How to make a married man want you sexually is not a child’s play. To get a married man to want you sexually, you have turn on your seduction power.
Seduction is both an art and a science. To succeed in getting that married man to want you sexually, you have to master both.
In this article, I will let you in on a few secrets you can use to get any man, married or not, to want you sexually.
The fact is men are simple creatures, I know you have heard that before. But at the same time, men are not stupid. If you come on too strong he’ll put his guard up and you will lose terribly.
To get a married man hooked, you want to give him enough to let him know you want him but at the same time, remain mysterious and build that sexual intimacy.
Now, that is a hard balance to strike but fret not, that’s what well talk about today.
Let’s get the ball rolling, shall we?
The fact is men are simple creatures, I know you have heard that before. But at the same time, men are not stupid. If you come on too strong he’ll put his guard up and you will lose terribly.
Mama Nkima
Sexual Intimacy with a married man
For a man to want to want you sexually, there has to be sexual intimacy between the two of you.
Intimacy is closeness between people in a real relationship.Believe it or not, for a man to have a deep sexual connection with you an emotional connection plays a big role.
Intimacy is what builds over time as you connect with someone, grow to care about each other, and feel more and more comfortable with each other.
When it comes to sexual intimacy with a married man, the stakes are higher.
While you could try to get to him with thigh high slits or a skin tight little black dress, merely flaunting your assets will not take you very far.
In fact if you are openly brazen, you might scare him off. To build sexual intimacy with a married man, you will need to rely more on subtle flirting techniques and more laid back approaches such as sultry eye contact.
To build sexual intimacy with a married man, you will need to rely more on subtle flirting techniques and more laid back approaches such as sultry eye contact.
Creating sexual intimacy with a married man
The key to creating sexual intimacy with a married man and getting him to want you so bad, is to lead with your sensuality more than your sexuality.
Remember however, that sensuality and sexuality is different for everyone. Pick out what works for you and modify the tips below to suit you and your affair partner’s styles.
Leading with your sensuality more than sexuality, a recipe for sensual sex can be achieved in some the following ways.
1.Tantalize your man’s senses to get him to want you like crazy

One way to build sexual intimacy is to play with the thin line between sensual pleasure and sex.
You wan’t to stimulate this mans; touch, taste, sight, sound and smell senses just enough and long enough to arouse his interest then holding off to build the tension.
- For touch harmless hand tugging or brushing his shoulder when you talk to him will suffice. If you are close enough massages can also be helpful in creating physical intimacy. Not all touch is the same. We have smoothness and roughness, cold and heat, and pressure. Play with those to arouse his touch senses like none else has ever.
- Taste. You’ve probably heard that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. I am not saying to have to feed him all the time but you want most of interactions with him to be associated with food he finds tasty. This is why dinner dates are such a fantastic way to build sexual intimacy.
- When it comes to smell it’s pretty straight forward. If you smell so good you can pull any man to you. My professional advise is to settle for fruity, nutty or edible scents that we sometimes call delicious scents. Don’t be stunned if literally wants to eat you up when you wear that vanilla or hickories scent. He can’t help himself.
- Sound/hearing. If you are just meeting him a safe way to start with triggering his auditory nerves is to say his name. Men love the sound of their name.Bonus points if you’ve mastered the sultry airy voice that men find irresistible. If your relationship is at a higher level consider things like dirty talking or perhaps gifting him your favorite sensual music playlist.
- Last but certainly not least, sight. Men are visual creatures. If they like what they see then they like what they see, period. You want to give him some eye candy, a little boob show or high slit will do the trick.However, it has to be in moderation or he’ll think your slutty and that’s the last thing you want especially earlier on.
Don’t be stunned if literally wants to eat you up when you wear that vanilla or hickories scent. He can’t help himself.
Mama Nkima
Take care yourself
I know this sounds counterintuitive but taking care of your own pleasure, and happiness is the basis for any man to want to be with you.
You can’t pour from an empty cup, so you’ll need to pamper yourself too.
You glow different when you take time to stimulate and pleasure yourself.Whenever I say this my clients immediately ask if I mean masturbation, partially yes, buts that’s not it entirely. In addition, prioritize personal care, reduce stress, and generally choose to be all happy.
With your sensuality you trigger all of his senses, smell, touch, sight and the more senses involved the better, sexuality triggers his desire for sex and that’s it.
You need both, but to build a stronger sexual connection rely more on sensual stimulation and only throw in bits of sexual stimulation.
The goal here is to pleasure his senses when he is around you. In his subconscious he will begin to associate you with the pleasure, and increase this sexual connection -intimacy, with you.
Once you master creating sexual intimacy you will be able to stir strong desires in many men.Making them want you so bad it hurts.
With sexual intimacy you are creating feelings and sexual closeness with your target man.
Once you master creating sexual intimacy you will be able to stir strong desires in many men.
Making them want you so bad it hurts. Mama NkimaMake His Actions Match His PromisesOrder Your Help Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
But sometimes, some men need a little more push.Especially married men because they bound by oath to resist your charms.
This is where seduction comes to the rescue. With seduction you not only deepen the sexual desire a man has for you but you also water down any resistance to your charms.
5 Subtle but effective ways to Seduce a married man to want you sexually

Seducing a married man will awaken a desire in which will make him want you sexually. When you seduce a man, you are giving him hard-to-miss sexual signals in sometimes innocent ways which is hell attractive and sexy.
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is seducing a married man. It is going to sometime but it will be worth it, every step of the way.
Studies show that women take on a gentle approach while flirting, which may often be interpreted as friendly behavior. As a result, you must ensure that your sexual signals can’t be misinterpreted.
Here are the 5 subtle but effective ways to Seduce a married man to want you sexually;
1. Let your eyes do the talking
The key is to take your time and let your eyes say what you may not have the courage to say. Seducing a married man with your eyes is a sure way to say, “I want you.”
Let him see the want and desire in your eyes, and he’ll be putty in your hands.
Eye contact is so powerful that it can actually make a married man want you sexually, even if he doesn’t know you.After all, eye contact is how souls catch fire.
- Let him catch you checking him out. This is where you hold the gaze then look away shyly. Scan the room then look back at them
- Give him the flirty eyes, you know the look you give someone when you want to kiss them. You want him to see all that emotion in your eyes because that is what creates a connection
Eye contact can be scary at first but once you practice it, it will become second nature. And when you can do it with confidence, it’s downright sexy.
So go out there and make some eye contact with that married man you’ve been wanting. You never know what might happen.
…let your eyes say what you may not have the courage to say.Seducing a married man with your eyes is a sure way to say, “I want you.”
Mama Nkima
2. Lead the man away from his pack

It’s hard to seduce a married man in group. You want to create opportunities where it’s just you and him. How do you do this?
If you are at party and he goes to the bar for instance, that is where you want to initiate conversation.
It helps if you have already been sending him signals all night, the i-want-you looks and flirty smiles.
Even if nothing else happens that night, you have planted a seed of desire in his mind, the next time you meet escalate things a little.
The thing is wherever you often meet the man you are trying to seduce, you will have more success if you initiate conversation when he is away from his friends, and group. It’s easier to take down a lone wolf than a pack.
One easy way for social isolation of your target is to invite him to an activity, event or area that is new to him but you very familiar with.
This creates a dynamic where he is reliant on you in a way. It is on those moments that you turn your charm.
You could even initiate a kiss and coyly apologize. I bet you in such a situation where you’ve taken him out of his comfort zone and it’s just you and the feelings you are arousing in him standing before him, 99.9% of the time, he’ll reciprocate.
Now that you the green light, you keep pushing his boundaries until you have him.
3.Hands baby, hands
I have never met a man whose primary love language (we’ll talk about this later) is not physical touch. Men like to be touched. I’ll say it again for the people in back, men like to be touched.
Of course you want to make sure that the touch is invited otherwise escalating to touch can ruin a brewing romance.
So you’ve been flirting and eyeing you married man and he seems to be responding positively. This is where you take the plunge, in the conversation, casually brush against his arm, or shoulder.
At this point you want to keep all the touch above the waist and accidental-wink.
He will notice that innocent touch. He might act like nothing happened but I promise you he will feel it, you want to study his reaction to your touch.
Did he smile, blush, become nervous? Or did he become stiff and uncomfortable. If it’s the latter slow down, if any of the former that’s a green light.
When next the opportunity arises, you want to hold the touch longer, be closer to him and perhaps hold eye contact. At this point he should be ready to take over and take things further.
4. Pull back a little.
Before pulling back, when seducing a man you have to make sure that you have been sending signals and paying him attention for a while.
Just when he starting to get used and relish in the attention you’re paying him, you withdraw.
You don’t have to be rude or mean all you do act a bit disinterested. On a psychological level even if he didn’t like you a fear of loss is triggered in his brain and he knows he must do something to win you back.
This emotional distress from you pulling back is similar to the emotions a man feels when he is falling love a chasing after his love interest.
Even though he never intended to like you, you are triggering emotions someone he loves should.
This dissonance is what makes him drawn to you when you withdraw. It makes him want you all the more.
This hot and cold game can make a many crazy for you. You give him a little then you take it away.
When you withdraw, on a psychological level even if he didn’t like you a fear of loss is triggered in his brain and he knows he must do something to win you back.
Mama Nkima
5. Be in good in the sack

The goal of seduction is build a sexual attraction between you the married man to make him want you sexually. It goes without saying that being good in bed will turn things in your favor.
Married men with a high sex drive often struggle in sexless marriages. Most marriages these days tend to be in the sexless category or if there married couple is having sex it’s lackluster.
This is good news for you the seductress, you just have to insinuate how much pleasure the married man could have with you.
You can do this by making comments to that effect if the conversation arrives, or perhaps in a naughty text.
This will build sexual tension between the two of you.Sexual tension makes even the smallest touches magical so the more tension you can create between the two of the more extraordinary the sex will feel when you eventually have it.
You don’t have to do monkey flips but if you can, am sure it would go a long way.
Bonus: Dress to kill.
When you think of the perfect seductress, the one almost every man wants sexually, you definitely think of sexy woman. One thing sexy women know how to do is dress to the nines.
You don’t have to wear expensive labels, you simply need to dress for you body type.Wearing clothes that flatter your body shape and fit you well is really you need.
The rest of the pzazz comes from you attitude and confidence.
How to make a married man want you sexually

You probably want your married boyfriend to be sexually attracted to you continuously.
You don’t want him to hit and run but rather to stay sexually addicted to you and keep coming back for more.
In the previous section we looked at seducing a married man and with the tips above, you should be able to get any man to notice you sexually and desire a sexual relationship with you.
In this section we’ll go a step further of sustaining the sexual attraction.
The ways to keep that married man so interested and hooked that he’ll never want to let you go. To leave him aching an lusting after you and only you.
The 8 hot tips to make a married man want you sexually
1. Love him in his love language
There is no perfect relationship however if you can master what his love language is and love him exactly how he craves to be loved, you can get damn close to the perfect romance.
When you love him right, not only will he be addicted to you, he is also motivated to love you right back.
There are five basic love languages, Words of affirmation Quality time, Physical touch,Acts of service and Receiving gifts.
One person often predominantly prefers one language but would definitely appreciate you expressing your love with the other four.
Almost all the I’ve met, their predominant love language is physical touch, and physical contact, no matter how many gifts you give or how affirming your words are for most men if you never touch or let them touch you, he might never feel your love.
The easiest way to find out a man’s love language is take note of how he expresses his love to you.
We often love the way we want to be loved. If he’s buying you gifts every weekend, he loves receiving gifts, or always reassuring you, words or affirmation get him going.
Just pair that with physical contact and he’ll be yours.
The easiest way to find out a man’s love language is take note of how he expresses his love to you.
Mama Nkima
2. Meet is his innate needs and desires to make him want you sexually for life

Meeting a man’s primal needs certainty, uncertainty/variety, significance, and connection/love you appeal to his very nature.
This is beyond merely a physical or emotional connection you are connecting to his soul and his very existence.
If you can make him comfortable be reliable, but mysterious every now and then, make him feel like king while loving him you single-handedly just won his heart and body and soul.However focus on your sexual relationship.
Men’s biological urges are so strong that a study conducted by the University of Chicago found that when men were exposed to images of attractive women, a hormonal reaction of excess testosterone made their mouths water.
Men’s high sex drive and need for sexual variety is what drives an affair. You want to maintain the steam in your physical relationship to keep this man wanting you sexually.
Men’s high sex drive and need for sexual variety is what drives an affair. You want to maintain the steam in your physical relationship to keep this man wanting you sexually.
3. Let him be your hero .
Appealing to man’s hero instinct just like flattery will take you far in life. It’s a sure way to make him want you.Allow him feel like your protector and knight in shining armor and he’ll be putty in your hands.
The Hero Instinct is the innate desire of a man to protect and provide for his loved ones. It is a powerful, primal urge that drives men to take action in order to keep his loved ones safe. It is a man’s biological drive to want to feel like a hero.
Appreciate all the little things he does for you, no matter how small they may seem. A man loves to feel needed, so let him help you out whenever you can.
When he feels like your hero his attraction to you increases.There’s a thin line between attraction and desire. So if you keep increasing his attraction he’ll be bursting with desire for you.
4.Maintain your sex appeal
When the honeymoon period is over, most married people tend to let themselves go. No wonder a healthy sex life for many married men is only but a dream.
To keep a married man hooked and addicted to you, want to maintain your sexy.
I am not saying you must always wear makeup or 10-inch shoes, if you can hell-yes, but you want to keep putting effort in your appearance.
Work out, eat well and take good care of yourself that’s the recipe for the perfect healthy sex life with your married boyfriend.
If you keep your appearances and maintain your sex appeal that man’s sexual drive around you will be out of the roof. He cannot help but want you sexually if you keep looking like a sex dream.
There’s a thin line between attraction and desire. So if you keep increasing his attraction he’ll be bursting with desire for you.
Mama Nkima
5.Confidence is hella sexy
If you want to make a married man want you sexually, you’ve got to be confident. A woman who confident and comfortable in her skin is like a drug.
Theirs something magical that happens when you carry yourself as woman with an air of confidence that men find irresistible.
Married life tends to get mundane, your confidence and energy will be a refreshing change for the married man.
Be comfortable in your own skin. How can he want you if you don’t even want yourself?
6. Be his confidante and friend
One of the easiest ways to make a married man want you sexually is being the man’s friend.
There is only so far you can go with increasing a sexual intimacy, but by growing your emotional connection with a married man, you deepen your sexual connection at the same time.
After a period of time is modern marriages it is not uncommon for married couples to co-exist without much a relationship. The reality of many marriages today is toxic that many couples don’t consider their spouses their friends.
This is so ironic because the top reason people marry is companionship. I can’t count how many married men, even women are lonely in their marriages and just need a friend, a confidante.
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Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Whisper in his ear as often as you can
The fastest way to make a married man want you sexually is to whisper sweet nothings in his near.
Whispering is so underrated. I don’t know if it’s the hot breath or the closeness between people when they whisper it feels and looks so erotic.
Men often tell me during sessions that whispering sends shivers down their spine. And I get it, how could he not want you when you are so close?
Whispering shows that you are interested in him and creates an intimate moment between the two of you.
The naughtiest thing about whispering, is that it allows you to say things that you might not say in person. This can be very alluring and mysterious to a man. It will make him want you even more.
Just because you randomly whisper every now and then in your mans ear doesn’t guarantee that he will want you sexually, but if you are relationship is dwindling and dying this, seemingly childish behavior can spice things up for you.
8. Be charming and carefree around him
If you want a married man to want you sexually, be care-free and wild.Married men are attracted to women who have carefree easygoing nature about them.
Married life can often seem like a prison so if you are easy-going he will be drawn to you.
We want what we don’t have. The idea of you a charming and carefree spirit is so alluring when he compares you the nagging wife he has at home. This fuels his desire for you.
Having that “joie de vivre” joy of living childlike quality will entice any man, much more, a bored married man to want to be in your life.
While a sexual relationship with a married man can be very rewarding, if you are in love with him. you might want to first build an emotional connection.
My professional advice is that a married man will not leave his wife for you because of the sex alone.
…that “joie de vivre” joy of living, childlike quality will entice any man, much more, a bored married man to want to be in your life.
Mama Nkima
If you love him and want a shot at a real relationship, a committed relationship with him, building a strong emotional bond is the best place to start.
The terrific sex will then be the cherry on the top.Check out more tips and tricks to get a married man to leave his wife for you in my other post.
If a married man wants you sexually he might be sending you some mixed signals which is pretty confusing.
Because married men have a lot to lose especially if he isn’t sure you want him too, he might be cold and aloof in public but really handy but sweet in private.
Below are some of the most common signs a married man wants you sexually even he tries to hide it.
-He looks at you seductively. Eyes don’t lie if he’s giving you the I-want-you look, best believe he does.
-He leans in a little too close when he talks to you, sometimes for no reason at all.
-He touches you unnecessarily.Those innocent hand brushes are not accidental. He might try to hold hands, hug you a lot or simply put his are around your waist.
-He tells you. If a married man tells you he wants you sexually he certainly isn’t joking.
-You have a gut-feeling. When you have hunch he wants you sexually even when you can’t put your finger it most likely he does.
If you want to keep a married man hooked, the best way to do it is to create a strong emotional bond in addition to the great sex.While he might be sexually attracted to you in the beginning what actually makes him addicted to you how you make him feel when he is around you.
You can find more tips in other article on making love to a married man.
Incidentally, the same things that you would do to make any man want you emotionally also work on married men.
You just have to be a little bit more subtle about it since they are, well, married. Find out more in my article how to seduce a married man tips for discreetly getting that man.
But these are the basic things that you can do to make a married man want you emotionally include:
-Being supportive and understanding towards him.
-Making him feel like he can rely on you and that you’re someone he can trust.
-Being someone who is fun to be around and who enjoys life.
-Being able to hold an intelligent conversation with him about things that matter to both of you
I hope this article helps you bring out your inner lioness to make any man you desire want you sexually.Happy hunting.
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Mama Nkima is a marriage counselor and relationship expert who has dedicated her life to helping couples build strong, healthy relationships. She has academic degrees in Education and Psychology. She has over 40 years of experience helping couples and individuals work through their relationship issues.
She draws on her own experiences as a spiritual guide but also from years of research to offer readers practical, actionable advice.