Signs a Married Man is sexually attracted to you – wants to sleep with you.

Woman listening to man

It can be difficult to tell the distinctions among the signs of a married man who is sexually attracted to you.However I have put together a comprehensive list of signs that may help indicate if a married man is sexually attracted to you.

If a man looks at you in a sexually suggestive way or makes comments about your appearance that could be interpreted as being sexual in nature, it’s likely that he is drawn to you sexually.

A Man’s true motives are difficult to decipher. Just because he opens doors for you or listens to you may not mean he is hot for you.

Signs that a Married Man is sexually attracted to you.

1. He tries to get your opinions about sex.

When a married man talks about sex, love, or attraction with you, he usually feels the same for you. Its most certainly a sign that this married man is sexually attracted to you and wants to sleep with you.

A married man is sexually attracted to you if he repeatedly engages you into intimate conversation every time he gets a chance to speak to you.

It is usually a desperate move to get you to talk about your opinion on sex.

If a guy knows how you feel about sex, he has a clue on how to get you into his bed.Talking about sex could also get you horny. When you are in the mood for sex, you lose all inhibition and are less likely to turn him down.

If he is talking about sex, guess what is in his heart. If this is your case, I don’t have the eloquence to convey how erotic that man’s thoughts of you are.

2. He tries to get you alone

A married man knows he can’t seduce you when you are in a group. He will normally try to isolate you cunningly, obviously. It is always easier to attack lone prey!

At the first job I ever worked, Mr.Derrick, my boss, was such a kind man. He had been married to Beth, the cashier, for like forever. 

I had worked for him for 3 weeks when he asked me to switch with Fred to cleaning the back office, his office. Now at face value, there was nothing devious about cleaning the boss’s office, only that it had to be the last room to be cleaned.

For some strange reason, the rule was that everywhere else had to be cleaned before that particular office. This meant that I would be leaving the office last and guess who else left the office late, Mr.Derrick.

He took me after-work drinks and dropped me home within no time, and we became pretty close. Day by day, he kept pushing the limit, from stares to hugging, and finally, he dared to kiss me.

That is when I realized that I would be entangling with a married man if I didn’t do something. A married man sexually attracted to you is somewhat scary.Signs were misjudged.

Given how quickly things escalated from innocent drinks to kisses in the escalator, I’d say he planned it all along. 

One thing I don’t regret, though, is the good times I had. Mr.

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Derrick was such an easy time.Maybe if situations were different, we would have worked because the chemistry was so thick that it was almost tangible.

3. His body language speaks volumes

Actions speak louder than words, don’t they? A man may lie to you with his tongue but not with his body. 

Body language experts have identified different postures and positions that communicate a man’s motives. A married man is still a man, so the same signs that other men do when they are sexually attracted to you and want to sleep with you, will the married man do as well.

Look out for these are the most common stances and movements that convey sexual interest in men;

If he is tagging at his sleeves, his tie, or uncomfortably organizing his groin area.

Touching his body, maybe he keeps brushing his thighs and arms, his face, that’s if he could have his way, he would be touching you in the very places he is touching. 

He leans in towards you as though he wants to merge right into you.Obviously, that is exactly where his mind is at that moment.

He takes a stance that makes him look taller and stronger. This is so he can look more attractive to you. He wants to attract you because he is already attracted to you.

He licks his lips unconsciously; I don’t mean the creepy one guys do consciously, I mean the ‘I am lost I have no idea that I am licking my lips.’ That’s the one.

He looks at you with that look. The one that makes you feel like he has already undressed you in his mind, the one that makes you smile sheepishly… 

The beauty with body language is that the guy has little or no control about it; his body conveys the unfiltered and true message that his lips won’t utter. So you can trust his body.

4. A Married Man is sexually attracted to you if He wants to be too close to you

Have you ever been in a spacious environment, but he keeps in your space like there is nowhere else he can be? As if he is trying to breathe in your skin. 

Maybe that is not your exact experience, but you have had a man be so close like he is trying to crush right into you, isn’t it? 

If there weren’t any social norms or any inhibitions, a married man close to you would rather be in you. But this is real, and in real life, you have to be civilized, so he gets as close as norms and societal dictation will allow him without coming off like a horny pig.

5. He tells you about his horrid sex life

Why does a man have to have to tell any woman how unsatisfying his wife is in bed?Unless he is trying to solicit sympathy and make you want you to prove how much better you are than his wife in bed.

Men like to act dumb, but guys are smart. They know what buttons to push to make a woman feel and do what the guy wanted in the first place. 

He knows asking you for BJ would be rude, so he talks to you about how his wife just won’t go down on him or how he would kill for a mind-boggling BJ. 

Such information would make the average feel sorry for the man and more willing to make his dreams true, especially since his evil wife won’t. 

Suppose he is feeding you stories about how his sex is lackluster or non-existent. In that case, the chances are that he is hoping that if he asks you to bed, which he will, you most likely accept.

Read : 14 Secret Signs a married man is falling in love with you

6. He’s Protective of You

When a man is attracted to a woman, he’ll want to protect her. He may stand up for her when she’s being treated unfairly, and he may even help her with her problems. His goal is to be there for her and to make sure she’s safe and happy.

If you notice your man being more protective of you than usual, it could be because he’s attracted to you. He wants to be there for you and to help you with whatever you need. His protection is a way of showing you his interest.

7. He buys you suggestive gifts

This is like the distress button a married man will push if you haven’t caught-on on any of the previous signals he sent your way. It doesn’t have to be the traditional thong and lace bra, though if he sent you those then, lady, he is so dying to sleep with you.

I remember during one Christmas holiday, I met a mid-aged man Steve, at a public library. I thought he was a little too old for the library since most of the population frequented there were late teenagers and early twenties. It turns out he was the owner.

I love books and have a bad habit of being picky, so I was spending hours deciding which book to read.After one frustrating afternoon, heaven sent me Steve, who suggested I read Sugar- Danielle Steel. He marketed it so well I couldn’t say no.

And I loved it. So Steve became my book recommender, and after a while, he was stacking up collections specially put together for me. We became good friends and went on a couple of ‘no dates’ dates. It was such a beautiful time for me.

I noticed something, though, the books he suggested kept getting more and more erotic with time. At first, I trashed the idea that he was carefully orchestrating this. 

At his suggestion, I read everything erotic; Diana Galdon’s Outlander, Dirty by Megan Hart, Crash by Nicole Williams, Delta of Venus by Anais, The Flowers of Evil by Charles Baudelaire, Lady Chatterley’s Lover by D.H Lawrence, and Inside Madeline by Paula Bomer. 

At the end of the holidays, he bought me copies of Shannon McKenna (She is the Queen of erotica) books wrapped in a delicate red wrapping and black lace ribbons. 

That is my weakness, red on black lace. It took all the strength in me not to sleep with Steve. If the holidays had gone on a day longer, I would have.

Suppose a married man is buying you vibrators, or plugs, thongs, or anything suggestive for that matter. In that case, he is sending you a direct message that he wants to sleep with you.

What triggers emotional attraction in a man?

A man is attracted to a woman emotionally when he perceives her as being kind, caring, and someone who has his best interests at heart.

Emotional attraction can be triggered by a variety of things- from a woman’s physical appearance, to her personality, to the way she makes him feel.

When a man feels that he can trust a woman and that she genuinely cares about him, it creates an emotional connection that leads to attraction.

A woman’s emotional warmth and kindness are the key ingredients that trigger attraction in a man. So if you want to attract a man emotionally, be sure to show him your compassionate side and let him know that you care about him.

Trust is also essential in any relationship, so be sure to build trust with the man you’re interested in. When he knows he can count on you, he’ll be drawn to your emotionally warm presence.

A man will also often be drawn to a woman who is kind and compassionate, someone he can trust and have fun with.Ultimately, it’s different for every man, but these are some of the most common elements that can create an emotional connection.

Why would a Married Man want to sleep with you?

You may be wondering, why a married man would want to sleep with you. Is it something you are doing? Is it him, or should we blame his wife for not satisfying her husband?

Men will always be men. A guy’s desire to sleep with you has nothing to do with anything you nor his wife do or do not do. So, why then would a married man want to sleep with another woman?

Here is a list of the most common reasons why a married man would want to sleep with you.

Why does a Married Man want to sleep with you? (Real truth)

1. He is a sex-starved man

Sex is essential for men, women too, but guys need it more. We can not deny that in many marriages, sex is either boring or non-existent. 

A married man may want to sleep with you because they want to have sex. You may argue that if it is just about sex, why me, why not any other girl.

You see, contrary to popular belief, men are not animals, and they have a type. He will not sleep with anyone for sexual gratification. He wants to have sex, but he wants to have sex with you.

Read: How to make a married man want you sexually

2. You fit his description of the perfect sexual fantasy.

We all have sexual fantasies; some of them may be realistically impossible. If someone saw a person who fits their idea of the perfect fantasy, they would obviously want to sleep with them, wouldn’t you?

Suppose he has always fantasized about sleeping with a busty, blue-eyed, bald thick girl. Then he meets busty, blue-eyed, bald thick Ashely. I don’t think you can blame him for wanting bed Ashely, can you?

3. He likes you more than friend

I know this is not agreeable, but sometimes, the guy just likes you. Men love to connect with the women they love at all levels.

He wants to connect with you emotionally, intellectually, and even sexually, especially sexually. A man may be happily married and fall for another woman. His marriage has nothing to do with whether he likes another girl or not.

Is he just flirting?

I once met a guy who told me that his hobby was flirting.

Make His Actions Match His Promises
Order Your Help Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Strange right? I don’t think he is alone. You would be shocked how many people flirt casually, just for the sake of it.

While one of the signs that a married man wants to sleep with you is that he flirts with you. How do you know he isn’t just flirting as a hobby but rather wants to sleep with you?

Here is a list of signs that a married man is flirting with you.

Signs a married man is flirting with you.

1. He will make excuses to be around you

signs a married man is sexually attracted to you

When he is creating an excuse after excuse to be with you, it is a sign that he wants to spend time with you. When a guy is flirting with you with intention, he wants to spend time with you, a drop of signs a married man likes you more than friend.

If he is coming to your office to pick a document, you could have emailed or something like that, he is flirting with you and seriously.

2. He touches you playfully.

Normally these touches are non-sexual; maybe he brushes your arm playfully or strokes your cheeks.Sometimes though, especially with frivolous men, he may touch you sensually. 

If you are not comfortable with any touches, please don’t keep silent, firmly let the man know that you don’t appreciate being touched in that way.

3. He gives you the look – a sign he wants you badly sexually 

Smiling beautiful young woman in casual clothes sitting in street cafe with a drink, working on laptop and looking with playful expression at guy with tablet and earphones from another table

There is that distinct look that guys give when they are seeking sexual relations. A man who is flirting with you checks you out every now and then.

You might even catch him staring at you. Have you ever caught a guy staring, and instead of him being bashful and looking away, he instead holds the gaze? That is flirting 101. 

How to handle a married man flirting with you

There are so many ways to handle a married man flirting with you, If you really decide to love that man, remember to tread carefully and smartly with a married man hitting on you.

How you handle a married man who flirts with you and one who is sexually attracted and wants to sleep with you depends on whether you want anything to do with them or not.

What to do when you want to pursue with the married man flirting with you.

When you like a married man, you have one of two options. You could respond to his advances and see where it goes or try to bury your feelings forever if you are bothered by the fact that he is married.

1. You need to be straightforward about your intentions

To handle a married man who is flirting with you but you are not interested, Be open and let him know you are not interested.

Sometimes letting a married man know that you are not interested in his advances works. He may stop bothering you. (80% of the time they do stop).

Try to respectfully make it known to him that you have no interest in pursuing anything with him whatsoever.

2.Focus your attention elsewhere

Some things when you ignore them, they go away.Ignoring any advances from the married man could work. 

Focusing your attention elsewhere prevents you from getting offended by his unwelcome advances, so keep busy.

3.Concentrate on his flaws

signs a married man is sexually attracted to you

Just because you don’t want anything to do with the man doesn’t mean you don’t like him; you may simply not like the idea of being with a married man. And that is ok. 

To help you in this instance, you can concentrate on his flaws. When you do, the man ceases to be as awesome as you had imagined. This will help you to move on.

4. Cut off all contact

Whether it is physical or radio contact, severing contact will first communicate to the man you are serious about wanting to do with him and help you move on faster if you liked the man.

Checkout this article below.

The Embarrassment of misconstruing a Man’s Kindness

There is nothing more embarrassing in heaven or on earth than assuming that a guy likes you in a certain way when you’re wrong. You then go ahead and make your move only to realize you misread it all, and he was just being friendly. I know I have been there.

woman feels embarrassed.signs a married man is sexually attracted to you

In my teenage years (I was an early bloomer btw), one of my father’s friends, a well-built man who had aged well, used to be extra nice to me. 

Hillary was married to a girl half his age. He was forty, and Martha was 20 when they wedded. I was 15 at that time. It was crystal clear that Hillary had a type, young and naïve, it’s what we all thought. 

One afternoon, as usual, Hillary invited me for a drink at his favorite bar at the corner of the street where I was raised. He was being exceptionally sweet that day, so much that he even let me drive his Peugeot; not even his wife touched his car, and he always said it was his one true love. 

After a few drinks and I was tipsy, I leaned in and kissed him; he was baffled for an instant, then he scolded me. I thought he was leading me on, guess I thought wrong. 

I wanted the ground to swallow me. That 5-minute ride back home is the most intense journey I have ever been on in my life.

You needn’t go through such an embarrassment; trust me, you don’t want to. In that case, read on to find out the sure signs and that the married man you are confused about truly wants to sleep with you.

Why you are confused about the Married Man’s Intentions

So, there is that married man who has been giving you mixed signals. He stares, but he also has the ‘don’t come close’ vibe. 

Married men, unlike single guys, flirt differently. A married man has to be subtle about his signals because being obvious could land him in serious trouble.

Dating a married man is a taboo, and a wedded man knows it. He is aware that not many women would be comfortable dealing with a married man like himself, so he has to keep his advances minimal.

For a girl, who can’t even decipher obvious hints, how will she sense the subtle and minimal advances? It is normal for any woman to be confused about the meaning of a married man’s advances.

Like Victoria Milan says not every married man likes to flirt.


What to do when a married man wants a child with you.

You may be confused as to why a married man would want to have a child with you. Why would he even want a child with you? Isn’t that what his wife is for? The most common reasons why a married man wants a child with you are;

* His wife can’t or won’t give him a baby.
* You have hinted on wanting to have children, so he wants to make you happy.
* He wants to leave his wife for you. He wouldn’t want to leave for an empty house, so he wants to have a child first, then he will have the incentive to leave.

Should you have a child with a married man?

It depends on your relationship, but the general rule is that you shouldn’t get pregnant for a married man. You see, even though he could, a married man might never leave his wife and family?

Unless you are ok with raising illegitimate children and most probably on your own, then go ahead.

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Yours might, however, be a different case, and the married man leaves his family.

In that case, you could have babies with him but just get ready for the backlash because, to some people, you will always be the home wrecker.

How do you tell if a married man cares for you?

A married man can care for another woman other than his wife. It is very probable. You see, a man’s affection and care have nothing to do with whether he is married or not.

Listed below are some of the most common signs that a married man cares for you?
* He listens to you.
* The married man removes his ring around you probably because he doesn’t want to remind him that he is married and wants you to like him.
* He remembers the little things like your allergy for pineapples or your favorite shoe brand.

How do you tell a married man likes you more than a friend?

Misconstruing a man’s intentions is a hella embarrassing.Married man motives are not the easiest decipher. So, how can you tell for sure that a married man wants to be more than friends?

Below is a list of the most common signs that a married man likes you more than a friend.
* He’ll straight up tell you. 
* He’ll be interested in your dating life. This is so he can gauge his competition.
* He buys you gifts. Men like to spoil the women they like. If he is getting you gifts, he most likely in another way.
* He avoids talking about his personal life because he would rather talk about life with you.

Why is a married man jealous?

A married man gets back to his wife at the end of the day, so why would he be jealous that Bob took you out to lunch?

A man’s jealousy is no respecter of his marital status.Suppose he thinks you are his even the slightest sense. In that case, his friend, his secretary, his XYZ, seeing another man around you, will spur some jealousy in him.

Final Thoughts

A married man will never move around with a huge poster that reads I want to sleep with you. If he wants to tangle with you in the sheets, he will most probably go for subtle and less obvious signals.

Your radar needs to be really good to sense his advances. You don’t want to throw yourself at a man who was only being kind. 

Life after Divorce.Tips From Professinals

Is there any life for me after Divorce?Where do I even start? I just got divorced, what next? 

I do not know any other four words as devastating as “I want a divorce.”  Divorce can leave you miserable, lonely, and need I mention, financially stuck? It leaves you wondering, now what?

If it hasn’t happened yet here at mamankima we believe prevention is better than cure so if you still love your man and you know you’re headed for divorce feel free to check out my 5 common reasons why men leave their wives and What makes a man leave his wife for another woman?

The plans and dreams you had for your marriage are all thrown down the drain in a fleeting moment. The thing with Divorce is that it is more loss than just your spouse, but also, you stand to lose your friends, family, future, and a part of yourself. 

No wonder divorce is often compared to death, and in some ways, it is like death because it marks the end of life as you know it. This can be emotionally overwhelming for anyone.Divorce is rarely easy, and after your marriage ends, you will struggle to move on with your life. 

But the good news is that you can successfully work through the emotions and start a new life. I know that this may be the hardest thing that you may have had to deal with yet. It is normal to be afraid, anxious, doubtful and hurt all at the same time.  

Stages of Divorce

To move on from a divorce, you must allow yourself to grieve and feel all the pain. You must be purged through agony and let sorrow wash all the depression away. That is the only way that you can get to the other side of healing.

Divorce consists of several stages and phases.However, it is crucial to note that going through Divorce is not a unidirectional nor sequential process. You may go through the third, then to first, and finally to the last.

You may go through some, all or none of the stages, that is grief for you. It can take many faces and shapes, but the key is to remember that it’s a natural response to trauma. So, trust that nature knows best and whatever comes your way is for the best, in the end.

The 5 Stages of Divorce (What to do at Different Stages of Divorce)

1.Shock Denial

When your partner just hits with you the “I want a divorce,” your very first reaction is often shock and denial. This stage typically lasts anywhere between minutes to a week from when you hear the terrible news. 

It is difficult to accept that you are having a divorce. This can send you into a whirlwind of emotions that prevent you from seeing the truth as you may believe that there is something you can still do to save your marriage.

When you realize how much time you invested in your marriage and family, the shock becomes even more noticeable. You may act in a way that is simply not typical but you should move on and enjoy your life after divorce.

What to do when you are in the Shock and Denial Stage

Realize that this grief stage helps protect us from experiencing the loss’s intensity. 

It could help if you kept busy as you moved through the Divorce and slowly acknowledged its impact. The initial denial and disbelief faded.


When anger and rage occur, the realization of the full impact of the Divorce dawns on you. It usually happens because you feel helpless and powerless, and you blame yourself or your partner for it. 

What to do when you are in the Anger Stage of Divorce

You could also consider exercising, walks, or boxing.Anything that you can use to release the anger is constructive for this stage.


This stage may be marked by persistent thoughts about what “could have been done,” ‘what ifs’ and ‘If only.’

Suppose this stage of grief isn’t resolved. In that case, the divorcee will continue to live with intense feelings of guilt, which can interfere with the healing process.

What to do in the Bargaining Stage

Acknowledge that there isn’t much that you nor your partner could have done to stop the Divorce.

Try not to dwell on the past and focus your energies on the future you are about to create. The Divorce has happened, and you can’t go back in time and un-divorce so please, let sleeping dogs lie. 


During this stage, the grieving person comes to the certainty and reality of Divorce.Sadness reigns during this stage. You may start off by asking yourself questions like, “Is there any point in going through life alone?”

You could become withdrawn, spend hours reflecting and crying, or on the other end, you may become harsh or bitter.

What to do in the Depression Stage

No one can’t just snap out of depression, so be kind to yourself when it takes longer to feel better.There is no timeline, be patient with yourself.

Reach out to your friends and family. It is easy to feel alone after a divorce, but if you could reach out, you would see that you have a tribe of friends and family willing to support, comfort, and help you. 

You don’t have to face Divorce alone.


This is the goal. This is the stage at which you are then ready to acknowledge the Divorce and its impacts. The negative emotions finally stop here. You feel that you are ultimately fit to enjoy a happy life. 

And you will finally understand that there is life after Divorce and look forward to great things in your life. You have finally let go of the negative emotions and are ready to move on.

What to do at the Acceptance Stage of Divorce

Celebrate and congratulate yourself for making it this far. Tap yourself on the back for being the warrior and fighter you genuinely are.

How to move on after a Divorce

They say that half the marriages end in Divorce. I always thought it was an outrageous claim, but research proved it between 50% of marriages end in Divorce. So, if it is any consolation to you, you are not alone.

If others have made it through the life after divorce, so will you. Now, I know that no two separations are the same and that the pain you are going through is maybe unbearable, but I promise you that someday, you will look back to this time with a smile.

Below is a step-by-step guide to help you move on from a divorce

1. Let go

“You can’t see tomorrow when you’re burdened down by yesterday’s load.” Letting is the first step you must make you want to move on.

Let go of the hope that your ex is coming back, letting go of the pain, forgiving, and trying to forget. It is in your best interest to bury it all, at least until you have moved on.

2. Get a Hobby

I know that the pain of going through days and nights without your ex feels like hell. The agony of waking up to no one by your side, especially when you have been married for many years, is unbearable.

Your only choice on such long nights to get over the pain is a distraction. I know how it doesn’t sound right, but you don’t have to feel all the problems; you could occupy yourself with something constructive. 

Time heals wounds, but it doesn’t mean you have to bear the hurt as you wait. A little distraction doesn’t hurt anyone. You can take piano class, start painting or even rejuvenate an old hobby to keep your ex off your mind.

3. Cut Off Communication

Divorce means an abrupt disruption of your life. It is often difficult to switch from being married to strangers overnight.

A part of you will want to reach out every now and then, but you can’t move on from someone you still see.

Cut off all contact, mainly social media and even in person.Although it seems harsh and painful, cutting all contact is actually the best way for both of you to heal and move forward after Divorce.

4.Grieve Your Loss

After Divorce, it is as though your ex ceases to exist in your life. The emotions you feel compared to the same anyone feels when a loved one dies.

We all know that you are doing yourself a disservice if you do not grieve a loved one’s loss. That is the same thing you are doing if you refuse to suffer for an ex-spouse.

I know that the pain is hard and that you might not have the energy for it, but grief is the passage rite from loss to healing, so you must grieve one way or another, step by step, day by day.

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Learn to Love Again

This is the final step when it comes to moving on after Divorce.

As discussed previously, moving on after divorce is going to be very difficult. You will have many memories, both good and bad, to torment you every now and then.

But, to forget the past, you must accept reality and embrace the future.  As humans, there will definitely be setbacks, and the only way to move forward is to take a step into the future.

You need to keep your balance in life by moving forward and giving someone else a chance to love you.

Tips for moving-on after a Divorce as a Man;

1.Build the right Support System

Guys are taught that boys don’t cry from a young age and that they have to man-up. As men often bottle up their feelings. 

To move on, you must grieve; to grieve, you might cry.  Beany men are stuck.Having the right support system means that you have a space to let it out as a man.

I know that the world is unforgiving to ‘weak’ men, so having a support system gives you that protection and cover to deal with but still preserve your dignity as a man.

2.Rediscover Yourself

In the marriage, you may have had to sacrifice some of the things you love at the altar of your wife’s happiness. With time you lost a sense of who you indeed are.

Rediscovering yourself is a way to regain power over your life. As a man, you need to feel like you are in charge of your decisions and life.

Rediscovering yourself also helps to rebuild and remold your life into what you want it to be.

3. Set new Boundaries with Your Ex

You probably still love and always will love your ex-wife, but it is crucial to set healthy boundaries.

If you do not, your ex will pop in and out of your life, and this will not only slow your healing process but will frustrate you.

Make your limits clear, leave the house, leave, and don’t look back; if it is no contact, honor it. Set boundaries and keep them for your own sanity.

4. Re-learn Dating

Having been in a relationship for long, you may have lost your game. It is, therefore, vital that you relearn dating again and get your groove back. 

You can have a few pretend dates and or thanks to technology, you can get on Tinder and even Facebook.There are a lot of great girls there.

Get back in the game and live a little. You deserve it


Holding grudges and anger will only wrinkle your face and could also give hypertension; that’s all you get from unforgiveness. For the love of God, forgive your ex-wife so that you can move on. It is for your own good.

Tips for moving-on after a Divorce as a Woman

1. Give Yourself Time to  Grieve and Heal

Grieving is crucial, but it also takes time.Please be patient with yourself and do not beat yourself up for missing your ex-husband years after the Divorce.

It took time to build your marriage, and understand that it will take even more time to tear it down. So please be patient with yourself.


Failing to forgive your ex or anyone you hold accountable for your Divorce doesn’t hurt them; you’re the only person having a grudge.

It isn’t worth your time or energy.Release whoever it is; you need to forgive.Forgive for your sake.

3. Find Yourself

You had attached your identity to your marriage and ex-spouse. Now that the marriage is over, you feel like an empty, soulless creature.

You need to reconnect with who you were, who genuinely are. You need to find yourself and become who you are meant to be for you to move on.

4. Seek for Professional Help

Sometimes you might never be able to move on until you get assistance from the rightful people. I know we tend to think therapy is for the crazy, but that’s a stereotype. 

The truth is that alone you might never get over a traumatic event without counseling. The doctor understands where all the negative emotions stem from as such will help you deal with the real root causes rather than the symptoms.

What to do after a Divorce

What do people do in their life after a divorce? The short and honest answer in that they continue to live.There is no special ceremony or rite of passage from marriage to singlehood.

But I understand your plight. It can be intimidating to start over after being married, especially for a long time. You might not know where to start. Here is a bucket list for things to do post-divorce.

To-do List after a Divorce

1. Get a great sex toy

Vibrators, dildos the girls or penis rings for the guys, get a sex toy that speaks your love language. 

Orgasms release endorphins, ‘happy hormones’ into the bloodstream which make you feel good

You just had a mind-blowing orgasm plus the feel-good hormones; it is a double pleasure.

Some different legal changes and procedures follow a divorce. You need an advisor in the game to keep you on top of things. You don’t want to miss any privileges entitled to you simply because you were ignorant about it.


Like orgasms, exercise releases ‘happy hormones’ which explains why you feel so good after running.

You need all the good feelings you can get after divorce because it is challenging and stressful. Good times will make it bearable.


You get a sense of fulfillment from doing good.Besides, you may have some extra time on your hands after a divorce.

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Helping out at the shelter at the corner might be the distraction from the pain you feel, but also it leaves you feeling fulfilled.

6. Help someone going through Divorce

In school, my Math teacher used to say that if you want to get better, teach someone the very thing you are struggling with. If it’s matrices you want to learn, look for someone to teach them. 

Likewise, when you help a new divorcee work through their trauma, you are working through yours in RL.

7. Get a Financial Planner

There are bound to be financial challenges after a divorce. It is wise to hire a financial planner to help you, or if you can, take an adult class on personal finance management.

Whatever you choose, you need to be at the top of your game financially; otherwise, you risk going broke.

How to Start a New Life after Divorce

Where on earth do I start after a divorce?  How do I start over?

We easily fall into a routine in our lives and derive comfort from the predictability of our lives.Divorce interrupts that, and then you realize that life as you know it is no more.

Naturally, the human response to the unknown is panic, so I understand why you may be panicked and confused right now. Here is a list of strategies to start a new life post-divorce.

1. Feel

You may be tempted to ignore and run away from pain.After all, who likes to feel hurt? No one. But that won’t help in the long run. You can’t hide from pain forever, and sooner or later, it will catch up with you.

The good news is that you can now begin to emotionally move on once you felt all the hurt and grieved. That is very critical if you want to start a new life.


I bet you have heard the saying that the weakest pen is stronger than the best mind.Writing about stuff takes away the power to hurt you.

You can try it now.Think of that one painful thing that won’t leave your thoughts.Write about it, do not care about grammar or punctuation, and just write. As you journal, you may be moved to cry, but that’s ok. 

After you have finished, you may even feel physically lighter.Journaling is that powerful, so use it.

3.Accept Support

We live in a society that judges emotional strength by how much pain you can take. That is the problem, and we need to change that.

Real strength lies in the ability to know when to ask for and accept help.Divorce is one of such things.Please do not hesitate to ask your friends and family to come in when you feel like you can’t go on alone anymore, please.

4. Take a Class on Personal Finance Management

Life post-divorce is financially challenging. It would be best if you can make rational and money-smart decisions.

You can ensure this by getting a financial planner.Still, since we are already short on money, it may be wiser to take a personal finance management class.

5. Date Someone New

Get out there.Remember, you are single, so get out there and mingle. You don’t have to end up alone just because your previous marriage ended.

You are still desirable and deserve another shot at love, so don’t deny yourself the chance. I know you may be thinking that you are not ready, but tell me honestly, is anyone ever prepared for love?

6. Read a Book

Books are an educational yet fun resource to get over a divorce and start a new life.

And talking about books, here is a list of books that you can read as you go through each of the stages of Divorce.

A list of 20 Books to Read for Every Stage After a Divorce

For the Shock and Denial stage

 1. A man’s feelings: Finding Closure After Divorce by Michael Eads

2.Conscious Uncoupling: 5 Steps to Living Happily Even After by Katherine Woodward 

For the Anger and Rage Stage


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Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Maybe you Should Talk to Someone by Lier Gottlieb

4. He’s History, You’re Not: Surviving Divorce After 40 by Erica Manfred

5. High Conflict Divorce for Women by Debra Doak

6.Bitter or Better: Your Choices After Divorce by Deborah Kidd Leporowski

For the Bargaining Stage

7. No One is to Blame by Bob Hoffman

8. Real Dads Stand Up by Alicia M.Crowe.

9. Will I Ever Be Free of You?: How to Navigate a High-Conflict Divorce from a Narcissist and Heal Your Family by Dr.Karyl McBride, Ph.D. 

10.Getting Past your Breakup by Susan J Elliot

For the Depression Stage

11.Divorce Care 365 Daily Devotion 

12. How to Sleep Alone in a King Size Bed by Theo Pauline Nestor

13. The Power of Now Journal by Eckhart Tolle 

14. When Happily Ever After Ends by Karen Convy

For the Acceptance and Moving-on Stage

15.Changes That Heal: How to Understand Your Past to Ensure a Healthier Future by Henry Cloud

16. What About the Kids?Raising Your Children Before, During, and After Divorce by Judith Wallerstein and Sandra Blakeslee

17.Divorce: Protect Yourself, Your Kids, and Your Future Kindle Edition by Randall Kessler

18.NOTHING SAYS A GOOD DAY LIKE A DIVORCE…IF YOU PREPARE FOR IT!: A Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing For Divorce, Divulges What Divorce Attorneys do Not Want You to Know, Saving Time, Money and Sanity by Helen M.Dukhan

19. The Kickass Single Mom: Be Financially Independent, Discover Your Sexiest Self, and Raise Fabulous, Happy Children by Emma Johnson

20. Two Homes by Claire Masurel

Life After Divorce Quotes

1. “You never really know a man until you have divorced him.” —Zsa Zsa Gabor.

2. “I’d rather regret the things I’ve done than regret the things I haven’t done.” — Lucille Ball.

3. “When two people decide to get a divorce, it isn’t a sign that they ‘don’t understand’ one another, but a sign that they have, at least, begun to.” — Helen Rowland.

 4. “Divorce isn’t the child’s fault. Don’t say anything unkind about your ex to the child, because you’re just hurting the child.” — Valerie Bertinelli.

 5. “I wanted to turn my divorce into a positive one. What if I didn’t blame the other person for anything, and held myself 100 percent accountable? 

What if I checked my s— at the door and put my children first? And reminded me about the things about my ex-husband that I love, and fostered the friendship?” — Gwyneth Paltrow.

6. “Do not look for healing at the feet of those who broke you.” — Rupi Kaur.

 7. “Divorce isn’t such a tragedy. A tragedy’s staying in an unhappy marriage, teaching your children the wrong things about love.Nobody ever died of Divorce.” ― Jennifer Weiner.

 8. “Don’t spend time beating on a wall, hoping it will transform into a door.” — Coco Chanel.

9. “It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

 10. “Success is its reward, but failure is a great teacher too, and not to be feared.” — Sonia Sotomayor.

11. “I was a high-functioning depressive, seemingly pulled together and buttoned-down. But inside deep, I was numb and mute. 

Now on the other side of Divorce, I know that was me fragmented and doing my best to cope. But my body knew.” — Liza Caldwell, SAS for Women Cofounder.


How is life after a divorce with a child?

Divorce is generally more challenging with a child because parents know how divorce can be psychologically damaging, so they drag it out. Some parents even delay divorce for the sake of their children. 

As a parent, after divorce, you can reduce the psychological trauma on your children by teaching them coping skills, co-parenting peacefully, and helping them feel safe and secure.

I know it is challenging, but it is possible to raise happy children post-divorce.

How is social life after a Divorce?

Losing your spouse can leave you with more loss than your family. Many divorcees lose shared friendships, family bonds, and traditions.

This is devastating for some people, and further makes Divorce problematic.

Rebuilding your social life after Divorce looks scary initially, but like all things, it will take time, effort, and patience.

Can anything good come out a divorce?

“Marriage is for enjoyment, not endurance. You never should stay in a marriage that no longer serves you.” 

While Divorce’s prospect is repulsive to many of us, sometimes Divorce is the only option we have. I know Divorce has a bad reputation, but sometimes it is for the best.

For instance, when you are in an abusive marriage. Some people have reported being happier, relieved, and even going to achieve things that their marriage would have never allowed them to.

Some have started businesses, got physically fit, or took a class to better their lives. So some good does come from Divorce after all.


Life will change after Divorce, but that doesn’t mean that it will change for the worst.There will be happy and sad moments here and there, but frankly, life does get better after grieving. 

You may be sitting on the fence and scared about making the decision to divorce. Take your time and make sure that separation is the best choice for you. 

Once you have decided to divorce, keep in mind that life after Divorce is going to be problematic and challenging. But with time, it gets better. 

What Guys Do After a Breakup

What do guys do after a breakup? How does it feel when a guy goes through separation? Why do men act the way they do after a split?

Guys deal with breakups differently from women, that’s for sure. But how much different is a breakup through a man’s lens? 

Guys are taught to be macho even in the face of trauma, especially emotional pain. They are told right from childhood that real men don’t cry.

Little wonder guys try to act strong when in actuality, he is falling apart. He will wear the “am good mask” only to breakdown and cry in the shower when no one is watching.

To fully understand how men feel and cope after a breakup, you must first comprehend male psychology after a breakup.

Male Psychology after a Breakup

‘Male psychology after a breakup’ is the mental characteristics or attitude of the human male identity and the issues men confront after a breakup. 

In a nutshell, it is the concept of masculinity and machismo after a breakup. What makes men do what they do? Why are they so prideful?

Why do men behave the way they do after a breakup?

Guys are taught earlier on in life to man-up.Hence, after a breakup, a man’s first instinct is to numb all the pain to avoid potential moments of ‘weakness’ because of the painful emotions after the separation. 

The aforementioned is the primary reason men usually engage in mood-altering behaviors as an escape to dull the split’s pain. 

The same reason why guys rebound with so many women is because the high from flirting and hooking up distracts them from the breakup’s hurt.

It’s absurd, but many men believe in the saying that “to get over it is to get under someone else.” In other words, rebound until it hurts no more.

Why are guys so prideful and egoistic after a breakup?

Naturally, men and their egos are inseparable.However, men seem to be holding on to their pride a little too tighter after a breakup. 

Men try to act unaffected by the breakup to feel superior by compensating for an inner shame and insufficiency for failing at the relationship that just ended.

Men see failure as a sign of weakness, and for someone raised to be anything but weak, guys tend to react with pride to soothe their bruised egos and appear in control. 

The bottom line is that pride is just a cover for the emptiness they feel within.

Stages of a breakup for guys when he was dumped

Grief is personal and different for everyone, but generally, some emotions and phases always accompany a breakup and any loss. 

1. Ego (he acts like it is her loss)

Men are naturally egoistic, but during the relationship, guys tend to suppress this part of themselves.

Men will often mask their pain with pride and act unaffected by the breakup. They are so good at this that anyone would be fooled by this façade. 

He is out with boys having fun at the bar or even in bed with the hot secretary he told his girlfriend not to worry about.

With all this going on for him, anyone could imagine that he has long moved on. But has he really? 

2. The man becomes a social butterfly

In this stage, the man is on a rampage. He has one night stands, partying like a problem, and generally back on the social scene.

Unlike women, men don’t internalize the trauma after a breakup there and then. He will feel the pain, yes, but he will shrug it off and try to go through life as if nothing happened. 

For this unrealistically speedy recovery from the breakup to be possible, he has to make up for the void. He was used to the constant texting during the relationship, calling, which he doesn’t have now. 

To compensate, he may distract from the pain by talking to other women through texts and phone calls. He even isn’t interested in them, but he has to do it to cope with the loss.

3. It finally dawns on the guy that he may have lost his ex, forever.

The man just realized the “am okay” mask, and that all the rebounds haven’t helped with the pain. 

It is at this stage that depression and sadness sets in. The guy is just beginning to feel the full magnitude of the breakup’s hurt at this stage.

4.Testing the waters

Men being king of distractions, the guy may try to soothe himself by further mingling; after all, there are plenty of fish in the sea. 

He is hoping to feel better because men typically deal with pain by shrugging it off.

Toward the end of this stage, he realizes that no amount of sex or high can numb this pain, so he becomes desperate.

5.Begging and anger

After failing to get the perfect antidote from all his escapades from the above stages, he decides that maybe his ex is all he ever needed. He then goes on to beg and bargain as if his life depends on it.

Sadly for him, generally by this time, his ex has almost even forgotten about him. This further aggravated his pain, and this makes him livid.

It is at this stage that most men say some of the most hateful things out of anger for instance; 

•    “I never loved you anyway?”

•    “Why on earth did I even date you? You are unlovable.”

•    Etc.

6.Initial acceptance

Having been through the emotional roller coaster, it hits him now that it is truly over. This is the most painful stage for guys. 

It is when he doesn’t shower or leave the house. The man probably lays on the couch with his ex’s picture on his chest, crying his heart.t

The only silver lining in this whole depression, and that is that this is also the stage when the man begins the healing process. It is the phase where he looks at the demons of his breakup in the face and fights them one by one. 

7.Moving on

Finally, he is ready; he has been tested and tried and has made it through. In reality, very few men reach here. 

There are so many guys moving around still haunted by the ghosts of their exes years later.

But if he has made this far, he can rest assured that he has paid the sacrifice and is now a free man. Free to be able to truly love again.

Stages of a breakup when the guy wanted the breakup


He’s over the moon that he is now a free man. He may even go-ahead to have an ‘am glad to be single again’ party with his friends.

Then he genuinely believes that he has made the right decision, and he couldn’t be happier.


Like all good things come to an end, the high he felt in the previous stage begins to wear off, and he begins to doubt whether he should have held on a little longer.

He may begin to panic at this stage.


This is the stage where one begins to regret and feel bad. It is too late to apologize and make up with the man’s ex, but he is paralyzed, so he can’t move on either.

He is stuck in the middle of a situation; he knows that he put himself in.

4.Sadness and depression.

Grief kicks in after realizing that he has just lost probably the best thing that happened to him.

This is the stage men cry in the shower and can’t seem to stop listening to Adele and Phil Collins. 


Acceptance and moving come only and only after grieving. At this stage, the man can accept the repercussions of his decision, pick up the broken pieces, and move on with his life.

How guys feel after they break up with their girlfriend

Different guys feel differently after a breakup depending on varied factors but, most importantly, the person and the relationship’s dynamic. 

The most common emotions that the majority of men feel are listed below.


When it is the man who has initiated, he feels relief. Like a burden has been lifted off his chest. 

Suppose you have ever wanted to end a relationship. In that case, you understand that the moment pre-breakup is tense because you didn’t want to hurt your partner. But once the relationship is dissolved, you feel lighter.

2.Artificial happiness and pretense that the man is okay

Men are prideful, especially after the breakup. They always have this constant need to put on the ‘am doing great’ mask. 

This obviously works against him, but a man and his pride are inseparable. 

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Like all life-changing decisions, the man is bound to feel uncertain and guilty after the breakup. He is going to beat himself up for not trying hard enough.

Men do like and being in love; he had a good thing going, but rather than fight for it, he let slip right through his fingers.


Post-breakup men are no stranger to the outbursts of rage and fury. The guy is maybe angry with himself or his ex. 

Whoever the anger is directed to doesn’t really matter; you need to be aware that men tend to experience fits of rage after the breakup, so be ready.

How do guys deal with a breakup?

Have you ever wondered how a man deals with a breakup? 

Different men cope differently. The thing with grief is that it is personal, the experience varies depending on the individual. 

Some guys may go quiet; some may socialize more.There is no one size fits all accurate way that guys deal with a breakup.However, below is a list of the most behavioral patterns guys take to deal with the separation.

1.Distracting from and postponing the pain.

This is typical male behavior to the stressful and hurtful situation. Guys deflect and distract until it goes away somehow. 

For a while, this works for the majority of men. They just drink and fuck the pain away. But for how long can a man self-destruct before grief catches up with him? 

It is okay and even healthy sometimes to numb pain, but moderation is the key. 

2.Numerous one night stands

Some men go to sleep with uncountable women. They live by the motto, “Get over it by getting under someone.” Talk about sexual healing.

3.Drugs and alcoholism.

Some guys take to drug abuse and alcoholism.

You cannot deny how good the ecstasy from drugs and alcohol is. That stuff hits differently.

You can’t blame a guy for using to feel good about the breakup. 


Other guys may hit the gym, so they can sweat all the pain out. This is, of course, not for everyone. The world can only take a few hot men at a time.

5.Adopt a new hobby or revive an old one

Many guys often join a sport, learn to play an instrument, or rekindle his love for chess, basically any activity to distract.

In a nutshell, guys will deal with a breakup by doing something. They need to get busy.

Power of silence after break up

The silence after a breakup does you more good than you can imagine. It may be challenging to execute at first.Still, with determination and keeping the end in mind, anyone can succeed at keeping silent.

The good news is that silence after a breakup always works. It never fails. You can always rely on no contact to make your ex realize your value and even return to you.

Besides, doing no contact and radio silence allows rediscovering yourself.During your relationship, you picked up your partner’s quirks and became accustomed to them. 

Sadly it means that you could have also lost a sense of self trying to adapt to your ex.Silence gives you time to regain what the relationship took.

A relationship is basically an exchange of power affair; one partner always has more influence than the other. The silence after a breakup turns tables; it signs the power back to you. 

You move on faster, could get your ex back, regain your power in the relationship all from going silent. No wonder people say silence is golden! You have so much to gain and nothing to lose from doing no contact. 

Signs he is hurting after the breakup.

Men are perfect after hiding their genuine emotions. Even worse if it is negative ones like a breakup.

Here is a list of undeniable signs that he is hurting after a breakup even though he may mask it. 

1. Your ex is avoiding you

When your ex is dodging you, it is because he doesn’t like the pain of seeing you again. He has already been through a lot to get to the point where he is now.

Seeing you or hearing your voice will take him back to where he started.Regression hurts even more.

2. The guy blocked you on social media

He can’t stand to see how so much better you are doing without him. It makes him realize how terrible his life is without you.

He is also worried that he might see another man with you, which is a punch in the face for any man.

To save himself from all that, he would instead block you in advance, a better and more proactive approach.

3.Trash-talking you

When we are in pain, we tend to project your emotions on those around us. He doesn’t think that you’re trash.

Subconsciously he feels that if he can get others to despise you as your ex does, it might become real when everyone is against you, and he wouldn’t be the only trashy one.

Sadly for him, it never works.

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People can tell when someone is speaking from pain, and when they are being honest, nobody will buy that crap that he is saying.

But that he is trash talking you is a sure sign that he is hurting.


Feeling bad is a pain in itself. The mere fact that he is feeling remorseful is proof enough that he is hurt.

Men show regret and remorse in different ways. He may reach out with a gazillion apologies or post “am sorry” hints for you to find on his social media.

When the man is getting out of his way to show you how bad he feels for hurting you and the relationship, he is sorry, but he is also in pain.

5. You meet your ex, and the man looks like a shadow of himself

This may be the most satisfying thing on the planet. My high school boyfriend broke up with me for the captain of the swim team, Lambert. She wasn’t even all that pretty, but he did.

I remember being so heartbroken, I didn’t want to leave the house, but well, school is essential, and its’ not like heartbreak is reason enough to skip school. And I still think it should be, but that’s beside the point. 

I had to suck it up and wear the biggest smile my sleep-deprived face could afford and go to class. 

That weekend, one of the days I will never forget, the principal’s son asked me out. I don’t know about your school, but at mine, it was a huge deal.Arthur was and still is the hottest guy.Obviously, I said yes.

You should have seen Derricks face when he realized that while he got Lambert, I got Arthur. It was a win for me. Long story short, Derrick was so hurt it even showed in his face over the next couple of days.

There is no way all that misery and zombie face he wore isn’t proof of his pain.

Man vs.woman after break up

“Women break up harder, but men break longer.” Men are taught to handle and deal with their emotions differently and earlier in life. 

That is the main reason for the disparity in how men and women deal with a breakup.

My best friend’s boyfriend broke up with her in our first year of college.

Sheila was devastated. For months, even though she is a gorgeous girl with a gazillion prospective suitors, she refused to go out with any of them, claiming she wasn’t ready. 

Around the same time as Sheila’s breakup, one of my homeboys, Dave, broke up with his girlfriend Pam of two years to start dating a girl from the next flat a week later.Shocker!

Fast-forward 8 months, Sheila is dating a wonderful man.Meanwhile, Dave just realized he wants Pam back, and the breakup was all a mistake. 

This may not be every guy’s experience, but on the whole, a lot of guys go through something similar.

Men vs.Women after breakup examples

While it is true that men and women process breakups differently, they both go through the same grief and loss.

Below is a list of fundamental differences between men and women.

1.Women are less likely to desire their ex after a breakup.

“Why do women look hotter after you leave her?” “I swear all my exes have been pranking me. Why are they waiting for me for me to first breakup then they transform into goddesses?”

I can’t count how many times I have heard guys saying that or something similar.Meanwhile, after the girls have moved on, they want nothing to do with their ex. 

A crazy friend of mine once told me if there was a million-dollar prize to get back with her ex, she wouldn’t, but for a billion dollars, she would then dump his ass after she cashed.

2.Women feel. Men act, more accurately, men distract.

After a breakup, women mop around and cry their hearts out; simultaneously, the guy is out, drinking and fucking if he is not the gym.

Women are programmed to feel. They feel the hurt and emotions of the loss from the breakup, so they cry and get over it faster.Women find it hard to get physical shortly after the split.

Men are the opposite spectrum; they find it almost impossible to allow themselves to grieve but have no problem picking up that stranger girl for a one night stand. That is just the way it is.

Why do guys go cold after a breakup? 

Guys go cold after a breakup for many reasons.However, it is essential to realize that the reason a guy becomes distant doesn’t always have anything to do with you. 

Here is a list of the most common reasons guys go cold after a breakup.

1. The guy is trying to move on.

For some guys, the only way he can move on is if he puts distance between you and him. It is difficult to move on from somebody you see or talk to every day, if not impossible.

2.Naturally, the boy is mean.

Sometimes, he isn’t cold to you after a breakup; he has always been mean. When you are in love, you tend to overlook any imperfections in your partner.

Could it be that you missed all the cues during the relationship and are now seeing the cold side of him after removing the love lens?

3. The man is hurt.

You would imagine that when a man is hurt, he would just say so.

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Order Your Help Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Sadly, not all men do. In fact, the majority of guys will withdraw, shut you out and curl up in a ball after you hurt them.

He may be cold to you after a breakup because he is feeling hurt by your actions or the division itself.

4. Your behavior.

Maybe you’re thirsty and clingy after the breakup. Guys know that if he tolerates any advances from a girl he has no interest in pursuing, he will be entangled to prevent that. He goes cold as a defense mechanism.

Do guys think about their ex after a breakup?

Yes, men think about their exes after a breakup.Obviously, men being men will try to hide it.

Here is a list of scenarios in which a guy thinks about his ex after a breakup.

A list of 8 scenarios men think about their ex.

1. When a man sees a cute couple.

2. When he passes by your favorite diner.

3. When he smells your signature perfume.

4. When he is in the shower.

5. When he hears your song.

6. When he sees the souvenirs, you forgot at his place.

7. When he has to cook for himself or clean up after himself.

8. When he is horny.

Why do breakups hit guys later?

After a break up a man has one of two options.

a. To wallow in sadness or,

b. To ignore the pain and move on to the finer things in life

Naturally, men are hard-wired to go with ‘b,’ which means that they don’t deal with emotions head-on like women do but rather men go through apathy.  

A guy will often distract from using mood-altering behaviors like alcoholism and rebounding.

With time pain resurfaces; you can’t distract forever.Sadly though, by this time, he has already moved on. It appears as though the breakup just hit him. 

In actuality, men and women go through the same grief and loss; the only difference is that guys first go through a distraction phase that girls don’t.

related:How to get your ex back

Songs to help a guy through a breakup

1. “Because I Had You” by Shawn Mendes.

2. “I hate u, I love u” gnash.

3. “Stay With Me” by Sam Smith.

4. “We Don’t Talk Anymore” by Charlie Puth.

5. “Breathe Easy” by Blue.

6. “Too Good At Goodbyes” by Sam Smith.

7. “Love Yourself” by Justin Bieber.

8. “Somebody That I Used to Know” by Gotye.

9. “When We Were Young” by Adele.

10. “You’re Gonna Be Okay” by Brian and Jenna.

Movies every guy must watch after a breakup

1. “Shawshank Redemption.” 

2. “Rudy.” 

3. “Superbad.” 

4. “Interstellar.”

5. “Good Will Hunting” 

6. “Fight Club” 20th Century Fox. …

7. “Miracle” Buena Vista Pictures.

8.Gilmore Girls


10.Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Guys after a breakup quotes.

1. “If someone you love hurts, you cry a river, build a bridge, and get over it.”

2. “Never be sad for what is over, just be glad that it was once yours.”

3. “If you can’t save the relationship, at least save your pride.”

4. “In a world where you can be anything… be yourself.”

5. “Life is about change, sometimes it’s painful, sometimes it’s beautiful, but most of the time it’s both.”

6. “Don’t be afraid of change; you may end up losing something good, but you will probably end up gaining something better.”

7. “At some point, you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart, but not in your life.”

8. “If You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.” – Dr.Seuss

9. “The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination.” – Don William

10. “Maybe some people just aren’t meant to be in our lives forever.Maybe some people are just passing through. 

It’s like some people just come through our lives to bring us something: a gift, a blessing, a lesson we need to learn. And that’s why they’re here. You’ll have that gift forever.” – Danielle Steel

11. “The journey in between what you once were and who you are now becoming is where the dance of life really takes place.” – Barbara De Angelis

12. “You have to take the good with the bad, smile with the sad. Love what you got, and remember what you had. 

Always forgive, but never forget, learn from your mistakes but never regret it.People change, things go wrong, but just remember life goes on.”

13. “It’s not about who you’ve been with, it’s about who you end up with.Sometimes, the heart doesn’t know what it wants until it finds what it wants.”

14. “We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere.” – Tim McGraw


Do guys hurt after a breakup?

Yes, it is normal for guys to hurt after a breakup. Guys go through a lot of pain after a breakup.

The only difference is the boys mask the pain so well it always looks as though they are unaffected by the breakup.

Don’t be fooled by the “I couldn’t care less” attitude; he is hurting.

How long do guys need to move on after a breakup?

Because guys act strong after a breakup, they tend to take a long time to move on after a breakup.

The typical guy takes anywhere from a week to 6 months to move on from a long term serious relationship.

This time is adjustable because we all grieve differently. The faster a man can go through the stages of a breakup, the quicker he will move on.

Do guys miss you after a breakup?

Yes, and very much so. If the guy didn’t, why would he come back because guess what, men always come back? It is usually too late when they do realize, but they do.

Final Thoughts

Guys, after a breakup, go through a rollercoaster of emotions. When a relationship has just ended as a guy, you may wonder where to even begin.Because contrary to popular belief, men care about love.

With patience, effort, and vulnerability, any man can make through the depressing time after a breakup.

Why he can’t leave his wife for you

Why won’t he leave his wife even when he loves me? Can he leave his wife for me? If he could, when?

All these questions show how frustrating being ‘The Other Woman’ can be when you fall for your lover. It is a dangerous affair, and no matter how good of a mistress you are, the chances are that you will never win. You will never get the man.

Even if he decided to leave his wife for you, you might never be 100% happy with this man because you will always be second-guessing and insecure. If he left his wife for you, what guarantee do you have that he won’t leave you for someone else! That’s the Dilemma.

The consensus is that married men never leave their wives. The reasons why they never leave are as numerous and varied as they are philandering men.Every man has a reason why he can’t leave his family.

That men never leave is laughable considering that when married men approach a girl, the first things they say to her are, “I am tired of my marriage,” “I can’t wait to leave my marriage,” or “I can’t stand my wife anymore.”  

Which brings us to the age-old question, “If he is so miserable in his marriage, why can’t he leave?” Why stay when he could be with you.After all, it’s you he loves. At least that is what he says.

Why can’t he leave His Wife for you?

Decisions in real life I’m not as black and white as ‘either, or.’ There are numerous grey areas between and other factors that determine a decision, usually latent and in the background.

His willingness to leave is not enough to make him pack up and leave his family; neither is the fact that he loves you. Even though it helps your case if he loves you and is willing to dessert his wife, alone, these will not suffice.

If it was so easy and the married man could leave his wife for you, he would have already left. The only problem is that even though he is willing to dissolve his marriage, he can’t. Why?For more detailed info you might wanna check out my Why he can’t leave his wife for you?

Why can’t he leave his wife for me? (The real reasons why)

1. He is comfortable with his life as it is.

A married man with a mistress already has it all. He has a wife at home for all the wifely things that he could ever need, and he has a girlfriend on the side for all the fun. Why would anyone want to disturb that balance?

Because he likes his life the way it is, he will try to keep both of you. Such a kind of man is living the dream life. He can’t have had the finer things in life and decide to give it all away. Even if it were, you wouldn’t gladly give away the perfect experience for what, fidelity? 

2. He is scared of divorce. 

Divorce is a scary thing, and many men would avoid it at any cost.Being with you means that he has first to divorce his wife. That’s what he’s avoiding. He can’t be with you and be with her, too; he has to pick one. “How about both?” He thinks to himself, “After all, the more, the merrier.”

Divorced also leaves many men broke, and he is not willing to pay the price. You can’t blame a man for trying to save his assets, can you?

3. He doesn’t want to be labeled the bad guy. 

No man wants to be the bad guy. When you walk away from your family, you will be tagged evil by society and your families and friends.

I know it may sound petty, but you would be shocked how many men stay in loveless marriages for fear of being the black sheep.

4. He doesn’t want another guy fathering his children.

No one can ever raise your children more than the parent, and many men know this. They can’t stand the thought of leaving their children only for another man to nurture. 

So the man stays married to avoid this reality from ever manifesting.

5. He knows that you are not wife material.

I know it sounds harsh, but it is the truth. Men may act idiotic sometimes, but a man knows which woman to keep as a wife and which one to keep for fun.

The only reason he can’t leave his wife for you is that he knows that you are not the kind of woman he wants to take home at the end of the day.

6. He honors his vows.

Marriage is a lifelong commitment, so the man is bound to feel bad for breaking these vows. He stood before God and man and pledged forever, leaving his wife means that he has failed at this promise.

Because of this, he can’t leave because he feels a sense of responsibility to the people the guy stood before and promised that he would stay with his wife forever. In a way, he’s bound to his wife for eternity.

7. Sad as it might sound, he doesn’t love you. 

There’s no way in hell that any man is going to leave his wife and children for you unless he loves you. The chances are that he doesn’t genuinely love you; otherwise, he would have been with you a long time ago.  

So you might ask yourself, why does he keep me around then if he doesn’t love me? Men sometimes keep women around for fun; this is an ‘either-or’ situation. You are either the wife or a plaything.

Make His Actions Match His Promises
Order Your Help Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
There is just no way around it.

8. He truly loves his wife.

Regardless of what is going on, a married man often loves his wife. That is why he married her. 

Real love perseveres, fights, and covers a multitude of failures.Irrespective of how bad the wife is, if he loves her, he is never leaving. No matter how gorgeous or perfect you are, a man will never leave the woman he loves for you.

Talking about a married man loving his wife, how do you know that he still loves his wife even when he is with you?

Signs he loves his wife.

1. He called you wife’s name in the heat of the moment

This the definitive test for which woman is on the man’s mind. Some people might argue that it is just a harmless mistake. But if his wife is occupying his mind, she most likely is still in his heart.

You know that you know that you are not the only one by pursuing anything with the man. It doesn’t matter what he says; he still likes his wife a whole lot if he can mix up your names while you are down on him.

2. He attends his wife’s book club meetings without whining

The Other Woman means that you sometimes know about his life and programs even more than his wife.

He willingly attends his wife’s boring activities without complaining even when he doesn’t like them; it’s most probably because he loves her. 

Men don’t sit through things they don’t love. If he leaves you alone and cold on Wednesday nights for a book club meeting, you know he has no interest in it because he loves his wife. Her happiness is more important than his comfort.

3. He puts her first, always

Her happiness, wellbeing, security, generally anything that concerns his wife comes first. A man will prioritize the woman closest to his heart.

If a man is getting out of his way to make it abundantly clear that his wife is his priority, it’s because she is.

Maybe he left you lying sick to go and fix his wife’s picture frame. It doesn’t matter why he left; he seems to always put his wife’s needs above yours even though it could be your very life at stake. 

If you know he will choose his wife even then, you know you are not his priority, and she is.

4. He told you

If he told you that he loved his wife, it would be a giant sign even if the guy said to you that he loved his wife, believe him. Men rarely joke about things like this to take him for his word when he says he loves his wife.

As mentioned above, if this man still loves his wife, he’s never leaving her for you.  

Will he leave his wife statistics?

Statistics show that only 5% of married men leave their wives for the other woman. If he left his wife for you, statistics that your marriage will last and not pretty, marriages that began due to infidelity have a 75 to 90% chance of ending divorce again.

The odds are not in your favor, which supports the adage that married men never leave their wives, but even if they do, he won’t be a pretty life for her. 

However, there are some success stories of ex-mistresses who are now the wife, and the marriage is doing well. 

Rumor has it that Gwen Stefani was Blake Shelton’s girlfriend while he was still with Miranda Lambert, and guess what not the wife is. 

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, Gabrielle Union and Dwayne, Hailey and Justin Bieber, and so on, there are so many examples of lovers who are now the wives.

How do you tell if he will leave his wife for you?

While you can’t say for sure whether a man will leave his wife for you, some signs could tell you if he might. 

Here is a list of signs that he might leave his wife for you.

Signs he will leave his wife for you.

1. He removes his ring when he’s around you.

His wedding band represents him promise to his wife when he removes the ring around you subconsciously in his mind; he is as if I’m making this promise. Sign this is a good sign because removing his wedding band is a pre-calculated move.

If he was thinking about you before seeing it, he might genuinely like you. Also, removing his ring might mean that he cares about your feelings, another good sign that he might leave his wife for you.

2. He prioritizes you.

How do you know that a married man prioritizes you? It is easy; he puts you first sometimes even before important things like his wife and family.

 Is he missing or postponing important meetings to be with you? If the married man is, then you might win. The chances that he will leave his wife for you just went to 90. 

There is no way a guy who prioritizes you doesn’t love you. 

3. He jokes about leaving his wife.

Now I know you may think that is just a joke. But tell me honestly, when has a man ever said ‘just kidding’ and just joking?Never!

Why would a species with a record of joking with jokes be taken seriously for joking? If he is joking about leaving his wife, it is because he wants to. By claiming it is a joke, it is for him to have a safe landing if you dismiss his thought.

4. He shows you off even in public.

Married men go to great lengths to keep their affairs private. You will be lucky as a lover to even meet with his friends, later on, to show you off and in public! 

If a married man is shoeing you off, especially in public, is because he is endorsing the idea of the two of you being a couple. When a guy goes public with a confirmation about his affair, it is only a matter of time before leaving his wife.

5. He brought your property.

Nothing screams permanency like buying you a property. It often means that the man is making steps into a future with you when he starts committing to permanent things. 

On the other hand, however, he could be avoiding a paper trail of hotel bookings, so, for this sign to hold, his intentions must be pure.

If your relationship with this married man has been entirely physical, watch out;that’s a red flag that is the latter, but if you and the guy have a genuine connection, you just hit the jackpot. It is the former. This means that you might have a real shot at winning the man over his wife. 

6. He normally spends the night over. 

Every girlfriend of a married man knows that they don’t spend the night.Unless, of course, your married boyfriend told his wife that he is out of town on a business trip.

If he is sleeping over at your place and it almost feels like it is becoming a habit, it is something you should celebrate over. 

It means that he might finally leave his wife and move in with you; after all, he is all he is partially leaving with you.   

7. He has told you he will love, and he has started working on his divorce.

A married man can be deceitful, telling you that he will his wife is not good enough, unless he has started working on his divorce, do not believe him.

For more detailed information my 10 signs he will leave his wife for you has got your back

Signs he won’t leave his wife

However, sometimes he’s just taking you for a ride on the flip side, and he will never leave his wife.

Make His Actions Match His Promises
Order Your Help Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Before you waste your time and emotions, some signs can signal you at the beginning of your relationship that he will never leave his wife.You might also wanna check out more signs on Signs he won’t leave his wife for you.

Here’s a list of signs that he won’t leave his wife. 

1. He has made it abundantly clear that he is never leaving.Believe him.

Men lie about many things, but if he tells that he is never leaving his wife, please believe him. When a man labors to tell you that he is sticking with his wife, he is dead serious, so you had better take him seriously about it.

2. You always come last. 

When a man puts you last, it because you are not his priority; men value and prioritize the things in his life depending on how he dear they are to him. If he is always putting you last, it is because he doesn’t love you at all. 

As aforementioned, there is no way he is leaving his wife and family for you if he doesn’t love you.

3. He only talks to you in the late night.

Regardless of how busy a man is, if he genuinely cares for you, he will find time to talk to you. If all you get are wee calls and late-night Facetime, you are getting the stick’s shorter end.

It means that the man has to wait for his wife and kids to sleep before he can reach out to you. Now, if he only reaches out that late, it is because you don’t mean that much to him.

4. He gets down to business.

When he is with you, he straight away goes to the sex part. He doesn’t care how your day went or how you are doing. He goes straight away to the heart of the matter.

It is not only insensitive but disrespectful all together. Men tend to be a tad bit disrespectful with about whom women that they don’t genuinely care. 

If he doesn’t care for you, he will never leave his wife for you; it is that simple.

How do you get a Man to Leave His Wife for You?

Are you in love with a man you can never have? Is there anything you can do to make this man come to you?How do you get him to leave his wife for you?

Falling for an unavailable man could easily be the worst feeling on earth. It is not like you can snap out of love, so I get why you may feel conflicted. No one ever sets out to fall for a married man, but what do you do once you have?

You may feel guilty and even beat yourself up for falling for the guy, but we don’t control who we love, you love who you love, and the heart wants what it wants.

One of the most common feelings of women in love with married men is how to get their lovers to leave their wives for them. If this is your case, look no further; here is a list of ways to make him leave his wife for you.

1. Look good every time that you are with him.

It is a proactive approach to this whole situation. If you like the man from the beginning, this is a strategy that you can employ right from the beginning to increase your chances of winning the man over.

Looking good all the time will make this man idolize you. In his mind, he will always remember you as a goddess; that is the kind of impression and effect you want to have on him.

2. Be supportive of him.

Being supportive of a man makes him feel good around you. Men ultimately choose women who make them feel best.

The better a man feels around you, the more he will love you. As we already established, the man needs to love you if he leaves his wife for you.

3. Be friends with his friends 

Now, you don’t have to be one of the guys, but it helps if his friends think highly of you. You see, guys care about the opinion of their friends, so, if his friends like you or at least fond of you, the man may consider starting a life with you.

4. Don’t compare yourself to his wife.  

His wife is his wife, and you are you; you can never be her unless you went for plastic surgery, but you won’t be her even then. 

I understand why you may be tempted to mirror her. The man you love loves her, do you think that he might love you by being like her?

Men are complicated; he loves you and her at the same time.There are things about you that attracted him to you, so if you try to be like the wife, you will cease to be why he fell for you.

Keep doing you and let the wife be the wife; he will eventually see you with time.

5. Don’t nag him to leave. 

While you can ask him to leave his wife after letting him realize that you are no longer interested in the arrangement you have, you shouldn’t nag him about it.

Nagging men makes them want to coil and run away from you, so please don’t irritate him about leaving his wife even though that is your goal.

6. Don’t be emotionally needy. 

Men like their women to be emotionally independent to some extent; suppose you are clingy and need you to risk turning him off and driving him away.

That is the opposite of what you want now, so try to have a life going on for yourself so that you won’t be tempted to make him the center of your life.

7.Connect with him

You would be shocked by how many men feel isolated, alone, and devoid of human connection. Be this for your man, and he will be stuck on you, like Lionel Richie.

Seriously mane, crave deep and genuine connection, enter his space and break down all the walls he built to keep people down. Deep down, the man needs the attention, so give him that and more?

Your goal should be to connect with this man on all levels;

  •   Physically by touch and sex 
  • Emotionally by being empathetic and sympathetic 
  • Intellectually, by sharing the similar depth of things he finds mentally stimulating 
  • Psychologically by have shared experiences and attachments.


He won’t leave his wife but won’t let me go

A philandering man has it all; he has both the perfect wife and the side chick, so he is content with having both of you in his life.

A happy man like that wouldn’t want to disturb the perfect harmony of his current life, so even he won’t leave his wife, he still can’t afford to lose you either.

So he will try to hold onto you both for as long as he possibly can.

Tired of waiting for him to leave his wife

I understand that you are frustrated and exhausted with this whole situation.

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Being the other woman is tough.

You are expected to keep it no strings attached in an affair that is by no means emotion proof. It is difficult and, frankly speaking, impossible to keep detached from a man you have a physical and possibly emotional connection with you.

What makes it even worse is that he is never going to leave his wife. Your feelings of tiredness are valid, especially having waited on him to come around to pulling the trigger on his marriage for so long, anyone in your shoes would.

In this situation, your only choice, which is the most painful, is to break up with the man. It is not healthy for you to wait on a man you may never have.Please choose yourself.

How long to wait for a married man to leave?

There isn’t a time frame after which your married boyfriend will have left his wife for you.Depending on the myriad factors, it can take anywhere between days to a lifetime.

While I can’t tell precisely how long to wait for a married man to leave, I can tell you when you should leave.

You know it is time to give up the hope of the married man ever leaving his wife when;
• He becomes disrespectful to you
• He consistently prioritizes you last
• His wife attacks you
• The relationship is affecting your life in general


Sometimes a man will not leave his wife even when he can; however, sometimes a man even though he would leave. 

There are many reasons why a married man cannot leave even though he is willing, as elaborated above. 

If the reason the man can’t leave, then maybe, just maybe, he would easily leave his marriage for you.

How to make him chose you over her.

Have you realized that your man is consorting with another woman on the side? Do you worry that he may choose her over you?

If you have been in this sticky situation, I understand why you may feel helpless, panicky, or even worried.

Two is a company; three is a crowd. When there is another girl in the equation, it defies monogamy’s very sanctity as we know it.

Nowadays, in relationships, you are expected to be monogamous and holy even. The phenomenon that a man gets caught up between choosing one woman over another is immoral by our monogamous society norms, albeit being universally practiced.

How can I make him choose me over her?” you may ask.

  • Do I have it takes to make him choose me?
  • Why does a man choose one woman over the other?
  • How can I know that he will choose?
  • What if he already is with someone else?

And so on, on and on and on. I know the queries in your heart are endless. But worry not, I have all the answers.

How to make him choose me over another girl

Irrespective of how stiff the competition is, it is possible to influence your love interest to choose you.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to be the prettier or hotter one of the two of you.Looks are essential, but at the end of the day, other qualities matter more.

Qualities that will make a guy want to choose you over another girl.

Men don’t randomly choose the women with whom they end up. It is systemic, and having certain qualities will give a better fighting advantage that the other lady.

Here is a list of attributes that will make any man want to choose you over another.

  1. Authenticity and uniqueness
  2. Humility
  3. Confidence
  4. Femininity
  5. Homeliness

Strategies to make a man choose you over another woman.

For a man to choose you over another woman, he has to have seen something valuable in you that the other woman doesn’t have—this uniqueness is what sets you apart from the rest.

Below is a list of strategies that will help you be irresistible to any man. With them, you can rest assured that he will choose you, on any day at any time, because he knows how rare it is to find a woman who embodies them all.

1.Build a connection.

Men do want more than sex from any relationship.While it’s true that sex is essential, an emotional and intellectual connection would strengthen the bond even more.

Connect with the man at every level possible, and you will have them eating off your palm. When the two of you connect this sincerely, he feels understood and known.Something that we all yearn to have.

2. Don’t be a pushover; be a challenge.

Men are hunters; they like the thrill of the chase. Play hard to get now and then. I don’t mean that you should be outright difficult but playful tease him here and there.

You will have that man trapped in no time.

3. Use your femininity and charm.

In the realm of attraction, opposites attract. To get the man hooked, use your femininity as a weapon.Femininity calls unto masculinity.

By being feminine, you arouse his primal masculine instincts to protect and possess you. That is what makes him choose you.

4. Be mysterious.

Men love to be challenged. When he can’t figure you out, you intrigue him.

Be elusive, not secretive about specific details of your life.Purposely hoard pieces of information from him.

He will keep obsessing about what you are not telling him. Let’s face it, the more he thinks about you, the easier it will be to fall in love with you.

5. Get the man webbed into a triangle.

It would help if you were extra careful with this because if he finds out your motive, he will resent you. So it would be best if you were subtle about this. 

When a man realizes that another guy could take you away from him, he panics and switches to possessive mode. 

The envy he feels may even trick him into thinking that he is in love with you. If he thinks he loves you, he will choose you.

6. Be a great lover

I know we said that sex isn’t something he would base on to choose; however, we all know that being good in bed will influence him to look your way. 

7. Make the guy feel like the king he is around you.

Eventually, a man will choose the woman he ends up based on how she makes him feel. That is the defining factor. 

By making him feel king, I don’t mean that you should suck up to him or act like he is the best thing that happened to you, but rather be candid and open about your suggestions.

It helps if you genuinely adore him.

8. Be easy-going, childish even.

In the era and age, people are so uptight and stiff. As we grow, we lose our sense of wonder and blithe. 

When you portray the chilled and childish nature, you stand out. In a world of black and grays, you become the rainbow. 

Tell me how any man would leave all that awesomeness.

9. Be flirtatious with your love interest.  

By flirting with a man, you communicate your interest to him; you also keep the sexual tension thick.

With the above tips, you will have any man exactly where you want them.

Have you ever fallen for a man

Have you ever fallen for a man only to find out later that he belongs to someone else? 

It is tough to bury your feelings and pretend to have never liked him simply because he is unavailable.

Fair enough, you don’t have to. With the tips below, you will have the man you desire despite being already involved with someone else.

Related:How to make a man leave his wife for you

Tips to steal someone’s boyfriend

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Connect with the guy deeply. See him. Know him.

Men want to be loved.Contrary to popular belief, he wants to relate deeply at every level possible. 

So don’t be afraid to enter his emotional and mental space. 

2.Pretend the girlfriend doesn’t exist.

 I don’t mean that you should ignore her existence, but don’t let it get to you. 

Focus your energy on the man.Ignore the girlfriend. It is the man you are targeting, not the girl, so focus your time where you want results.

3. Don’t criticize the guy’s girlfriend.Please don’t talk about her.

 While he can vent all night about how terrible his girlfriend is to you, you, on the other hand, can’t criticize the girl.

If you must say anything about her, you should respectfully express it. 

4. Keep communication with the man flowing.

 Out of sight is out of mind. I am not asking you to blow the man’s phone, but keep the texts and call coming now and then.

Whenever you are communicating with him, you are occupying his mind. That’s precisely your goal. To occupy his mind long enough until he can’t live without you.

5.Create sexual tension between you and the man.

Charge the air around the two of you stares and smiles that feel like they communicate more than just a glance and smile. 

Sexual tension to him means that the two have chemistry. We all know that men like to keep the girls with whom they have chemistry close.

6.Display high compatibility.

 It is a no brainer that we time people who have a lot in common more than those who don’t share our likes.

If he is into poetry, it helps if you enjoy the recitals. Even if you have fake it, fake it until you make it, honey.

There is no shortcut here, and I know it doesn’t sound right, but you don’t display high compatibility with man; he won’t look at you twice. He has a girlfriend, remember!

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Please don’t ask the guy to leave his girlfriend.

 Obviously, that’s the goal, but you don’t mention it or even insinuate it. The man won’t leave his girlfriend for you unless he thinks it is his idea.

Don’t push him to leave. You can only sit there and be pretty and trust the process. It isn’t much you can do unless you want to risk coming off as needy, even pushy.

8. Look ravishing, always.

Men are visual. I know you have heard that like a million times before. But seriously, to get and keep his attention, you must look impeccable, sexy even.

You need this man to idolize you and worship you. If you don’t look the part, how will he ever notice the goddess that you are?

To steal someone’s boyfriend is a tall order, and you must have thick skin. It would be best if you were willing to be ten times better than his girlfriend, even to stand a chance. I don’t mean 

Reasons why a man would choose you over another woman

Men choose women based on how he feels when he is a woman. If a woman makes him feel king, validated, respected, appreciated, generally speaking, when she makes him feel good, he gravitates more towards her.

Here are the reasons why the average man would choose one woman over another.

1. The man likes the way you make him feel.

I am not referring to the orgasms (which have to be mind-blowing), but more of the feeling he has when you’re around.

Maybe you reassure and validate, or you have a way of massaging his ego.

Whatever the case may be, if he likes how you feel more than the other woman, he will choose you.

2. You are all that and more; the other woman isn’t.

You are funny and gorgeous and beautiful, spicy and everything twice, and the other girl is just a girl.

3. The guy is in love with you.

Sometimes he chooses because cupid’s arrow got him. He is in love with you.Splendid, isn’t it?

4. You intrigue the man.

He can’t seem to put his finger around you.There is something about that X-factor. 

5. You understand the guy.

Men rarely find women who stop to get to know them.Seldomly do men feel understood.

When he finds a girl like you who takes the time and effort to know and understand him, he knows that you are a gem.There is no way he can let you go.

6. You are wife material.

All men want to end up with a homely woman.

To know the real reasons why a man would pick one woman over the other, you have to ask him. Most often than not, it’s one or all the above.

Signs that he may leave his girlfriend/wife for you.

You may be wondering whether your love interest could ever dare to leave his girlfriend for you. You needn’t wonder no more because here is a list of dependable signs that he might leave her for you.

1. Your taken boyfriend is genuinely interested in you (it’s not only about the sex)

When a man is genuinely interested in you even though the two have had sex, then that is something. Many men feign interest to get into your pants, but there’s more if he is still interested. 

He might be in love. Love will make it harder for him to stay with the other girl.

2.There is trouble in paradise (with his relationship)

When his relationship is hitting the rocks, he is more likely to leave his current partner for you.

3. The man shows you off, even in public.

Naturally, when you are consorting with a man already committed elsewhere, he prefers to keep you a secret.

If he shows you off in public, he may be serious about you, which is a good sign because we want him to leave her for you.

4. The man talks about a future that includes you, which also doesn’t involve her.

If his future has you and not his current partner in it, you just won the man.

5. Your taken boyfriend puts you first.

Usually, men put their partners first, but you have him if he is giving you the priority.

Early signs that he will not leave his girlfriend/ wife for you.

Are you entangled with a married/taken man? I am no soothsayer nor augur, but it is possible to know for sure whether the man you are involved with will leave his wife.

Time is precious, and you may want to know whether it is worth investing in any emotions ahead of time. Here is a list of signs earlier on in the relationship that he will never leave her for you.

Four signs that he will never leave her for you.

1. The man hasn’t mentioned leaving his girlfriend.

2. You always come second, after the main chick.

3. The man makes it clear that you are his booty call, period.

4. The man only communicates with you late at night.

Why won’t he leave his girlfriend/wife for you even when he loves you?

He loves you, and you love him. It’s all like a perfect fairytale, except he won’t leave his wife/girlfriend. Why?

Six reasons why he won’t leave her even when he loves you

1.Breakups are messy.

2. The man has it all already.


Make His Actions Match His Promises
Order Your Help Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
There are children in the picture.

4. The man likes his life the way it is.

5. The man is financially dependent on his partner.

6. The guy stands to lose a lot if he leaves his partner.

How to win him over the other woman (step by step guide)

When you are competing with another woman for a man, you may feel inadequate when comparing yourself to your competitor(s). 

You do not have to feel that way any longer.Follow the steps below to out compete any woman and make him choose you even if she is the wife.

Step 1.Prepare yourself mentally, physically, and even financially.

You need to be the best frame of mind. Turn on the inner lioness and prepare yourself for battle. To win a man over the other woman, you have to go to war literally.

Step 2. Make contact; this where you meet the man/or remeet.

You only get once chance to make a first impression, so by God; you better impress him with this opportunity.

Step 3.Build a friendship.

Let him know you and how amazing you are. It is easy to trap him later when you have a background of friendship.

Step 4. Be friendly to both of them; appear pleasant and harmless.

I know you don’t like the other woman, but being bitchy to her will not help your image from his point of view. 

Be cordial and pleasant, and he will respect you for that. 

Step 5. Let him know how you feel.

Now that you have both his friendship and respect hint on your feelings for him. You don’t have to be so bold about it, but somehow, let him know how you feel. 

Step 6. Don’t smother him. Give him time to process your proclamation.

Now, you step back. Let the man know, though, that he can take his time. Just give him space.

Step 7. Wait for his response, but expect the worst.

I know this is the worst step because you have no control whatsoever on what happens. But hang in there. That’s a reasonable thing to do.

Step 8.Relax, trust the process.

Please sit back; you have done all you can, the ball is in his court. 

It helps when you are calm throughout the process because men rarely see that. Keep your calm and watch him come to you.

Strategies to give an edge so that you can win him over the other woman.

1. Don’t compare yourself to the other woman.

2. Get in shape.

3.Dress flatteringly. All the time.

4.Smell good. A good scent is an underplayed aphrodisiac; use it to your advantage.

5. Keep an air of mystery around you.

6. Fake disinterest.


Is it wrong to steal someone’s boyfriend?

By society standards, yes. We consider it immoral to steal someone else’s boyfriend.

Whether or not you should steal the boyfriend, that’s a whole different story. I have heard excuses like “the girlfriend didn’t value him enough” or “He wasn’t happy with her anyway.” 

However, something to consider is that when you steal someone’s partner, another person will likely to poach him away from you too.

How can I make him forget about another woman?

You may think that to make him forget another woman, you must be perfect. How wrong you are! You are not expected by anyone to be perfect. 

The truth of the matter is that he may not even remember the woman necessarily, only how she made him feel. If you can make him feel the way she made him (if not better), he will have no use for her. 

How do I win a man’s love when there is some competition?

Take the high road, be funnier, more understanding, generally a better match than the other girl.

I hope you never shy away from any man just because he is engaged elsewhere. 

When he chooses someone else over you.

The hardest thing is watching someone you love, love or choose some other anonymous person over you.

  • How could he choose someone else over me? 
  • Why would even he dare? 

I know you have probably asked yourself this question many times.  

It can be agonizingly heartbreaking when the man you love chooses another woman.   

Such a heartbreak can tempt you to do silly things to prove your worth trying to salvage the situation or worse; it can make you think you are not enough.Because if you are, your man would have been satisfied with just you. 

That’s where you are wrong. You see, some men will stare diamonds in the face and still fall for sand. Many men don’t even know what they want until it’s too late! So, it’s not you; it’s him.  

What makes it even worse is when you go through her social media and realize that you are better than the girl he is picking over you by any standard. You are:

  • Smarter
  • Prettier

And generally a better option than her. 

So you are puzzled. Why? What does she have that I don’t?    

Has it occurred to you that you could be overqualified for the job? He isn’t picking her over you because there is something wrong with you, but rather because he can’t handle you. 

You are gorgeous, funny, smart, and successful; you name it. Yet sadly, your man is just a boy. He wouldn’t know what to do with all that awesomeness. 

I know it still hurts because you want him. Even though he is just a boy, you still want him, even though he isn’t right for you, you want him. You want him to want you back. 

Hard as it may be, the best thing to do when he chooses someone else is to move on. All the questioning and moping around will not help in any way. They only aggravate your pain and make walking away harder than it should have been.   

When he chooses someone over quotes.

When the man you love picks another woman over you, it is devastating. I remember finding solace in the comfort of sad quotes when my own “happily ever after” picked Ashley instead. I hope you find your comfort in these famous sayings, proverbs, and quotes.

1. “Remember that you’re not worthless when someone chooses someone else over you” – Anonymous.

2. “It never stops hurting, does it?” “What” “Giving someone the best of you and watching them choose someone else.” -HPLYRIKZ.COM.

3. “In the end, we all want someone that chooses over everyone else under any circumstances.” – Unknown.

4. “You don’t lose a good man, you lose one who isn’t good for you.” – Steve Havey

5. “Of course you are allowed to choose someone else over me. You are just not allowed to expect me to like it.” -Someecards.

He chose her over me. 

When your love interest chose someone over you, it must have hurt. The effort and investment you put into the relationship were all washed down the drain. 

The fact he left is bad enough, but that he chose another over you, also, was like adding salt to a wound, death by a hundred cuts. It’s worse than a regular breakup because it makes you question your value.   

Why did he choose her over you? 

Oftentimes, when your partner chooses someone over you, there is nothing you can do. You may have even pondered endlessly about why he picked her over you. Here is the answer for you. 

Don’t think about asking him why he chose her over you. It’s not a straightforward thing to do. What would he say in response? 

That she is:

  • Sexier? 
  • Better? 

It’s an awkward situation for both of you.  

It’s choice and emotions, not your looks.

When he leaves you for another woman, it is only a matter of choice and emotions, at least for the average guy. It’s never about your nose or height or any other physical thing for that matter. 

Have you ever had a decent guy say something like this “I left my girl to be with someone that had a bigger ass’?Highly unlikely.  

Take all the matchmaking TV shows, the Bachelor, Love Island, and Big Brother. We see that when a man is left with two women to choose from towards the end of the show, he always says some cheesy lines like “It just felt right” or “I just had a feeling.” 

He chooses the girl to go with, basing on how she makes him feel. And there is not much that you can do about how you make him feel.   

Just because he had that indescribable feeling with someone else and not you, it does not make you any less exceptional. It only means you weren’t the right match for him. Rest assured that you are the perfect match for someone else.     

How to get over the fact that he chose her over you?

Like any other rejection, it’s a painful time. The process of getting over why your man chose her instead of you is a painful path. 

I would know because I have helped many people who have been there many times. You can call them weak or irrational (God knows they were); 

Love makes us do debatable things. I remember standing there too paralyzed to cry and too shocked to mumble anything intelligent when he told me he wanted her.   

Two months, three weeks, and five days, we almost made it to three months (not that I wasn’t counting) all flashed before my eyes. 

My ex was willing to throw it all away just like that, for another random girl. Mind you; She wasn’t even all that. Okay, I admit she was pretty, but that’s all.  

The truth is you never really stop loving someone; a part of you will always love him. 

To be positively free from that prison of love and sadness from losing love, you have to be willing to feel the pain. Pain is for us as humans to handle.

A lover is a warrior. I am not saying love is synonymous with pain. The two are like conjoined sisters. You can’t have one without the other.  

So, cry if you must, unfollow and follow him back, whatever it takes, to take you through the grief, however long, it’s all part of the process. 

However, be mindful not to grieve for too long, or the hurt will engulf and swallow you up until you can’t tell who you are apart from it; it becomes you, your pain, your identity.   

Once you have ejected the negative energy, remember this on those nights when his image plagues your mind and won’t let you sleep. You deserve a love that chooses you, a love that prioritizes you, a love that values and cherishes you, and a love that sees you. At the end of the day, you sleep better when you know that you are the only one for him because, with him, you are never lost in the crowd. He chooses you any day. That’s what you deserve.

In the end, I hope that you realize that you deserve better. If a man chooses another over you for whatever reasons best known to him, he doesn’t deserve you. You need someone in the long run.

How do I cope with someone choosing someone else over me?

When the man you love picks someone other than you, it feels like the world is coming to an end. It hurts so badly because it leaves you doubting why you are not enough for him. This is the nearly most depressing and riotous thing on earth when you are rejected.

It is so hard that you might not even know how to live through the next minute. Here is a step by step guide to deal and cope when he chooses someone else over you.

Step 1. Cry, talk, paint, walk, run, or travel. You have to find a healthy exit for the pain.

We deal with and process trauma differently.Whatever the emotions you’re feeling, whether it be self-pity, anger, betrayal, or jealousy, you name it, do not bottle it up. It needs to be released, or you could literally explode from carrying all that emotional baggage.Losing someone you love to another is extremely painful. You don’t need all that agony piling up in you.Release it someway.

Step 2. Be kind to yourself. It’s not your fault.

When your relationships fail, it’s hard not to blame yourself. In this case, it wasn’t something about you or a thing you did that drove your man away. You were simply not right for each other. He doesn’t deserve the loyalty from you that he won’t reciprocate. The bottom line is that he wasn’t worthy of you in the first place, so why take the blame? 

Step 3.Forgive him. He didn’t know better than this, and he didn’t mean to hurt you.

I know you might want to hate him, but you can’t. The best thing to do for yourself is to forgive him.Chances are that he didn’t hurt you on purpose.Holding grudges would be pointless. He won’t die from the poison you are swallowing.

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After all, “Being angry at someone is like drinking poison but expecting the other person to die.”

Step 4.Forgive her, don’t blame her.

She isn’t the evil person in the equation. Love is love, and love grows wherever it wishes. She probably didn’t know about you when she met him. But even if she did, forgiving her will help you heal faster.

Step 5. Love yourself. 

At this time, you need to love yourself extra more than you usually do. Just because your man didn’t love you enough, it doesn’t mean that you can’t love yourself. Love yourself unconditionally regardless of other people’s affection towards you. This will give you the momentum to let go.

Step 6.Focus on yourself.Focus on your dreams and everything that goes with it.Choose you.

Focusing on you and your passions will change your focus from the sadness you are into a reality that makes you happy. You need to be in a happy place right now more than ever. I know that it might seem like running away from reality, but you will deal with the loss better by creating a new one.

Step 7. The best revenge is to move on, do nothing.

You might be tempted to try and make him regret leaving you, but that will only hurt you. The best thing to do is nothing, I know it sounds counterintuitive, but it works.Ignore posts, don’t comment, don’t become a motivational speaker. Just live your life.

Don’t dwell on the past, so you won’t fall apart again. Your man chose her, and that was his decision. It has nothing to do with you.

How to make him choose me over her

Ideally, every woman would have her own man.Sadly though, in reality, whether due to the discrepancy in the male and female population or the male chauvinistic society that proposes that a real man deserves more than one lady, two or women sometimes end up fighting for a single man’s attention.h

Often, the people we may be interested in going out with long-term usually are gauging their options. Let’s face it, attractive people have several suitors, there is bound to be some competition for them. An honorable man wouldn’t put that burden on the woman he loves, but we have a shortage of good men these days. 

If you find yourself in a battle for a man, you might feel helpless. You don’t have to fret any longer; read on to find out how you can influence a man to choose you over her.Regardless of how intense the competition is, there are ways to get a guy to like you more than someone else.

Seven ways to make him choose you over someone else

 1. Be pleasant.

Be a breath of fresh air, fun, and generally easy-going with him. Let him realize how fun and cheery you are. You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar; being pleasant costs nothing but gains you much. Use it as a weapon, and you will have the upper hand against your opponent.

2.Feign disinterest.

Showing interest is good and will, in fact, work wonders for you.

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Showing too much interest, though, will make you come off as needy. We all know that there is nothing attractive about being clingy, don’t we?Feigning disinterest will signal to him that another man might have caught your interest. 

3. Have a life; you can’t always make yourself available.

When you seem like you have something going on, your life seems more colorful. Men are attracted to a woman who has it going on.Making him the center of your life is not only clingy but boring to him. You can’t afford to be bored for a second. It is survival for the fittest, and there is nothing reasonable about a bore. Don’t accept last-minute dates. Let him know that it doesn’t make plans ahead of time; you will already be preoccupied.

4. Make your competitors lose interest.

This may sound devious, but believe it or not, it works. The only downside is that if your man finds out about it, he will resent you. I have my friend beat her competition but telling them he has herpes or some other nasty disease. 

5.Build a connection with your man. 

Do you have any emotional connection with him? Do you share a belief, hobby, or life experience which can establish an attraction? Your connection with a man is essentially more powerful than sex in building a relationship.Rather than focusing your energy on his relationship with the other woman, focus on your connection with him. 

6. Be authentic and unique.

Being yourself is exceptionally irresistible to any man. When you are who you were made to be, you exude confidence and charm. Men want a woman who has high self-esteem and self-assurance because if she carries herself as if she is worth more than Gold, the man will think she must be worth more than Gold. 

In an era where fitting in is in style, dare to be different. That’s how you stand out from the crowd, from your competitors.

7.Build Attraction

I can’t stress enough how important it is that the man you are interested in being physically, sexually, and emotionally attracted to you. The attraction is that X-factor, that quality that will make you more appealing to him than the other girl. Your femininity will attract his masculinity. 

What’s the golden law of attraction? Like poles repel, opposite poles attract.Sexual polarities come into play in the seduction between men and women. The more femininity you exude, the more irresistible a masculine man will find you. I have given you a loaded gun, go ahead and shoot your shot.

Keep these 7 tips at your fingertips, and he’ll be eating out of your palm soon.

He left me for someone else.

When the man chooses someone else over you, it leaves you scared. It leaves you puzzled with so many unanswered questions, which you’d never dare to voice.


• Is there something wrong with me? 

• Will he regret leaving me?

Don’t worry, pretty head, I got you.Simply stick around.

Why a man would leave you is a tricky question to handle. Do you even know why men do anything?There are a few reasons men leave their partners; however, unless you ask your partner, we’ll never specifically what broke the camel’s back. Here are some reasons why men, in general, leave their partners.

Reasons why he left you

1. Your man has fallen out of love with you

People fall in love all the time, people also fall out of love all the time. If he has fallen out of love with you, he has no emotional attachment and connection with you holding him back. He will leave at whatever opportunity he gets.

2. Your man is in love with another woman

If he is in love with another woman, he cannot and will not stand away. Rest assured that at the slightest chance, he will leave you for her.

3. Your man is emotionally unsatisfied

Contrary to popular belief, men want and need emotional satisfaction. He wants to connect deeply with you at all levels, physically, psychologically, and mentally. He wants you to be in your space and let you in his.

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Sadly, many men don’t get that regularly, if ever, from their partners. When he finds someone who gets him, he will leave.

4. The two of you have grown apart.

Change is a factor of life, and with time we all change.Suppose he changes faster/slower or in a different direction than your partner. In that case, there is bound to be a difference in opinion and interests.Opposites attract, but the likeness is what keeps everything together.Without it, the relationship falls apart.

To be 100% sure why he left you, you have to man-up and ask him. You might not like the answer, but at least you will know why.

How to win him over the other woman

Men prefer the women who they value over the ones whom they don’t. For you to win him over the other woman, you have to make him realize your value.

Sadly, many women fail to do this on the onset because they don’t show up as high value in the beginning. We don’t get to make second first impressions. 

All is not lost; nevertheless, you still can reinvent yourself and raise your value in his eyes. Even when you are uninterested in fighting for your man, the other woman will be competing with you regardless. 

When there is a possibility that you could lose your man to the other woman, you may be tempted to panic and give up.While that’s the easy way out, it’s also the losers’ way up. You don’t want your man leaving you for her for good unless, of course, he isn’t worth fighting for, which is rarely the case.

However, if you want to keep your man, here are some tips to win him over the other woman.

Three tips that will help you to win him over the other woman.

1. Go silent

I don’t technically mean that you should give him the silent treatment; what I mean is don’t dish out every detail. A little mystery goes a long way in evoking a man’s interest. 

Being elusive about your plans and with whom you are doing them is enough to sharpen his senses. What you don’t say is more important to the man than what you don’t say.

Even if the plans were harmless, keeping quiet about some details will keep him pondering. The longer he thinks about you, the more you are in his mind, the more you are in his mind, the more he falls in love with you and obsesses about you. 

2.Focus on yourself.

When you put effort into how you look and in whatever concerns you, you flourish. Your aura and positive energy are contagious and drawing people to you. Your man is no exception. 

Men are visual, so it is of utmost importance that you embody his fantasies. 

3. Be cool about it 

Remember when you were younger, and you piqued on a weaker student to get a reaction? Do you remember how it bothered me when they didn’t react?

That’s how frustrated he feels when you are relaxed about the fact that he has another woman in the picture. This is how it works in your favor. 

When you are seemingly unbothered by his philandering ways, he begins to worry that you are planning something that he hasn’t figured out yet. His curiosity intrigues him.Intrigue precedes love.

With these few tips, you stand a better chance than the other woman.Besides, you have a history with the man. Use it as a weapon.


Did he choose her because there is something wrong with me? 

No, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Your man has just decided to leave, and quite frankly, it rarely has anything to do with you.

Will he regret leaving me?

Chances that he will miss you are high, especially if he loved you. He will regret leaving you, that’s for sure, that doesn’t mean that he will come back to you simply because he regrets leaving.

Why does he still talk to me when he chooses someone else?

He loves you too, just that he loves her more, so the man won’t stop talking with you simply because he chose her.

The fact that he chose her doesn’t change how he feels about you. He is still talking with you because regardless, he still likes you.

Why does he still want to be friends when he chose someone else?

He wants to have the pie and still eat it. He wants the best of both worlds.Sadly, you are playing second fiddle here; he loves the girl he chose, but he can’t afford to lose the benefit of being friends with you.

Whether or not condone this from him depends on whether you are okay with being his side candy. If it goes down well with you, then, by all means, stay. But if you want more from him, leave because he clearly isn’t ready to give what you want. At least not now,


When a man chooses someone else over you, remember it’s not the end of the world. You could get him c-back if you wanted to.

When a man leaves his wife for you.

It is of rare occurrence that a married man leaves his wife for the mistress. The majority of men have affairs; however, they never take the step further to leave their wives.There must have been an irreparable breakdown in his marriage for a man to leave his wife for you. 

Do men leave their wives for another woman?

As a matter of fact, yes. Men do sometimes leave their wives.However, only 5% of the men who leave their wives go for the mistress. That’s a small percentage considering that when most married men approach their potential girlfriends, they do so under the guise that they will leave their wives for them. In reality, that is not the case.

Why do married men never leave their wives? This question must be as old as time. As many have tried to explain this phenomenon, one thing is apparent, men want to have their cake and eat it too.

Philanderers do not necessarily want a breakup because they are looking for a lover.Those who chose to go outside their marriage do so out of selfish needs or for some adventure.

3 reasons men stay with their wives despite their philandering ways. 

1. He already has it all.

When you think about it. Why would a man leave the woman who’s giving him mind blowing sex whenever he needs it and right after return to his homely wife and perfect family? He is already living the dream.

He has two women, each of whom satisfies a particular need. In the end, he has the best of both worlds. So why would he want to ruin that balance by leaving either one?

2. He loves his wife.

Every married man loves his wife, which is why he married her!Despite their challenges, he will still go back home to her. He loves her so much to sacrifice her at the altar of the mistress.

True, the wife may not all be that. In fact, she may fall short in many areas as a wife; sadly, he loves her for you. And no amount of mind-blowing sex could ever change that.(related:Why a man having an affair won’t leave his wife?)

3 He values his children.

Despite their double-dealing ways, the majority of men love their children so dearly. They are willing to stay in a loveless and unsatisfying marriage to give their children a stable family.

Whether or not he is getting along with his wife is secondary; his children’s happiness comes first and takes precedence above you, his wife, and even him.

Men don’t cheat to leave their wives. To men, an affair is simply a sexual arrangement where two adults benefit from neither attachment nor commitment involved. 

Why would a man leave his wife for another woman?

Only 5% of married men leave their wives to be with the other woman.However small the percentage is, it cannot be ignored. The fact remains that some men do leave their wives for the other woman irrespective of the associated consequences.

Why would a man leave his wife for another woman even with imminent consequences like divorce?  

1.He settled early.

Marrying at 17 is a hella cute, but hey, is he sure about settling that early?Marriage is a lifetime commitment, and there is no point in arriving early to a party that’s never going to end. 

It would be sad to meet the girl who is the center of his universe when he already tied the knot.

Sadly, many marriages end because either one or both the partners settled too early only to meet “the one” later. Even if it were you, would you stay married if you just discovered a soulmate later on? I wouldn’t

2. The mistress is all that, and wifey isn’t.

The grass looks greener on the other side, so they say, but sometimes, it really is greener. At times the mistress is all that; she is beautiful, kind, confident, and maybe even more homely than the wife. 

Men are always looking for the next best thing; we need to agree that if he finds better outside his marriage, he is pursuing it and it won’t be hard for the man to leave his wife. 

3.Midlife crisis.

One of the midlife crisis characteristics is that it is a time when many men make rash decisions. I don’t know whether it’s the identity crisis or the second adolescence. Men mess up a lot during the midlife crisis.

On the other hand, around the same time, if the man married an age-mate, his wife is hitting menopause. How is menopause and midlife crisis supposed to co-exist?Obviously, there is no chance for that to work.

4. He feels undervalued and unappreciated.

“A man’s genetic language is respect” I can’t count how often I had that phrase, and quite frankly, it’s true. Men feel emasculated when their women disrespect and undervalue them.

Woe into that marriage if the man finds a loving and adoring girl out there. He will and will waste no time in replacing the disrespectful and hard to please wife of his. 

5. He believes his marriage is beyond repair.

Honestly, some marriages are dry bones.There is no life left in their marriage. It would take a miracle to mend it. 

Many men in such marriages know that they would be fighting a losing battle if they decide to fight the marriage. Why not save the energy and time for a fair and new relationship?

6. He has nothing in common with his wife anymore.

Have they often had men lamenting that their wives have changed and no longer the sweet girls they married?

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Every day, right?Change is the only constant in life; sadly, with time, the wife becomes complacent and careless about their men and their hobbies.

During the honeymoon period, she didn’t mind going bowling or sitting through that poetry recital; later on, she would kill him for mentioning those words. The sad truth is that we change at different rates; even if she enjoyed bowling, she might have simply outgrown it faster than her husband.

When couples don’t have much in common anymore, their marriage is heading for the rocks, faster if any of the partners finds a new person they like better.

7. The sex is dead or at least on a deathbed.

Married people have sex about once a week, 51 times a year precisely.  The average amount of sex a man needs is about a few times a week. I hope you see the discrepancy. 

Over time, a man can only take so much sex deprivation. It won’t be long before he finds a substitute for those nights his wife is wearing the “Don’t touch me” face. 

Men leave their wives all the time; it isn’t news.However, when a man leaves his wife for another woman, people ask one of two questions; “What is wrong with the wife?” or “Is the mistress all that special that he threw it all away for her?”.

He left his wife for me.

When your man leaves his wife for you, it can be an array of emotions. Part of you is excited; your ego is well on the cloud on nine.Another part knows that your joy may not last for long.

There are so many questions that run in your mind at that moment. For instance;

  • Will our relationship last? 
  • Will he be faithful to me? 
  • Will he regret leaving his wife?
  • What do I do next?

Relax, take a chill pill, I got you.

Sadly, the odds are not in your favor.Chances are that your boyfriend will be unfaithful to you are three times higher than in his first marriage. You know the old proverb, “Once a cheater always a cheater” it does carry some truth. 

If a man leaves his wife for you, he would probably leave you for someone else; take Miranda Lambert, for instance. The famous Blake Shelton left his then-wife Kanyette Williams for Miranda Lambert in 2005, then divorced Williams in 2006. As fate may have it, he left Miranda Lambert after he met Gwen Stefani in 2015. 

Good news, though, just because he regrets leaving his wife doesn’t mean he will leave you and return to her.There are a ton of stories out there of mistresses who won the man over and are now the Mrs. Here are my favorite ones;

Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton

Country singers Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert hooked up in 2005 after performing together at the CMT Awards.Shelton fell for Lambert while still married to Kanyette Williams.  Shelton, later on, divorced Williams in 2006.Shelton went on to marry Lambert in 2011.

Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton

Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton were affectionate before she had broken up with her ex-boyfriend Gavin.Shelton was still married to Miranda Lambert at the same time. From “friends” to lovers, they two came out officially an item in 2015 and have been a thing since.  They look so good together.

Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles

Both were married to other people from the day they first met at a polo match in 1970. Talk about love at first sight for Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles. They both left significant others, most notable of the two being Charles’ divorce from the late and beloved Princess Diana.

Gabrielle Union and Dwayne Wade

The NBA baller was alleged to have still been married to his ex-wife Siohvaughn.Later Siohvaughn filed a lawsuit against Union for damages to her marriage. The suit didn’t yield much; in 2014, Union and Wade got hitched.

Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony

This list wouldn’t be complete without the beautiful Jennifer Lopez and her husband.

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Their affair is said to have begun while he was still married to ex-wife Dayanara Torres, whom he divorced Lopez, and married JLo in 2004.

The list is endless. So, instead of wasting time worrying because your married boyfriend left his wife for you.  Make merry because you have just made it to the exclusive club, from the other woman to the only woman club.

He left his wife for me, and we are happy.

Why would anyone stay in a loveless marriage? Love is meant to be a paradise and not a warzone. It takes bravery of the highest order for a man to leave a dead-end marriage given societal stigma and prejudice associated with divorce. No wonder when the man leaves his wife for you, you and him both are happy.

Ways to find happiness after he left his wife for you?

1.Remember, you don’t always choose who you love.

You are not going to kill yourself simply because you fell in love with a married man. Love chooses us; we rarely pick whom we fall for.Thank your stars that he loves you enough to choose you over his wife and life in general. 

2. Bury the guilt.

I know our society likes to label you home-wrecker or man-snatcher,  you can’t wreck a home that wasn’t already broken, and neither can you snatch a man who doesn’t want to be taken!

Please don’t blame yourself.

3.Build your love story, one day at a time.

Now that you have the man, you need to work on your relationship diligently, one day at a time, no pressure. You have no idea how many people want you to fail. 

4.Worrying won’t change a thing.

I know what they say “If he cheated with you on someone, he would cheat on you with another” blah, blah, blah… You see, what’s been done has been done; you can’t change the situation in which you met your man. So instead of worrying about what could be, how about you enjoy the today that you have. In any case, what will worrying change?Nothing!

Do men who leave their wives and families regret it?

When a man leaves his wife does he really regret it?Leaving his children behind,all the pain he caused you?

Like love, regret is a complex emotion. It’s not black and black white; it’s more like 50 shades of grey.

Most often than not, your ex-husband will regret his decision to leave his wife and family. This, however, doesn’t mean that he wants to return to you. He may realize that the grass is not greener on the other side.  Especially when his new relationship isn’t going as he had hoped it would, but he may feel that it is late to mend any bridges between him and his ex-wife.

Even when he is happy with his decision, he may have regrets.Having moved on with his mistress and already enjoying his new life with her doesn’t mean he has no hesitations about the situation. 

  • He may regret how things ended and how he handled the separation. 
  • He may regret the pain he caused you because he isn’t a monster. 
  • He may regret being the father that left his beloved children.
  • He feels some regret for leaving someone he once loved.

Regret itself is not reason enough for him to come back to you. 

We don’t really know the future. It freaks us. Your ex-husband may worry that he left his predestined soulmate and end with you when he left. That feeling alone is enough to make someone feel some regret.

How long before the husband regrets leaving?

Regret is very common after a man leaves his wife.After how long he regrets leaving his wife is relative and dependent on many factors;

1.Whether he loved her.

If a man loved his wife, it doesn’t matter how bad the marriage ended; he will always think of her fondly. The good old times they shared will be in his memory. He is therefore bound to regret leaving sooner than if he really didn’t love her.

2. Why he left.

The reason the man leaves his wife gives him the courage and impetuousness to make the decision to leave. If it was that bad, he isn’t going to regret it anytime soon.In my “5 common reasons why men leave their wives” i talk about some of the reasons men leave their wives.

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Whether children were in the picture or not.

Children are angels, aren’t they? If he had children in his marriage, he is bound to feel some regret sooner than later.

4.Whether he moved on with someone new or not.

If someone is warming his bed at night, chances are he will take longer to regret his decision sooner.

Statistics show that men regret leaving their wives along the way.However, that doesn’t mean that men would return. In fact, only 6% of them ever reunite with their ex-spouses. On a good note, though, 72 % of the couples who remarried stayed together. 

Therefore, not all hope is lost.

Signs ex-husband regrets divorce.

Most often than not, ex-wives will have questions like, “Does he regret leaving me?” or “Does he feel bad for hurting me?”. Many times ex-husbands regret divorce because so much is lost during a divorce.Marriage, children, money, and need I mention his life.

1. He unfollowed/unfriended you.

When he unfollows you, it’s because he is dealing with uncomfortable emotions like regret or jealousy.Seeing your posts only aggravates him. 

2.Being Quick To Anger.

When he becomes short-fused and quickly gets furious and irritated by even the smallest things, he deals with unresolved emotions towards you.Chances are it is envy or regret. 

3. Your ex wants to hang out with you all the time.

When he is trying to be closer to you, it is because he is probably trying to make up for the time that was lost when he had left you. If this isn’t regret, I wonder what else it is.

4. Your ex can’t stop asking about you.

If he can’t seem to stop asking about you, your health, finances, happiness, and even love life. It is a sure sign that his curiosity is because he regrets his decision to leave you.

5. Your ex is suddenly incredibly sweet to you.

If your ex used to be a distant person and now is all over sudden sweet to you, it’s a sign that he is regretting the decision of leaving you.

6. He or she is talking about positive memories.

This way, he is hoping to remind you of the good old times by bringing positive memories. In a way, he is trying to reconnect with you emotionally. Why else would he bother if he wasn’t regretting leaving you?

7. Your ex is pretending to have everything under control.

More often than not, when people act like everything is under control, its most probably isn’t.After all, he is just acting. He wouldn’t need to pretend if it was real! 

Obviously, men don’t like to face reality when they are in the wrong.Leaving his wife isn’t an exception. He will try to act fine even when he is dying inside.

8. Your ex is with someone else but still contacts you every day.

This means that not even the thrill of a new relationship can get you off his mind.Clearly, he is still smitten by you and is sure it hurts him so bad. He definitely regrets leaving you if he is contacting you while he is someone else.

In conclusion

When a man leaves his wife for you, regardless of the circumstance surrounding your relationship, it’s not a time to sulk and worry about whether he might leave the relationship. It’s instead a time to celebrate and enjoy your relationship. 

It’s one in a million relationship; you don’t have time to waste on negative energy.

Why do men cheat on their partners ?

Why do men do what they do?  Does anyone know why men cheat? Men do make the world go round, don’t they?

Ask any man why men cheat, and you’ll get answers like;

  • Because I can.
  • Because it is my nature, I can’t control it.
  • One woman just isn’t enough.
  • Everyone else is doing it, why not me?

But the question still remains unanswered. What exactly makes a man have an affair? 

Affairs are costly, and most often than not, men have a lot to lose. They are risking a divorce, losing their children’s visitation rights, breaking their home, and did I mention the money men spend on their mistresses? What really makes men start affairs with other women? What is that, that which is so big that men are willing to risk all that for?

Why do men have affairs?

Why can’t men just be faithful? Is it impossible?

I know we’ve all pondered on these questions at least a million times before, right?

Irrespective of what men think and what excuses they give for Cheating on their wives, there are underlying, unspoken reasons and issues which drive men to have an affair. 

Why do men really cheat even in the face of overwhelmingly unwanted consequences like divorce, loss of parental contact, and the likes?Leave alone what men say when they are in denial; here are the real and unexpressed reasons men have affairs.


Sometimes he is merely immature. When a man is innocent, he is selfish and self-seeking. This unattractive quality impacts a relationship in various ways.Ignorant men often put themselves first in any circumstance; they don’t put into consideration their partner’s feelings. 

To them, it is more important to be right even when than to be loving. With such an attitude, that man will be prone to getting a quick fix outside marriage. In any case, he believes that all is ok, as long as his wife never finds out.Besides, immature men are impulsive; they rarely consider the repercussions of their actions before-hand. Tell me this is not a recipe for disaster!

2.Unresolved coexisting addictions.

Addictions are, for the most part, stubborn to deal with because they can surface other, even unrelated facets of life in subtle ways. 

It is understandable how sexual addiction can result in Cheating through compulsively engaging in sexual fantasies and behaviors to numb pain and avoid life.

However, unrelated addictions like alcoholism and drug abuse could as well end in Cheating.Ongoing problems with alcohol and or drugs affect a man’s decision-making, resulting in regrettable sexual decisions.


When a man feels inadequate, in any way, he may seek validation from another woman to feel wanted, desired, and valued. He may feel too old or too young, not handsome enough, not rich enough, just not enough. 

Little wonder, an astonishing number of male Cheating happens, at least in part, during the mid-life crisis, when most men report feeling inadequate.

4. Lack of male social support and guidance.

His father cheated. Some of his friends are philanderers. Why would a man surrounded by all this adultery be faithful? The only locker-room and guy talk he is exposed to is Cheating related. 

All men need social support, incredibly supportive friendships with other men.

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Expecting his social and emotional needs to be met entirely by his wife sets her up for failure. 

When she inevitably fails to meet, he will be forced to seek fulfillment elsewhere. 

5.Confusion about infatuation/ limerence with commitment.

When a marriage begins, there is a spark between couples. With time though, this feeling wears off and is replaced with more reliable and permanent feelings like care and understanding. 

When your guy misunderstands the difference between romantic intensity and long-term love, he may mistake infatuation of early romance to mean love. When it wears off, which it will, he may think he is no longer in love with his wife. 

6.After effect childhood abuse

Unresolved childhood trauma follows us into adulthood. Your partner may be recreating or latently responding as a way of dealing with the abuse. 

He might also be using the excitement and distraction of sexual infidelity to self-soothe the pain of these old, unhealed wounds.Unless the underlying childhood abuse is addressed, it doesn’t matter how hard he tries, the childhood pain will surface.

7.Immediate, unfettered impulse

Men are visual, and in the heat of the moment, only a few men can resist, especially when the other girl is willing. 

If a man has not purposed to be faithful in his heart, there is so much opportunity to cheat. It’s a jungle out there.

8.Unrealistic expectations from his partner

It’s funny how some men expect their wife to be a mother but remain hot, be a housewife and career-oriented, be modest and sexy, all at the same time. 

Where on earth do you find a woman that excels in all those expectations and at the same time? It’s ridiculous! 

When reality hits, the man realizes that his wife, once slim, once perfect, is carrying around a few extra pounds due to giving life to his babies, he wants out. You can’t have your pie and still have it, honey. Here in the real world, you gain some, you lose some!

9.Anger, Revenge

I know it sounds petty, but you wouldn’t believe how many men cheat because their wives cheated first. It’s sad, but it’s true.

When next, you are trying to deal with a man who supposedly has it all but still cheated on his wife, remember that it has nothing to do with his marriage. 

Often there are underlying and hidden issues that are the real culprits.

What men in affairs really think?

A man’s mind has been and always will be a mystery to the ladies. Have you ever seen a man make the most horrible choice like missing his daughter’s birthday party for a night of poker with some old bones? I know what your reaction was. “What is he thinking?” I admit these sons of Adam at times do questionable things. 

Is he having an affair? Do you want a sneak peek into his mind? 

When men are cheating, they try to rationalize and soothe themselves with different thoughts to ultimately reduce or do away with guilt.

When a man is cheating on his wife, he consciously believes that he had no option. At least he rationalizes and convinces himself that he is innocent.

Here are some of the most common reflections of unfaithful men.

1.”Every guy wants to have sex with other women.” 

So that when the opportunity arises, he takes it without feeling as bad.After all, every guy is doing it.

2. “It’s a man’s biological imperative to have sex with as many women as he can.” 

That way, when he is sleeping Nancy, Mary, Tonya, and whomever else he pleases, he can blame biology not him?

3. ‘If I got enough sex at home, I wouldn’t need to cheat.” 

Of course, anything to redirect the blame. The man will pin it on the wife. I get it; sex is essential for men, but if this was entirely true, how do you explain adulterers obsessed with another man’s wife?Clearly, some wives do know their way around the sex corner.

4. “I’m not doing anything that most of my buddies don’t do. If you don’t believe me, ask them.” 

I can’t count how many times I have had this one. How do you live philanderers and expect to be different? Bad company corrupts good character; it’s only a matter of time until he becomes his friend.

5. “If my wife hadn’t gained so much weight or if she was nicer to me, or more attentive.”

I hope you see the pattern by now. It is never the man’s fault. How fat is Sarah Jessica Parker, and yet her husband Matthew Broderick still cheated, or the beautiful Pink even though Carey Hart still strayed? I won’t even mention Beyoncé here; the list is endless.

6. “Cheating?
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Really? It’s not even close! I mean, who would rationally call getting a lap dance in a strip club infidelity? It’s just what guys do for fun.” 

I wonder how this guy would feel about his wife giving that lap dance to another man.

7. “My dad looked at magazines and went to strip clubs, and that wasn’t a big deal. Well, I have webcam chats and interactive sex. What’s the difference?”

It’s a monkey see, monkey world. You can’t blame the guy when all he is doing is faithful to execute the tradition handed down to him by his father. 

8. “I’m only sexting and flirting.Where’s the harm in that?” 

What constitutes an affair is elastic and undefined. Of course, adulterers like to stretch the boundaries of what constitutes adultery in their relationship. We all know if the positions were switched, it was the wife sexting, all hell would break loose. 

If I were to exhaust all the common phrases straying men like use, all the time in the world wouldn’t even suffice. 

It is clear, though, that these men have mastered the art of self-induced delusion that genuinely believes all these lies. No wonder they don’t feel the guilt that is proportional to the pain they are causing everyone, his family, and the mistress. They actually believe that they are the victim.

What do married men want from affairs?

Sex, of course! Is there anything other than sex that men want from the affair? 

As a matter of fact, yes. Men want more than just sex from Cheating. It boils down to the reason/ reasons he is in the affair in the first place.

The reality is far more complicated and nuanced. 

Only20% of infidelity is rarely ever just about sex.Varied and distinct factors come into play for the man to cheat. We can all agree that when men cheat, they compensate for something that is lacking in his marriage.Believe me, it’s not always sex. We can’t rule out sex, though.

What they want from the affair arrangement


Adulthood is difficult, but manhood takes the prize.Every now and then, the world is knocking men down. In such an environment, it is easy for him to doubt himself. An affair with a young and beautiful woman reassures him that he is still that lion within. It validates his insecurities and self-doubt.

Ego boost.

Midlife crisis and manhood, in general, can water down a man’s confidence and esteem. His wife only adds salt to the wound by being unappreciative.Mistresses, on the other hand, are a breath of fresh air, having an affair will soothe his ego.

Relief from adulthood.

Bills, children, and the wife are any married man’s most significant issues. It would be nice if he had a getaway to escape this reality even for a minute, an affair.

What they want from the mistress

A friend

You would be shocked at how lonely married men are. A friend of mine used to be an escort.There’s this particular client of hers who we used to call Kind J. 

Now Kind J would set appointments and make arrangements for my friend in the best hotels around town, and all he wanted was someone to talk to. He was in my country for 4 months, and during that time, he only touched her once, just once, the night before he left. 

He always paid her the full amount just to sit there and look pretty. Can you imagine?  I believe that some married men are just Kind Js looking for a friend.

A good time

Boys just want to have fun; married men are not an exception.Marriage life can be one long, tedious, and unending day. He needs a mistress whom he can rely on to be that spice, that thing that breaks the monotony.


You would never believe how many boardroom discussions begin in the bedroom. It helps the affair when the man can rely on his mistress for pointers to close the deal.

Affairs with married men psychology.

The psychology of affairs with married men is nuanced.

Types of affairs according to Formica

1. An object affair: The cheating partner neglects the relationship to focus on something else, an object.

2. A sexual affair: Accurately what the name says: A sexual arrangement is strictly about sex, nothing more.

 3. An emotional affair: This is characterized by lots of sentiment. 

 4. A secondary relationship affair: This is the conventional kind of Cheating. You have two parallel partnerships concurrently, which are usually both sexual and emotional. 

In real life, though, affairs don’t fall neatly into each category. It could be more of one category than another; however, most often than not, your romance could be a blend of two or more.

During pre-affair and post-affair, the state of men’s minds might give a sneak peek of what the in-between might look like. 

Results from studies about affairs with married men psychology

1. Men cheat more than women.

Biological theories, gender roles and differences, stereotypes, media, and cultural expectations lead us to believe that men have more sexual desire than women. This is true, but the reality is the difference is not that big. 

A 1994 study by Edward Laumman shows that 20% of women and 31% of men in their 40’s and 50’s reported having sex with someone other than their spouses. 

Love, Sex, and the Science of Attraction accept a rough estimate of 30 to 40 percent infidelity in marriage for men and women.

Both studies show 10% more men are likely to cheat than women. We can blame science, media, gender Etc. 

Socially all these factors have come together to create an environment that makes it easier and more acceptable for men to cheat than women. 

In conclusion: Men are more comfortable Cheating than women thanks to the support from evolutionary theory, stereotypes, media myths, culture, Etc.

2. The primary reason for the affair isn’t sex necessarily.

By standard, extra-marital affairs involve a romantic and/or emotional relationship which has a sexual or sexualized component. 

On the contrary, research proposes that sexual drive isn’t primarily why married men have affairs. 

M. Gary Neuman suggests that 8% of the 200 interviewed men in his study were unfaithful because of sexual dissatisfaction.

In conclusion: Contrary to popular belief, there is more to the affair than sex. Men are looking for more than just sex.

3. Many men still cheat whether they are happy or not.

56% of happily married men still cheat.

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Shocking right?

In conclusion: A happy marriage isn’t affair-proof.  Happiness isn’t a factor or determiner of whether a man will cheat.

Men who cheat are not looking for a way of their marriage.

56% of men who had affairs are satisfied with their marriages and aren’t looking for a way out. 

In conclusion: The majority of adulterous men aren’t willing to leave their wives. 

4. Not all men look for the affair.

While some men are serial cheats. They are always looking out for their next side candies.Surprisingly 60% of the married men who cheated said they weren’t looking when they cheated; it just happened.

In conclusion: The majority of men aren’t the monsters we make them out to be. They are not necessarily looking for an affair when they cheat on their wives.

Men cheat with women they already know.

Indicative that the affair isn’t just about sex, adultery often starts with people known to the adulterer as coworkers or friends. No wonder more than 60% of romances begin at work.

Can affairs be good for a marriage?

Affairs are every married couple’s nightmare; they are like the owl that hoots just before death, and only that in this case, it’s the marriage that’s dying.Could anything good ever come of this? Yes.

I know it sounds somewhat contradictory. 

Yet, perhaps strangely, there are a few ways in which an affair might contribute to the growth and stability of a marriage.

Here are a few ways how affairs can be good for a marriage.  

1. It ends in self-love.

Reassurance from the new lover does wonders for your self-esteem. With daily life hurdles, you could easily get lost and forget why awesome you are.Having another person’s attention reminds us of how great we are. This way, we increase love for ourselves, self-love.


Guilty is an uncomfortable feeling that bugs you until you either repent of cover-up for your faults. This is beneficial because it enables us to treat others better.

3. We realize that the grass isn’t greener on the other side.

There is always that latent fear that there is something better on the other side, which we are missing.Going through with the affair will prove to you that there truly is no perfect person. That way, you will be content and happier in your marriage.

4. We are not trapped.

You always have a choice. You should never stay in an abusive and loveless marriage.Irrespective of what has happened, someone else will always love you and treat you better.Having an affair proves to you that you are still desirable, regardless. You’re not trapped.

5. Self-discovery

Oftentimes in a marriage, you sacrifice your personality at the altar of acceptance from your spouse. The fair, on the other hand, is strictly on your terms. You learn from it who you really are. It is another chance at self-discovery.

Sometimes good things do grow in dirty places. Talk about love in a hopeless place.


Men have cheated on their wives as long as marriage has existed. To be able to stop such a old age practice you need to understand why men cheat in the first place so that you can prevent your man from cheating or know how to keep a philandering man when he comes your way.

How to stop dating a married man?

Dating a married man is an emotional roller coaster. It is emotionally exhausting and also draining.In this article am gonna be give u advice on how to stop dating a married man. 

On the other hand, the dilemma is that a married man possesses the charm and maturity most single men don’t, which is alluring for any woman.Whether you believe it or not, dating a married man can have terrible consequences for you, you, and him. 

When you’ve fallen in love with a married man, it is easy to get used to the unpredictable, unstable, and sometimes thrilling relationship. You might have even convinced yourself that he’s the one for you, which can make it next to impossible for you to walk away.  

The fact that you are willing to embark on this journey to stop dating a married man is brave. I must applaud being courageous. 

The good news is that regardless of how far gone you are into the affair, you can turn a new leaf when you decide to.

Finding the courage to end the affair is extremely tough and isn’t instantaneous, but worry not. I have a step by step guide to taking you through the process of stopping to date a married man, from start to finish.

Step by step, guide on how to stop dating a married man.

Step 1. Deal with your image of love.

Most often than not, when we accept less than we deserve, it’s because we believe that we deserve less.Redefining how you view love will enable you to deal with any negative thoughts and beliefs you might have towards love. Once this is done, you will clearly see why your affair with a married man is not healthy for you.

Step 2.Figure out why you are dating him in the first place.

Recognizing why you are involved with the married man is the first step towards freedom from the affair. 

The reasons why you were willing to sell your aorta for a quarter will enable you to see where things went wrong. If it’s unresolved issues towards men or any pain, or whatever else it is so you can deal with it.

Step 3.Forgive yourself.

After you deal with the factors that made you susceptible to being the mistress, forgive yourself.Guilt is a troublesome burden to carry around.Besides, you’re not the only one to blame for the mess. Take all the time you need.However, in the end, please, forgive yourself.

Step 4. End it.

By this step, you will probably have gathered the courage to break up with him. Don’t think it through. 

Just get up one morning, meet up with him, and break up. Don’t drag it out; it will only get harder the longer you wait. So end it now while you still can.

Step 5. Find a support system.

During the affair, you had to lie to everyone else you cared about.

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Chances are that none of your friends and family knew about your married boyfriend. 

This is the time for you to open up to them because you need the support of loved ones now more than ever.

Step 6. Move on.

Re-establish your life, get new hobbies, travel, and just get back to doing the healthy things that you loved doing before. Get out there, and when you find him, 

I mean your real soulmate (he won’t be married btw) eventually, you will love him hard.

Good things don’t come easy; they take time. So will your healing process. Be patient with yourself, one step after the other, and one day even this will be behind you.

How to let go of a married man.

Many people argue that you should stop the affair for the moral reason of avoiding to hurt the wife and the children if he has any. 

However, did you know that the affair affects you even more than the wife or the children? You owe it yourself to end the fair, if not for anything, for your own happiness.

Affairs begin solely based on lust; you only fall in love later on during the relationship.Sometimes you don’t even realize that you have fallen in love with the man.Sadly, falling in love with the adulterer is as good as pulling the trigger on yourself.

Love grows in the most unexpected places; most times, we can’t control who we love. So, when you have fallen in love with a married man, it becomes harder to let go of him. Here are some tips that will make your process of letting go easier.You can find signs if a married man is falling in love with you in my 14 Secret Signs a married man is falling in love with you

1.Expect the breakup to hurt.

Pain is meant to be felt. If you try to avoid it, it just keeps resurfacing in subtle forms.Anticipating the hurt will make it easier for you to bear. 

The truth is letting go of someone that you dislike can hurt a little bit, how much more someone you love.

2.Realize that you are not alone.

You have a support system of friends and family who cherish you. Do not ever feel like you are all alone. I know it’s your cross to bear. 

However, even then, you don’t have to carry it alone. Talk to your family and friends, cry, laugh, and do whatever it takes to make you feel better.

3.Please stop lying to yourself.

No, he is never going to leave his wife. No, he isn’t the one for you and sure as hell. All the lies you have made yourself throughout the affair need to stop. 

You have to stop lying to yourself and the people you love.Remember, the truth liberates so darling, face the truth and stop dating the married man, however hard it may be.

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Remember that you are not in love with the real man.

During the affair, what you see is what the man lets you see. You don’t even know the real him. 

You are not in love with him but rather in love with the idea of him. The man you are in love with doesn’t exist.

5. Like all things, this too will pass.

Be encouraged, nothing lasts forever, even love. It’s only a matter of time, and the married man will have no effect on you. 

Take it from someone who has been through it. Time really does heal all wounds.

6. Cut off all contact, especially social media.

Delete his number and all social media accounts. If you can still see his updates, you’ll be tempted to communicate; you are back to square one once you speak with him. 

Cut all contact until you’re in a better state of mind regarding him.

7.Allow yourself time to heal.

Don’t rush into another relationship right away.Allow yourself time to process and heal from the emotional damages caused by the affair. All good and perfect things take time. Don’t rush the process.

8. Get help.

Consider getting counseling.Dating a married man is traumatic enough, adding to that the pain to let go of a love you have grown accustomed to receiving could make anyone crazy. 

A counselor will help you work through it all.

9.Start afresh

If you need to shift, travel, or find new love, whatever it takes, turn a new leaf.Start living again. You deserve it.

I know it isn’t easy giving up your love, even if it is your poison and slowly killing you, the heart wants it. 

Slowly but surely, one day at a time, I am optimistic that you will walk through this step by step. You are a lot stronger than you realize.

How do I make a married man leave me alone?

Men can be persistent most, especially when you have caught their attention. This persistence is irritating when you are not interested in pursuing a relationship with him.

You don’t have to bear the irritation anymore, here are tried and tips to make a married man leave you alone.

1. Give your married BF a pregnancy scare.

This might sound funny, but it works. No one runs away as quickly as a man who doesn’t want to take responsibility for his actions.

Many married men may be honorable, but the idea of having children outside his marriage is unbearable for most of them.

Obviously, this only works when you have had sex together.

2.Threaten to tell the wife.

I know you’d never do that, which is why I said to threaten. It helps when you have stored proof like emails or texts. If the pregnancy didn’t scare the man, this should. 

We all know that married men would never leave their wives, so you might have opened an exit door for him if you use this against him.

3. Get a restraining order.

When he still won’t bark out, it might be more severe than you imagine. He could be obsessed with you, and that dangerous. You might need to get a restraining order against him.

It is the most frustrating thing under the sun when a man you are not interested in just won’t leave you alone. With the tips above, I hope you will be able to handle any unwanted attention from a married man who stubbornly won’t leave you.

How to get rid of a married man who is hitting on you.

Men like to flirt, don’t they? They flirt a lot, do not necessarily take the rejection to heart. 

Unwelcome attention from a married man every now and then occurs, that doesn’t mean you are obliged to smile and bear it. 

Remember when a married man is hitting on you, and you reciprocate, you are daring the devil himself.

A married man can flirt for several reasons. It could be innocent and fun, or he might be pursuing you for a relationship. 

When a married man is hitting on you and gives you all the signals which you reject, he may still pursue you.

He may even try and manipulate you by professing his love for you.Handling a married man who is hitting on, you can be awkward. If you are looking for tips on how to get rid of a married man hitting on you, read on.

Make His Actions Match His Promises
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Assert and distance yourself

If you really need to stop dating the married man you need to be firm with your responses so that he doesn’t get it twisted. You do not appreciate his advances, so you have to let him know.

2.Distance yourself.

Putting space between you and him will help reduce whatever attraction he has. In any case, out of sight is out of mind, you need to be as unavailable as you can for this man.

3.Resist the urge to respond; don’t flirt back.

Attention feels good to your ego; you might have the urge to flirt back because you like the feeling.Unfortunately, flirting around with a married man will encourage him and his advances. That is far from what we want, isn’t it?

4. Make your boundaries clear.

Let him know what is acceptable to him. How far is too far? This will clarify what sorts of behavior you will not take from him and how you expect him to treat you. 

Men respect boundaries. If you spell it out how to don’t appreciate his advances, he will most likely stop bothering you.

5.Block the guy.

Block his phone calls, his Facebook, his Instagram, or whatever account he communicates to you. He can’t talk to you if he is blocked. 

For your sake and sanity, you have to stop him everywhere.

6. Talk about your boyfriend.

Even if you are single, talk about other men in his presence. A man and his ego can’t take it when the girl he likes keeps mentioning another man. He will get irritated and lose interest, and will most likely leave you alone.


Men will all always be men; they will hit on whoever they like. In fact, many of them flirt to gauge your interest level. Just stand your ground when you are not interested. 


 Is your married boyfriend jealous? If he is, could it mean that he is in love with you? Is it even possible for a married man to be jealous? So many questions, so little time. But worry not, I got you with a list of some proven facts that your married man is jealous of you.

Dating a married man is a lot harder than what the movies show.There are many uncertainty and unwritten rules that accompany it, so you really can’t know what to expect because the future of the relationship is neither guaranteed nor predetermined by anything. 

Emotions will only worsen the situation. The mistress is better off keeping her feelings as far away from this man as possible.

Jealousy can signal interest and attraction. If the man is jealous, it could be good news for her if she is in love with him in the first place. 

They say, “When we want something so badly we might see things that don’t even exist” after all, the eye finds evidence of what the heart is convicted of. 

Well, you don’t have to be puzzled any longer because here is a list of tried and true signs that a married man is jealous of you.

9 proven signs a married man is jealous

Men pick interest in a woman and suddenly want her to be with them and nobody else. If he dares notice another guy eyeballing her or texting her, he hates that guy. 

The guy bothers him because he could potentially take the woman he was eyeing from him. So, he becomes jealous.

Married men also have another dilemma. They can’t ask the mistress to be faithful to only them even though that’s what they’d want because they are still sleeping with their wives during the affair. 

Being unable to dictate that their mistress be exclusive makes them mad with envy. They have no real control over who she lets in.

Married men are still men regardless of the ring.Married are mature and experienced; as such, they might mask and hide the jealousy than your average boyfriend. Here’s a list showing signs that the green monster is out.

1. The man becomes your driver.

When he starts to drop you and pick you up from places even when they are far from his destination, that is a sigh, This is definitely a sign that your married man is jealous of you . 

It’s because he is making sure you will be exactly where you said you’d be so he can feed his insecurities. 

In his mind, if you aren’t lying about where you are then, he doesn’t have to worry about a man hiding somewhere. That’s typical of a jealous man.

2. Your BF shows up uninvited.

He starts popping in places where you are even when he isn’t invited, with stupid excuses like “I was in the area”.  

Red flag! He is just checking to see whether you are alone and that there aren’t any guys around you.

3. Your man is eerie when out without him.

When you’re out without him, he is blowing your phone. For a wordy man, this could be a normal sign of a jealous married man. 

However, if he is the stand-offish type and out the blue, there’s an issue over chatty. He wants to be at the forefront of your mind occupying all your thoughts. 

He doesn’t want you to forget him for even a second. That way, another man will not catch your attention. If this isn’t jealousy, then I don’t know what is.

4. The guy is stalking your social media.

Did he just accidentally like your post from 2000?Chances are he’s been snooping around. 

Married men usually have responsibilities and are very busy and this a very common sign of a jealous man. 

So why is he looking through social media archives? I’ll tell you. 

He wants to ascertain that you haven’t been entertaining any male attention. 

He may also want to see which potentially threatening men he should ward off before it is too late. This has jealousy tatted all over it.

5. Your BF is overly sweet.

If a usually aloof and distant man is all over sudden starts to act like the sweetest and most attentive person in the room. 

Especially when other guys are around, is because most importantly, he is signaling them that you are taken. 

Secondly, he hopes that his grandiose will make him your best candidate choice should other men dare to make a move.

6. Your man sulks when you talk about another man.

Did you mention a joke about your male colleague and his face went puffy? He is jealous. 

Jealous men can’t stand the women who are the objects of their attention, talking about other men. He starts to worry that that man could potentially replace him in your life.

7. The guy tries to flirt to hurt you.

When someone is naturally flirtatious, this may be hard to see.

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Still, for your average man, going out of his way to compliment the flirt when you are around, he hopes that he might give you a taste of your medicine. 

He feels jealousy, and he thinks you are making him jealous on purpose.Therefore, he is trying to make you feel what he feels.

8. The man becomes passive-aggressive

Passive-aggressive behavior like silent treatment is a ploy by insecure men to get you to notice them. 

That way, they can fill the self-doubt void with your attention. You really shouldn’t feed this kind of behavior.

9. Your man accuses you

The 100% sure sign is that he blames cheating, flirting with other men, or even considering it. 

Accusations don’t come from nowhere; they aren’t baseless. If your BF accuses you, it is because, through his insecure lense, he is jealous.

Mature and secure men are not threatened when other men are around their women. On the other hand, insecure and immature self-conscious men become aggressive when they are threatened. 

Both men will feel pangs of jealousy; nonetheless, they react differently.While the immature man becomes passive-aggressive and problematic, a mature man will bring it to the discussion table.

How do you make a married man jealous?

What better way to get a guy’s attention than to make him jealous?Jealousy makes men do crazy things. When a man is jealous, he realizes how easily he could lose you if he doesn’t improve his game.

Jealousy is a great tool, so mastering the art of inciting jealousy almost effortlessly will take any girl far. 

However, if wrongly done, the man will pick up on your cues, you’ll look like a pathetic attention seeker. This could quickly go south. If you want to be a master, here are some tips to make him jealous and want you more.

1. Look good

Looking good will get his attention first all and keep things interested. If you do not look good in the first place, he won’t even value you at all because who else would be interested in a woman who doesn’t look right?

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Laugh at another guy’s jokes

Laughing at another man’s jokes makes it appear like you are enjoying his company. 

This threatens your boyfriend. When a man is threatened, he is very likely to be jealous.

3.Ignore some of your man’s calls.Certainly not all of them

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when someone isn’t picking the phone? It makes you wonder what they are doing, that’s more important than your call.

Likewise, when you ignore some of your man’s calls, it bothers him. He will be wondering what you are doing or rather who you are doing that’s more than him. And voila! You just made him jealous.

4. Be vague about your plans.

When a man knows all plans and movements, it can feel predictable on his part, monotonous even. How about you shake things up a little bit. 

The next time he asks where you will be that evening say something like this “I have this thing with a friend till late” rather than “Am going out with Ashley”.

Even if all you are doing is a girls’ night of gossip with Ashley, the fact that you were elusive about your plans will make him think you are hiding something worse still, someone from him.

5. Go out more often, especially at night.

Having a nightlife often bothers married men more than other men because he is stuck at home with his wife unless he has a ‘business trip’ or’ is working late.’

While he is stuck with wifey, the mere thought of you out is enough to fill his mind with myriad possibilities. 

It is even better if you update your story with pictures of you having a marvelous time during your night out. It helps your case, even more when there are boys in the picture. 

6. Get your BF caught up in a triangle. An old friend can help.

If all else fails, recruit an old pal to actively incite jealousy. They say a man never really knows what he has until he is about to lose it. 

Bringing in a third party with eyes for you might just get him jealous enough to want to fight for you.

Whatever reasons you have to make him jealous, the tips above will have him green-eyed for you in no time.

Does it mean a married man loves you because?

Not necessarily.Married men get jealous all the time; nevertheless, this does not always mean that the married man loves the mistress. 

Men are territorial. They loathe sharing their property. I am not saying that women are property, but then again, boys are strange. 

Your lover feels that you belong to him; besides, we all know that boys dislike sharing their toys.

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Order Your Help Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Sometimes though, jealousy can signal an attraction.

Why would a married man be jealous when he is the adulterer?

Men like to be in power, at least over their women.However, he has close to no control over you regarding which men you let in your life. 

Therefore, he is sleeping with his wife, and has no moral grounds to ask for the exclusivity from you that he cannot give. 

It drives him crazy because although you are his mistress, he can never really have you, which fuels the jealousy. 

Other than that, here are a few reasons why a married man would be jealous of his mistress.

1. Your BF is in love

Love does make us do crazy things. When men are in love, they are possessive of their women.Having a man snooping around, you will only make the man mad with envy. In my 14 Secret Signs a married man is falling in love with you you will be sure to find signs of a married man in love.

2. Your man is insecure

An insecure man lacks self-confidence. He tries to make up for his behavior by overcompensating elsewhere. 

Insecure men know that they have very little to offer a woman. When they see another man around, any man will think that the girl will look at him and find that they are missing by settling for the insecure man.


The bottom line is that dating a married man is a tall order. You must have thick skin.


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