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How to know if a married man loves you? – 25 Signs

How to know if a married man loves you? – 25 Signs

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How to know if a married man loves you?Do you have a married man in your life that you think may be falling for you?It can be difficult to tell, especially if he’s not giving away any obvious signals.In this blog post, we will outline a list of signs that a married man loves you.If he exhibits most or all of these behaviors, it’s likely that he has feelings for you!

Signs a married man likes you

There are many signals that a married man may be in love with you.Some are more obvious than others, but all of them can be helpful in determining his feelings.Without further ado, here are the best key signs to look out for to know if a married man loves you:

1.He tells his wife about you

As risky as it may sound, one of the clearest signs that a married man is in love with you and is serious about you is if he talks and discloses about you to his wife.It is a risky act for a married man to disclose his affairs to his could destroy his relationship with her and potentially damage yours as well.

What does this mean?it’s a pretty good sign that he’s serious about whatever it is he is doing with you.He wouldn’t want to risk losing his wife’s trust if he didn’t feel strongly about you.

Of course, this isn’t the only possibility.It’s possible that he could be telling his wife about you in order to get her permission to pursue a relationship.Or, he could be trying to make her jealous.If you’re not sure how his wife feels about you, it’s worth asking him directly.

Another possibility is that he’s simply trying to gauge her reaction to the idea of him being with someone else.In this case, he may not be sure about his own feelings and is testing the waters.

whatever the reason, if he’s talking to his wife about you, it’s a good sign that he sees you as a potential long-term partner.

If a married man is talking to his wife about you, it’s a good sign that he’s interested in you.He may not be ready to leave his wife for you, but he definitely has feelings for you.

Next, let’s look at some other signs that a married man is in love with you.

2.He includes you in his future plans

When a man starts to include you in his future plans, it’s a good sign that he’s serious about you.He wouldn’t be making long-term plans if he didn’t see a future with you.

For example, he may start talking about how he wants to take you on a vacation next year.Or, he may mention that he’s thinking about buying a house and wants you to live there with him.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that he’s going to leave his wife for you.But it does mean that he’s considering a future with you and is serious about his feelings for you.

While we are at it, talking about the future also includes mentioning you to his friends, colleagues and even family.If he starts doing this, it’s a good sign that he’s thinking about you long-term.

Be careful though about things he just tells you.Some times married men lie about their feelings to get what they want from you.

If a married man starts talking about future plans that include you, it’s a good sign that he’s in love with you.

How to know if a married man loves you #3.He doesn’t rush you for sex

One of the biggest reason why married men cheat on their wives is the desire to supplement the luck of affection in their relationship.This is normally bad for the mistress because without her knowing, she becomes an item used for satisfaction.

A married man who intends to use you for sex, will always demand for sex every time he meats with you.

If your married man loves you, he will try to find ways to connect with you emotionally first and physically second.He will also be interested in how your day went and what’s going on in your life outside of him.

4.He’s do whatever he can to see you when you want to see him

How to know if a married man loves you

He will do whatever he can to see you when you want to see him.This might mean rearranging his schedule or making time for you in his busy day.A man who loves you will go out of his way to make sure that you’re happy and that your needs are being met.

On the other hand, a man who is only interested in you will only see you when it’s convenient for him.He won’t go out of his way to make time for you or accommodate your schedule.If you’re always the one who has to initiate contact and make plans, it’s a sign that he’s not as invested in the relationship as you are.

If your boyfriend loves you, he will make an effort to see you whenever you want to see him.He won’t make excuses or brush you off when you need him.Instead, he’ll do whatever he can to be there for you.

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He introduces you to his friends or family

If your boyfriend loves you, he will want to introduce you to the people who are important to him.This includes his friends and family members.He’ll be proud to show you off to the people he cares about and he’ll want them to get to know the amazing woman that he’s dating.

On the other hand, if your boyfriend is trying to keep you a secret, it’s a sign that he’s not ready for a committed relationship.He doesn’t want his friends and family to know about you because he knows that they wouldn’t approve of his relationship with you.This is often the case when one person is married and dating someone else.

If your boyfriend loves you, he won’t be afraid to let the people closest to him know about you.He’ll want them to meet you and he’ll be proud to call you his girlfriend.

6.He promises to leave his wife and he works upon it

If your boyfriend loves you, he will eventually leave his wife for you.This is a big decision and it’s not one that he would make lightly.He knows that leaving his wife would cause a lot of pain and heartache, but he’s willing to do it because he wants to be with you.

On the other hand, be careful.Be worry of the empty promises men tell their mistresses just keep them around for years and years.If you’re in love with a married man and he tells you he’s going to leave his wife, weigh his words carefully before you believe him.It’s not impossible for a man to divorce his wife and marry his mistress, but it is rare.

Don’t be one of those women who spends years waiting for a man to leave his wife.

If the man you love is truly in love with you, he’ll be honest about his feelings and he’ll make a commitment to you.

7.He never plays a victim against his wife

A man who loves you will never try to make you feel sorry for him or his circumstances.He’s not interested in playing the victim or making you feel guilty for being with him.Instead, he accepts responsibility for his choices and he knows that he’s the one who chose to cheat on his wife.

On the other hand, a man who is only interested in you will often try to make you feel sorry for him.He’ll paint himself as the victim in his marriage and he’ll try to make you feel guilty for being with him.He might say things like, “My wife doesn’t understand me” or “She’s always accusing me of cheating.”

A man who loves you will never try to make you feel guilty for being with him.He knows that it’s his choice to cheat on his wife and he accepts the consequences of his actions.

If your boyfriend is always trying to make you feel sorry for him, it’s a sign that he’s not really in love with you.He’s just using you to fill a void in his life.

8.He care when he is with you and still cares for you when he is away

When a man loves you, he’s always thinking about you.Even when he’s not with you, he’s still thinking about you and wondering how you’re doing.He’ll call or text you just to check in and he’ll go out of his way to do things that will make you happy.

On the other hand, a man who is only interested in you will only think about you when he’s with you.As soon as you leave, he’ll forget all about you and he won’t bother to keep in touch.

If your boyfriend always goes out of his way to make sure you’re happy, it’s a sign that he loves you.He’s always thinking about you and he wants to make sure you’re happy even when he’s not around.

However, if your boyfriend only thinks about you when you’re together, it’s a sign that he’s not really in love with you.He’s only interested in what he can get from you and he doesn’t care about your happiness.

9.He’s never talks about other women in your presence

A married man who loves you will never talk about other women in your presence.He knows that it would hurt your feelings and he doesn’t want to do that.He’s only interested in you and he doesn’t even notice other women.

On the other hand, a married man who is only interested in you for ulterior motives, will often talk about other women in front of you.He might say things like, “My wife is so beautiful” or “I wish she was more like you.”

If your boyfriend always talks about other women when you’re together, it’s a sign that he’s not really in love with you.

10.He care about your feelings

To know if a married man loves you, Lookout for how he always care about your feelings.He’ll never do anything to intentionally hurt you and he’ll always try to make sure you’re happy.Even when he’s upset with you, he’ll still care about how you’re feeling.

On the other hand, a man who is only interested in you will often hurt your feelings without even realizing it.He’ll say things that are designed to upset you or he’ll do things that he knows will bother you.

If your married boyfriend always goes out of his way to make sure you’re happy, it’s a sign that he loves you.

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
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He takes you out in public

A married man who loves you will never be afraid to take you out in public.He knows that he’s not doing anything wrong and he has nothing to hide.He’ll take you out to dinner, to the movies, or even on vacation.

On the other hand, a married man who is only interested in you will often try to keep you a secret.He’ll never take you out in public and he’ll always make sure that no one knows about your relationship.

If your boyfriend is always trying to keep you hidden away, it’s a sign that he’s not really in love with you.He doesn’t want anyone to know about you because he knows that it’s wrong.

12.He doesn’t compare you to his wife

A man who loves you will never compare you to his wife.He knows that you’re two different people and he accepts you for who you are.He might talk about his wife from time to time, but he’ll never say things like, “My wife is so much prettier than you” or “My wife is a better cook than you.”

On the other hand, a man who is only interested in you will often compare you to his wife.He’ll find faults in you that don’t exist and he’ll try to make you into something that you’re not.

If your married boyfriend is always comparing you to his wife, it’s a sign that he’s not really in love with you.He’s only interested in you because you remind him of his wife in some way.

13.He’s not afraid of commitment

A man who loves you will never be afraid of commitment.He’ll want to move forward in your relationship and he’ll want to make things official.He knows that commitment is important to you and he’s willing to do whatever it takes to make you happy.

On the other hand, a man who is only interested in you will often shy away from commitment.He’ll never want to make things official and he’ll always find excuses not to move forward in your relationship.

If your boyfriend is always avoiding commitment, it’s a sign that he’s not really in love with you.He doesn’t want to make a commitment because he knows that it would mean giving up his freedom.

14.He’s Jealous of Other Men in Your Life

A man who loves you will be jealous of other men in your life, even if there’s no reason to be.He’ll get angry when you talk to other men.

Jealousy is often seen as a negative emotion, but when it comes to love, a little bit of jealousy can be a good thing.If your man is jealous of your time with other men, it’s a sign that he loves you.He doesn’t want to share you with anyone else and he wants you all to himself.

Of course, there is such a thing as too much jealousy.If your man is constantly accusing you of cheating with every man he sees you with, that then becomes an obsessive married man.

A study linked to by hackspirit published in the Physiology & Behavior journal shows that male’s testosterone makes them feel protective over a woman they attracted to.

15.You’re a Priority in His Life

If you’re one of many things that he’s thinking about and striving for, it’s a good sign that he loves you.A man who is in love will want to make you a priority in his life.You won’t always be first, but you’ll never feel like you’re last.

16.He Wants the Best for You

When a married man loves you, he wants what’s best for you even if it means making sacrifices himself.He’ll do anything to ensure your happiness and comfort.

17.It’s not just Physical, There Is plenty of Romance in your relationship

A man who loves you will always try to make your relationship romantic.He’ll do things like buy you flowers, write love letters, and surprise you with gifts.He knows that romance is an important part of any relationship and he wants to make sure that you’re always happy.

On the other hand, a man who is only interested in you will often forget about the romance.He’ll never do anything special for you and he’ll never try to make your relationship more than just physical.

If your boyfriend always goes out of his way to make sure that your relationship is romantic, it’s a sign that he loves you.He knows how important romance is to you and he wants to make sure that you’re always happy.

18.He does not use his kids and property as an excuse not to leave his wife

A man who loves you will never use his kids or property as an excuse not to leave his wife.He knows that you’re the most important person in his life and he’s willing to make sacrifices for you.

It a sign a married man loves you if he’s willing to give up his kids or property for you.It shows that he’s willing to make sacrifices for your relationship and that he’s not just using you for sex.

On the other hand, a man who is only interested in you will often use his kids or property as an excuse not to leave his wife.

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He’ll say he doesn’t want to disrupt their lives or he’s worried about how it would affect them if he left.If you’re only an option in his life, he’ll make sure you know it.

A man who loves you will do everything he can to make sure you’re a part of his life – even if that means leaving his wife.He’ll find a way to make it work because he knows that you’re worth it.

19.He wants to talk about his future with you

If a married man is discussing his future with you, it’s a sign that he loves you.He’s not only interested in how things are going between the two of you now, but he’s also thinking about how your relationship will progress in the future.This is a clear indication that he sees you as a long-term partner and not just a fling.future plans together, he’s definitely in love with you.

A man who does not love you never wants to talk about his feature with you.He doesn’t care about your plans or your dreams, he only cares about what he can get from you in the present.

So to know if your married boyfriend is not using you, listen to how often he shares his feature plans with you.If he loves you, he will want to include you in his future.

How to know if a married man loves you #21.He Never Sets Restrictive Boundaries on Your Relationship

A man who loves you will never set restrictive boundaries on your relationship.He knows that you’re his equal and he’s not afraid to let you into every aspect of his life.He wants you to be a part of everything he does and he’s always willing to share his thoughts and feelings with you.

24.He Never Gets Angry When You Suggest Moving Things Forward

A married man who is truly in love will be just as enthusiastic about moving things forward as you are.He’ll want to make things official, and he’ll be excited to take the next step in your relationship.If he’s not interested in taking things to the next level, it’s a sign that he doesn’t love you as much as you love him.

When you mention or ask about the future, does he get excited or does he seem uncomfortable?If it’s the latter, it could be a sign that he doesn’t see you in his future.If he is truly in love with you, he’ll want to make sure that you’re a part of his future plans.He will let you talk about it and he will be happy to make concrete plans.

25.He doesn’t compare you to his wife

A man who loves you will never compare you to his wife.He knows that you’re two different people and he accepts you for who you are.He might talk about his wife from time to time, but he’ll never say things like

How to know if a married man loves you more than his wife

There’s no one way to know if a married man loves you more than his wife, but there are some signs that indicate that he has stronger feelings for you more than he does for her.Pay attention to how he treats you compared to how he treats his wife.

If he consistently goes out of his way for you, makes time for you, and is more interested in your life than hers, it’s possible that he loves you more than her.Another sign that a married man loves you more than his wife is if he confides in you more than her.If he tells you things that he doesn’t share with her, it could be because he feels closer to you and trusts you more than her.

Another way to tell if a married man loves you more than his wife is by examining how he talks about her.If he constantly puts her down or speaks badly about her, it’s a sign that he’s not as invested in the marriage as he should be.On the other hand, if he speaks highly of her and seems to have a good relationship with her, it’s a good indication that he loves her just as much as (or more than) he loves you.

Of course, it’s important to remember that there are many different ways to love someone, and just because a man loves you more than his wife doesn’t mean that he’s going to leave her for you.

It’s possible that he simply feels closer to you and enjoys your company more than hers.If you’re interested in pursuing a relationship with a married man, it’s important to be honest with yourself about what you’re looking for and what you’re willing to accept.Pursuing a relationship with a married man can be complicated and messy, so be sure that you’re prepared for the possible challenges before you get too emotionally invested.

How to know if a married man really loves you

Much of the answer to this question has been answered in the list above, not so much will change as it seems like the same question, however, to dive in a bit i say, If he really loves you, he will make time for you.He will find a way to be with you, even if it means sneaking around and making schedules work.

If he loves you, he will want to be with you as much as possible.And if he’s truly devoted to you, there won’t be anything or anyone that can come between the two of you.

To know if a married man really loves you, He express himself emotionally more freely with you than with other people.Pay attention to how he treats you and how he talks to you.

How to know if a married man secretly loves you

Pay attention to how he treats you compared to other people.If he’s more attentive and loving towards you than anyone else, it could be because he’s secretly in love with you.Another sign that a man is secretly in love with you is if he confides in you more than anyone else.

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If he tells you things that he doesn’t share with anyone else, it’s because he trusts you and feels closer to you than anyone else.

In my artiсle Signs a married man likes you but is hiding it I wrote about signs that can help you understand whether he loves you but he is an introvert and is afraid of telling you.

Signs a married man is in love with you

I have written extensively about this topic and i think visiting and reading my article Signs a married man is in love with you will give a detailed view of what to look out for if you need to find out weather this man is in love with you or not.To give an over view, the most important sign is he leaves and divorces his wife for you.

Signs a married man is using you

To know if a married man loves you you need to be certain he is not using you you.Men will do all the signs above to pretend to love you meanwhile they are using you for other reasons.

Married men that use their mistresses are sneaky.They are often good at hiding their activities and keeping things from their they are also good at camouflaging their intention with the other woman.

The husband may tell his wife that he is working late or going out with friends, when in reality he is meeting up with his mistress.

They tell lies to their mistresses to keep them happy and interested, while at the same time lying to their wives to keep them from finding out.

Mistress are also be lied to, if the husband is not ready to end his marriage.

So how do you tell that your married man is just using you for whatever reason and that all he ever promised you was a lie?

It can be difficult to tell whether a married man is using you, as many cheating married men are very good at hiding their true intentions.However, there are some signs that can give away his true intentions.

In my article 29 Signs a Married Man is Using You for Your Money, Sex, and Emotional Support i mention 29 signs for you to watch out for.

For example, if he consistently makes excuses to avoid being alone with you, or if he’s always busy and never has time for you, these could be signals that he’s not interested in you romantically.Another sign is if he’s always talking about his wife or family – this may be a way of trying to make you feel like you’re second best.

If you suspect that a married man is using you, it’s important to trust your gut instinct and act accordingly.

When a married man says i love you

Married men don’t usually say i love you to their affair partners.When they do, what does it mean?To know if a married man loves you, You don’t need to just take his words for it.

This is one of the many things that sets married men apart from single guys.While it’s not uncommon for single men to say “I love you” to their girlfriends, it’s pretty rare for a married man to say those three little words to his mistress.

When a married man says i love you to his cheating partner, it mean quite a lot of things.He may genuinely feel love for his mistress and want to express it, or a man might say “I love you” as a way of getting what he wants from his mistresses – such as sex, money, or attention.

When a married man says “I love you” to his mistress, he is trying to create an emotional bond with her that will make her more likely to stay with him and keep the affair going.

He may also be trying to assuage his guilt over cheating on his wife.

Typically, when a man is in a committed relationship, he only has eyes for his partner.So if he starts saying “I love you” to someone else, it means that he’s not as committed to his current relationship as he should be.In other words, his heart is no longer in it.

Of course, there are always exceptions to this rule.Sometimes people do say “I love you” genuinely even though they’re in a committed relationship – but it’s generally not something that married men say to their mistresses.If you’re the other woman in a man’s life, and he’s telling you he loves you, it’s best to take it with a grain of salt.

Whatever the reason, it’s important for mistress to take any declarations of love from their married boyfriends with a grain of salt.It’s important to remember that words are cheap, and that actions speak louder than words.If your man loves you, he will show it by spending time with you, being kind and considerate, and being faithful to you.

Read: Can I trust a married man when he says that he loves me?

Do married men miss their mistresses?

Many men will say that they don’t miss their mistresses, but the reality is often quite different.While it’s true that some men are able to move on from an affair relatively easily, for others, the pain of losing a lover can be excruciating.

There are many reasons why men may find it difficult to let go of an affair.In some cases, the mistress may have been someone who truly understood them in a way that their wife did not.She may have been their best friend and confidante, and leaving her behind can feel like losing a part of themselves.In other cases, the sex may have simply been incredible – something that they know they’ll never experience again with anyone else.Read: Do married men miss their mistresses?

For some men, the hardest part of an affair isn’t giving up the woman, it’s giving up the exciting, passionate life they led when they were with her.Cheating can be adrenalin-fuelled and thrilling, and going back to a ‘normal’ life can feel like a huge let-down.

Absolutely.Many married men miss their mistresses dearly when the affair is over.

The emotional bond that is created during an affair is very strong, and it’s not uncommon for a man to develop deep feelings for his mistress – even if he doesn’t want to admit it to himself.

How do you make a married man fall madly in love with you?

There are certain things you can do to increase the odds.First and foremost, it’s important to be yourself and let your true personality shine through.Men are attracted to confident, independent women who are comfortable in their own skin.If you’re constantly second-guessing yourself or putting up a façade around him, he’ll eventually see through it and lose interest.

In my article How to make a married man fall madly in love with you? i go deep into what you can do to make your married man fall in love with you.


If you’re not sure how a man feels about you, ask yourself if he’s shown any of these signs.If he has, then there’s a good chance he loves you.But if he hasn’t, then you might want to move on.

Do you know how to tell if a married man loves you?Share your tips in the comments below!

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Author: Mama Nkima

Mama Nkima is a marriage counselor and relationship expert who has dedicated her life to helping couples build strong, healthy relationships.  She has academic degrees in Education and Psychology. She has over 40 years of experience helping couples and individuals work through their relationship issues. She draws on her own experiences as a spiritual guide but also from years of research to offer readers practical, actionable advice.

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