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Are there any signs that your married boyfriend won’t leave his wife for you? Is there a way to know for sure that no matter what, a man won’t leave his wife – at least not for you?
If you’ve ever been in a real relationship with a married man, you’ve undoubtedly asked yourself these questions at some point.
It’s only natural that you would want to know if there is any way to tell whether or not your affair partner will actually leave his wife for you.Because it could save the heartache and pain of getting your hopes up only to be disappointed in the end.
In this article, we’ll go through the 10 dependable signs that he won’t leave his wife for you, at least not right away. In addition, we will look at some tips and tricks to change his mind so that you can get the guy of your dreams to be with you.
So, how about you grab some wine and settle in so we can start with this heart to heart conversation right away.
Huge That Signs He Won’t Leave His Wife for You:

When you are in love with a married man, you probably don’t want to consider any signs that he won’t leave wife for you. But the truth is, if you’re not careful, you could end up getting your pretty little heart broken in the process.
An affair with a married man is both exciting and frightening at the same time. On one hand, you have the strong emotions and intense passion that come with it. But on the other hand, there’s this underlying fear and doubt.
It is very common to be confused and unsure about where you really stand with this man. The main reason for that is because he’s still married to someone else.
So, even if he says he loves you and wants to be with you, his loyalty often lies first and foremost with his wife and current family.
It is very common to be confused and unsure about where you really stand with this man.
Mama Nkima
It can be tough to discern if he plans to ultimately leave his current partner for you.However, there are some key indicators which will likely give you a pretty good idea of what his intentions are. Here are 10 Signs He Won’t Leave His Wife for You:
1. He’s never mentioned divorce or leaving his wife for you
If your boyfriend has never even alluded to the idea of leaving his wife for you, then it’s pretty safe to say that he has no intention of doing so.
He may tell you that he loves you and wants to be with you, but if he’s doesn’t bring up the topic of divorce, then he’s isn’t seriously considering it.
There are a number of reasons why he may not want to get divorced. It could be because he’s worried about the financial implications, he doesn’t want to hurt his wife and children, or he simply isn’t ready to make such a big decision.
Whatever the reason may be, if he’s never mentioned leaving his wife, it’s is a bad sign that it’s not something that he’s planning on doing anytime soon.
2. He has told you that he won’t leave his wife for you
If your boyfriend has been pretty clear from the start that he won’t be leaving his wife for you, then it’s best to believe him.
Of course, there’s always a possibility that he could change his mind down the line. But if he’s told you straight out that he doesn’t plan on leaving his current relationship, then it’s probably best to take him at his word.
No man worthy of respect could ever joke about not leaving his marriage for you. If he tells you that he won’t leave his wife, then that’s what he plans to do.Please believe him; he is dead serious.
It may be tough to hear, but it’s important to be realistic about your situation and take his word for it.Otherwise, you’re setting yourself up for a lot of pain and heartache down the road.
No man worthy of respect could ever joke about not leaving his marriage for you. If he tells you that he won’t leave his wife, then that’s what he plans to do.
Mama Nkima
3. He keeps you hidden; you are his dirty little secret

If your boyfriend is keeping you hidden from the world, it’s a pretty good indication that he doesn’t plan on leaving his wife for you.
A man who truly wants to be with you in a commited relationship will want to shout it from the rooftops. He’ll be proud to have you by his side and introduce you to his world, to the people who matter to him.
Recently, one of my clients Rose tried to downplay her partner’s secretive antics by claiming, “He is just a private person.” But the truth is, if he was truly proud of being with her, he wouldn’t have any problem letting the world know.
There is a big difference between privacy and secrecy. A private person keeps most areas of his life to himself. A secretive person, on the other hand, goes out of his way to hide certain things from others. You can’t be the only thing he hides and claim he’s private.
There is a big difference between privacy and secrecy…
Mama Nkima
Please be mindful that you are not explaining away his secrecy as privacy.
That would be clear sign that he doesn’t see a himself having an exclusive healthy relationship with you. Such man won’t leave his wife for you.
4. He has had other affair partners before you.
If your affair partner has had other mistresses before you, it is possible that is all you will ever be to him and he may never officially leave his wife for you.
While it’s possible that he could change his mind and decide to leave his wife for you, the fact that he’s had multiple affairs in the past is a red flag. It’s possible that he simply enjoys the thrill of the chase and the excitement of being with someone who is technically off-limits.
Or, it could be that he’s not willing to leave the toxic relationship dynamic with his wife because he knows he’d never find someone else who would put up with his philandering ways.
In either case, such a man is a serial cheater who displays sociapathic and even narcistic qualities. Such a man is incapable of loving you wholly and being commited to you.
Think about it this way, if he has had other mistresses and didn’t leave his wife then, do you really think that this time will be any different?
5. He’s active still in all aspects of his family life

If your boyfriend is still involved in all aspects of his family life, such as going to his kids’ soccer games or attending holiday gatherings with his extended family, it means that he doesn’t plan on leaving his wife for you..
If a man was ever to leave his wife and family for you, he’d start pulling out of those familial obligations little by little.
He’d make excuses for why he couldn’t be at his daughter’s ball game or why he had to miss Thanksgiving dinner with the in-laws.
But if he’s still fully invested in his family life, it means that he hasn’t given any thought to leaving them for you. This means that he is still very attached to his old life.
Remember you can’t compete with his family and a part of him will always be tied to them. But if a man has true feelings for you, he would never put you in the position of having to compete with his family for his time and attention.
6. He keeps your relationship strictly physical

One of the tell-tale signs that a he won’t leave his wife for you is if your affair partner keeps your relationship purely physical.
If all you share is a sexual connection and there’s no emotional intimacy, it means that he views you as nothing more than a mistress. A purely physical relationship can be one of the most damaging relationships because he views as a sex object.
A man who is interested in a committed relationship with you will want to spend time with you and learn more about you. He’ll want to know your hopes, dreams, and fears. He’ll also want to be emotionally invested in your life.
A purely physical relationship can be one of the most damaging relationships because he views as a sex object.
Mama Nkima
But if all he wants is sex, it means that he’s not interested in anything else. This is a clear sign that he will never pursue a meaningful relation with you.
As a relationship expert, my advice for you is to consider whether your relationship would thrive without sex. If you can’t, it means you and your affair partner lack the foundation for a healthy relationship and he won’t leave his wife for that. Not now, not ever.
7. He has no legitimate reason to leave his wife for you but 100 excuses why not
Him listing off reasons why he won’t leave his wife for you is a sure-fire sign that he has no intention of doing so. It’s worse if he has no legitimate reason to leave his wife for you because then he has no incentive.
Have you ever brought up the topic of your man leaving his wife for you and he has no legitimate reason to do so? Only excuses?
For example, does he say things like “I’m happy with my wife, we have a great life together, and I don’t want to rock the boat.”
Or maybe he says something like “My wife is an amazing person and I don’t want to hurt her.” And he can’t seem to give you a straight answer?
If a man can’t appreciate or acknowledge his personal reasons why he should leave his wife for you, then nothing under the sun will make him see reason with you. As much as you can influence his at the end of the day it is his decision to make.
The decision to leave his wife for you has to come from him. If he can’t come up with a legitimate reason to do so, then it means he doesn’t want to leave his wife for you.
8. Your relationship with him is in limbo

If your relationship feels stuck iand going no where it’s a big sign that he won’t leave his wife for you.Health relationships grow and progress over time.
When a man is serious about leaving his wife for you, he’ll take concrete steps to take your relationship to the next level. He’ll introduce you to his friends and family, he’ll make plans for your future together, and he’ll talk about moving in with you or getting married.
But if he’s not willing to take those steps, it means that he’s content with things the way they are. And as long as things stay the status quo, he has no reason to leave his wife for you.
A man who is serious about being with you will want to move your relationship forward. He’ll be eager to take the next step and he won’t be afraid of commitment. But if he’s not ready or willing to commit, it means that he won’t ever leave his wife for you.
9. A man who disregards your emotions won’t leave his wife for you.
A man who loves you enough and is pursuing for a real relationship wants to be happy and fulfilled. He’ll take your feelings and needs into account when making decisions about your relationship.
A man who disregards your emotions or needs doesn’t love you enough to even consider leaving his wife for you.In fact, he’s not even considering your feelings or needs at all.
For example, does he cancel plans with you at the last minute without any regard for how it might affect you? Or maybe he’s always putting his own needs above yours and expects you to be okay with it.
A man who loves you will want to make you happy. He’ll be considerate of your feelings and he’ll try to accommodate your needs. And if he’s not willing to make you happy, then why would he ever leave his wife for you?
10. He is flaky.
Men can sometimes be intentionally flaky and unreliable. When this happens it’s because he’s not ready or willing to commit to you. It is hard for some people to blantanly tell you No. So instead they give you the silent treatment or flake on you as a way of saying no.
Some men will lead you on. They’ll make you believe that they are ready to leave their wives for you. In reality they have no intention of doing so. They do this because it’s an easy way to get what they want (i.e. sex, companionship, etc.) without having to make any real commitment.
Such a man is not ready or willing to make any commitments to you. That type won’t leave his wife for you and is not worth your time.
There you have it these are the top 10 signs he won’t leave his wife for you. If you see any of these signs in your relationship then it’s time to have a serious conversation with him about where things are going. And if he’s not willing to make a commitment to you, then it’s time to move on.
On the other hand, a married man might be willing to leave his wife but hasn’t come to the decision yet to pack-up and leave with you.
How then can you tell if a man will eventually leave his wife for you. What are the subtle signs that he’s considering it?
Signs He Will leave His Wife for You

One of the leading signs that a man will leave his wife for you is that he’s in an unhappy marriage. If you give him the happiness he desperately needs, you are almost guaranteed that sooner or later, he’ll pitch his tent with you.
Sometimes cheating relationships with a married man don’t end in tears. On rare occasions, 5% of the time, husbands will leave their wives for you, the other woman.
There are subtle signs that a man will leave his wife for you. If you’re in a relationship with a man who is married to someone else, pay attention to these signs. He might be thinking about leaving his wife for you.
He’s not happy in his marriage.
Unhappiness and disatisfaction in marriage is top sign that he will leave his wife for you. If a man is unhappy with his wife, it’s only a matter of time until he looks for happiness elsewhere.
And if you can provide him with the happiness he needs, then there’s a good chance he’ll eventually leave his wife for you. No one can stay in an unhappy marriage for long.
Bonus points if he complains a lot about his marriage and awful partner to you.
Unhappiness and disatisfaction in marriage is top sign that he will leave his wife for you. If a man is unhappy with his wife, it’s only a matter of time until he looks for happiness elsewhere.
He talks about leaving his wife
If a man talks about something as serious as leaving his wife, best believe he ‘s already made the decision to leave. You need to however pay attention to the tone of his voice when he talks about leaving his wife.
He tells you that he’s not in love with his wife.
If he doesn’t love her, then why is he still with her?Perhaps Obliagation. Once love dies his marriage is on ticking bomb. It is only a matter of time before he leaves his wife for you.
For a man to stop loving his wife, he must have suffered abuse for years.Years of emotional torture at the hands of his narsistic partner.
People suffering from narcissistic personality disorder have an inflated sense of self-importance and a deep need for admiration. They also have difficulty empathizing with others and often have troubled relationships.
Bonus points if he tells you that he loves you more than the wife.
He wants to spend more and more time with you
If he begins to spend more time with you it’s often because he can’t stand being around his wife anymore. His wife is giving him so much grief. He would rather spend time with you away from his toxic marriage.
Don’t mistake this for love, it’s not. It’s simply a result of his unhappiness in his marriage. But by spending more time with you, he gets closer and closer to leaving his wife for you.
As soon as your married leaves his off the odds are that he will like end up with you. So keep round. 64% of male divorcees remarry unlike the 53% for female divorcees.
Want an in-depth look at the signs that a married man will leave his wife for you?Check out my full article on this topic Signs He Will Leave His Wife for You. In the article I delve deeper into the topic.
That being said, most affairs don’t end up with your married boyfriend leaving his wife for you. Only 5 in a 100 mistresses end up with that man leaving his wife for her.
In my experience as marriage counsellor, the vast majority of women who win their affair partners over the wives have a lot in common.
You can increase your chances of being with a married man if you use the same tips and tricks. Even if he says he won’t leave his wife, you are likely to be together if you try these tricks.
Tips and tricks to get him to leave his wife for you
If you want to be his one and only life partner, you have to first get him to leave his wife for you.
Want to make that married man to be yours, then you need to brace yourself for a bumpy ride ahead. It won’t be easy but the tips and tricks below will certainly see you through.
1. Make him feel special
Women who succeed in making a man leave his wife for them know how to make a man feel like a king. If you want him to leave his wife, you have to make him feel special. Make him feel like he’s the only man in the world for you.
Women who succeed in making a man leave his wife for them know how to make a man feel like a king.
Mama Nkima
Make time for just the two of you. Let him know that he is the most important person in your world. The key here is making him feel special and loved, not suffocated and trapped.
Compliment him often, show interest in his life and praise him for his achievements. This will make him feel loved, appreciated and wanted – something that he may not be feeling at home.
Even if he does the smallest thing, try to be grateful and let him know how much you appreciate him. This will make him feel good about himself and he will start to associate positive feelings with being around you.
Keep at it and you may soon reap the benefits.
2.Trigger his hero instict

Plenty of research has shown that men have a strong need to feel like a hero or protector. You need appeal to his nature to protect . Let him be your knight in shinning amour in clever and subtle ways you’ll have him addicted to you.
You can do this by making him feel like you need him or by asking for his help with things. Ask for his advice and opinions even when you could easily for yourself.
Remember it’s softest parts of you that enchant a man. So don’t be afraid to show your vulnerability because that is what subconsciously triggers his hero instinct.
At a visceral level, the hero instict makes a man feel like your protector; and that you are his. In a man’s world that equals love. With such strong feelings brewing for you, just give time.
…it’s softest parts of you that enchant a man. So don’t be afraid to show your vulnerability because that is what subconsciously triggers his hero instinct.
Mama Nkima
3. Play hard to get
This one is a bit controversial, but playing hard to get can actually work in your favour. If you’re not always available, he has to work a little bit harder to see you. He’ll appreciate you more and be more intrigued by you.
Men are naturally attracted to women who are a challenge. They want what they can’t have and they’re more interested in pursuing something that’s a bit out of reach.
So if you want him to leave his wife for you, keep him on his toes. If he can’t quite figure you out ‘ll pique his interest and he’ll want you more.
Men are naturally attracted to women who are a challenge. They want what they can’t have and they’re more interested in pursuing something that’s a bit out of reach.
The key here is not to play games but to simply be busy with your own life. That let hims see that you’re not just waiting around for him. When he does make time for you, it’ll mean so much more.
4. Be fun
One of the sure ways to get a man addicted to you is to be fun. At the end of a long day at work, the last thing he wants is to come home to a nagging wife. You want to be the fun, carefree girl that he can relax and be himself around. That will make you his haven away from all the stressors in his life.
Also, don’t take yourself too seriously. Be able to laugh at yourself, make jokes and just let loose. This will make him see you as someone he can relax with and have a good time. Not someone who’s always uptight and stressed out.
So if you want him to leave his wife for you, make sure you’re always fun to be around.
If you implement these tips, there’s a much higher chance that he’ll leave his wife for you. If you want more information on this topic, check out my other articles How to make a man leave his wife for you and What makes a man leave his wife for another woman.
Now that you’re more knowledgeable about the signs he won’t leave his wife you and how to change his mind, let’s explore some other questions frequently asked on this topic.
Whilst there’s no definite answer, if you’re in love with a married man it’s important to give him time to make a decision.
You may be waiting months or even years, but if he eventually does leave his wife for you it will have been worth the wait.However, before you decide to wait please make sure that there is chance he is considering leaving his wife.
You don’t want to wait only to be heartbroken in the end.
Getting over any relationship is hard and painful. But once you have realised that not matter what, you can’t have him, atleast not to yourself, the best thing you can do for yourself is to forget that relationship and move on.
I have found that the fastest way to get over a man is to accept that fact that it is over.Often we spend time feeling bad about losing love.
I understand why, but the sooner you let him go, the sooner you can heal and actually move on.Check my article How to break up with a married man for more guidance.
You need to stop talking to this man and focus on rebuilding yourself. Day by day, his memories will start to hurt less and less until one day you look back and it doesn’t affect you. That’s how you know you have moved on.
First of all, relationships are different.There so many reasonswhy he won’t leave her if he is unhappy.
It’s not always easy to just up and leave, even if you are unhappy. And if your married boyfriend has decided to stay in his unhappy marriage, my advice is that you let me suffer alone.
I know you love him and don’t want to see him get hurt but what can you do if that’s what he chosen for himself? See my full article on Why he can’t leave his wife for you.
While there is no single reason why a man might choose to leave his wife, oftentimes it boils down to an accumulation of several factors.
However, the most common denominator for men leaving their wives seems to be chronic unhappiness and dissatisfaction with the marriage itself. Find more reasons on my article What makes a ma leave his wife for you.
If your lover is married and you’re the other woman, you might find yourself in a situation where he won’t leave his wife but also won’t let you go. This can be an incredibly frustrating and confusing position to be in, especially if you’re deeply invested in the relationship.
A philandering man usually gets attached to his wife and mistress. He might not want to leave either of them, but it is a selfish thing to do. If you are the other woman in this situation, your best bet is to try and move on.
There you have it, Signs He Won’t Leave His Wife for You. If love a married man, you might want to know if there’s a chance he’ll leave his wife for you. Make sure to pay attention to the signs above. And if you want him to leave his wife for you, try implementing the tips mentioned above. good luck!
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Mama Nkima is a marriage counselor and relationship expert who has dedicated her life to helping couples build strong, healthy relationships. She has academic degrees in Education and Psychology. She has over 40 years of experience helping couples and individuals work through their relationship issues.
She draws on her own experiences as a spiritual guide but also from years of research to offer readers practical, actionable advice.