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Signs a married man likes you but is hiding it

Signs a married man likes you but is hiding it

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To tell if a married man likes you but is hiding it, you need to pay attention to a couple of signals from his subconscious behaviors.

One of the most common signs are, he’ll start to act differently around you.He might become more flirty, or even seductive.He may also try to spend more time with you, or even make an effort to get closer to you emotionally.

Before we continue, to learn the signs a married man likes you but is hiding it, If you are tired of waiting and you want to make him leave his wife for you as soon as yesterday?what you need is click here no wasting time.

Signs a Man likes you but is hiding it

Below are some of the signs to lookout for in a married man that you suspect is hiding his feelings for you.These are signs to help you deduce that a married man wants to cheat with you.

1.He Makes Lots of Eye Contact (an eyebrow flash).

On of the sign a married man likes you but is hiding it is what we psychologically call the “eyebrow flash.” The eyebrow flash is an unconscious social signal, a raising of the eyebrows for about a fifth of a second that communicates a wish to approach another.

When a married man makes decisions about you based on your appearance.He send a lot of subconscious signals for which sometime he himself is not even aware he is doing.This is the married man’s way of flirting with you.

The key takeaway is how all this happen unconsciously.So next time you catch a married man looking your way and then suddenly he looks away, know that there’s a good chance he likes you and he is hiding it.

2.He’s a Bit Jealous when you talk about other men.

Jealousy is a very common emotion and most people experience it at some point in their lives.We usually think of jealousy as something negative, but it can actually be a sign of something positive: interest.

When a married man is interested in you but he is afraid to break the ice, he may feel jealous when you talk about other men or when you give your attention to someone else.This is because he wants your attention for himself and he may be afraid of losing you to someone else.

Of course, jealousy can also be destructive, so it’s important to pay attention to the context in which it occurs.

3.He Smiles…a Lot to show interest.

Another sign that a married man likes you but is hiding it is he smiles…a lot.When we like someone, we tend to smile more around them, even if we don’t realize it.

Smiling is a nonverbal way of showing interest, happiness, and warmth.It’s also a way of making a connection with someone.

If a married man is smiling at you a lot, it’s a good sign that he likes you and is interested in getting to know you better.

4.He Asks You a Lot of Questions.

When someone is interested in you, they will want to know more about you.So one sign that a married man likes you but is hiding it is he will ask you a lot of questions.

He may ask about your family, your job, your hobbies, and your interests.This is his way of getting to know you better and of finding out if you have anything in common.

5.He Hides His Wedding Ring.

This one might seem obvious, but it’s worth mentioning.If a married man is interested in you, he may try to hide his wedding ring.

He may do this by wearing a band-aid on his finger, by keeping his hand in his pocket, or by wearing a ring on another finger.This is his way of signaling that he is available and that he is interested in you.

This type of man is sneaky , so it’s important to be careful.If you’re interested in him, make sure he is actually available before you get too involved.

6.You Catch Him Staring Often.

To tell if a married man likes you more than a friend, pay attention to whether he stares at you often.When we like someone, we tend to look at them more than usual.This is because we want to take in their features and learn more about them.

If a man who is interested in a woman but is hiding it, he will often try to assess the woman’s attractiveness by way of looking at her.

He does this to try and pick up on any signals the woman might be sending him, in an attempt to gauge her level of interest.Additionally, some men may just find it difficult to stop looking at someone they find attractive!

7.He Texts or Calls You Regularly.

Another sign a married man likes you but is hiding it, he texts or calls you regularly.This is his way of staying in touch and of keeping you on his mind.

If he’s interested in you, he will want to talk to you as often as possible.He may text you just to say hi or to ask how your day is going.He may also call you to chat or to ask you out on a date.

Either way, if he’s regularly reaching out to you, it’s a good sign that he likes you.

8.He Often Asks You for Help.

Another way to tell if a married man likes you but is hiding it is he often asks you for help.This is because he is trying to find excuses to spend more time with you and to get to know you better.

He may ask for your help with a task at work, or he may ask you to help him with something personal.Either way, if he’s constantly asking for your help, it’s a good sign that he’s interested in you.

9.He Compliments You Often.

When a man likes a woman, he will often compliment her.This is his way of showing his interest and appreciation.

If a married man is interested in you but is hiding it, he will likely compliment you often.He may compliment your appearance, your intelligence, or your personality.

Men feel that compliments are a way of establishing rapport and building friendships with women.

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By complimenting someone, you show that you’re taking an interest in them and that you want to get to know them better.

Finally, some men may give compliments as a way of flirting or trying to win over a woman’s affection.So if a married man is giving you a lot of compliments, it’s a good sign that he’s interested in you.

10.He Tries to Spend More Time With You.

Another way to tell if a married man likes you but is hiding it is he tries to spend more time with you.This is his way of getting closer to you and of getting to know you better.

He may invite you out to lunch, ask you to come over to his house, or suggest that you go on a trip together some times with his wife included.He may also try to find excuses to spend more time with you at work or in social situations.

If he’s interested in you, he will want to spend as much time with you as possible.So if he’s always trying to find ways to be around you, it’s a good sign that he likes you.

11.He Remembers the Details.

When we like someone, we tend to pay attention to the details about them.First, evolutionary psychologists have suggested that men evolved to be better at remembering details about women they are attracted to.

This is because they this ability as a leverage to remember what she said so they can charm her with similar conversations in the future.

Only a married man likes you more than a friend can go to those heights.

12.He Flirts When He’s around You.

Another way to tell if a married man likes you but is hiding it, he flirts when he’s around you.This is his way of trying to get your attention and of showing his interest in you.

He makes eye contact with you, smile at you, or touch you in a flirtatious way.Another common sign another woman’s husband is flirting with you, is making more eye contact than usual, being especially attentive, trying to make small talk, and constantly finding excuses to touch you.

If you notice any of these signs, It’s likely that the man is only interested in a physical affair, and he’s not likely to leave his wife for you.

13.He Seems Nervous Around You.

When we like someone, we tend to feel nervous around them.This is because we care about their opinion of us and we want to make a good impression.

So if a man is interested in you but is hiding it, he may seem nervous around you.He may sweat, fidget, or have trouble making eye contact.He may also seem awkward or tense.

14.He Gives You Gifts.

When a man likes a woman, he tries to impress her with gifts.This is his way of showing his affection and of trying to win her over.

If a married man is interested in you but is hiding it, he may give you gifts.These gifts may be small and thoughtful, or they may be expensive and flashy.Either way, if he’s giving you gifts, it’s a good sign that he likes you.

15.He Laughs at Your Jokes

When we like someone, we tend to laugh at their jokes, even if they’re not that funny.This is because we want to please them and make them feel good.

It may seem like a small thing, but it’s actually a big sign that he’s trying to make connections with you and see where things could go.If he’s laughing at your jokes, it means he’s enjoying your company and wants to spend more time with you.

So if you’re looking for signals that he’s interested, this one is definitely worth paying attention to.

16.He’s Protective of You

When we like someone, we tend to feel protective of them.This is because we care about their well-being and don’t want anything bad to happen to them.

So if a married man is interested in you but is hiding it, he tries to be protective of you.He open doors for you, offer to help you with your coat, or try to shield you from bad weather.

He may also offer to drive you home or walk you to your car.These are all signs that he cares about you and wants to keep you safe.

17.His Voice Gets Deeper when talking to you

Studies have shown that when men speak to women they are attracted to, their voices tend to get deeper.This is because they want to impress the woman and make themselves seem more masculine.

Its also said that what makes a man’s voice deeper when talking to a woman they are interested in, is that the increases in testosterone levels that accompanies feelings of attraction cause the vocal cords to become thicker and longer, which results in a deeper tone.

So if you notice that a married man’s voice gets deeper when he’s talking to you, it’s a good sign that he’s interested in you but is hiding it.

If you think a married man likes you but is hiding it, the best thing you can do is try to talk to him about it.See if he’s willing to open up about his feelings, and see where things go from there.

It’s possible that he’s just trying to protect his marriage, but if he does have real feelings for you, eventually he’ll likely come clean.

Just be patient and understanding, and don’t push him too much.Read: 14 Secret Signs a married man is falling in love with you

However – what if a married man has a secret crush on you?What if he actually likes you but he avoids you?Lets navigate the scenario where a married man likes you but he avoids you.

Married Man likes me but avoids me

seducing a married man

To know why another woman’s husband avoids you, you need to know the reasons why he is with you in the first place.It’s possible that he’s trying to protect his wife and doesn’t want to get caught up in a messy situation.It’s also possible that he’s not interested in you and is just trying to be polite.

If you’re interested in the married man, I would recommend starting something that will potentially separate them.This could involve making a spell to make him leaver her for you or it could involve flirting with the him.

If the married man is interested in you, he will likely take the opportunity to get away from his wife.See: How do I make him worry about losing me?

If you want him, go after him. Seduce him.

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
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Use your feminine charms to get what you want.Flirt with him, touch him, make yourself available to him.

Let him know that you’re interested in him and that you want to be with him.Chances are, he’s been attracted to you from the start but may have been hesitant to make a move.

But now that you’ve shown some interest, he’ll likely be more forthcoming.So go for it!The chase is always exciting.Read: How To Seduce A Married Man: Tips For Discreetly getting that Man.

Indeed the chase is exciting for him too, the reason why he is hiding could simply be that he just want you to chase after him.

Its important for you to pick on some signs that a married man who likes you but is hiding it poses if he enjoy the excitement of you chasing him.

Infidelity Statistics (2022)

Infidelity Statistics
An Updated Look at Who Is Most Likely to Cheat in America | Institute for Family Studies

According to the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, national surveys indicate that 25 percent of married men have had extramarital affairs.The incidence is about 20 percent higher when emotional and sexual relationships without intercourse are included. When a Partner Cheats – The New York Times

Read: Why do men cheat on their partners ?

Signs a married man wants you to chase him

seducing a married man

To know if a married man is interested in you but wants you to chase him, Lookout for the signs below.

First a man wants you to chase him, tries to make you jealous by talking about other women or flirting with them in front of you.

Second, if man wants you to chase him, he give you mixed signals – sometimes he’s hot and cold, which can be confusing and frustrating.

Finally, he tries to take things slow and play hard to get, which can make you want to chase him even more.

To find out more about if a married man is interested in you and wants you to chase him.Read: 7 Signs a Married Man is sexually attracted to you – wants to sleep with you.

Let look at how a married man wants you to chase him may play you at his game.

He try to make you jealous by talking about other women

If a married man is trying to make you jealous by talking to another woman, it is a clear sign that he’s interested in you.

He is trying to show you that he’s still desirable and has other options, which can make you want him even more.

If this is happening, try to stay calm and not let him see how he’s affecting you.

Be strong and don’t give in to his advances – he’ll only continue to pursue you if you let him.

He gives you mixed signals – sometimes he’s hot and cold

If a married man is giving you mixed signals, it is a sign that he’s interested in you.What he wants is to confuse you and make it harder for you to figure out his true feelings.Or, he is testing your boundaries to see how far he can push you.

Either way, it’s important to stay strong and not let him control the situation.If he’s hot one minute and cold the next, don’t take it personally – he’s just playing games.

Ignore his advances and move on. Married Guy has a Crush on me.

He tries to take things slow and play hard to get

If a married man wants you to chase him by trying to take things slow and playing hard to get, it can be a clear sign he is trying to make you work for his attention and make you feel like you’re lucky to have him.

By doing this, he’s hoping to make you fall for him even more.If you’re feeling frustrated by his advances, don’t give up – keep pursuing him until he finally gives in.

He’ll appreciate your persistence and it’ll only make him want you more.

If A married man likes you but is hiding it – How do you know if a guy thinks about you a lot?

married man looking at woman

There are a few ways to tell if a guy is thinking about you a lot.

He constantly text and call you a lot: To know if a guy thinks about you a lot, consider the number of times he tries to contact you.If he’s constantly calling or texting you, it’s a good sign that you are always on his mind.

Another giveaway to tell if a guy thinks about you a lot, is how frequently he brings up your name in conversation.If he can’t stop talking about how great you are, it’s probably because he’s crushing on you hard!

Additionally, pay attention to his body language when he’s around you.If he seems really happy and relaxed, it’s likely because being near you makes him feel good.Read: How to know if a married man loves you? – 25 Signs

If you’re wondering whether or not a guy is into you, look for these signs.If you see a few of them, there’s a good chance that he’s deeply attracted to you.

  • He texts you good morning and good night
  • To know he likes you, he double-texts you
  • He likes and comments on your social media posts.
  • He always wants to hang out with you

Married man likes me but talks about his wife.

If a married man that likes you talks about his wife, it simply does not mean he does not like you.The mare fact that he is with you in the context of cheating on his wife mean he is with you for a reason.

If you’re involved with a married man, it is difficult to deal with the fact that he’s still married.Ofcourse chances are he will still be tempted to talk about his wife.

If the married man you’re involved with talks about his wife all the time, Its important to weight his conversation depending on sentiment of his talks.Is he comparing you to his wife?or he is just complaining about his wife?take all these into consideration you might just find the he just needs to vent a bit.

He may be looking for someone to talk to who understands what he’s going through.If this is the case, be supportive and understanding.Let him know that you’re there for him.Read: Will he leave his wife statistics

If the married man you’re involved with talks about his wife, try to be understanding.He’s probably feeling guilty about what he’s doing and needs someone to talk to.

Just listen to him and let him vent – don’t offer any judgement or advice.By being supportive, you’ll show him that you’re there for him no matter what.And, it may make him more likely to break free from his marriage and be with you. Read: Will he leave his wife?(proven)

What are the signs that a man is Sexually Attracted to You but he is hiding it?

Young man and woman looking at each other in a cafe
Smiling beautiful young woman in casual clothes sitting in street cafe with a drink, working on laptop and looking with playful expression at guy with tablet and earphones from another table

He notices things you don’t expect anyone to notice

When a man is attracted to you and he is hiding it, he will take notice of all the little details about you.He’ll pay close attention to the things that no one else seems to notice.This is because he wants to learn as much about you as possible.

If a guy is always noticing things that you don’t expect anyone to notice, it’s a good sign that he’s attracted to you and he is just hiding it.He’s trying to learn all there is to know about you so that he can figure out if you’re compatible.He may even be considering a future with you.

If you’re seeing this behavior from a guy, it’s definitely worth considering him as a potential partner.He’s obviously interested in you and has taken the time to get to know you on a deeper level.So, go ahead and give him a chance!Read: 7 Signs a Married Man is sexually attracted to you – wants to sleep with you.

He remembers everything you say

If a man is attracted to you and he is hiding it, he will remember everything you say.He’ll store all of your information in his memory so that he can use it later on.

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Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
This is because he wants to know as much about you as possible.

If a guy remembers everything you say, it’s a good sign that he’s interested in you.He’s trying to learn all there is to know about you so that he can figure out if you’re compatible.

He’s obviously interested in you and has taken the time to get to know you on a deeper level.So, go ahead and give him a chance!

He goes out of his way to be there for you

When a man is sexually attracted to you and he is hiding it, he will often go out of his way to be around you and make sure you’re happy.He may do things like bring you coffee in the morning or send you text messages throughout the day to check in on how you’re doing.

If a man is trying hard to make you happy, it’s a sign that he’s into you and wants to please you.He may be worried about crossing any boundaries or making you uncomfortable, so he’ll go out of his way to avoid doing anything that could potentially ruin the relationship.

A man who is sexually attracted to you will often try very hard not to show it.He may act standoffish or like he doesn’t really care about what’s going on between the

Sexually attracted men often go out of their way to be near the woman they desire.They may do things like change their routine or show up unannounced.If he is doing things to get closer to you, it’s likely that he is sexually attracted to you even if he’s not yet admitting it to himself.Read: Do married men miss their mistresses?

How to tell if a guy likes you but is hiding it?

To tell if a guy likes you but is hiding it, for starters, he may avoid making eye contact with you, or he might seem really nervous when he’s around you.He might also try to spend as little time as possible around you, or he might start making excuses to avoid seeing you.

If he’s always busy or he’s always got some sort of excuse for why he can’t see you, that’s a pretty good sign that he’s trying to hide his feelings from you.

If all of these signs seem to be pointing in one direction, there’s a good chance that the guy likes you but is too afraid to admit it.

The best way to find out for sure is to just ask him directly.Sometimes, the only way to get an answer is to just come right out and ask.Chances are, if he likes you, he’ll be relieved that you asked and he’ll tell you the truth.

On the other hand, if he doesn’t like you, he might get defensive and try to deny it, so just be prepared for that possibility.Ultimately, only the guy himself can really know whether or not he likes you, so if you’re unsure, just ask him.He might surprise you with his answer.

Signs a guy likes you but is hiding it.

Couple sitting in a cafe on Valentine’s Day.

Do you have your eye on a guy but you’re not sure if he likes you back?It can be tough to tell sometimes, especially if he’s trying to hide his feelings.Here are a few signs that he might be into you but is too afraid to admit it:

  • He avoids making eye contact with you
  • He seems really nervous when he’s around you
  • A guy likes you but he is hiding it if tries to spend as little time as possible around you
  • He starts making excuses to avoid seeing you
  • He’s always busy or he’s always got some sort of excuse for why he can’t see yo

If all of these signs seem to be pointing in one direction, the guy might like you but is too afraid to admit it.Read: 7 Signs a Married Man is sexually attracted to you – wants to sleep with you.

Etiquette of being friends with married man

It can be difficult to be friends with a married man, especially if you’re involved with him.You may feel like you have to hide your relationship or keep it a secret.Or, you may feel like you can’t talk to him about certain things because he’s married.If this is the case, it’s important to be respectful of his marriage and not do anything that would hurt his wife.

It’s also important to be understanding of the fact that he’s married.He likely has a lot of commitments and responsibilities to his wife that he can’t just walk away from.So, don’t expect him to drop everything and devote all his time to you.Instead, be understanding and patient – he’ll come around when he’s ready.

If you’re friends with a married man, there are some things you should avoid doing.First, don’t try to come between him and his wife.This will only make things worse and could cause him to end his marriage.Second, don’t share intimate details about your relationship with him – this is something that should be kept between the two of you.Finally, don’t try to take his place in his life – he has a wife for that.Just be supportive and understanding, and let him come to you when he’s ready.

Lastly, be careful not to get too attached to the married man.Remember, he’s still married and isn’t going to leave his wife for you without a push.So, don’t put all your eggs in one basket and don’t rely on him for your happiness unless you are willing to go an extra mile to push him to leave his wife for you.

What to do if you notice signs that a married man likes you but is hiding it?

man with mistress and wife

If you’re observant and perceptive, there are usually some tells that give him away.

For example, if he starts to flirt with you more or act differently around you than he does around his wife, there’s a good chance he’s interested.If he starts making excuses to spend time with you or finds ways to touch you subtly, these are also strong indicators.

What to do?

What to do in this case will strongly depend on how you feel about him.If your feeling towards a married man who likes you but is hiding it is mutual and you like him too, then below are some to the things you can do if you observe any of the signs i have mentioned above.

Figure out what his reasons are for keeping it a secret

If you’ve noticed that a married man likes you, but is hiding it, first thing you need to do is figure out what his reasons are for keeping it a secret.Is he afraid of losing his family?Or maybe he’s worried about what other people will think.Whatever the reason, you need to find out why he’s such secrecy surrounding his feelings for you.

Once you know why he’s keeping it a secret, you can begin to work on breaking down those barriers.Talk to him about your own feelings and let him know that you understand his concerns.

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
show him that you’re supportive and understanding, and slowly.Read:Married Guy has a Crush on me.

Get him to admit

The best way to get him to admit his feelings is by seducing him.Flirt with him shamelessly, touch him casually, and make it clear that you’re interested in taking things further.If he responds positively, he’ll eventually give in.

Seduce him

If he’s married, that means he’s got a bit of a thrill-seeking side and is probably looking for excitement outside of his marriage.He’s definitely interested in you, so make it easy for him to act on those feelings.Be flirty and suggestive when you’re around him; wear something that makes you feel sexy; and be receptive when he makes advances.

If you can make him feel comfortable being around you and enjoying your company, he’ll eventually let his guard down and show his true feelings.And who knows where things might go from there?If it doesn’t work out, at least you’ll know that you tried.Read: How To Seduce A Married Man: Tips For Discreetly getting that Man.

Force him to divorce her

You should subtly force him to divorce her.You can do this by making him feel guilty every time he talks to you, or by making it clear that you’re not interested in anything more than a friendship.Eventually, the guilt will become too much for him to bear, and he’ll be forced to make a decision.

If he truly cares for you, he’ll choose you; if not, then at least you’ll be free from the Distraction of his current wife.Either way, you win!Read: Spell to make him leave her for me

What If you don’t like him back?


Don’t flirt with him.

When it comes to married men, it’s important to remember that they are already taken.Flirting with them or trying to get their attention can be very dangerous, as it can lead to heartbreak for the woman involved as well as the wife of the man you’re flirting with.

If you’re interested in a married man, your best bet is to simply stay away.Let him know that you’re not interested and move on.It may be difficult, but it will be worth it in the end.Read: Ending an Affair With a Married Man

Try to eliminate your feelings for him.

If you’re trying to eliminate your feelings for a married man, it’s important to talk to someone who understands what you’re going through.Talk to a friend, family member, or therapist about how you’re feeling and why you’re drawn to someone who is already taken.This will help you better understand why you’re doing this and how to move on.

It’s also important to remember that you’re not the only one going through this.Many women find themselves attracted to married men, and it can be a difficult situation to deal with.If you’re struggling, know that you’re not alone and there are people who understand what you’re going through.Read: How to break up with a married man

Be honest with him about what you think.

If you’re interested in a married man, the best thing you can do is be honest with him about what you think.Let him know that you’re not interested in getting involved with someone who is already taken.This will help him to understand your feelings and may make him reconsider his own relationship.

It’s important to remember that being honest doesn’t mean being mean.You can be firm and clear about your feelings without being hurtful.If he still wants to pursue a relationship with you, let him know that it’s not going to happen and move on.

Cut off contact with him.

If you’re interested in a married man, the best thing you can do is cut off contact with him.Let him know that you’re not interested in getting involved with someone who is already taken.This will help him to understand your feelings and may make him reconsider his own relationship.

It’s important to remember that cutting off contact doesn’t mean being mean.You can be firm and clear about your feelings without being hurtful.If he still wants to pursue a relationship with you, let him know that it’s not going to happen and move on.


If you’re in a relationship with someone who is married, it’s important to be aware of the signs that he may be attracted to you and trying to hide it.

If you think your man may be interested in you, there are steps you can take to make him leave his wife and be with you.

However, it’s important to remember that doing this could potentially have negative consequences for everyone involved.If you’re not sure what to do, consult with an experienced relationship therapist for help.

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Author: Mama Nkima

Mama Nkima is a marriage counselor and relationship expert who has dedicated her life to helping couples build strong, healthy relationships.  She has academic degrees in Education and Psychology. She has over 40 years of experience helping couples and individuals work through their relationship issues. She draws on her own experiences as a spiritual guide but also from years of research to offer readers practical, actionable advice.

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