in anything I had to say.”

He said that over time he stopped confiding in her and seeking her out as a sounding board because it felt like she “just wasn’t interested.” This led him to feel increasingly isolated within the relationship.

In search of that meaningful connection, John started an affair with a woman at work who was more than happy to listen to him and “actually seemed interested in what I had to say.” Eventually John left Susan and is now with Bertha.

A sense of significance or importance and the need to feel competent

Another important need for many men is to feel a sense of significance or importance. This need is often tied to a man’s ego and self-worth and can be the root of many relationship problems. The say men’s egos are fragile and that’s the truth.

For example, take the case of Alex . He told me he left his wife because she “constantly made fun of him.Emasculated him in front of their friends.” He said that over time he started to feel like “less of a man” and that his wife’s constant put-downs had taken a toll on his self-esteem.

In search of a way to feel better about himself, Alex had an affair.Later married a woman who made him feel “like the king of the world.” She constantly told him how great he was. How lucky she was to be with him.

Autonomy in his marriage

A man also needs to feel a sense of autonomy or independence in his marriage. He needs to feel like he’s in control of his own life and that he has a say in how things are done. This need is often related to a man’s sense of self-sufficiency and can be the source of much marital conflict.

For example, take the case of Bill. Bill told me he left his wife because she “was always telling him what to do. And trying to control him.” He said that over time, he started to feel like “a caged animal.” That his wife’s constant nagging had made him resentful. Bill left his wife shortly for his new assistant Ophelia.

Once a man meets the core needs in his marriage, he will never try jeorpadize his marriage by cheating or leaving his wife for another woman.Unless he’s just plainly immoral

When you are younger, most your needs go unnoticed and unmet because you are helpless.

When you are younger, most your needs go unnoticed and unment because you are helpless. An adult man, however, has the ability to take control of his life. And make sure his needs are being met.

Mama Nkima

An adult man, however, has the ability to take control of his life. And make sure his needs are being met. If they’re not being met by his wife, he will seek out another woman to fill that void. If he’s chronically unhappy and unfulfilled in his marriage, he is more likely to leave his wife for another woman.

What makes a man actually leave his wife for another woman

One of the actual reasons why a man would leave his wife for another woman is the way society has normalized idea of a man cheating. This idea has become so ubiquitous so much so that you may not be too surprised to hear that studies show that approximately 25% of men will cheat on their wives during the course of their marriage.

Have you ever seen a man who has it all? The perfect wife, kids, job, house but yet he still leaves his family for another woman?Sometimes there is no sensible explanation or reason. When a man ups and leaves, only him knows his personal reasons for leaving. 

Sometimes there is no sensible explanation or reason. When a man ups and leaves, only a him knows his personal reasons for leaving

The idea of men actually leaving their wives however, is a bit more of an anomaly. With only about 5% of philandering men ever leaving for another woman which is what we’ll be focusing on here.

1. He Married for a Wrong Reason: he should have never said I Do

This sounds cold and immature, it still happens nonetheless. You may be wondering how a man could be so callous to do this. It’s not as uncommon as you might think.

He may have married her because she was pregnan. To save face after she got pregnant, or because of pressure from friends or family.

In any case, he likely had doubts about getting married in the first place. Over time, those doubts turned into full-blown regret which is one most common reasons for broken marriages.

A client of mine once said: “I never wanted to get married, but she cried and begged and pleaded. I broke down. I feel so guilty for wanting to leave. So guilty for not having been strong enough to break up with her shortly after we met”.

If a man married his wife for reasons other than ones in their vows, he has no incentive to stay. Its not surprising to see a married man who married his wife out of pity – pack up and leave for another woman.

Mind you, without fighting for his marriage. He has had one foot out even before it begun! If a marriage ends-up blown like it meant nothing. It most probably meant nothing.

He has had one foot out even before it begun! If a marriage ends-up blown like it meant nothing. It most probably meant nothing.

Mama Nkima

2. He is having an extramarital affair with another woman

What makes a man leave his wife for another woman

Not every extramarital affairs ends up in married men leaving their wife as I mentioned above. But these illicit romantic or sexual relationship outside of his marriage poses a big threat to marriages.

An affair is often a symptom of a much deeper problem in the marriage. It’s not uncommon for a man to have an affair because he’s unhappy with his wife. Or because feels unfulfilled in the marriage. In some cases, the affair is a way for him to get out of the marriage without having to deal with the pain of a divorce. In an affair, there’s a good chance he’s already emotionally detached from his wife. And is perhaps already in the process of leaving her for another woman.

During marriage counseling, I often tell men this, “Don’t go to devils market if you don’t want to trade with him”. A vulnerable man who plays with idea of romancing with mistress is playing with fire. He is bound to form an emotional connection with her. I delve deeper in this article why men leave women they love.

An affair that continues in one form or the other for years can quickly render its self as a primary relationship.Making his marriage a secondary relationship. In short he might as well leave the secondary relationship.

3. What makes a man leave his wife for another woman? – The intimacy candle in his marriage burned out

There is good reason Abraham Moslow famously known for his Hierarchy of needs theory places sex as a need to men in the same category as food, water and breathing. Sex and physical intimacy are a basic need to men. I am not saying women do not need sex as much.Often statistics show that women can do without it for longer periods.

This is the sad reality of 15% percent of marriages which are sexless! Can imagine 15% of marriages not having food, water or air? No wonder these marriages often end-up in shambles.

Sex and physical intimacy are a basic need to men.

Mama Nkima

Men view lack of sex as a sign that his wife does not care about his needs and sometimes that she doesn’t love him.

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Because ladies men express and feel love through sex.

Lack of intimacy is such unsatisfactory condition. Men will not stomach it and resort to cheating – they decide to move out of marriage to another woman. Such men are convinced that the end result of a sexless marriage is a divorce.Cheating will only delay the inevitable..Mistresses know the tips to make a married man want them sexually.

4.Communication is stifled in his marriage

Married Man happy with mistressThis is a no brainer.Communication is key.Couples that don’t learn to consciously communicate will face issues when it comes to conflict resolution, and healthy relationship growth.

Communication issues rescend into all aspects of marriage. It could be about finances, in-laws, parenting styles, intimacy or just about anything!

When communication is lacking in a relationship it creates an environment ripe for infidelity. A man who feels like he can’t talk to his wife about his needs, is more likely to turn to another woman. Whom he feels will understand him.

If you’re not communicating with your partner, it’s only a matter of time before someone else comes along who will.Besides poor communication in marriage is such a pivotal point. If left unattended, it tremendously slims the chances of saving a troubled marriage.

If you’re not communicating with your partner, it’s only a matter of time before someone else comes along who will.

Mama Nkima

Poor communication behavior is often expressed as

  • Criticizing or belittling her husband at all times.
  • Getting defensive every time a man raises an issue.
  • Stonewalling or cold shoulder every time she feels angry.
  • Assuming he knows what what she is thinking instead of actually communicating it.
  • Lack of compromise
  • Fewer attempts to connect with him

And so many more.

Mama Nkima is a world’s leading expert for marriage. She says that she often can determine if a couple is on the road to divorce. Just by observing them interact on an issue of conflict.

More on poor communication

Poor communication is a subject of its own, but to quickly glance over it, centers around negativity.

In his excellent book, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, Dr. John Gottman writes about six poor habits of communication that are detrimental to building intimacy and developing healthy communication.

One habit that stood out from all other for me was: The Four Horsemen.

The Four Horsemen: Dr.Gottman claims that certain types of negativity are more lethal to your relationship. His four horsemen of marital communication apocalypse are:

  • Criticism: Complaints are normal but criticism deals more with your spouse’s character and personality.Examples: “You’re an idiot,” “You’re such a narcissist,” “You have no sense of humor.”
  • Contempt: This results from long simmering negative thoughts about your partner that turn into disrespect.
    Make Him Leave His Wife For You
    Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
    Contempt often arises from little. At times legitimate, concerns about a spouse that are never addressed or go unresolved over long periods of time.
  • Defensiveness: We all have a self-protection instinct. But, becoming defensive with your spouse rarely helps to resolve conflict and typically reduces the conversation into a blame game.
  • Stonewalling: This is a tactic typically seen in a spouse who doesn’t want to yield any ground in a conversation. This spouse eventually tunes the other out. Men are frequently the culprit here. It’s not unusual for a man to withdraw (sometimes physically) to his cave, cutting off communication for a time.

A married man constantly complains about not being hard by his wife can only take so much. He Is most likely to pack up and leave his wife for another woman.

5. He’s grown apart from wife

woman Before and after marriage

I think the most uncomfortable truth we have to accept is that as humans we grow and change. At times at different rates and sometimes in different directions. The version of the wife the he married might not be the version that he’s with now and vice versa.

He might blame his partners for not being the person he married. In reality, he’s not the same person either anymore. And that’s okay!People change and grow, it’s a natural part of life.Sometimes people grow apart.

If he feels that who is now, is incompatible with whom his wife has become no amount of tape can hold that relationship together.Sooner or later, as deep calls unto deep, he’ll meet another lady in his level with whom he feels more compatible.

This is not to say that always the wife falls short to his new standards.Believe it or not the reverse if often true. The wife could have become richer.Perhaps more successful, is now the ‘independent woman’ and the man feels he can’t measure up anymore.

We accept the love we think we deserve

Bill – The Perks of Being a Wallflower

So he decides to leaves his wife for another woman he believe he deserves.Never forget that we accept the love we think we deserve.

6. He is an abusive and toxic marriage

Nagging woman fights with man

The terms abusive relationship and toxic relationship get thrown around so often lately. You can easily downplay the severity of the emotional and physical damage both men and women suffer in these marriages.

If a man is in an emotionally or physically abusive relationship, whether he is the victim or perpetrators it’s only a matter of time. He will eventually leave his wife for another woman. The toxicity of such marriage is a life and death issue.

Toxic marriages are soul-sucking, energy-draining experiences that zap the life out of you.

Abuse comes in different forms. The common denominator is that it’s about power and control tactics that include intimidation, manipulation, threats, or even violences.Abusive relationships can be subtle but you always have hunch, that gut feeling that something is off.

Abusive wives are never wrong and difficult to get along with. An abusive wife will never admit she’s wrong she’ll gaslight her husband into thinking that he is the one who’s messed up. No man can stay or even should stay in such a marriage or current relationship.

7. A search for novelty

I strongly believe that nearly 60% of men are just not cut out for monogamy. No matter how great their relationship is, they will always feel the need to look for something new, something exciting.

It’s common for couples to sink into boring routines after a few months or years of marriage.

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Often the sex life dwindles too. 

There is a laxity when hormones normalize in marriage. When the novelty fades a bit, and couples start to focus on other things like work or children. This is perfectly normal! But for some men, this can feel like death.

When a man feels that his relationship has become too predictable he will seek out excitement elsewhere often in the form of another woman .

Monotony is the silent relationship killer. It’s the slow, steady drip that over time can erode even the strongest marriages. When you add an exciting new girlfriend to the mix, it’s a matter time before he leaves and runs off with this other woman.

Related: When he chooses someone else over you. Why do men cheat on their partners ?How do I make him worry about losing me? Make him love me spell 

A man always has his personal reasons for leaving his marriage for a long term relationship with another woman.

What Stops A Man From Leaving His Wife For Another Woman?


I have talked in length about a number of signs a married man would not leave his wife for his mistress.

There is a type of men who enjoy eating the banana from both ends. He wants to keep his pie and eat at the same time. Some men will never leave.

Sometimes a married man is ready to leave his wife for another woman but won’t. He wants to leave, he can leave but he won’t. Why?

His wife has a terminal illness

There are men who have left their dying wives but this is not typical. The average health man will wait out it out. No matter how unsatisfied or unhappy most men men are, only a handful have the heart to walk out of a marriage with a bed-ridden wife for another woman.

He is Scared of the Divorce Stigma

I don’t know if you’ve hard about such a statement before. But the divorce stigma for men is such a scary factor that men fail to leave their unhappy marriages. Most men would rather stay in such a marriage than making a decision to leave his wife.

The portrayal of divorce and break-ups in TV, movies and magazines are on the side of promoting the sad stories of women selfishly left behind by heartless men for younger, more supple new women (The Mistress )..

The divorce stigma for men is such a scary factor that men fail to leave their unhappy marriages.

So men constantly think of different public outcry such as:

  • How could he?,
  • What about all the years she gave him?

And all that. That’s why Statics show that 67% of divorces are initiated by woman.Because the public likes holding men more to blame for leaving when a marriage is in desperate need of an end than they do to women.

Because of such divorce stigma, more men fail to leave a failing marriage because of fear of the stigma.

He Fears financial melt down

He fears that he won’t be able to support two households. Just because a man is divorced doesn’t mean responsibility to his family is gone too.Quite the contrary.

Men are natural born protectors, and when it comes to children’s well being, it strikes hard in their mental plate. The thought of failing to manage two house holds is scary enough.

To some, the thought of losing assets to divorce is enough. The fact he could lose it all stops men from entertaining thoughts of leave the wives for another woman.

Divorce pain and expense.

Divorce is so painful and expensive. If he is not ready to take that pain, he is not ready to leave his wife not for you or not for anyone.

Divorce is too much work.Meeting with the lawyers, Explanation for family members, pain endured by children, not to mention dialogues between him and his wife is so costly.

So divorce pain and cost is another reason that stops a man from leaving their marriage even if he want’s to leave.

Related: Why he can’t leave his wife for you When a man leaves his wife for you. Would he leave his wife for a mistress?

Do husbands regret leaving their wives

Truth is, some men do and some don’t. The answer to this question is so subjective. Its so hard to have an exact answer to these question since marriages are different.Besides, most men who leave their wives never come out to share their life stories after leaving their wives.

No man wants to leave a happy marriage. A men don’t just leave his wife for another woman. He leaves for a reason so i don’t see the regret part rolling out anytime soon. He might be sadder at the beginning.

How to tell if your husband is in love with another woman

Men do a quite a number of things to hide their involvement in external affairs. But for a man you’ve known for decades, its not hard to pickup on some of signs he exhibits whenever they come back from seeing another woman.

The biggest sign to lookout for, is the change in behavior. A who is in love with another woman will start to neglect his duties at home. He might not call as often, he might start staying out later, or coming home later from work.

He might also change the way he talks to you. The tone of his voice, the way looks at you, and even his body language changes. When you pick up on such cues, believe your gut feeling.

How to make a man leave his wife for you

To make a man leave his wife for you, you first need to understand why he is with you in the first place. Its your duty as the mistress to figure out that man’s intentions with you before you set your hopes high.

Most married man cheat not because they want to leave their wives. But because they are selfish pricks who fails to deal with whatever issues they have with their wives back home.

But if this is something you must pursue, check out my guide on how to make a man leave his wife for you.

Can a man love two woman at the same time

The million dollar question! A man can love two woman at the same time. Men are capable of loving more than one woman at a time, they are able to compartmentalize thinking about his wife in one box, and thinking about you in another. This is how most men are able to balance having a wife and a mistress.

Whether he loves both the two women the same is question for debatable. But in some religions and cultures, it is a cultural norm. For example Muslims are allowed by their religion to marry 4 wives given they are all treated equal.


What makes a man leave his wife for another woman is not as simple as one might think.There are many underlying factors that play into a man’s decision to cheat or leave his marriage. Some men do it for love, while some do it for selfish reasons.

I hope this article has helped you understand What makes a man leave his wife for another woman from a psychological perspective.

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How to make a man leave his wife for you

How to make a man leave his wife for you

To make a man leave his wife for you, be the person from whom he get the appreciation and fills the void that he does not get from his wife.Create emotional attachment with him and be the person that listens to his needs.

Being in a relationship with a married man can be painful, but you if really want to win and make him be in your life, use these tactics to get him to leave his wife and come to you willingly.

  • Can a married man leave his wife for you?
  • How do you get a man so crazy about you that he decides to throw it all away to be with you?

Affairs are not emotion proof, and oftentimes you end up in love. The only downside is he is already involved and off the market.

So, how do you make him leave his wife for you and get him into a real relationship with you?

Before i share great tips on how to make him leave her for you, lets first see if men ever leave their wives for their mistresses. If they do Why?

This will help us understand better what we are dealing with. It will give us the golden stick to sweep them off the flow and follow our lead.

Do men leave their wives? 

Yes men do leave their current family for another woman if they for many personal reasons. If he loves you he will leave his wife. To answer this question, we need to understand what motivates people to stay in a relationship.

There are many factors that contribute to satisfaction in a relationship, including physical attraction, emotional connection, shared values and goals, and good communication.

When one or more of these components is missing, it can lead to dissatisfaction and eventually lead to someone looking for greener pastures.

So why do some men leave their wives for another woman? In many cases, it is due to dissatisfaction with the current relationship. If there’s been a lack of intimacy or passion, or perhaps there are unresolved issues that have led to tension and arguments.

In other cases, a man may be attracted to another woman because she represents something that his wife doesn’t: perhaps she’s younger, or maybe she has a different lifestyle or set of interests.

Your take away from this section, as a mistress should be to lookout for reasons why he is with you in the first place. Get to know what his wife is failing to provide him and you will have a better understanding of your role in his life.

Now that we know men occasionally do leave, and are acquainted to some unclear picture of why they leave. lets digest some signs that will tell you if the man you are with is likely to leave his wife for you. from their we will navigate on tips you can do to make him leave her for you.

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What makes a man leave his wife for another woman?

As i mentioned above , men are most likely to leave their wives for another woman when they are dissatisfied with the current relationship. If there’s been a lack of intimacy or passion, or perhaps there are unresolved issues that have led to tension and arguments.

In other cases, a man may be attracted to another woman because she represents something that his wife doesn’t: perhaps she’s younger, or maybe she has a different lifestyle or set of interests.

So if you want to make him leave his wife for you, the key is to be what she isn’t and fill the void that she has left in his life.

There are a few famous examples of married men who left their wives for the lover. My personal favorite is of Prince Charles, who left the beloved Princess Diana for Camilla Parker Bowles, his then-lover, now wife.

But why? Why would a man leave his family and children for another woman? What makes a man leave one woman for another?

One thing is for sure, men don’t just get up and leave overnight. So, here is a list of common reasons why men leave their wives.

10 reasons why married men leave their wives

Men don’t usually leave their wives, but when they do, it never a coincidence. Its either his mistress did a great job in understanding what he wants or it could be one of the points that I mention below. Don’t forget to read a full detailed list of things on how to get a married man to leave his wife.

1. The married man doesn’t feel appreciated by his wife anymore.

After the honeymoon period, many marriages struggle to stay afloat. If a guy continuously feels undervalued, he will find that appreciation elsewhere.

Compliments, random acts of kindness, and physical touch are just a few ways to show your man how much you appreciate him. If you’re not doing these things, he may start to look for someone who will. How do I make him worry about losing me?

So if you are the mistress and want to make a man leave his wife for you, find out if this man’s wife appreciates him enough. If not, that’s an a opportunity for you to be the woman that appreciates him. If you want to make sure your man knows how much you appreciate him, try expressing it in words, actions, or both.

Tell him how much you appreciate what he does for you and your family. Show your appreciation with random acts of kindness, like making his favorite meal or getting him a gift for no reason.

And don’t forget the physical touch! A simple hug, kiss, or even just holding hands can show your man how much you care.

When a man feels appreciated, he is more likely to stick around and work on the relationship. But if he doesn’t feel appreciated, he may start to look elsewhere for that validation.

2. The guy and his wife have grown distant.

People change. If he and his wife have grown so apart, then that distance between them will make room for another, quickly.

When you first get married, you’re usually head-over-heels in love with your partner. But as time goes on, it’s normal for the honeymoon phase to wear off and for some distance to develop.

This is perfectly normal and even healthy in a relationship. But if the distance grows too much, it can lead to problems. How do I make him worry about losing me?

If a man feels like he’s grown distant from his wife, he may start to look elsewhere for companionship. He may find himself attracted to another woman who can provide the intimacy and connection that he’s missing in his marriage.

To make him leave his disconnected wife for you, make an effort to stay connected with your him. Plan regular date nights, take weekend trips together, and make time for intimate conversations.

By staying connected with your man, you can keep the flame alive in your relationship and prevent him from ever thinking about his boring wife again.

3. The man feels inadequate.

Men love to feel like they are enough for their women. With women empowerment movements succeeding, women are doing so much better than their men, which has made the men feel inadequate.

These men are especially susceptible to falling for the other woman who will, by all means, make him feel like a king once more. The mistress will always make him feel wanted even if it means being a doormat and agreeing to everything he says.

If you want your man to leave his wife for you, then make him feel like he is the only man in your life that matters.Appreciate everything he does for you no matter how small it may be.

4.Midlife crisis.

During the midlife crisis, men are likely to make decisions impulsively.Coupled with the emotional turmoil that plagues this season of their lives, many men leave their marriages.

The midlife crisis usually hits men in their 40s or 50s.During this time, they may start to question their life choices and wonder if they’re really happy with the way things are going.

They may also feel like they’ve missed out on opportunities for excitement and adventure. As a result, some men may make impulsive decisions, like having an affair or leaving their wife for another woman.

As a mistress, If your man is going through a midlife crisis, the best thing you can do is be understanding and supportive. Try to avoid making any major decisions yourselves during this time.

Give him space to work through his feelings and figure out what he really wants in life. With a little time and patience, he’ll likely come out of his midlife crisis feeling happier and more satisfied with his life. Read: How to make him chose you over her.


Piled anger and emotional pain build up into resentment.After resenting his wife for so long, the man will find it easier to leave her should an opportunity arise.

When a man starts to resent his wife, it’s usually because he feels like she doesn’t appreciate him or understand him. He may feel like she’s always taking him for granted and that she doesn’t truly love or respect him.

Over time, this resentment can build up and cause a man to distance himself from his wife. He may start looking for ways to get out of the relationship and may even find himself attracted to other women.

To make your man leave his resentful wife for you, show him that you appreciate and understand him.Listen to him when he talks about his problems and be there for him when he needs to vent.

Also, try to avoid taking him for granted. Show him that you love and respect him by doing thoughtful things for him and speaking highly of him to others.

Just remember to be patient, understanding, and appreciative, and you’ll likely have your man wrapped around your finger in no time.

 6.Irreconcilable financial differences between your lover and his wife

We all deal with money; differently, some of us are misers.Others are spendthrifts.

Make His Actions Match His Promises
Order Your Help Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Obviously, if the husband and wife are on different ends of this spectrum, they will always disagree financially.Money is among the chief causes of divorce, mind you.

If your lover is the type who is always looking for a financial windfall and his wife is content with what they have, it’s only a matter of time before he leaves her for someone else. To him, his wife is stifling his potential. She doesn’t understand his vision.

On the other hand, if your lover is content with his financial status and his wife is always looking for ways to make more money, she will eventually tire him out. To her, he’s a slacker who isn’t ambitious enough.

In order to make your man leave his wife for you, provide him with the financial stability that he desires. Be understanding of his financial goals and help him to achieve them.

Show him that you’re the type of woman who can be a partner in his success, not someone who will drag him down. With your support, he’ll soon see that leaving his wife is the best decision for both of you.

7. The man’s wife is mean.

Some wives become monsters with time. I honestly don’t know why they become so bitter, but they become so mean that their husbands can’t tolerate them anymore. She practically drives her men away. Read: Signs of an unhappily married man

If your lover’s wife is constantly belittling him, insulting him, or making him feel bad about himself, it’s only a matter of time before he leaves her. No man wants to be with a woman who makes him feel like he’s worth less than dirt.

To make your man leave his mean wife for you, show him compassion and kindness.Build him up when he’s feeling down instead of tearing him down.

Also, try to avoid getting into arguments or fights with him. If he feels like he can always count on you to be calm and level-headed, he’ll soon see that you’re the better option for him.

8. No sex.

Sex is essential to men; if they aren’t getting at home, they must find it. This marks the beginning of an affair and the end of his marriage.

If your lover’s wife is withholding sex from him or if she’s just not satisfying his needs in bed, it won’t be long before he starts looking for someone else to fulfill those needs.

To make your man leave his sexless wife for you, show him that you’re more than willing to satisfy his needs. Be adventurous and open-minded in bed, and make sure he always feels loved and wanted. Read: Sleeping with a married man

Also, try to be understanding of his desires and fantasies. If you can make his wildest dreams come true, he’ll soon see that you’re the only woman he needs in his life.

9. The relationship is moving faster than the man wants.

Maybe she wants to start a family or buy a new house, but he’s not ready. Men are funny creatures; you imagine that he will say so if he doesn’t want something.

This isn’t always the case; most men just keep silent and slowly take themselves out of the equation. The man will find a way to leave the relationship without ever really saying goodbye.

To make your man leave his fast-moving wife for you, slow down and enjoy the moments you have together. Don’t pressure him into taking things to the next level; let him come to that decision on his own.

Also, try to be understanding of his feelings and needs. If you can show him that you’re content with things the way they are, he’ll soon see that you’re the perfect partner for him.

10 The man can’t be himself around his wife.

He can’t crack a joke or speak his mind. He can’t even wear what he wants. If a man feels like he has to work on eggshells with his wife, he doesn’t enjoy it, and sooner or later, he will leave her to be liberated. Read: Signs of an unhappily married man

To make your man leave his wife for you, show him that you accept him for who he is.Encourage him to be himself around you, and let him know that you’ll always love and support him no matter what.

Also, try to be understanding of his needs and wants. If you can give him the freedom to be himself, he’ll soon see that you’re the only woman he needs in his life.

Now that you know how to make a man leave his wife for you, put these tips into action and enjoy the benefits of being in a loving and committed relationship with the man of your dreams. Soon enough, he’ll be all yours!

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If he loves you he will leave his wife

For a man to leave his wife for you, he must be in love with you.There is no way in hell a married man is throwing his life away for a girl he has no feelings for.

Therefore, before we go any further, you must ascertain that he loves you.  Here is a list of tried and true signs that he indeed loves you.

Subtle and dependable signs a married man loves you

In my article 43 Signs a married man cares for you, I talk mostly about signs to inform you at hand that this man really cares for you and you don’t need to do much to get him to leave his wife for you.Below are some of the points i talk about. To read more about the detailed list please click on the link above.

1. Your lover spends quality time with you.

The other woman normally gets the evenings and if she is lucky, an hour or two of the weekend. If a married man is spending more time with you, it is a sign that he might have feelings for you.

2. The man stares at you

When a man stares at a woman, it is because he can’t get over how good she looks or how she makes him feel or both. That he stares is because he finds you extraordinary.

3. The guy postpones crucial things to be with you.

Men are often logical, so if he is jeopardizing things that ought to be important to him as his family and work. It means that he operates on irrational mode, typical for men in love.

4. Your married BF shows you off, even in public.

Men usually keep their affairs secret. If he shows you off even in public, he must really love you to even think of this, later on executing it.

5. The man gets jealous.

If jealousy isn’t the oldest and surest indicator of love, I don’t know what it. If he is bothered by others around you, it is a sure sign that he has fallen in love with you.

6. Your lover talks about you.

When someone talks about you, it is because they admire you. If the man’s friends tell you that he can’t seem to get your name off his tongue, you just hit the jackpot, he is hooked.

7. It is more than just sex.

If he genuinely still cares even post-sex, then he loves you.

8. Your married BF prioritizes you.

There is no way around men putting the people closest to their hearts first always. If he is treating them like a priority, it is because they are, and that is still a good sign.

9. The guy’s actions.

I know married men are smooth talkers but beyond the words, look at his actions.Listen to what he does more than what he says. If his deeds tell you he loves you, believe them.

If you realize that he doesn’t love you, don’t despair. Here is a list of sneaky ways to make a married man fall for you

Tips to make a married man love you.

Honestly speaking, you can’t make anyone do anything they don’t want to do. So, please don’t be pushy about it, only be suggestive and let the man pick up the cues and decide for himself to love you.

You can only control what you can do and have no control over what another person does. So, here is a list of things that you can do that may make a married man fall in love with you.

1. Be pleasant

You lose nothing by being agreeable, but you gain a lot from it.Frequently, wives grow into mean and angry women, so if her husband finds a woman who is a breath of fresh air, he won’t miss a golden opportunity. Men just want peace.

2. Be feminine

Opposites attract. That is the law of attraction, it doesn’t matter what you are drawing, but negative attracts positive.Likewise, femininity attracts masculinity.

The more femininity you exude, the more he is attracted to you. It works all the time. You don’t have to wear heels and dresses to be feminine (dresses and heels help your case though) but vulnerable, soft, and the embodiment of all womanly qualities.

3. Be supportive.

Men feel good when their women are their number one supporters. He needs to know that whatever his trade, whatever the circumstances you are routing for him.

Not many men, if any, would resist the charm of a supportive woman.

4. Be Respectful (Treat the man like a king)

I know women empowerment, and feminists say that we all are equal. Men and women are the same. But with his mentality, you will be repulsive to traditional and generally most men.

While it is true that we were created equal, men like to feel like the kings they are.Respect is his only love language, and good for you, it is rare. So respecting the man will make you stand out to him.

5. Don’t always be available.

I can’t stress how important it is to sometimes turn him down. In a man’s mind, overly available women are needy. That is the last type of girl he needs unless he is a sociopath.

7.Incite jealousy

This old trick works, but you have to be careful it is easy for things to blow up in your face.

Making him jealous reveals to him how much he cares for you.

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Knowing that he could lose you makes him see how much you mean to him, and that is great. You want him to realize how valuable you are to him.

8. Be independent

Have a life of your own. Men find independent women sexy and alluring. It also makes him feel that you are a healthy being who may be worth walking out on his marriage for.

If you don’t believe that independence is that important, listen to Neyo’s Miss Independent. Read: How to make a man leave his wife for you

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How to make a man leave his wife for you. 

In the section “10 reasons why married men leave their wives I talked in length some of the reasons why men leave their wives, but also I gave up some tips for the other woman to use and take advantage of each and every reason i mentioned.

But what if you want to take things a step further and not just be the other woman, but want to make him leave his wife for you? How do you go about doing that? That’s what nest section is about, and I’m going to share with you some tips, both psychological and physical that will help increase your chances of making him leave his wife for you.

Before we get started though, I want to point out that these tips are not fool proof, and there is no guarantee that he will leave his wife for you

A step-by-step approach to get a married man to leave for you.

Men that cheat are cleaver, They are a kind that will tell lies to their mistresses only for them to have their cake and eat it. They will make you believe that they are going to leave their wives but in real sense, they have no such plans.

Below are some of the things you should do to your married boyfriend if he fails to uphold his promises to you.

1. Ask the man to leave his wife.

He may think that you are okay with the sexual no strings attached arrangement. When you catch feelings, ask him to leave his wife. He will know where you stand, and it will give him an opportunity to make a decision.

If he is not interested in leaving his wife for you, then he was never going to leave her anyway and you have saved yourself a lot of heartache by finding out early on.

But if he does want to leave his wife for you, then great! You can move on to the next step.

Keep in mind that even if he says he wants to leave his wife for you, it doesn’t mean that he will actually do it. So don’t get your hopes up too high and be prepared for disappointment. Read: Lies married men tell their mistresses.

2. Set a time frame, after which your guy should have left his wife.

This is an important step because it will help to keep things in perspective for you. If he doesn’t leave his wife within the time frame that you have set, then it’s possible that he never actually intended to leave her and was just stringing you along.

On the other hand, if he does leave his wife within the time frame that you have set, then it’s a good sign that he is serious about being with you.

Of course, there is always the possibility that he could leave his wife after the time frame that you have set, but this isn’t something that you should count on happening.

The important thing is to keep your expectations in check and to be prepared for the possibility that he might not actually leave his wife for you.

3. Slow down on your communication.

You don’t have to go, to no contact level, be stern and keep your tone business-like. This will communicate to the man that you are serious about leaving his wife if he still wants to be with you.

When he contacts you, don’t answer right away, let him wait a few hours or even a day before you reply. This will make him think about what he wants and whether he is willing to leave his wife for you. Also it helps test him where he stands as to weather he is willing to loose you by not replying to you in a timely manner. Read: How do I make him worry about losing me?

If he is the one constantly texting, emailing or calling you, then it’s likely that he is more interested in you than he is in his wife. On the other hand, if he doesn’t seem to care about how often he hears from you, then it’s possible that he is more interested in his wife than he is in you.

Either way, by slowing down on your communication with him, you will be able to get a better idea of where he stands and what his true feelings are for you.

Making a man leave his wife for you is not going to be easy.

4. Do not compare yourself to the wife.

While you wait for him to start processing the divorce, desist from comparing yourself to his wife because it will only hurt you. The thing you need to remember is that he chose you, not her. So try to have some patience and faith that things will work out in your favor.

If you find yourself constantly comparing yourself to his wife, then it’s possible that you are not as confident as you should be in the relationship. This lack of confidence can be a turnoff for him and make it less likely that he will want to leave his wife for you.

On the other hand, if you are confident in yourself and the relationship, then it’s more likely that he will be drawn to you and want to leave his wife for you.

Either way, it’s important to remember that you are the one that he chose, not his wife, and to have faith that things will work out in your favor.

5. Put your relationship on hold.

When you feel that he still isn’t taking it seriously but the relationship on hold.Reduce the back and forth communication and withhold the sex. This will give him a reality check that you mean business and aren’t going to wait around forever.

If he is serious about being with you, then he will be willing to work through the difficulties of getting a divorce. On the other hand, if he isn’t willing to work through the difficulties, then it’s possible that he isn’t as serious about being with you as you thought he was.

Either way, by putting your relationship on hold, you will be able to get a better idea of where he stands and what his true feelings are for you.

6. Do not be needy.

Have a life going on. Do things on your own and go places without him. It is healthy for you, and he will realize how easily he could lose you if he doesn’t work on his game.

If you find yourself being too needy, then it’s possible that he is taking advantage of you and using you for your own needs. Read: 29 Signs a Married Man is Using You for Your Money, Sex, and Emotional Support

On the other hand, if you are confident and independent, then it’s more likely that he will be drawn to you and want to leave his wife for you.

Either way, it’s important to remember that you should have your own life going on and not be too needy.

7. Date other men.

Should the opportunity arise, go on dates with other guys.Seeing that you are durable to other men will put him in a panic mode and his primal instinct to do and give anything not to lose you to another male.

Don’t neglect him but then again don’t be too much available for him. Men like competition.Seeing other people will make him threatened since it reminds him that you are still attractive to other men.

It brings the urge of him wanting to spend more time with you.hence leaving his wife..

But, be careful not to hurt his feelings. When he asks about it just reply reluctantly.

Don’t make him too jealousy because it can bring permanent damage to your relationship with him.

Tips and strategies to get a man to leave his wife for you

If you are serious about taking him away from her, then its time to up your game. You need to show him what he is missing out on by being with his wife. Here are a few things you can do:

1. Stop warming your married BF’s bed.

Men are motivated by sex, whether they like it to admit or not. If he can still get it, he won’t be inspired to work for it.

You can’t give a man great sex enough to make him leave his wife, withholding great sex from him, though it will motivate him.

2.Understand why the man is with you in the first place. You must know his true intentions and satisfy them. 

If he is having an affair because he wants to be understood, for instance, then be understanding and more to him, you will become indispensable.

If you can satisfy a man’s deepest desire, you will have him hooked.

3. Let the guy feel your absence.

Letting him feel your absence allows him to miss you. When he misses you, he thinks he needs you. It’s a cycle. The more he longs for you, the more needs you. Read: Make him think of me spell

If you make him needs you more, the more he loves you. The more he loves you, the more he misses you. Let him miss you.

4.Focus on yourself.

Invest in a hobby, go mountain climbing, swimming in the ocean, do all the things you have always wanted to do.

Let him see you having a great time without him, and it will make him long for the good days he had with you.

5. Don’t get pregnant.

Many women may find this counterintuitive because common knowledge suggests that trapping a guy with pregnancy will force him to settle with them.

While that may be true, it is also true that he will resent you for it. It won’t last. You want the man to choose you because he wants to, not because he must.

6.Never confront the wife.

Please never confront his wife under any circumstances unless you want him to give you a red card.

Think of it this way, you gain absolutely nothing from confronting the wife rather than hurting her unnecessarily and losing the man. It is a classic lose-lose situation.

7. Make the wife want to leave.

You need to be creative here. This is risky but if there is a way you can get the wife to be the one to leave without it pointing back at you, then, by all means, go for it.

8. Show the man that you have a lot in common with him.

We like the people who are similar to us more and better. If he wants fishing, go fishing with him, and actually have a great time. This is of the simple things that matter most.

You want to be his friend as much as you are his lover. This will make it harder for him to leave you.

9. Do not manipulate the man.

If you forget everything else, please remember that men hate being controlled by a woman, so desist from manipulating him.

Suggest but leave him to make the final decision.

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How do you tell if he will leave his wife for you? 

You can’t say for sure whether your married man will leave his wife for you. But look for some of these signs, that a man may leave his wife for you.

1. The man prioritizes you.

If a man puts you first, even before things that should matter most to him like his work, or wife, it is because he thinks you are that important.

If you are that important to him, it means he will choose you any day over all he prioritizes you over.

2. The guy removes his ring when he is near you.

I know that removing his ring doesn’t dissolve his marriage but that he pulls it for you means that in his mind, if he could have things his way, he would unmarry for you.

3. The man’s future plans include you.

If he mentions you in far-sighted plans, he sees you still him even at that time. That is a good sign.

4. The guy jokes about leaving his wife

Have you noticed that when guys say I am just joking 99% of the time, they are serious? Is he only trying to hide behind the cover of am kidding just if you don’t like the idea he labels just joking?

He isn’t joking about leaving his wife; he is considering it.

5. The married man bought you a property.

You have to be careful because it depends on his real motives for getting you the property to sign that he will leave his wife.

Suppose his intention for buying a property for you should be because he sees some permanency in your relationship and not because he is avoiding the hotel checking in and out. In that case, that could make his wife suspicious. This will mean the exact opposite, you’re just his booty call.

On the flip side, there is a possibility that he may never leave his wife and that he is taking you for a ride.

You do not want to waste your time investing in a relationship that has no future. Here is a list of signs that the man won’t leave his wife no matter what he has told you.

Why don’t men often leave their wives for the mistress

The norm is that a married man will never leave his wives regardless of how he feels about you.Irrespective of how unfulfilling his marriage is, the majority of men would never go. Why? Read: Why he can’t leave his wife for you

Here is a list of reasons why men never leave their wives.

1.Because of the stigma attached to divorce

Divorcees are looked at as selfish people who couldn’t keep their commitment to their spouses.Because he doesn’t want this on his head, he will try to avoid divorcing as much as possible.

Make His Actions Match His Promises
Order Your Help Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Divorce is expensive.

Lawyers, alimony, and property sharing have put the man at a significant financial loss. Many men are afraid to leave so that they don’t lose all that money.

3. The man is afraid to hurt his wife.

I know how this sounds, but men don’t want to hurt the women they once loved. He may not even love her anymore, but he wouldn’t dream of being the cause of her pain.

4. The guy cannot support two families at the same time.

Being the breadwinner for one family is hectic enough.Adding another family is madness. He knows this, and he worries that his wife will not support his children, so he decides to stay supporting this family and keeping you on the side.

5. His wife has it all.

He has an adoring wife who does all the wifely things, and he has you for all the fun, steamy sex, and chill. This man has it all. He wouldn’t dare to mess with this perfect harmony by leaving his wife.

6. The man doesn’t want to be labeled the bad guy.

It doesn’t matter the reasons a man divorces for society will always label him the bad one.Always. The “What will people say” discourages more men from leaving their marriages than you think.

7. Your lover is worried that his children’s lives will change drastically.

Money gets tight after a divorce, so he knows that the house his children live in, the lifestyle they live, will be changed by divorce.

He doesn’t want his children to experience this, so he stays.

8. The guy wants to still see his children let me not be guaranteed if you divorce and his wife.

The majority of fathers love their children, so see them after a divorce may make him stay even when he is done with their mom.

9. The man fears that might never be suitable for anyone else since he hasn’t been generous to his wife.

He failed his wife by cheating and loving someone else, so he is afraid that he may never be able to love someone else.Maybe he is not cut out for it, so why bother?

Signs he won’t leave his wife. 

1. The man said so

Sometimes, men say things they don’t mean, but when he tells you he won’t leave his wife, you better believe him because the guy is not even trying to lie to you at all; he won’t leave her.

2. The guy talks about his family a lot.

Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. If the man can’t stop talking about his family, it is because they are taking up all the space of his heart and there isn’t any room left for you.

3. It is purely sexual, and your lover has made it abundantly clear.

He reaches out when he is horny. He won’t stay any longer after the sex and definitely isn’t coming over if there is no sex involved. It is merely sexual for him.

It won’t matter how great you are in bed; if all he thinks you are suitable for is sex, he makes keep you around, but there is no way he is leaving his wife for that.

4. Your lover acts married, nothing has changed. 

When a man is planning to leave his wife, he will slow down on his marital duties. He will reduce family time and even miss family events like game night.

If the man is still acting married even though he has told you that he wants to divorce, he wants to stay married.

5. The guy is flaky.

He won’t commit to anything. He is so unreliable and undependable to you even though his wife’s rock. It is crystal clear here that he isn’t leaving her any time soon.

6. The man always chooses his wife over you.

He may leave you when you have a fever to go and fix his wife’s lawnmower. It doesn’t matter what is at stake for you. If he always chooses his wife in his subconscious, even though he won’t voice it, he chooses her.

What to do when he doesn’t leave his wife for you

When the man you love chooses another woman over you, it hurts so bad even if it is his wife. You may feel like your life has just come to a standstill and that it is over.

Here is a list of things to help you move on when a married man doesn’t leave his wife for you.

A list of must-dos when a married man doesn’t leave his wife for you

1. Give the man an ultimatum.

These terms serve two purposes.

  • He realizes that despite being unable to leave his wife, he can live without you. This realization may give him the momentum and courage to reconsider his position and leave his wife.
  • If he still doesn’t change after the request, you will know for sure that you will get some closure if it wasn’t meant to be.

Either way, the demand works for you even though the latter scenario is not as desirable as the former, you get some good out of it at least.

2.Break up with the guy.

After you realize that he is never leaving his wife, you must break up with him to start your recovery journey.

If you do not break up with him, a part of you will always be waiting for him to come back to you, which cripples your recovery. Read: How to break up with a married man

3.Delete the number and move on

Now that you have broken up try to forget him. So cut off all contact and begin to move on.

4. Cry

Do not hold any tears back, cry a river if you must, and let out all the pain. It is healthy for you to grieve, so quit being so strong, for a while.

5. Get your support system.

Your friends and family probably had no idea about the affair, so now is the time for you to let them in and on it.While some may be shocked and turn on you angrily, your real friends will look past that and be there for you.

6. Join a support group

There are numerous forums and groups which are safe places to pour your heart out.

Support from people who understand what you are going through Is priceless. The people in the support groups know because they have been going through what you are going through.

In case you feel undesirable, please stop yourself because he was never yours to start with, so how could he even handle all that awesomeness. Your own man is somewhere out there, and he will find you.

In signs he wont leave his wife for you, i go over many signs to lookout for before you sale your soul to a devil.

How to make a man leave his wife for you-Don’t be needy

Not many people want to be with a desperate and clingy person. You shouldn’t cling yourself too much onto him because it can destroy your romantic relationship and emotionally push him away.

Don’t dominate his social media, don’t over like his social media posts, don’t post too much on his wall, don’t bargain for his time, and don’t call him; just wait for him to come to you willingly. If he is really into you, he will come to you without you demanding him.

If you are not a long term goal for, he will only come to you when he wants something like money or sex. So, if you are constantly calling him, he will use that to his advantage, use you, and then dump you just like that.

How to make him leave his wife for you?Treat Yourself ImportantHow to make a man leave his wife for you

This is also a great way of making him leave his wife. Don’t give him too much attention. Stop having sex with him. Be a bit distant from him. This way, he will definitely realize how much he misses you and will eventually treat you with the respect you deserve.

Don’t sacrifice everything about you just in an effort to please him. Don’t be out of touch with who you are and what you want because of him. No matter how deep your love for him is, keep on caring about yourself, love yourself, and please yourself. This keeps you respected and confident.

How to make a man leave his wife for you Make a spell on himHow to make a man leave his wife for you

If you don’t like waiting and have tried all the techniques above with no sign of success, then make a spell on him and make him leave his wife for you.

How to make a man leave his wife is about how you strategize, plan and wisely make your moves without rushing anything. Hope these tricks help you make your lover leave his wife.

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How do you make a married man miss you?

You can a married man miss you by making every moment you have with him magical and unforgettable. Then going MIA so you can give him a chance to miss you.

Having plans that don’t include him also makes a married man miss you. It helps the situation when you are elusive about your goals.

How do you make a married man fall deeply in love with you?

Strictly speaking, you can’t make a man do anything he doesn’t want to.

Still, you can get him to fall in love with you by being suggestive, sexy and portraying that you are the perfect match, then hope that he catches on.

Do affairs that break up a marriage last?

The odds are against marriages that begin in affairs.First of all, the former lover may never trust the cheating partner because if they cheated before, why won’t they do it again then.

Also, marriages from affairs have a higher divorce rate than the previous marriage. This doesn’t mean it is not possible for the marriage to last. It is only unlikely that will, but it could.

What should a wife do when her husband cheats?

If you don’t want to end the relationship when your husband cheats, you must ask your husband to end the affair.

It won’t be easy, but your husband may reform. If, however, your husband won’t change, you are better off without him, then you seek legal advice and file for divorce.

How do you get over being cheated on if you stay together?

When your partner cheats, you are going to be terribly hurt. You may no longer be able to trust them and may resent them for hurting you.

It takes effort and patience from both partners to mend a broken relationship due to infidelity. You may need to go through couples counseling and support groups to fully recover from being cheated on, forgive them so that you can get over it.

Do emotional affairs turn physical?

They do. Many physical affairs start as an innocent and harmless emotional connection that grows into full blow affairs.

Since in emotional affairs, the unfaithful partner is often looking to fill a void which may not be sexual, sometimes passionate affairs don’t turn physical.


Making a married man leave his wife is challenging but not impossible.However, if you must break a home, be ready for the backlash and societal hatred. 

For more info click here

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Spell to Make Him leave his Wife

make him leave his wife

Spell to Make Him leave his Wife. Make him leave his wife, disconnect and kill all the roots that hold and supplies life to this marriage regardless of how long they have been together.

  • Do you have a marriage that makes you sick? A marriage you think should not exist?
  • Does their being together make you feel like dying?
  • Do you want this man to leave his wife?
  • Do you want him to leave her

Well, the make him leave his wife spell by Mama Nkima is the only spell that never thinks twice when it comes to making a married man leave his wife.

What’s the Difference between make him leave his wife and make him leave his wife for me

Both these spells are designed to accomplish one major goal, which is to make a man leave his wife.

Make His Actions Match His Promises
Order Your Help Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
However, the difference is what happens next after a married man leaves his wife.

For the make him leave his wife for me, he will leave his wife for you whereas, for the spell to make him leave his wife, he will leave her but not for you. He just leaves her and moves on with his life.

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What is Spell to Make him leave his wife best used for?

Make him leave his wife spell is best for situations where you just don’t want to see a man (could be your son, friend, ex-boyfriend, boyfriend, ex-husband) in a marriage with a certain woman. This spell then comes in handy to make this married man leave his wife.

What happens after he leaves his wife is completely up to him. The spell makes sure that once he leaves her, there will never be turning back.

How does Spell to make him leave his wife work?

Spell to Make Him leave his Wife

This spell disconnect and kills all the roots that hold and supplies life to this marriage. This process is forced on to this marriage regardless of how long they have been together.

My make him leave his wife spell will make him realize how unhealthy this marriage is to him. It makes him see how this woman disregards his family, friends and all other relatives. This love spell opens this man’s eyes and lets him see how selfish this woman is and at the end of all, it make him leave his wife for good.

How Long does Spell to Make Him Leave His Wife Takes to offer results?

This love spell is a collection of many evil powers that just surrounds the minds of a married man and without his own will, forces him to act on commands that the spell was given during creation. Boy those commands are unstoppable and if directed to act instantly, that’s exactly what they will do.

To answer the question above, this spell’s turn around time is determined from the commands that were set during the spell creation.

Time will all depend on how natural you as my customer want this whole process to look. If you don’t care about naturality and just want this man to leave his wife instantly, then the spell acts instantly. We chose the time we want the spell to take according to how natural we want the process to look.

How can I get this spell to make him leave his wife?

Spell to Make Him leave his Wife

Unless you are a kind that lets nature fight your battles.Nature takes long and sometimes never listens to your pain, I suggest you contact me now for a custom make him leave his wife spell and force him to leave his wife now.

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Spell to Make Him Leave His Wife For Me

make him leave his wife for me

I work for mistresses, My job is to take on there behalf and hand it all to them. Just say Make him leave his wife for me, I need a spell to make a married man leave his wife for me. That’s it.

I use my knowledge of spell casting and dark magic spells to bring them their desired results. I draw on powerful energies, summon spirits when necessary and ensure that the atmosphere is filled with love and desire.

  • Are you in a relationship with a man that is mistreated by his wife? You see it but he cant see it.
  • Do you want to save him from the mistreatment he gets from his marriage? He knows it but he is powerless to act.
  • Do you want him to chase and pursue you and choose you everyday?Always shower you with love, attention and affection?
  • Are you tired of hearing people saying that he will never leave his wife for you?
  • Is he everything you ever wanted in a man physically, emotionally, and everything?
  • Are you tired of the excuses that he keeps on giving you that are keeping him from leaving his wife for you?
  • Are you tired of feeling used, so cheap, that you feel all he wants from you is sex and only sex?
  • Do you want to make him feel a stronger emotional support with you than his wife?

Get your self up and grab what you really deserve with both your hands before it is taken away from you by someone else.

Put a make him leave his wife for me spell on your man and make him realize that his wife treats him like a life-support system for a wallet, and little more.

Here is a marriage spell to make him leave his wife for you by an experienced spell caster. How does it work?

Force him to leave his wife for you

A love spell that will stop you from asking the obvious questions. A spell to stop you from soaking yourself in questions like will he ever leave his wife for me? Will a man leave his wife for another woman, can he leave his wife for me?

Stand up and grab him from her if you really want him. That’s exactly what this spell will do.

Use a spell that has helped many women in love with married men to make a your married leave his wife for her.

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Save him from the mistreatment he gets from his marriage.

Cast this spell and Make him realize that the love he seeks can only be found in you. Tune just enough powers in his mind to make him realize that you are the one he has been looking for all along.

We are tired of men that are so lazy to take a stand and be men. Let this spell make him decide in less than 4 days.

A lot of men out there are in need of love, protection and care. They leave a marriage of pain and sallow because they are scared to put a stop on there marriage contracts. They stay not because they are happy, but because they are trying to please friends, families and are scared of being judged.

Married women are aware of this power control over men and fully use it to there advantage. 40% of married women admit to have shut down sexually and ignored their husband’s complaints about their sex life.

This is abuse. At the hotline a list of signs of abuse makes it clear to any man that is in an abusive relationship. Men don’t want to see it that way so they put up excuses. They seek a person like you to ease their emotional and physical burdens.

Question is until when? When is it your time to be his Number 1? If you are reading this, then time is now.

Use this spell to make him end his abusive marriage and make him leave his wife for you. Let this magical powers Express to him how much he means to you, the happiness of being together he is missing and if necessary the pleasure both of you will enjoy when together after the breakup of his marriage with her.

Let this spell help you get the man of your dreams. Make him leave his wife for you and make a happy home with you.

This spell will make him realize that the best thing he can do for himself is to leave his wife and start a new life with you. This marriage breakup spell that leaves no stones un-turned.

A spell that creates Irreversible separation

If you want him to divorce his wife immediately and want it to be a bad kind of divorce that will never make him go back to her no matter what, Get this love spells.

Many powerful spells from different spell casters, would make him leave, No divorce, be with you for a while and then go back. Mama Nkima’s Spell to make him leave his wife does not work like that.

This spell make him to divorce his wife immediately it captures his soul and creates a kind of divorce that will never make him go back to her no matter what. He quickly gets over his wife and moves on with you. No reconciliation spell will ever mend his breakup.

Mama Nkima’s powerful Spell to Make Him Leave His Wife For Me is the only breakup spell that make your target man feel a stronger emotional support with you than he had with his wife.

This powerful spell don’t just bring him over to you, but makes him cut all contacts between him and her together with her family and friends. No backbiting to him in your future relationship. Once he is gone, he is gone.

This spell is about amplifying his free will to make a move that he started him self already when he sought a relationship with you. It is not violating his free will, like an obsession spell or a binding spell. It is awakening him to his already present will and amplify it to take the right steps.

This spell is one of the best marriage breakup spells to make someone leave his wife, as it effectively breaks them up and makes sure they never get back together again.

Spell to make him love you and only you

Well , that’s all nice and dandy, but you don’t just want him to leave his wife, You want him to love you, Respect you and be faithful to only you.

Make His Actions Match His Promises
Order Your Help Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Chase and pursue you and choose you everyday.

Mama Nkima’s Spell To Make Him Love Me will make your target man fall in love with you and be loyal to no one else. His love will be all yours and you will have your own happily ever after.

This popular spell binds him to you with a powerful bond of deep affection and he will remain devoted to you for eternity. He won’t think about his ex-wife or even compare her with yourself.

He will look at you as the most beautiful woman in the world and will never want to be with anybody else. You will have his heart and soul, his thoughts, feelings and body forever.

This powerful spell make him a real gentleman in everything he does for you. (opening doors for you, pulling out chairs and taking you out on dinner dates

This popular spell is a powerful tool that helps you build an everlasting relationship with your true love and make sure he never leaves you for no one else.

Mama Nkima’s Spell To Make Him Leave His Wife For Me is your ticket to a happy and successful relationship. Get it now, before it’s too late. You deserve this kind of love and happiness.

It is time for you to make him yours forever and always, the way it should be. Don’t hesitate any longer and get Mama Nkima’s spell now and make him yours!

All you need to do is call or email Mama Nkima and explain your situation. She will help you cast the powerful Spell To Make Him Leave His Wife For Me and make sure you get together with the man of your dreams into a committed relationship.

A Spell to make you his priority

Mama Nkima’s powerful spell to make him leave his wife is also used to make you the main focus of your target man and his preoccupation. This spell causes him to think about only you and forget that his wife (current spouse) ever existed.

You become the most important thing in his life and the only thing that matters to him. He becomes loyal and devoted to you and prioritize your needs over his wants and desires.

Whatever you desire, he makes it come true for you if he can. You become the center of his universe and have all of his attention forevermore.Always shower you with love, attention and affection. This is the only spell made in Africa that makes someone to always listen to what you say and act upon it. This powerful spell makes him value and cherish you.

Some of my clients say it give them control, but my spell is far from characteristics of what a controlling woman is. As said at decision-making-confidence “We have seen how much a controlling wife can influence and dominate another person. They go to the point of changing you at your core, at the level of identity”. My spell does not get to that level of control, it only control his relationship decision making to your favor not all his manly aspects. An expert spell caster like Mama Nkima knows the negative effects of total control so she balances the forces.

A Spell that Makes His Words to always match his actions

Mama Nkima’s Spell To Make Him Leave His Wife For Me also includes a magical twist that will make your target man’s words match his actions at all times. He will always keep his promises, say the right things and do what he needs to in order to make you happy.

He will never lie to you or hurt your feelings with his words. The power of the spell will make sure that all his words are true and honest, so that you can trust him completely without any doubts.

This powerful spell will also ensure that your target man is always honest with himself and never downplays the importance of your relationship. He will be open and honest with you about his feelings and never try to manipulate or deceive you.

Mama Nkima’s Spell To Make Him Leave His Wife For Me is the perfect way to make sure that your true love never leaves you for another woman and remain loyal to you forever in a committed relationship. With this spell, he will always be devoted to you, prioritize you, and keep his promises. Get it now and make him yours!

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A Spell to make it clearly known to other women that you are his woman no matter where you go

Mama Nkima’s Spell To Make Him Leave His Wife For Me will also make it clearly known to other women that you are the one and only woman in his life. He will automatically seek out your attention when he is around other women and no one else can even come close to stealing his heart away from you.

The spell makes sure that everyone knows you are his woman, and will always have your back in any kind of situation. He will never waiver on your relationship or let anyone come between the two of you.

This spell is the perfect way to ensure a strong and lasting connection with your true love and create the perfect foundation for a long-lasting relationship.

No matter where you and your man go, it will always be known that you are the only one in his life and no other woman can take your place. Get this spell now to make him yours forever!

Spellcasters, iccans, Magicians and Mama Nkima makes a living from knowing how to make a man leave his wife for another woman. All you need is the spell that will make him do this willingly.

Mama Nkima’s spells are known worldwide as some of the most efficient spells as they immediately bring results. She works with all sorts of magic

Witch Doctor, Voodoo Priest and Spiritualists have used this spell for many centuries. If you are in need of a powerful spell to make him leave his wife for you without any further delay then this is the perfect spell.

A spell that makes both your families to get along very well and love each other

Mama Nkima’s Spell To Make Him Leave His Wife For Me will also have a magical effect on both of your families, so that they get along very well and love each other. He will do whatever it takes to make sure that everyone in his family accepts you and loves you as much as he do.

This powerful African love spell makes His mother, father and relatives to genuinely and absolutely love you as a daughter in law. Non of his family members to be in contact or being friends with his ex wife.

Regardless of the situation. This spell will also make him loved to your family, friend and relatives. This spell will bring peace and harmony in your relationship, making both families get along with each other.

His ex-wife’s family will also be influenced by the power of the spell, and it will make them to accept you as part of his life and show respect for your relationship. No one can reject or stand in between your true love and you anymore!

It will be you job to work on your relationship with his family, but this spell will make it much easier for you.

This powerful spell makes sure that all the relationships around you are peaceful, harmonious and loving. Get this spell now and make sure that everyone around you loves and respects your relationship.

How to make a man leave his wife for you

We have said a lot about how to make him leave his wife in many articles about relationship on this website. In-fact i have multiple articles on this website just about how to make a man leave his wife for you. But what me and other writers don’t specify is the actual time it will take you to make him leave if you decide to just follow those article.

If you you decide to just follow the how to’s without extra natural powers, you fate is in his capability to see your tricks as signs that you love him very much. Who wants that? Do you?

To get a married man leave his wife for you, Mama Nkima suggests you use the African way. Make the a Powerful Spell to Make Him Leave His Wife For Me and:

  • Make him less concerned about the benefits he has to lose if he wants to divorce his wife
  • Force him to see you like a price, a price that he cannot afford to lose.
  • Make him stop seeing you as his sperm dish.
  • Make him stop seeing you as just a woman that He has only to have sex with
  • Force him to materialize all the promises he made to you and marry you.

How make him leave his wife for me spell works

The make him leave his wife for me spell is the only spell that makes a married man think less of the benefits he is to lose if he divorced his wife for you.

It makes him think of her as a person that will never understand him. It makes him see his wife as a person that devalues him. This love spell makes him see his wife as a person that ignores him even after years of working on this dying marriage.

This spell opens his eyes and makes him realize how unhappy he is in this marriage. It makes him realize how miserable this woman makes him. The spell makes him realize that on the other side you are ready and willing to make his life even happier than his so-called wife.

What if i am married But i want him too?

Remember this is going to make him leave his wife. Are you ready to leave your husband too? I have had a number of clients in unhappy some times verbal of physical abusive marriage.

If you are, then you don’t need any one to tell you, you deserve better. This spell helps you get it a committed relationship with the man of your dream.

The make him leave his wife for me spell will help you release him from his marriage without any effort from you,

Life is too short to be unhappy – Get out, get happy, get a man who deserves you.

If you are not ready to leave your marriage, Then the following would be a better option for you:

Make him realize that he deserves love from both of you, but since it is impossible, then prefers your affection and care more than his wife’s.

How long does make him leave his wife for me takes to work?

A number of factors determined the time it takes this spell to offer results. But no matter what the factors are, Mama Nkima guarantees this spell to start showing off results in less than 4 days of casting this powerful love spell.

The make him leave his wife for you spell starts off by intensifying the amount of affection a married man has for you. Then it moves to make him careless about what his wife thinks about your relationship.

The spell further makes a man stop just complaining about how unhappy he is in his marriage. It makes him start demanding for separation actions (divorce) from his wife. This and so many more actions take place without this married man ever feeling any remorse for his wife.

Does the spell wear off, if so – when?

No, the spell never wears off. It’s a powerful hex that Mama Nkima cast on your married boyfriend and it will last for life.

Make His Actions Match His Promises
Order Your Help Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Unless she specifically removes the hex, it will stay with him for life.check my FAQ

Can anything trigger the spell to be broken?

Yes. The spell can be broken if it was never properly protected after casting. Like i always say, if one can see what we did, one can break it. i explain it better in the FAQ.

Is there any consequences of this spell?

No, there are no consequences of this spell other than the fact that your married boyfriend will now be yours and soon on his way to leave his wife. FAQ

If the spell works in 4 days, (how soon can I expect to see him actually leave her)?

The spell works in away that leaves no room for speculations. We want it to be as efficient and as natural as possible so that there are no room for suspecting use of any external forces on him. FAQ


Now unless you are OK with feeling cheap, feeling used for sex.Unless calling you a sperm dish, sideline or mistress makes you feel OK.Unless you are OK with hoping that a married man will one day just sacrifice all for you, divorce his wife and marry you just like that.

Contact mama Nkima for a spell to make him leave his wife for me now.

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