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Can I trust a married man when he says that he loves me?

Can I trust a married man when he says that he loves me?

What does it mean when a married man says i love you?When it comes to trusting a married man, it can be a tricky situation.On one hand, you want to believe that he is telling you the truth and that his love for you is real.

On the other hand, you can’t help but feel suspicious about his motives.So, can you trust a married man when he says that he loves me?The answer isn’t always black and white, but there are some things to consider before making your decision.

Social media has a great job at amplifying mistrust among married men affairs.As many people will readily attest, it’s quite easy to find “evidence” of a man cheating on his wife when you’re looking for it.

And even if there isn’t any concrete evidence, the doubt can still linger in your mind.If you’re constantly seeing posts about how untrustworthy married men are, it’s going to be difficult to believe that your man is different.

Of course, there are always going to be exceptions to the rule.There are some married men out there who are genuinely in love with the women they’re seeing on the side.But unfortunately, these cases are few and far between.If you’re thinking about trusting a married man, it’s important to weigh all of the risks first.After all, it’s not worth getting your heart broken if he ends up being just like all the others.

So before we dive into what it mean when a married man say I love you, Lets navigate on the why would a married man fall in love with his lover?

He has a wife, but says he loves me

What does that mean?

There are a few possible explanations for why a married man would say that he loves you.It could be that he’s simply trying to manipulate you into having s.e.x with him.Or, it could be that he’s actually falling in love with you and is considering leaving his wife for you.

Intense emotion such as:

  1. Resentment
  2. Jealousy
  3. Anger
  4. Loneliness
  5. A need for attention or validation.
  6. Unhappiness in his current relationship.
  7. Feeling trapped or suffocated by his marriage.

Signs above are some of the reasons why a married man might want to try out and explore for happiness after all life is too short.

9 Best factors to consider Before you trust a Married Man that say he loves you

When a man say that he loves you.Of course, there are other possibilities as well.But if you’re wondering whether or not you can trust a married man when he professes his love and says that he loves you, these are some things to consider.

1.Consider how long have you known this man.

If you’ve only known him for a short amount of time, it’s more likely that he’s just trying to take advantage of you.On the other hand, if you’ve known him for a while and he’s always been honest with you, then it’s more likely that his feelings are genuine.

2.Think about why he’s telling you that he loves you.

when a married man says i love you
Man on Quora confesses to mean it when told his mistress he loves her.

If he’s telling you that he loves you out of the blue, it’s more likely that he’s just trying to get into your pants.But if he’s telling you because he’s feeling emotional and vulnerable, then it might be worth considering that his feelings are real.

Men can make mistakes and marry the wrong woman for various reasons.

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Maybe he married young and inexperienced and he has to pay the price of rushing into marriage.

Marriage is a huge step, and some men might not be ready for it.If a man gets married young or without really knowing his wife, it’s possible that he might realize later on down the road that he made a mistake.In these cases, it’s not uncommon for the man to start seeking out attention and validation from other women.

It’s also possible that he got married for the wrong reasons, such as for money or because it was expected of him.And now, he’s realized that he wants something more and he’s fallen in love with you.

3.Look at his actions.

Of course, words mean nothing if they’re not backed up by actions.If a married man is telling you that he loves you, pay attention to his actions to see if they match up.Does he make time for you in his schedule?Does he go out of his way to do things for you?Is he always there when you need him?If so, then his actions are indicating that he does indeed love you.

4.Consider the risks.

Before you trust a married man who says he loves you, it’s important to consider the risks involved.

  • Are you prepared to deal with the potential backlash if his wife finds out?
  • Mistresses ship is most times secret affairs, Are you willing to be a secret forever?
  • Are you okay with the fact that he’s already married and has made a commitment to someone else?

If not, then it’s probably not worth getting involved with him.

5.Consider how he has proven himself to be true

If a married man says i love you, ask you self first.How true and honest has he been to you so far?Has he been there through happy and sad moments?Does he know about your family, friends, and work?Can you confide in him without worrying that he will tell anyone?If the answer to all of these questions is yes, then it’s likely that he loves you.

Of course, only you can decide whether or not to trust a married man when he says that he loves you.But if you take the time to consider all of these factors, it will be easier for you to make a decision one way or the other.

6.Is he there to encourage your downs and to celebrate your wins?

A married man that encourages you when you were down and celebrates with you in your successes is a man with good signs that he loves you and worthy trusting when he says i love you.If a man only wants to be with you when it’s convenient for him or when he needs something, then it’s likely that he doesn’t love you and is just using you.

When someone married says he loves you, before you trust him, he better be committed to your relationship as well.He should be putting in the time and effort to make things work, even when it’s not easy.

Make His Actions Match His Promises
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Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
If he’s not willing to do that, then it’s probably not worth getting involved with him.

7.Consider if He sees the real you like no one else does

A man that loves you will see the real you – your vulnerabilities, your strengths, your quirks, and everything in between.He accepts you for who you are and loves you anyway.If a married man is telling you that he loves you, think about how well he knows you and if he sees the real you.If he does, then it’s likely that his feelings are genuine.

Can I Trust a Married Man When He Says That He Loves Me – Consider If you do love him back?

This is perhaps the most important question of all.If you don’t love him back, then it doesn’t matter if he loves you or not.But if you do love him back, then it’s worth considering whether or not you can trust him.

Ask your self if you have strong feeling for him.You know the kind: butterflies-in-the-tummy, can’t-stop-thinking-about-him, always-wanting-to-be-around-him kind of love, head-over-heels, he’s-my-life package.If you have those kinds of strong feelings for him, then it’s worth considering trusting him when he says he loves you and will do anything for you…if he is your husband!

However make sure you are also ready for the challenges that come with being in a relationship with a married man.

8.Consider if you have crossed any physical lines with him

You can trust a married man when he says he loves you if he still professes his love for you even if you have not slept with him or crossed any physical lines.Look at how he rushes you to bed, Is he that kind?

If he is patient with you and he has never given you a reason to think he is in a rush to sleep with you, and he excises most of the topics i shared above, That means he fell for who you are.

However, if he is reaching outside his marriage for love and attention, it means he is unhappy or angry at home.Everyone at one point has overreacted because of intense emotion such as resentment, jealousy, anger, or loneliness.

So remember that.Because he loves you doesn’t mean he doesn’t love his wife still.Actions speak louder than sayings.If he separates with her and then approaches you….Still take it slow.No great things were ever rushed.

10.Consider whats his story, he has a wife, but says he loves you – why?

If a man has a wife but says he loves you, there is a reason why.Men can make mistakes and marry the wrong woman, maybe his wife got pregnant before marriage and he felt committed to sacrifice his happiness for others. (yes some men are like that, they are not all beasts), one thing led to another, the kids are growing and he feels like a stranger in his own home, and he finds himself looking at you.

You are not the reason why he is married, but you could be the answer to his prayers.Just take it slow before deciding to trust him when he says that he loves you.

Love is a tricky thing, and it’s even more complicated when it’s between two people who are married to other people.If you’re involved with a married man, there are a lot of things to consider before you can decide whether or not to trust him.

The most important thing is how he makes you feel.

Make His Actions Match His Promises
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Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
If he loves you, he should make you feel like the most special and loved person in the world.He should be attentive, considerate, and loving.If he’s not willing to do those things, then it’s probably not worth getting involved with him.

People like to judge and condemn a man when he leaves his wife for another women without even knowing whats the story behind his married life.

All is well, but how do you know if he is telling you the truth?How do you know if a married man loves you truly?Let get to that in the next section.

How do you know if a married man loves you truly?

I think there is a need to ask you action too, Why are you with him knowing that he is married?

Have you taken time to know him?

Many of mistresses in have consulted in my practice would agree when i say that Typically, dating a married should be done for profit.He should be paying for you some way.Perhaps vacations.Or your phone bill.Something.Otherwise, why do it?

If you have and he ticks all the boxes i shared earlier on, then believe him when he says he loves you.

To learn more about my take on How do you know if a married man loves you truly check out my article on the matter. How to know if a married man loves you?

How well do you trust him?He has a wife, but says he loves you

How well can you trust a man who would lie to his wife about having a relationship with another woman?Unless you can assume he has the guts to admit to his wife whats happening, this guy might be a kind that is willing to say anything to get what he wants.That’s what cheaters do.They lie.

If he’s not willing to be honest with his wife about what’s going on, how can you trust him to be honest with you?

The bottom line is that if you’re involved with a married man, there are a lot of things to consider before you can decide whether or not to trust him.Make sure you are not involved with a serial cheater.

If all is well and he is not a serial cheater, you have prof he opened up to his wife about the affair, the next question is, Can a married man fall in love with his lover?

Can a married man fall in love with his lover?

This is a hugely contested debate.Can a man who is married and has kids fall in love with his mistress?

The answer is, it depends.If the man has been unhappy in his marriage for years and feels like he’s been living a lie, it’s possible for him to fall in love with his mistress.

I’ve seen so many miserable people together because they think the wedding is the end game.Women seem to be more guilty of this than men, but once the honeymoon is over, they change the person they were before.They stop all the things they used to do that made their partner love them in the first place.

The man who falls in love with his mistress is usually the man who has been unappreciated and taken for granted by his wife.When he finally meets someone who makes him feel special and appreciated, it’s not surprising that he would fall in love with her.

Men are bound by duty and obligation to put up with almost anything, even abuse.Men get demonized for leaving or cheating.

Make His Actions Match His Promises
Order Your Help Now.
Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Women are encouraged to leave and if she cheats, well he just wasn’t meeting her emotional needs.

Sometimes, people, especially men, get beaten down and stuck in a relationship.Sometimes, they need someone to help them free themselves.It’s a lot harder for a man to leave because women who are awesome at emotional drama and manipulation.

Of course, there are also men who cheat on their wives because they’re simply not happy with their sex life.In this case, it’s unlikely that he would fall in love with his mistress because the relationship is based purely on sex.

There are a lot of factors to consider when trying to answer the question, Can a married man fall in love with his mistress?Ultimately, it comes down to the individual man and the circumstances of his marriage.

If you’re involved with a married man, make sure you know what you’re getting into before you get too emotionally attached.

Signs a married man is using you

Before you put all your trust in your married lover, make sure you’re not being used.When you’re in love with a married man, it can be difficult to see the signs that he’s using you.

The same things true and honest married men say to their mistresses are the same things dishonest married men say.The difference is in the intent.

For a married man with intentions to use you, If he says he loves you, it means he loves you physically and don’t want to miss a chance to have sex whenever you meet next time.So be very care full when getting involved.

Some common signs that a man is using you are if he:

  1. Only calls or texts you when it’s convenient for him
  2. cancels plans at the last minute
  3. doesn’t include you in his life or future plans
  4. He only wants to see you when it’s convenient for him.
  5. He’s always busy and can never make time for you.
  6. He doesn’t introduce you to his friends or family.

In many more.

In my article 29 Signs a Married Man is Using You for Your Money, Sex, and Emotional Support is give 29 signs for you to lookout for to avoid being used.

Married man says he loves me but won’t leave wife

There’s nothing worse than being in love with a man who says he loves you but won’t leave his wife.It feels like you’re stuck in limbo and can never move forward with your relationship.

If a married man tells you that he loves you but can’t leave his wife, it’s important to believe him.It’s not uncommon for a man to stay in an unhappy marriage because he’s afraid of the unknown.

Leaving a wife and family is a huge decision and one that shouldn’t be taken lightly.If he’s telling you that he loves you but can’t leave his wife, it’s likely that he’s being honest with you.

The best thing you can do in this situation is to be supportive and understanding.Let him know that you’re there for him and that you understand how difficult it is for him.

try not to pressure him into leaving his wife.If he’s truly in love with you, he’ll eventually make the decision to leave on his own.

Meanwhile this is a sign that you should not trust him either.


Only you can decide if you can trust a married man when he says that he loves you.If you’re involved with a married man, make sure you know what you’re getting into before you get too emotionally attached.

There are a lot of factors to consider when trying to answer the question, Can I trust a married man who says he loves me?Ultimately, it comes down to the individual man and the circumstances of his marriage.

I hope this article Can I trust a married man when he says that he loves me was helpful.Can you think of any other signs that a married man is using you?Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.We want to hear from you in the comments!

If you are currently involved with a married man, I encourage you to take a step back and assess

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Author: Mama Nkima

Mama Nkima is a marriage counselor and relationship expert who has dedicated her life to helping couples build strong, healthy relationships.  She has academic degrees in Education and Psychology. She has over 40 years of experience helping couples and individuals work through their relationship issues. She draws on her own experiences as a spiritual guide but also from years of research to offer readers practical, actionable advice.

One Reply to “Can I trust a married man when he says that he loves me?”

  1. I was involved with a married man for over a year, but I think it’s finally came to the point where he had to move back with her because his kids were threatening him that he wouldn’t be able to see his kids or his grandkids anymore if he stayed with me so in other words he had no choice and is kids are both grown and married so they’re not even living at home but they didn’t want their family broke up

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