43 Signs a married man cares for you

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Often care from married men to mistresses is just an act. But Much as it is an act, It is not rocket science to determine if a married man cares for you or not.Unless he won an Oscar in acting.Catching him in his own act is as simple as following some of the suggested signs in this writing. In this writing, Mama Nkima reveals to you subtle signs on how to tell if someone likes you but is hiding it. 

It can be difficult to determine whether or not he cares for you. You may wonder, “Is he just using me for sex? Or is he really interested in me?” It can be tough to tell, but there are actually quite a few signs that a married man cares for you. In this blog post, we will discuss 40 of the most common signs that a married man is into you. Read on to learn more!

A video about signs of a married man who cares for you.

A married man cares for you if he takes you to meet his family. He thinks of you as a team player and he uses words such as “We”. He enjoys the company of your friends. He’s not afraid to engage in a battle for you if necessary.

1. He shows you to his family

He shows you to his family
Man with girlfriend at family gathering

Marriage is about showing friends and family a person you chose to be your significant other for the rest of your life. A married man shows you to his family is a sign that:

  1. He is not happy in his current marital relationship.
  2. It’s about time, He plans to officially end his marriage.
  3. He has had conversation about all the difficulties in his marriage with his family even before he introduced you to them.
  4. Your man most definitely plans to replace you with her.
  5. He is committing to you and is assuring you it’s not about anything else other than seriously caring for you as his soon to be wife. 

So another good sign he cares for you is when he takes you to meet his family.

2. He Uses “We” Referring to you and him in your Conversations

Only a man who truly cares about you would think of you as a team player. 

If he sees you as a team player, In his conversations about your relationship, He would often use the word “We”. He sees you as a team member and he makes it a point to show you how he feels about your presence in his life.

3. He leaves his wife for you

Spell to make him leave her for me

The most ardent way for a married man to prove his love for you – is to leave his wife for you

We can talk about all these other signs and reasons to determine if he cares about you and your feelings, but unless he leaves her for you – chances are he won’t leave her for you. 

Read: signs he will never leave his wife for you

Never the less, He is madly in love with you if he makes you his wife and still does everything for you. 

A married man cares for you if he divorces his wife to be with you without forcing him to divorce her.Obviously, this is easier said than done, and it could end up being a costly and dangerous endeavor. But if he can some how get the courage to do it, hopefully you can finally be rest assured this married man likes you more than just a friend.

4. Your family and friends love him

Your family and friends know you very well. They know your strength as well as your weakness. 

For people who know you well, it’s easy for them to identify qualities in a man that well compliments your strength and weaknesses. 

When the family and friends that know you very well believe that you two are right for each other, it just assures he is more than just a married boyfriend.Whatever attribute they picked from his behavior, is for keeps. 

You know a married man is serious about you if your family and friends believe you two complement each other well and they love him.

5. He Meets with your friends or family

He Meets with your friends or family
little girl visits granny with man

You know a married man cares for you if enjoy the company of your friends. A sign that he is interested in you as a whole and considering a future with you.

If you are in love with a married co-worker or any married man for that matter for quite some time and declines to be out in mixed company with you. It is worrisome.

As worrisome, as it is when a man you love declines to meet with your relatives or friends. 

It is a sign that man is not serious with you and he does not care for you. He is playing with you. 

He is waiting for when you are tired of waiting so he can grab another woman to fiddle with.

Unfortunately, many men seem to feel it is perfectly ok to play with a woman and throw her away. 

6. He gets protective when he thinks someone hurt you

A man who is serious about you will do anything for you. He would avoid a fight when possible, but he’s not afraid to engage in a battle for you if necessary. 

A married man cares for you if he does things that make you feel safe when you are in and out of his presence. 

Things such as:

  • Protecting your heart. 
  • When he commits, he keeps it.
  • He calls when he says he’s going to call
  • Keeping boundaries when he talks to other women.
  • He lets no pride keep him from apologizing when he makes a mistake

You know he is serious about you when he makes you feel, he knows the value of your heart.

If he cares about you, he’ll do anything to protect you and make you feel secure. 

This is one of the clearest signs that a married man genuinely cares about you.

7. He is Patient with you

He is Patient with you

Not all men can handle women’s emotions. Only a married man that cares for you would understand and be patient to your specifics. 

Don’t let him go if he understands you and shows signs of patience with you. 

Married men are good at acting patience, but most of them would stay a bit and aim to get what he wants from then he flees. 

Only a married man who cares enough will be willing to wait on you. To him its not just about sex with you.

If all you want is just to have sex with a married man, check how to make a married man want you sexually.

Related: All about sleeping with a married man

8. He includes you in his plans

Another sign a married man cares for you is if he uses words that include you in his plans.Words such as: 

  • Let’s plan for this.
  • We can do it together
  • Let’s go on this trip together

The fact that he’s open and forthright regarding his desire to initiate long-term plans with you is an indicator of just how serious he is

A partner who loves you and wants a life with you will be happy to start to plan for it.

9. He is happy for your achievements

He is happy for your achievements

A man who does not care about you – does not care about what you do. As a result, its common behavior for a man who does not care about you to not notice when something good comes your way. 

Being friends with a married man who cares about you, should in part mean he sees you. But also he should be a man that sees your achievements and be happy as well as excited for you.

Such a man is for keeps.Because he is unlike some other men who would feel jealous of a woman’s achievements over them.

10. He compliments you out of the blue

Sincere well placed compliments from someone you care about (your married boyfriend) show that he values your traits. A person who shows you that he values your traits is a sign of care. 

If your significant other notices your traits and compliments them where necessary. This shows he is interested in you, he keeps an eye on you and everything that you do.

Compliments reinforce the idea that your partner loves what you do and you are a great match for each other quite well.

A Compliment provide valuable and positive feedback to your partner.

Sincere compliments can also be used as a tool to determine what aspect of your life is your partner more interested in. 

Is it:

  • Your personality?
  • Does he compliment Humor more?
  • Is it your Intelligence?
  • He compliments your competence in holding a relationship.

If your married lover only compliments your appearance, it indicates that he or she places an overly high value on physical characteristics. 

While it can certainly be flattering to know your partner finds you physically attractive, if that’s all he focuses on, it also could be a red flag indicating he is not really into you. Look out for signs he will leave his wife for you.

11 He remembers the little things.

He remembers the little things.

Tell him a joke about your life as a teenager, Will he remember every detail about it after a while? 

Go for a cup of coffee, will he remember your preferences next time you go for a cup of coffee?

Is he doing his best to be your best next of keen?

If you answered yes to the questions above, then that man is for keeps.

Mama Nkima says It takes a person who is serious about you to want to know everything there is to know about you.

12. He loves talking to you

Another sign a married man likes you more than a friend is when he enjoys your company and finds you amusing. 

A person enjoys talking to you if he like your personality and finds you interesting, fun, and comfortable to be around. 

Mama Nkima says a married man cares for you if he thoroughly enjoys formally exchanging ideas via spoken or written words with you.

13. He’s attentive to all your needs.

Signs a married man cares for you

A guy who cares about your pleasure is definitely for keeps. Only a sincere married man will truly prioritize your needs. We all need honest men. 

Yes, even if he is married and still hits on you – it’s a mutual endeavor so – he still needs to care about your feelings. 

As long as from there on he is honest about everything it means he truly cares about you. 

He is serious about you if he does not play mind games. It means he is scared to hurt your feelings. 

Does this describe your man?consider your self lucky, he cares for you.

14. He either shares details about his married life

Countless men in this world secretly suffer bullying and abuse by their wives. They are not happy, satisfied, fulfilled.

For a man to confess to anyone that he’s being bullied or abused in marriage requires an enormous amount of vulnerability.

Many will suffer in privacy without anyone to confide into. It takes more than a physical connection for a man to finally share there emotional, and physical abuse they suffer in there marriages.

If you find your self at the receiving side of complex emotions such as pain, shame, and isolation endured by a married man from his wife, its a sign that man confides in you.

Mama Nkima says Men find it hard to talk about conversations that reveal the theft of there manhood.

A married man confiding details of abuse in his marriage to you is a sign that his marriage is out of control and most of the time, it can not be saved and he is in the process of deciding whats next.

15. He goes out of his way to help you

Signs a married man cares for you

A married man truly cares for you if he goes out of his ways to make you comfortable. 

He is serious about you if your happiness is more important to him that his and puts your interests first. Men are natural-born providers. That’s how they are wired. 

So you know your married friend cares about you if he makes sure he uses his provider instincts to help you achieve whatever it is you are trying to achieve. 

Mama Nkima says – This becomes even more apparent at workplaces. 

  • Does my coworker like me? 
  • Well Does he always go out of his way to help you with your assignments? 
  • Does he only do it for you but not other coworkers? 

Be careful – that married man might be truly falling in love with you.

16. He tries to highlight the similarities between the two of you

Similar to complimenting you, Its a sign a married man likes you more than just a friend if he tries so hard to point out things you have in common.

Relationships are more about compatibility. The more you have in common, the more valuable you become to him. 

You only know about such value if he makes a point in making you aware of it.

Mama Nkima says Be very cautious of face value similarities though. Make sure when he does say, its sincere and not just another hoax to drop your pants.

17. He wants to see you happy.

Signs a married man cares for you

A married man who truly cares about you will not let anything upset you. 

He makes it his duty to learn what you like and dislike. He will make sure he puts in all the necessary effort to make you smile and feel happy. 

Another subtle sign he’s falling for you. You know he cares for you if he does all the above without any sign of possessiveness. 

18. He takes out time especially for you

Mistresses are known to be lonely on important days such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and many more family days as there married lovers chose to spend those days with their families. 

Does your married boyfriend make time to be with you on those special days and not his wife? If yes then that man is madly in love with you.

If there is one thing that gives a married man in multiple relationships a hard time to do – it is creating time for his mistress. 

For married men, time is well calculated, known, and shared amongst his family. 

It’s the norm all his time should be about his family and not you. a married man cares for you if he chooses to be with you in times in which he should have been with his family.  

If you are in love with a married co-worker who outside of working time, still has time to be with you or even spend nights with you without lying to everyone – It’s a sign you are not just being friends with a married man. That man seriously cares for you.

19. He asks you for your Advice

Signs a married man cares for you

If there is one best way to show that a married man cares about you, it is listening and paying attention. 

Look out for a sign in him about possessing the ability to listen and values your opinions. 

Men tend to wait for their turn to speak. It is hard to find a man who actively listens to what a woman has to say. 

If your married man is a kind that waits for his turn to talk, and never values your pieces of advice – This man does not care for you. 

He is obsessed with you if he shows you the importance of communication by caring about your stuff – not only his stuff. 

Mama Nkima says – A married man is seriously falling in love with you if whenever you share to him what you are going through, he pays attention and does things to make you feel better. 

He gives top priority to your opinions

20. He stays in touch with you regularly

Not just because he wants sex, romance, fun, pleasure or entertainment from you, A married man who keeps his tabs no you regularly even in the time that he should spend with his family, is a sign of a man that is jealous of leaving you, but also a sign that this married man wants you.

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Overly attentive to how you look

When a married man is attracted to you, he will be overly attentive to how you look. He will want to make sure that you are always looking your best, and he may even go out of his way to compliment your appearance. If he truly cares for you, he will want you to look your best at all times. This is just one of the many ways that a married man will show his interest in you. He complements your looks, even if you don’t think they are that great. He notices changes in your appearance and lets you know that he likes them. If a married man goes out of his way to make sure you look good, it’s a sign that he cares for you deeply.

22. Body language

When it comes to body language, married men who care for you will subconsciously mirror your movements. If you cross your arms, he will cross his arms. If you tilt your head, he will tilt his head. If you smile, he will smile. This is because married men who care for you want to be in sync with you as much as possible. They want to show that they are emotionally connected to you and that they understand what you are feeling. By mirroring your body language, a married man is trying to let you know that he is emotionally invested in your relationship.

23.Knows your quirky habits

Signs a married man cares for you

If a married man knows your quirks and habits, it’s a sign that he cares for you deeply. He has probably taken the time to get to know you on a deeper level, and he understands your personality inside and out. When a married man talks to you, he is interested in getting to know you better and learning more about your life. He wants to form a connection with you, and he knows that knowing your quirks is a key part of building that connection. If a married man pays close attention to your quirks and habits, it’s because he cares for you and wants to make sure that he understands you as best as possible.

24.Finds faults in all your dates

When a married man starts to talk to a woman he loves, he will find faults in all of her previous dates. He will want to know why she chose those men, and he will try to convince her that she is better than all of them. He will make her feel like she is the only woman who matters, and he will make her feel special and important. He will talk about how much he cares for her, and he will tell her that she is the only one for him. If a married man starts talking to you about your previous dates, it’s a sign that he cares for you and wants to make sure that you are with him.

25.Avoids talking about his spouse

When a married man starts to talk to a woman he loves, he will avoid talking about his spouse. He will want to make sure that he doesn’t say anything that could potentially upset her. He will talk about how much he cares for her, and he will tell her that she is the only one for him.However, he will avoid talking about his spouse as much as possible. This is because he doesn’t want to upset the woman he loves and he wants to make sure that she knows that he is fully committed to her. If a married man starts to talk to you about his spouse, it’s a sign that he doesn’t really care for you and that he is only using you as a way to escape his own marriage.

26. He Asks questions about your life

He asks questions about your life, he wants to get to know you on a deeper level. He knows that the more he knows about you, the more he can connect with you. He also knows that getting to know you will make it easier for him to convince you to be with him. If a married man starts asking questions about your life, it’s a sign that he cares for you and wants to get to know you better. He asks questions such as “What are your hobbies?” “What kind of music do you like?” “What are your favorite movies?” So if you notice that a married man is starting to ask you more personal questions, it’s because he cares for you and wants to get to know you better.

27. He shares his emotions and secrets

When a married man starts to talk to a woman he loves, he will open up and share his emotions and secrets with her. He will tell her about his marriage, and he will talk about how much he cares for her. He will also share his fears and insecurities with her, and he will allow her to see the vulnerable side of him. This is because a married man who loves you will want to build a strong emotional connection with you. He wants you to understand him on a deeper level, and he wants you to know that he can trust you with his most intimate secrets. If a married man starts talking to you about his emotions and secrets, it’s a sign that he cares for you deeply and that he trusts you implicitly.

28. He Cares about your future plans

Thinking about the future

When a married man starts to talk to a woman he loves, he will care about her future plans. He will want to make sure that she is happy and that she is going to be okay. He will talk to her about her future plans, and he will make sure that she knows that he is there for her. If a married man starts talking to you about your future plans, it’s a sign that he cares for you and wants to make sure that you are going to be okay. he wants you more than anything.

29. You feel awkward around him

You know a married man cares about you if It feels thrilling when you are around him. The feeling is mutual. You feel happy, content, and complete when you are with him but as soon as he leaves, an emptiness sets in. It feels like a physical pain when he’s not around and you can’t get him out of your head.

You know something isn’t right but you can’t help how you feel. If you find yourself constantly thinking about a married man, then its a sign he has given you enough reasons through his care to make you comfortable around him.

It feels thrilling to be the other woman in a relationship with a married man.There is the excitement of knowing that you are doing something that is taboo and that you are getting away with it.There is also the thrill of taking him away from his family and knowing that he is choosing you over them.However, it is important to remember that a relationship with a married man is not going to be healthy or happy. In fact, it is likely to be filled with drama and heartache. So if you are in a relationship with a married man, it is important to ask yourself if it is really worth it.

30. He tries to highlight the similarities between the two of you

A married man who cares for you will try to highlight the similarities between the two of you. He will want you to feel like you are similar in some ways, and he will try to encourage you to connect with him. He may also try to make you feel like you are special and that he is only with his wife because he is not able to be with you. If a married man starts trying to highlight the similarities between the two of you, it’s a sign that he cares for you and wants to build a stronger connection with you.

31. He gives top priority to your opinions

Signs a married man cares for you

When a married man starts to talk to a woman he loves, he will care about her opinions. He will want her to feel like she is important and that her thoughts matter. He will talk to her about the things that are important to her, and he will make sure that she knows that he values her opinion. If a married man starts talking to you about the things that are important to you, it’s a sign that he cares for you and wants to build a stronger connection with you.

32. He always behaves perfectly when he is around you

When a married man wants to show care to a woman he loves, he will always behave perfectly. He will make sure that he is respectful and that he doesn’t do anything that could potentially hurt her. He will be careful to avoid getting too close to her, and he will make sure that he doesn’t do anything that could make her feel uncomfortable. If a married man starts behaving perfectly around you, it’s a sign that he cares for you and wants to make sure that you are happy and safe.

33. He always asks about your day

A married man who cares for you will always ask about your day. He will want to know what you have been up to, and he will be interested in hearing about the things that are important to you. He will want to make sure that you are happy and that you are doing well. If a married man starts asking about your day, it’s a sign that he cares for you and wants to make sure that you are doing well.

34. He gets interested in your work

When a married man starts talking to a woman he loves, he will be interested in her work. He will want to know what she does and how she does it. He will be impressed by her skills and abilities, and he will want to learn more about her. If a married man starts asking about your work, it’s a sign that he cares for you and wants to make sure that you are doing well.

35. He always tries to make you laugh

A married man who cares for you will always try to make you laugh. He will want to see you smile, and he will do whatever he can to put a smile on your face. He will want you to be happy, and he will do everything he can to make sure that you are. If a married man starts trying to make you laugh, it’s a sign that he cares for you and wants to see you happy.

36. His behavior changes around you

Signs a married man cares for you
Behavior Changes

A woman who is in love with a married man can tell if he cares for her by his behavior around her.

If he is more attentive and seems to want to be around her more, then it is likely that he cares for her.

Make His Actions Match His Promises
Order Your Help Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Additionally, if he is less attentive or withdraws from her, this may also be a sign that he cares for her.

Ultimately, the best way to know for sure is to talk to him directly and ask him how he feels about you. If he is honest and tells you that he loves you, then there is a good chance that he truly cares for you.

However, if he avoids the question or seems distant, it may be best to move on.Either way, it is important to remember that you deserve someone who can give you their full attention and love. Do not settle for

37. He always tries to brighten your day

If a married man cares for you, he will always try to brighten your day. He may do this by sending you a text message or calling you to check in on how you are doing.Additionally, he may try to make you laugh or put a smile on your face. By doing this, he is letting you know that he is thinking about you and wants to make sure that you are happy. This is a sign that he truly cares for you and wants to see you happy.

38. He never disappears without explaining his reason

There are many ways to tell if a married man cares for you. One way is that he never disappears without explaining why. He might also talk to you more than he talks to other women.Another way to tell is if he includes you in his plans. If he talks about future plans that involve you, then he probably cares for you.Finally, if he goes out of his way to help you or make you happy, then he probably cares for you.

39. He pays for your needs

When a married man starts to care for you, he will do whatever it takes to make you happy. This includes paying for your needs, whether it’s taking you out to eat or buying you gifts. If he’s truly interested in you, he’ll go above and beyond to make sure you’re comfortable and taken care of.

if your married boyfriend is constantly trying to make you happy, it’s a good sign that he cares for you deeply.

40. He opens up to you

When a married man starts to care for you, he will do whatever it takes to make you happy. This may include opening up to you and talking about his feelings. He may also talk to you more than he talks to other women. By doing this, he is letting you know that he is thinking about you and wants to build a relationship with you. This is a sign that he truly cares for you and wants to have a future with you.

41. He has told you he cares for you

It can be hard to tell if a married man cares for you.However, there are a few signs that can give you a clue. If he has told you he cares for you, that’s a good sign. He may also express his feelings to you in other ways, such as through gestures or actions. If he goes out of his way to make sure you’re happy and comfortable, that’s another indication that he cares for you. If he’s always willing to help you out and support you, that’s another sign.Overall, if the man you’re interested in is kind, caring, and supportive, it’s likely that he cares for you.

42. He makes jokes about liking you

Signs a married man cares for you

When a married man starts to care for you, he may do things like make jokes about liking you talking to another woman. By doing this, he is trying to show that he is comfortable with you and trusts you. He may also be trying to let you know that he is thinking about you and wants to keep you safe. If he cares for you, he will want to make sure that you are happy and comfortable in your relationship.

43. He’s finding excuses to touch you all the time

He’s always finding excuses to touch you, whether it’s putting his arm around you or taking your hand. He may also try to kiss you or hug you. By doing this, he is trying to let you know that he cares for you and wants to be close to you. If he’s in love with a married man, he may be trying to find ways to touch you without getting caught. If he’s always touching you, it’s a sign that he cares for you and wants to be close to you.

44. He’s using “alpha” body language

When a married man is talking to a woman who is in love with him, he will use alpha body language. This includes leaning in towards her, making eye contact, and using strong gestures. He will also try to make her feel special and important, by paying attention to her and listening carefully to what she has to say. By using these tactics, the married man can make the woman feel like she is the only one in the world who matters to him.

If you’re wondering whether or not a married man cares for you, there are some signs you can look out for. But why would a married man care about another woman when he is already married?Below i will talk about some ideas that i have gathered as experience from my practice.

Why do married men care for other women?

Signs a married man is in love with you

When a married man starts to care for another woman, there are typically a few reasons why. He may be going through a difficult time in his own marriage and be looking for someone to talk to. He may also be attracted to the woman and want to have an affair with her. Or, he may simply be looking for a friend who he can trust and confide in.

No matter what the reason is, there is no doubt that a married man who cares for another woman can make her feel special and important. By paying attention to her, listening carefully to what she has to say, and making strong gestures, he can make her feel like she is the only one in the world who matters to him. This can be incredibly flattering for the woman involved.

Make His Actions Match His Promises
Order Your Help Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
While it is important to remember that a married man is still committed to his wife, if he is truly interested in the other woman, she may be able to have a place in his life.

What to do when in love with a married man

Signs a married man cares for you

If you are in love with a married man, it can be difficult to know what to do. You may feel like you are stuck in a hopeless situation, but there are things you can do to improve your situation.

First, it is important to understand why the man you love is married.There could be any number of reasons, but it is likely that he is still committed to his wife. This means that you will need to be patient and understanding if you want to have a future with him.

You also need to be honest with yourself about how this relationship is affecting your life. Are you neglecting your own needs in order to spend time with him? Are you putting yourself in dangerous situations in order to see him? If so, it is time to re-evaluate your priorities.

It is also important to talk openly and honestly with the man you love. Let him know how you feel and discuss your plans for the future. If he is not willing to commit to leaving his wife, then it is time to end the relationship.

Be strong and remember that there are other people out there who will love and appreciate you for who you are.

Be sure that the married man you are cheating with has feelings for you or else you might consider moving on with your life.

How to know if a married man has feelings for you?

Signs a married man cares for you

If you’re in love with a married man, it can be difficult to know whether or not he has feelings for you. You may feel like you’re being led on, but there are some ways to tell if he’s truly interested in you.

The first thing to look for is whether or not the man is willing to spend time with you. If he’s always busy or always makes excuses not to see you, then it’s likely that he’s not that interested. On the other hand, if he’s always making time for you and goes out of his way to see you, then that’s a good sign.

Another thing to look for is whether or not the man is attentive to your needs. Does he listen carefully when you talk? Does he make strong gestures, like compliments or flowers? If he does, then it’s likely that he cares for you deeply.

Lastly, consider the man’s relationship with his wife. If he’s still committed to her and doesn’t want to leave her, then it’s unlikely that he’ll leave her for you.However, if he expresses interest in leaving his wife for you, then that’s a good sign.

If you’re looking for signs that a married man has feelings for you, these are some of the things to look out for. Be patient and understanding as you explore your relationship with him. And most importantly, be honest with yourself about what this relationship is doing to your life.

How do you test a married man if he loves you?

Signs a married man cares for you
cunning woman

Testing a married man’s love is tricky. You want to believe he cares for you, but sometimes it’s hard to tell if a married man is just being friendly or if he’s secretly in love with you. If you’re wondering how to tell if a married man loves you, here is how

See how he treats you when you’re not around.

To test if a married man loves you, see how he treats you when you’re not around.

If he’s truly interested, he’ll want to see you happy even when you’re not together.

He’ll also go out of his way to make sure you’re comfortable and safe.

Test him with a pregnancy scare

Test him with a pregnancy scare to see how he would react.

You could tell him that you are pregnant and see if he tries to talk you out of it or if he is supportive. This will help you gauge his feelings for you.

Talk about your relationship

You could potentially talk about your relationship with him and see how he reacts. If he’s open and honest with you about his feelings, then that’s a good sign. If he’s not willing to leave his wife for you, then it may be time to end the relationship. If he is not interested in being with you, then it is probably best to move on.

How do you tell if a married man wants to sleep with you?

When it comes to a married man, it can be tough to tell if he’s interested in you sexually or not.Sometimes, it seems like they’re just being nice and trying to be friends.Other times, it seems pretty clear that they’re trying to make a move.

If you’re trying to figure out if a married man wants to sleep with you, there are a few things you can look for. Here are some tips:

1. Pay attention to his body language. If he’s always standing or sitting close to you, or if he’s touching you often, that’s a good sign that he’s interested in you sexually.

2.Watch for signs of jealousy. If he gets mad when you talk to other men, or if he constantly accuses you of cheating, that’s a sign that he’s worried about losing you.

3.Notice how he talks about his wife. If he talks about her with respect and admiration, then it’s likely that he’s still in love with her. If he talks about her with contempt or dismissiveness, then it’s probably safe to assume that he’s not very happy in his marriage.

4. Look at how often he contacts you. If he’s always texting or calling you, or if he makes a point of seeing you whenever he can, that’s another good sign that he’s interested in you sexually.

5. Pay attention to what he says when he talks about sex. If he makes references to sleeping with you or being intimate with you, then it’s likely that he’s thinking about sex more than just as a friendly gesture.

What does it mean if he does not call or text?

Like Mama Nkima Answers in this Quora quetion,

It means that he is busy and occupied by his wife. When someone is married, their spouse becomes their top priority.

They will make more of an effort to spend time with them and communicate with them than they would with someone they are casually dating or seeing.

If you’re not his top priority, and he still wants to keep you around, it means he enjoys your company but doesn’t want anything more than that. Then he’s not worth your time. Move on. Or Force him to leave her for you if you wish to go that route.


If you’re trying to figure out if a married man is interested in you, there are certain signs you can look for. If he’s kind and attentive, makes time for you, and seems genuinely happy when he’s around you, then it’s likely that he cares for you and may want something more than just friendship. Of course, there are no guarantees, but these are definitely positive indicators. If you’re not sure what to do next, we recommend talking to him honestly about how you feel and seeing where things go from there. Good luck!

43 Signs a married man cares for you

  1. He shows you to his family
  2. He leaves his wife for you
  3. Your family and friends love him
  4. He Meets with your friends or family
  5. He gets protective when he thinks someone hurt you
  6. He is Patient with you
  7. He includes you in his plans
  8. He is happy for your achievements
  9. He compliments you out of the blue
  10. He remembers the little things.
  11. He loves talking to you
  12. He’s attentive to all your needs.
  13. He either shares details about his married life
  14. He goes out of his way to help you
  15. He tries to highlight the similarities between the two of you
  16. He wants to see you happy. 
  17. He takes out time especially for you
  18. He asks you for your Advice
  19. He stays in touch with you regularly
  20. Overly attentive to how you look
  21. Body language
  22. Knows your quirky habits
  23. Finds faults in all your dates
  24. Avoids talking about his spouse
  25. Asks questions about your life
  26. He shares his emotions and secrets
  27. Cares about your future plans
  28. You feel awkward around him
  29. He tries to highlight the similarities between the two of you
  30. He gives top priority to your opinions
  31. He always behaves perfectly when he is around you
  32. He always asks about your day
  33. He’s interested in your work
  34. His behavior changes around you
  35. He always tries to brighten your day
  36. He never disappears without explaining his reason
  37. He pays for you
  38. He opens up to you
  39. He has told you he cares for you
  40. He makes jokes about liking you
  41. He’s finding excuses to touch you all the time
  42. He’s using “alpha” body language

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