How often does a married man think about his mistress?

man think about his mistress

How often does a married man think about his mistress?Research has shown that men tend to think about their mistresses more often than they admit.

Generally speaking, a man who is having an affair will think about his mistress anywhere from 10-60 times per day.

It’s safe to say that most married men think about their mistresses regularly, particularly when they’re not getting the attention they need from their wives.

Many married men find themselves feeling unsatisfied and unfulfilled in their marriages, which can lead them to seek out affairs with other women. And while it’s usually not advisable to have an affair, it’s understandable that some men may feel like they have no other choice.

Affairs can be risky and damaging, but sometimes they may seem like the only way for a man to get the emotional connection and attention he needs.

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But if all you just want to know is how often he thinks of you, continue reading.

It depends on how far a man is caught up in the relationship.

A married man who is having an affair will typically think about his mistress quite often – especially if he’s been caught up in the excitement of the relationship.

On the other hand, a married man who is content with his wife and not actively seeking out affairs is likely to think about her far less often.

For a married man who is deep in the throes of an affair, his mistress is often the center of his thoughts. He may think about her when he’s at work, when he’s at home with his wife, or even when he’s in bed with her.

She may occupy his thoughts to the point where it’s difficult for him to focus on anything else. In some cases, a man may even start to neglect his responsibilities at home and work in favor of spending more time with his mistress.

Of course, there are also married men who think about their mistresses only occasionally.These men are usually content with their marriages and only think about their mistresses when they’re feeling particularly lonely or horny.

They may think about their mistresses when they see an attractive woman, or when they’re feeling especially neglected by their wives.However, these thoughts are usually fleeting and don’t consume their every waking moment.

To understand how often a married man thinks about his mistress, it’s important to consider reasons why he cheated on his wife in the first place.Reason why a man cheats can help to explain the intensity of his thoughts about his mistress.

Why do married men cheat on their partners – how it contributes to how often they think about his mistress?

The Institute for Family Studies cites that 20% of men and 13% of women report having sex outside of their marriage.There are many reasons why married men may seek out affairs, but some of the most common include:

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Unhappiness in their marriage:

If a man is unhappy in his marriage, he will be more likely to cheat. This is because he’s not getting what he needs from his wife, which leads him to seek out emotional and physical intimacy elsewhere.

So How often does unhappy married man think about his mistress?

Unhappy married men think about their mistresses quite often, particularly if they’re not getting the attention they need at home. They think about their mistresses when they’re at work, when they’re with their families, or even when they’re in bed with their wives.

2. Lack of communication:

If a man feels like he can’t communicate with his wife, he will be more likely to cheat. This is because he feels like he has no outlet to express his needs and desires, which leads him to seek out someone else who will listen.

In this Oprah Winfrey’s Oprah And 7 Cheating Husbands this cheating husband admits to cheating on his wife because he felt she was unavailable.

So How often does married man in a communication less marriage think about his mistress?

A married man in a communication less marriage thinks about his mistress often, as she provides an outlet for him to express himself.Every time he feels like he can’t talk to his wife, he thinks about his mistress and the conversations they’ve had. This leads him to think about her constantly.


If a man is bored in his marriage, he will be more likely to cheat. This is because he will feel like there’s nothing exciting happening in his relationship, which leads him to seek out excitement elsewhere.

So How often does bored married man think about his mistress?

Bored married men think about their mistresses often, to him she provide a source of excitement and intrigue.Every time the man feels like his life is monotonous, he think about his mistress and the exciting things they’ve done together. This lead him to think about her constantly.

4.Physical attraction:

If a man is physically attracted to his mistress, he will be more likely to cheat. This is because he will be drawn to her physical appearance and the sexual thrill of the affair.

For a man who is attracted to just physical appearance of his mistresses, he thinks of her only when he misses her.Thinking about someone is more connected to emotional feelings than just physical appearance. If he is thinking about her constantly, it might indicate that he has developed feelings for her beyond just physical attraction.

5. Ego boost:

For some married men, having a mistress can be an ego boost. This is because they feel like they’re desired and wanted, which makes them feel good about themselves.

How often does married man think about his mistress for an ego boost?

A man who is using his mistress for an ego boost thinks about her often, as she makes him feel desired and wanted.

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Every time he feels insecure or down, he may think about his mistress and the attention she gives him. This can lead him to think about her constantly.

6. Lack of physical intimacy:

If a man isn’t getting physical intimacy from his wife, he will be more likely to cheat. This is because he may feel like he’s not being satisfied sexually, which leads him to seek out sexual satisfaction elsewhere.

So How often does married man in a sexless marriage think about his mistress?

A married man in a sexless marriage thinks of his mistress every time his wife denies him sex. This should be one of the most triggering action that makes a married man frequently think about their mistress.

7. Lack of emotional intimacy:

If a man feels like he’s not connected to his wife emotionally, he will be more likely to cheat. This is called “emotional infidelity,” and it can be just as damaging to a relationship as physical infidelity.

So How often does emotionally distant married man think about his mistress?

An emotionally distant married man thinks of his mistress often, as she provides the emotional intimacy he’s lacking in his marriage.

Every time he feels like his wife is unavailable he thinks about how his mistress gives him all the attentions and emotional connection hence exponentially growing the number of times he finds him self thinking about her.

These are some of the most common reasons why married men cheat on their wives. In my article Why do men cheat on their partners? i go more in depth about each of these reasons and how they can lead to infidelity.

If you’re struggling in your marriage, it’s important to communicate with your partner and seek help from a therapist or counselor.Cheating is not the answer, and it will only make things worse.

What do married men think of their mistresses?

More and more often married men think of their mistresses as:

  1. A Source of emotional and physical intimacy.
  2. A friendly outlet to express his needs and desires.
  3. A source of excitement and intrigue.
  4. A protector of all sexual thrills
  5. A friend from whom he feels desired and wanted
  6. A Source of sexual satisfaction

What does a married man want from his mistress?

A married man wants a mistress who can make him feel alive again, a source of excitement and intrigue, a source of emotional and physical intimacy who is full of sexual thrills from whom he gets all his sexual satisfactions who will make him feel like a powerful, desirable man.

To begin with he is cheating on his wife because things are not working out with her.

Maybe she’s not giving him what he needs or maybe he just feels like he’s not getting what he wants from the relationship. In any case, he turns to another woman to fill that void.

So if you are mistress in love with married man the last thing he wants is a mistress who is a copy of his wife.

What a married man want from his mistress is someone who is fun and exciting, a source of excitement and intrigue who can make him forget about his tedious day-to-day life.

He wants someone who will make him feel desired and wanted, an outlet to express his needs and desires who will make him feel like a powerful, desirable man.

He wants someone who won’t demand much from him other than the occasional illicit encounter, a source of emotional and physical intimacy who is full of sexual thrills from whom he gets all his sexual satisfactions. This is before he emotionally becomes connected to his mistress.

If a mistress plays it well with all these emotions, she could end-up making him think of her more often which could lead him to love her more than he loves his wife.

How often do you see your mistress?

In my consultation with clients, I once asked a cheating husband how often he sees his mistress.

He told me, I see my mistress often, as she provides the excitement and adventure that’s lacking in my marriage.Every time I feel bored or disconnected from my wife, I think about my mistress and the fun we have together. This can lead me to think about her constantly.

I asked him what drives you to want to see her so often?

He told me, “I’m not getting what I need from my wife. She’s always busy with work and our kids. I feel like I’m not important to her anymore. My mistress makes me feel desired and wanted. She gives me the attention I crave. And she’s always up for anything.

I asked him how often he thinks about her, and he said that he thinks about her all the time. He said that she is always on his mind, and he can’t stop thinking about her.

So you see how often a married man sees his mistress, can lead him to think about her all the time. If you’re married and you’re thinking about your mistress constantly, it’s important to ask yourself why.

What is it that you’re not getting from your marriage? Is it physical intimacy, emotional intimacy, or something else? Once you figure out what you’re missing, you can work on getting it from your wife or finding it elsewhere.

Do married men miss their mistresses?

Yes, a married man will miss his mistress because they provide an outlet for physical and emotional needs that aren’t being met in their marriage.Unless the wife realizes what’s happening and is able to provide what’s missing, the husband will continue to seek out his mistress and the cycle will continue.

More than 74% of mistresses would agree to fulfilling many desires a man may not be able to express to his wife, such as sexual fantasies or intimacy levels that are higher or lower than what his wife is comfortable with.

46% of wives i have talked to in my practice, underestimate how important sex is to their husbands. This is scary.

In my article Do married men miss their mistresses? I go more in depth about why men cheat and how it can affect their marriage.

What are some signs that a married man is thinking about his mistress?

There are several signs that a married man is thinking about his mistress.

  • He withdraws from his family
  • Another sign he is thinking about her, he works longer hours
  • He spends more time away from home.
  • Another sign is he is irritable and short-tempered
  • He’s less interested in sex with his wife

In the next section we will talk about reasons why a cheating husband does not divorce his wife instead he stays married to her.

Why do cheating husbands stay married?

Cheating husbands stay married out of fear of what would happen if they got divorced – things such as losing custody of their children, being ordered to pay high alimony, or experiencing public shame.

Some men may simply not have the courage or guts to leave their wives even though they’re having affairs on the side. They are afraid of being alone and are not sure if the mistress will stay with them if they leave their wives.

Other reasons cheating husbands stays married include financial concerns and fear of retribution.others may not want to deal with the legal or financial consequences of a divorce.

On the other hand, some cheating husbands often feel guilty and ashamed about their affairs, and they often regret the pain they’ve caused their wives.

They stay married because they still have feelings for their wives and don’t want to go through the hassle or pain of a divorce.

Some men also believe that getting a divorce will hurt their children more than staying in an unhappy marriage. They think that the children will blame them for the divorce and that it will be hard on them emotionally and psychologically.

Can a married man be jealous of his mistress?

Yes, it’s certainly possible for a married man to be jealous of his mistress – especially if she’s seeing other men. If the mistress is spending more time with other people than she is with him, the husband may feel like he’s being replaced or neglected.

This can lead to feelings of jealousy and insecurity. we call it the “green-eyed monster” for a reason.Jealousy can consume a person and make them do things they wouldn’t normally do.

If the husband is feeling threatened by the mistress’s other relationships, he may try to control her or sabotage her other relationships. This is often done out of fear that he will lose her entirely.

If the a married man feels like his mistress is taking away what’s rightfully his, he may become possessive and controlling.

He may also start to make demands of her (like insisting that she cut off all ties with other men) that are unreasonable or impossible to meet.

This can create a lot of tension and drama in the relationship, and ultimately may lead to its demise.

If a man cheats on his wife does he love her?

It depends on why he cheats in the first place. Some men cheat because they are unhappy in their marriage and they are looking for ways to fill that void.

Other men cheat because they are simply unsatisfied with their sex life or they have different sexual needs than their wife.

70% of men who cheat to fill a void in there life say they have tried to ask their wives to deal with whatever it is they are missing only to fall on deaf ears. They say they resort to cheating a way to level up there missing desires.

In this case, Infidelity is a sign that there are serious problems in the relationship and that the couple is not getting what they need from each other. It’s often an act of desperation or retaliation

This leads us to believe that such men cheat, but still love their wives should things get better at home.

On the other hand, a man who cheats on his wife does not love her because cheating is a sign of disrespect and betrayal. It shows that the person who is cheating is not happy in their current relationship and is looking for something else. This is not indicative of love.

I love my mistress more than wife

It’s not uncommon for a man to love his mistress more than his wife. In fact, it’s quite common.

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There are many reasons why a man might love his mistress more than his wife.

For one, the mistress is often seen as a symbol of freedom and excitement. She represents something new and different, which can be very appealing to a man.Additionally, the mistress is often more attentive and sexual than the wife, which can also be a major draw for a man.

Once a married man decides to stray, it then stops being a question of can a man love his mistress more than his wife? The keyword here is love, and once love is involved, anything is possible.While a mistress might not be able to provide the stability or long-term commitment of a wife, she can certainly offer something that is very appealing to a man who is looking for an escape from his mundane life.


If a man is generally happy with his marriage but had a one-time fling, he’s likely to think about his mistress only occasionally.

On the other hand, if a man is deeply unhappy in his marriage and is actively pursuing an affair, he’s likely to think about his mistress much more

It all depends on the man’s relationship with his wife, his level of satisfaction in the marriage, and his overall level of commitment to the relationship.


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