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How to make a married man fall madly in love with you?

How to make a married man fall madly in love with you?

Do you want to make a married man fall madly in love with you?You’re in luck!In this blog post, Mama Nkima will provide you with the ultimate guide to making another woman’s husband yours.

She will discuss everything from how to bring out his romantic side to how to make him feel appreciated.

To win a married man, follow my tips and he will be head over heels for you in no time.But tips explained in this article take time to manifest.If you are tired of waiting and you want to make him leave his wife for you as soon as yesterday?what you need is click here no wasting time.

If you are OK with waiting and not in a rush, continue reading.

Make him fall head over heels in love with you, even if he is already married.How, you ask?Keep reading to find out!

To make him crazy for you, first – it’s important to be yourself and let your true personality shine through.

Men are attracted to confident, independent women who are comfortable in their own skin.If you’re constantly second-guessing yourself or putting up a façade around him, he’ll eventually see through it and lose interest.

Men are attracted to confident, independent women who are comfortable in their own skin

Mama Nkima

In this article, we are going to learn some basics of how to make a married man fall madly in love with you and possibly take up the position of his wife.

1.Equip your self with information about reasons why he is cheating

If you want to make a married man fall madly in love with you, First thing you need to do is to equip your self with information about reasons why he is cheating on his wife.This will come in handy when time comes to put up a strategy.Some of the reasons that make married men cheat on their wives are:

  • Unsatisfied with intimate life
  • Lack of emotional connection
  • Boredom
  • Revenge
  • Adventure
  • Curiosity
  • Luck of romantic feelings

And many more.

Your task is going to be to find out what those reasons are in your situation and then use them to your full advantage.Once you know why he is cheating, it will be easier to work on a strategy.Strategies that include actions like to create an emotional connection with him.Lets look at how you would create an emotional connection with a married man.

Equip your self with information about reasons why he is cheating on his wife

2.Create an emotional connection with him

The next step to making another woman’s husband crazy over you is to create an emotional connection with him.The goal here is to point him towards romantic feelings.

This can be done in many ways but the most important one is to make him feel like you understand him.Make him feel you are such a friend he never had.

Use the knowledge you accumulated in section one to create an emotional bond with him.

To make a married man fall madly in love with you, you need to be able to relate to his feelings and show him that you are interested in hearing about his life.

One way to do this is to ask questions about his life.Another way is to share your own experiences with him.

You need to be able to relate to his feelings and show him that you are interested in hearing about his life.

The key is to make him feel like you are on his side and that you understand what he is going through.This will create a strong emotional connection between the two of you.

In my marriage counseling practice, i see a lot of women who complains about loosing appetite for what they call baby sitting their husband’s emotions.They complain about how their men fail to consider their long days at work and all other aspects of their day.

This leaves men vulnerable to finding someone who is able to fill up this emotional tank they have.So prepare your self to be the woman who is more than ready to fill his crave for both romantic passion and emotional intimacy.

Your challenge is – men would sometimes not be able to articulate these kind of lucking.Its your job as the other woman to figure these issues out and quietly act upon them to your advantage.

The take home is, to make a married man fall madly in love with you, find out if he luck emotional bond and be the person that creates that emotional connection with him.

It’s also important to show him that you are a fun, interesting person. “Men are attracted to women who they can have a good time with”.

Men are attracted to women who they can have a good time with

Mama Nkima

Another thing you can do is to make him feel appreciated.In the next section we shall talk about the importance and reasons why men like be made to feel appreciated.

3.Make him feel appreciated

Another important thing to do if you want to make a married man fall madly in love with you is to make him feel appreciated.Men want to feel like they are needed and that their efforts are being noticed.

One way to do this is to show your appreciation for the things he does for you.

Make His Actions Match His Promises
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Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Most of my clients that get this well says appreciation technique is even highly effective if you repeat a thank you at later point in time (Say a month or so).

Men like to feel noticed but they even love it more if you noticed their effort at times they thought you forgotten about what they did.

Our goal here to a wake his hero instinct at any chance we get.Nothing makes a man’s hero instinct tick like making him feel appreciated.What is a hero instinct?

The hero instinct is a new psychological theory about what makes guys tick, and if you want to seduce a married man, then you definitely need to know about it.

Sometimes a married man falls for a woman (who isn’t even trying to catch his eye) simply because she is unwittingly triggering his hero instinct.

Men like to feel noticed but they even love it more if you noticed their effort at times they thought you forgotten about what they did.

Mama Nkima

Another way to show appreciation is to do something nice for him.This could be something as simple as cooking him his favorite meal, buying him a gift, or even just doing something that you know he would not expect you to do for him.

The key is to make sure that he knows that you are grateful for the things he does for you.This will make him feel good about himself.When you master the art of making a man feel good about him self, you master the art of awakening his relationship hero instinct.

In addition to making him feel Make him feel appreciated, you should also try to bring out his romantic side.How you ask?Read on.

4.Bring out his romantic side

If you want to make a married man crazy for you work on bringing out his romantic side.Plan special dates and surprises for him.Take care of yourself and look your best so that he always has something to look forward to – time to time.

Its not uncommon for married men that have stayed in marriage for a long time to have forgotten about romance.That’s the nature of marriage wives sometimes forget what it was that made them fall in love with their spouses in the first place.

If you can find a way to rekindle that romance and remind him how it feels to be in a romantic relationships, he will be head over heels for you.

Men appreciate the effort you put into making him feel special by letting loose the amount of true feeling they have for you.

If a man feels you are the perfect partner, he will subconsciously want to reciprocate those actions to you too.Another way of saying the former is you reboot his ego.Called ego boost.

One way to bring out his romantic side is to plan special dates for just the two of you.This could be anything from a simple picnic in the park to a weekend getaway at a romantic hotel.Whatever you do, make sure it is something that he will enjoy and appreciate.

Another way to bring out his romantic side is to surprise him with simple gifts or flowers.This could be anything from a simple bouquet of flowers to a piece of jewelry that you know he has been wanting.The key is to make sure that the gifts are thoughtful and that they come from the heart.

The final way to bring out his romantic side is to make sure that you always look your best.Looking good is an attractive trait for men.This means generally taking care of yourself for him.

By looking your best, you will make him feel like he is the luckiest man in the world to be with an affair partner like you.

The key is to make sure that you are always putting your best foot forward.If you want to make him develop deeper feelings for you, and to make sure he fall madly in love with you.

5.Make every moment with you memorable (Be playful)

He would not have time to be with you if his home was that fun to be.

Mama Nkima.

Now that he is with you, capitalize on what he misses back home.Men are like children, they take being responsible for restriction.Given a chance to go wild, you don’t wanna know the limits.Be the woman that gives him that chance.

No matter how good his marriage, the daily routine of his marriage life, I mean kids, sleeping, watching tv, changing pampers, gets boring.

  1. Men like this thrill of excitement.
  2. Chase is a man’s game, men like the chase and above all.
  3. Men like to play.

So – out of your busy day, make a schedule of having fun with him.

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Create lots of room to improve his physical attraction towards you.

Perhaps playing with his video games in your apartment, or have a night out for a dance with him.

Make the fun time for him which he is not getting from his wife, he will always be coming back to you for more fun.

6.Acknowledge his masculinityHow to make a married man fall madly in love with you

Since he is with you, Its likely there relationship is that bad that she forgot his masculinity.One man’s meat!!

  • Men loves attention
  • Men loves acknowledgment and being appreciated.
  • They start thinking of another woman once a wife stops seeing them.

The reality is, real men, live for making women happy.They care about women’s content and sexual satisfaction. 

While his wife is there constantly showing that she is miserable being with him, nagging, overly critical and rarely appreciates for the little things he does for her.

Be the woman that acknowledges what his wife doesn’t.Step up the game and show him that you are happy for everything he does for you.When this happens, he will end up madly falling for you because you are giving his life meaning.This works like magic.

7.Give him attention

To make a married man fall in love with you, you need to give him attention.Human interact with humans, its a fact, but luck of interactions is mainly a case in many failing marriages?

Women, never allow any problem in your marriage be worthy killing communication with your husband.I have lost count of how many times i have stressed this issue in my counseling sessions.

Mistresses are you aware that 70% of married couple fail to have time sited together for moths – Woman of the house turn to electronic gadgets.

Poor him, he has no one to talk to in the house.This goes on and on and on.Mistress what does this mean for you?

Do you see the opportunity to make him leave his wife for you?

To win a married man who is stuck in a loveless marriage, give him the attention that he is not getting from his wife?This one is more important than good looks.

Listen, Talk, Play, Have Sex, get him to cook with you, lough and lough.While his wife gives attention to her favorite opera soap, her laptop or her phone, give him the attention that he needs to make him forget about his difficult love situations.

  • Personal touches (physical contact, eye contact)
  • Once a man told me he mises times his wife used play in his hair.Imagined that craving.

To win a married man, stare into his eyes, touch his cheek, give him soft touches, ask him about his work or just ask how his mother is doing.

By giving him attention, you are making your relationship with him grow, you are improving the intimacy between you two and the chances of him falling in love with you are faster than you ever imagine.

8.Make him feel like a king

How to make a married man fall madly in love with you

Some times this advise is perceived the wrong way.This is how i want you to remember it.

Its in human nature to reward good deeds.You do good to someone, they are inclined to do good to you in return.

Mama Nkima

Wouldn’t you want your married boyfriend to treat you like a queen?Isn’t that what happy relationship is about?

To win a man’s heart when he has a wife, treating him like a king doesn’t lessen you off an independent woman you are.

Take it like a way of teaching him how you want to be treated as well.Wanting to please your man in a relationship doesn’t make you less of a strong woman you are. The idea of giving a man a good treatment is to maintain a peaceful relationship.

Just saying ‘Sweetheart, I love you so much’ is magical to him that alone can win a married man for you.

Call him, just to ask him about his day.Men like to win.Any thing to make him feel he is your King – have an orgasm even though you fake it.who cares?

They don’t fall in love because of a beautiful face; it all has to do with how you make them feel.

Make him feel like a king, a monster in bed, he will forget that he has someone at home.

A video about How to make a married man fall madly in love with you

  1. Appreciate his small deeds Men loves acknowledgment and being appreciated.
  2. Make every moment with you memorable
  3. Be the woman that acknowledges what his wife doesn’t.
  4. Give him attention make a married man fall madly in love with you.

9.Don’t be desperate or needy

Men don’t like desperate women, Men revert to mentality of using you if they detect that you are desperate for them.To make a married man go crazy over you, Don’t let him sense that you are desperate or needy for him.

Men can smell desperation and neediness from a mile away, so the best thing you can do is exude confidence.

Make His Actions Match His Promises
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Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Another key factor is to be content in your own life; Even if you cant help it but to feel desperate?Pretend to be happy and fulfilled without a him, then you’re much less likely to come across as desperate or needy.

Finally, married men typically avoid women who appear desperate or needy like the plague – so if you’re looking to date a married man, steer clear of exhibiting these qualities!

To avoid being desperate or needy for a man, there are a few key things to keep in mind in order.

First, it’s important to have realistic expectations and to remember that no one is perfect.There will always be some flaws and shortcomings in any relationship.

Second, it’s important to have your own life and interests outside of his relationship.This will help you maintain your sense of self-identity and independence, and it will also make you more attractive to him.

Lastly, it’s important to communicate openly with your married boyfriend and to express your needs and desires honestly.This will help ensure that the relationship is based on mutual respect and understanding.

10.Prove yourself to be a long-term relationship material

If you want to be seen as long-term relationship material by a married man, there are certain things you can do to increase the chances that he’ll develop strong feelings for you and win him.

Don’t rush him into a physical relationship but be available should he need to.He is a married man unless he is using you, he is not going to want to jeopardize a chance of solving his lucking from his marriage with a fling.

You need to play the long game and let him know that you’re in it for the long haul.Rushing him into a physical relationship is only going to make him want you for just that.and if he can get it and get it at home from his wife too, say good bye to a serious relationship with him.

Show him affection and criticize his wife less than you praise her.It’s human nature to want what we can’t have, so by making his wife seem unattainable, you may in turn make him more attracted to you.

In the following section lets talk about some other complementary things to do to make a married man love you more than his wife.First lets talk about how do you make a married man miss you.

How to make married man crazy for you?

To make any married man crazy for you.First, pay close attention to his wants and needs and make an effort to meet them.Understanding and making an effort to meet his needs shows him that you care about him and want to make him happy.

Be a little more flirtatious and playful than usual.This doesn’t mean that you need to be explicitly sexual, but simply showing your interest in a fun and unsubtle way can be enough to drive him wild.

In addition, try to be a little more spontaneous in your actions and plans.This will add an element of excitement and unpredictability to your relationship that is sure to keep things interesting.

Another way to make a married man go crazy over you , is to be adventurous in the bedroom and try new things that his wife is reluctant to do.Be something new every time he sees you.He’ll never get bored with you if you’re always up for something new!

Third, be supportive of his goals and dreams; let him know that you believe in him and will stand by him no matter what.If you can do all these

Finally, make an effort to really connect with him on an emotional level.

How to make a married man chase you?

To make a married man chase you, you need to be mysterious and hard to get.You need to be flirty and fun, and always keep your options open.

Remember the key is to make him feel like he’s the only one you’re interested in – even if you’re not! – while also making him feel like he has to work for your attention.

Another way to make a married man chase you include being confident and knowing your worth, making sure you always maintain control in the relationship.

If you can manage to do that, he’ll be chasing after you in no time.

Read: How To Seduce A Married Man: Tips For Discreetly getting that Man.

How to make a married man want you sexually

To make a married man want you sexually, you must plant the thought of your kinky sweetness in his naughty mind, and he would not stop texting you asking you for some naughty.

How do you do that?In my article 12 Killer Tips – How to make a married man want you sexually i have gone into details about ways in which by the time you finish with him, he would never want it from anyone else.

Another way to win a married man’s sexual mind, is if your relationship has grown to a physical level, be available for sex, but never ask him for sex.

Men are like wild animals, they don’t enjoy eating what they never hunted.If you ask him for sex, in a man’s mind, he did not hunt for that sex so it bores him.

Let him ask then give before you know it you will be winning another woman’s man for your self.

How do you make a married man miss you?

A simple ways to make a married man miss you like crazy, Focus your effort on creating treasurable memories with him.People don’t miss people, People miss happy, free and treasurable moments they share with each other.

The more moments you create, the more he misses sharing them with you.hence missing you and make him to chase you like you a price to win.

Remember from our topic about How to make a married man fall madly in love with you.We talked about creating these memories for him.These helps to make sure he always has something to look forward to when it comes to seeing you.

How do you tell if a married man loves you?

The best way to tell if a married man loves you is if he divorces his wife making space to be with you.

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
All these other signs are just a complement of him deciding to leave his wife for you.

In my article How to know if a married man loves you? – 25 Signs in dive deeper into conversation about this on.

Simply because he smiles, talks, or even have sex with you does not mean a married man is in love with you.They often are in a casual sexual and destructive relationships with you than love.

Lookout for signs bellow to help you tell if this married man is in love with you.For more on this topic check my article 14 Secret Signs a married man is falling in love with you In that article i go deep into a couple of signs to help you determine weather this man is falling in love with you.

Never the less i will glance over some of signs to tell if a married man loves you.

1.He Tries so Hard to Win Your Heart Not Your Vagina

A married man is in love with you if he shows complete disinterest in having sex with you before he entirely wins your heart and trust.

2.He talks about Leaving his wife

A married man who is seriously in love with you should and must have an uncomfortable conversation about what he plans to do with his current relationship.

If he really loves you, then he can not have both of you, or else he is making one of you stupid.

3.He is a less excuses and more action type of person

A married man whom you have plans with and executes them accordingly is really in love with you.If he is not the I have to work late excuses type of a man, or my wife is sick today.

He will always find a way to see you if he loves you.You should not be his dirty little secret.

If he can not introduce you as his friend, then something is wrong.A man in love with you wants everyone to know.

4.Does not make you feel sorry for his wife

He is in love with you if he clearly shows you no remorse of what you are doing to his wife.He does not try to make you feel guilty for his decision to cheat on his wife.

5.He knows about the incompatibility between him and his wife.

You know a married man is in love with you if he does not talk about giving second chances to his wife

6.Tells his wife about you

A married man is in love with you if he tells his wife about you.Why he would do this:

– To show her he is ready to move on and that their marriage is about to end.

– Because he’s proud of you and wants to show you off

– To gauge her reaction to see if she’s jealous or threatened by you

If a married man is talking about you to his wife, it’s a good sign that he’s fallen for

Read: How to know if a married man loves you?

Signs a married man is sexually attracted to you

In the section above i briefly talked about the signs to help you determine weather a married man loves you.But what if you also want to know if he is just interested in just sexual encounters with you.Its uncommon for men to tell lies to their mistress about there feeling just so they can keep them on a hook for booty calls.

In my article 7 Signs a Married Man is sexually attracted to you – wants to sleep with you. you will find quite in-depth view on what to lookout for to know he just wants you in bed.

How to get a married man to leave his wife?

To get a married man to leave his wife for you, you need to try and learn as much as you can about the him.

Before i give you a snip on what my experience as a marriage counselor suggests you should do, i would like to point you to my article How to get a married man to leave his wife? – 10 things you should do Here i go deep at things you should do to make a married man leave his wife for you.

First, try to learn as much as you can about the married man – what his likes and dislikes are, what Appeals to him emotionally and intellectually.It can be helpful to bond with him over shared interests and experiences.

Once you have a good understanding of what makes him tick, you can begin working on subduing his emotional barriers and gaining his trust.

Also you can do a spell on him.Checkout Spell to make him leave her for me


By following these simple tips, you will be well on your way to making a married man fall madly in love with you.

Be yourself, show him that you appreciate him, and bring out his romantic side, Prove yourself to be a long-term relationship material,Don’t be desperate or needy.If you do these things, he will be sure to return your feelings.

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Author: Mama Nkima

Mama Nkima is a marriage counselor and relationship expert who has dedicated her life to helping couples build strong, healthy relationships.  She has academic degrees in Education and Psychology. She has over 40 years of experience helping couples and individuals work through their relationship issues. She draws on her own experiences as a spiritual guide but also from years of research to offer readers practical, actionable advice.

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