Perhaps you have wondered whether you mean anything to your man.
Men can be pretty good at hiding their feelings, especially uncomfortable ones like regret or fear.Still, whether he likes to admit it or not, to lose anyone you care about can be a terrifying thing even to a macho man.
When your man has been unhappy and dissatisfied with your relationship or even made known to you how frustrated he is, you may panic. That’s because you know what is coming next; a breakup.
If he could truly see what a prize he has in you, would it maybe change his mind?
For a man to worry about losing you, he needs to value you. He has to realize how so much better you make him and how much you enrich his life.
Do you know what it takes to make a man see your value? If you don’t, stick around, and I’ll let you in on a little secret. How to make a man realize your worth and force him to worry about losing you.
Men need to be reminded often about how lucky they are to have you not because they are forgetful but instead because there are many distractions.
It’s a jungle out there, and so many girls are more than happy to dance through hell to score a decent guy like your man.
So being pretty isn’t enough anymore; neither is being the perfect wife. You are only secure when you know that he knows that he knows how lucky he is that you are in his.
Tips on how you can make your man realize your value
1. Have a life outside your marriage.
Please do your own thing that doesn’t involve him. I’ll admit, sometimes when you are in love, you want to do everything with your man all the time.
True, everything seems so much better when he is with you, but it can be stifling for him, mainly if he fell in love with your independence.
Doing your own thing keeps you busy and preoccupied with other matters. Most importantly, it makes you look like you have your own something going on.
Now that’s a woman most men value.Having your own life proves that you will not be needy and that you’re emotionally balanced.
2.Allow your man to work for your approval.
Men like to be challenged. It makes their blood boil and excites their very being.
I am not saying be difficult, but don’t be a pushover. It takes the fan away from the chase.
Let him earn your trust, don’t just trust him based on face value.Allow him to prove his love before you fall for him.
Men value what they work for, so let him work for you, and he will appreciate you hence making him worried of ever losing you.
3. Have reasonable standards and keep them.
Standards and boundaries are your way of telling your man what you will not accept.
Some women have fairy tell conditions, and in all honesty, doesn’t help them.There aren’t many real-life princes nor white horses, you know!
Having standards is not effective if you bend them for him unless you want him to think that you’re cheap.
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Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Staying true to barriers that you have set makes you look virtuous, and sure as hell, he knows he isn’t getting a discount, so he has to put in the work.
4. Let your man miss you.
“Out of sight isn’t necessarily out of mind.” Give him a pleasant then follow it with a cold absence.
This keeps him hooked on you like a drug because your vanishing heightens the pleasure he will derive from your presence. It doesn’t help your value if you are an everyday commodity.Remember your goal is to make him worried of losing you. So make him miss you.
I am not asking you to go cold turkey on him. Just saying don’t be too accessible, least he devalues you to common property.
5. Be better every day today than yesterday.
A wise man once told me, “struggle to be just 1% better today than yesterday” One by one makes a bundle.
Little daily improvements make you better every day.Adding value to yourself in self-improvement will usually translate into an equal increment in your man’s respect for you.
It’s no brainer that men love what they value, and they appreciate what they respect.
6. Be hard to figure out.
I’ll say this once more, men like to be challenged. Once he can figure you out, he is out.
There is nothing else left for him to do, so his interest drops. On the other hand, being mysterious keeps him on his toes because no matter how hard he tries, he can never guess what is next.
After all, there is no pattern. Now, that’s 100 % sexy.
11 ways to make a man worry about losing you
It is arguably the most frustrating thing on earth when your partner decides to leave when you are still invested.
In many relationships, you are chasing the man, or you are being pursued; for most women, sadly, it’s typically the former. When you are doing the chasing, you lose your power to him.
You have to live by his terms least he leaves. How long will you continue to dance to the beat of his drums?
I know when you have been carrying the weight of the relationship for long, it feels like you are helpless and have no choice, but the truth is that you do. More than you realize, you have the power to shake things up and regain control and the upper hand.
Are you tired of being taken for granted in marriage?
Do you want a foolproof guide to ensure that he needs and wants you so much that he dreads and worry about the thought of losing you?
Men value what is rare; in fact, the harder he has to work to get and keep you, the more value he will place on your head. In any case, easy come, easy go.
When he realizes that he can no longer get favors from you simply because the guy is your man, he simply has to step up. Men know and respect standards.
Here’s a list of ways to make him worry about losing you.
1. Be spontaneous and fun
Our day to day life tends to be boring sometimes enough.Adding to a boring wife to list will only worsen the situation.
Sadly, after being in a long relationship, many of us fall into the comfort zone trap and stop trying. Life then becomes somewhat stable and predictable.
I know we get used to the comfort of routine; however, monotony just dims our lives.Therefore if you can breathe fresh air, the water in the desert to your man, and save him from this dull party, he will value you.
2. Be your man’s cheerleader. His number one fun
Your man will be worried of losing you if you make him realize that he can count on your support at all times.
Many men are too absorbed in making ends meet here and there. Life has a way of knocking down men; it’s a cruel world out there.
He endures more than you know to provide and care for his family.Routing for him while you support and appreciate his efforts can make all the difference in the world and give him the momentum to keep fighting for you.
Who wouldn’t cherish that! Men realize that good things like these come, but once in a million years, so darling, he wouldn’t dream of losing you.
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Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Redefine your boundaries
If you have already lost power over to him, you need to reinvent yourself.
Redefine your standards and maintain them.Sooner or later, your man will realize the changes, and he might try and test you to see whether he can get away with a few things, which is when you need to be steadfast more than ever.
This improvement will translate to him that there’s something that has changed in you for the better.
To men, only things of value can have standards, and this will signal to him that your price just went up.
4.Expand your social network
Get out there and meet new people.Women who have people around them translates to high quality and attractive in the men’s dictionary.
Men want the best for themselves. If other people are drawn to you, then you must be worth something. With this realization, he will conclude that he is lucky to name you his even as all these other people are drawn to you.
5. Let your man watch you having fun without him.
Go out with your friends and have a blast; just make sure you post the pictures where he can see them.
It helps even more when you include your male friends. Him watching you have the best time of your life without him, especially when other men are with you, will bother him.
It shows him how easy it might be for him to lose you to your male friends who make you happy.
6. Be sexy.
Men are visual, and what they see matters sometimes more than what they feel.
If you want to make him worried sick of losing you, don’t be afraid to flash some skin, seduce, or be provocative with him. They live for that stuff.
The sexier he thinks you are, the harder he knows you are to replace.
7. Look after yourself.
Pamper yourself whenever you get the chance; this will make you look youthful longer.
We all know men have a thing for ageless beauties, so do not miss the opportunity to take care of yourself.
Essentials like hygiene and grooming are still very much in style, so it helps the matter if you succeed in that area.
8. Grow and improve positive qualities.
Cultivate desirable qualities and abound in them.Every man desires to have a prudent wife do not be deceived by show biz.
A good woman is far more precious than rubies, and she beatifies her husband’s life.Obviously, he wouldn’t dare lose her.
9. Give your man space.
It might sound counterintuitive, but sometimes space is what you both need.
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Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Absence grows the heart fonder, doesn’t it?
Allowing your man alone time without you will make it clear how much he needs and relies on you. That can make you irreplaceable in his eyes.
Being a good wife isn’t enough for any man; however, making him realize that you are the best for him makes all the difference. To win a man for good, just become the perfect one for him.
When the relationship just started, he adored you and was all about pleasing you.
Then slowly, the poles began to switch, and you were doing the pleasing. His interest began to dwindle, and this left you perplexed.
So you tried to be nicer only to worsen things and push him further. I have been here before, more times than I’d like to admit, and girl, it’s no fun at all. If you feel he is dwelling far a way from you, Its time you start working on tip we discussed in this text and make him worried about loosing you.
1. The first sign is that communication becomes labored. When communication becomes scanty, especially for a talkative man, that’s a red flag. It is a sign of emotion withdrawal which preceded physical retreat.
2. Your man becomes hot-tempered and short-fused He is exceptionally irritable and impatient, especially with you.
3. Your man becomes blatantly rude and disrespectful Men like to please their women, so if he is being rude, it is a telltale sign that he simply isn’t interested anymore.
What should I do when my man is losing interest in me?
To revive his interest in you, you have to remind him how he felt when he was still in love. You need to recreate that spark that has been long gone. In other words, make him fall in love all over again.
Will he regret losing you?
When a partner leaves, it leaves you; it could leave you feeling cheated, betrayed, and need I say bitter?
I understand why you would want him to regret losing you. It makes you feel better knowing that someone who hurt you badly feels some kind of pain for breaking you.
It almost feels like he did it to himself. Now, whether he regrets losing or doesn’t will depend on your relationship and his experience.
My advice will be to work on your act and make him worried about loosing you than waiting for him to regret losing you.
How to make him feel bad for losing you?
1. Stop the pity party and the moping around. When he sees you all sad and broke, he will feel better about getting rid of you in the first place. It doesn’t help your situation when you are unkempt. You need to try and move past the pain and live your life again. When your man sees you happy and glowing without him, he will feel pangs of jealousy and certainly feel bad for losing you.
2.Expand your social life When he sees you with other people, he will start to question why he decided to leave because seeing people around you means being drawn to you. He will beat himself up for allowing you to slip through his fingers.
3. Zero contact but do not block your man. Cut all communication but do not block him, which will allow him to see snippets of your progress.Still, because you are not directly communicating with him, he will realize that he has lost you, which hurts.
At the end of the day, if you are valuable in your man’s eyes, he wouldn’t dream of losing you.Above all else, work on how he views you, and you will be indispensable to him.
Mama Nkima is a marriage counselor and relationship expert who has dedicated her life to helping couples build strong, healthy relationships. She has academic degrees in Education and Psychology. She has over 40 years of experience helping couples and individuals work through their relationship issues.
She draws on her own experiences as a spiritual guide but also from years of research to offer readers practical, actionable advice.
Winning a married man’s heart over his wife might happen when you either have a crush on him, or you are falling in love with him.
In this article, you are going to learn the tricks you can use to make a married man go on his knees for you more than he does for his wife and eventually make him go crazy over you.
It’s most probable that a married man is bored with his routine marriage back home, and maybe his wife doesn’t make efforts to spice up the relationship.
So this is your chance as the other woman to do what your lover’s wife is ignoring or failing to do. You need to win this married man over his wife but remember nothing he might not have gone through already.
Do you need to win a married man over his wife?Follow the steps below;
1. Be sexy
It’s most likely that a married man’s wife is no longer sexy with him. The chances are high that this couple is having a daily routine, kids’ attention, and so they might have less time for each other.
This man’s wife will have less time to make any sexy moves, and she is concentrating on family welfare.
Send your lover sexy messages; you can express how your previous date was, or that you can’t wait to hold him again. You can send him a sexy picture of you before meeting so that you keep his nerves boiling up for you.Doing this will blow up his mind, and you will win this married man over his wife and fall madly in love with you.
2. Try out something new with the married man.
If you are dating a married man, you have to try out new things you don’t frequently do while winning him up. How about having sex in the car or on the rooftop terrace.
You can surprise your lover when he least expects you to be in the sexual mood and initiate it from wherever you might be. You don’t have to wait for him to take you to a hotel room. Make those hot moves on this man that will leave him wanting more from you, and he will go crazy over you.
3.Understand your man.
We now imagine that your lover came for the affair because of the emotional gap between him and his wife. So you have this man, how do you fill the gap?Listen to your man, be his shoulder when he feels wrong about anything, and don’t judge him no matter what.
Be the best woman, don’t interrupt this man’s dialogue with you, and only give your opinion when he asks for it. He will feel your support, and whenever he has personal burdens, he will confide in you and talk to you about those issues.
4. Don’t nag your man.
Men always look for where they can get peace of mind. If you want to win a married man over his wife, be free with him, and avoid complaining and quarreling all the time over small issues.
Even when a man makes a mistake, you can still find a better way of communicating your concern to him without showing him how bad the situation is. You are annoyed with him. This man will always want to spend more time with you because you handle concerns calmly.
5. Give this man gifts and surprises.
You don’t have to wait for a particular day or a man’s birthday to give him a treat. Any day is an excellent day to show the person you love that you adore him. So think of how best you can put a smile on your man’s face and win him over.
You can prepare a finger-licking dinner for a married man, make his favorite dish, or take him to a cozy place where you can both have alone time.
Buy for your man gifts more often, and you can only do this after understanding what he loves. For example, you can buy him a nice watch, perfume, or shirt even when it’s not his birthday or Valentine’s day. This move will make a married man fall madly in love with you, and forgetting you will not be easy.
6. Give it with body language.
If you want to win a married man over his wife and have him go crazy over you, your body language is your most terrific tool to use.
You will need to get closer to your lover while talking to him, hold his hand and show him some passion, smile at him when you find him looking at you, and your gestures will not get out of his mind.
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Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Become the man’s close friend.
Having an affair with a married man is different from being his friend.Anyone needs a person they talk to, make them laugh, smile, and have a great moment with that person. A married man will fall madly in love with you when you have been friends for a long time.
Sneak into the married man’s soul and snatch that position, crack jokes, talk about other aspects of life with him so that he starts seeing you more than a mistress. You may position yourself to be a business partner as well. Once you do this, be sure you have a place in this man’s heart, and you are winning him over his wife.
8. Pay attention to your lover’s needs.
If you want to win a married man over his wife, show him that you remember the story he told you during your first date. Show interest in his life, hobbies, and interests, what he says and where he goes; if he shares with you, he will go crazy over you.
When the day ends, you can send your man a text and ask how his meeting was and whether he could accomplish the tasks he had in plan. When you do this, you are so caring, and at the end of the day, this man might want to share with you how his day was, instead of sharing with his wife.
9.Respect the married man.
When you want to win any man, respect is a vital component. So the same goes when you want to win a married man over his wife, never belittle him in any way or shame him in front of anyone.
When you listen to him; if he says no, try not to oppose his opinion or wish, you might make him feel inferior, even when he makes a mistake, don’t just shout at him because you are furious. Show your man the respect he deserves.
10. Show the married man that you desire him.
You want to win a married man over his wife, show him that he holds a great place in your heart. You have to keep reminding him how important he is to you and show him some care.
Whenever your man does something unique, remember to compliment him so that he gets to feel precious and that someone appreciates his efforts.
You have to continuously tell your lover how proud you are of him and that you are happy the both of you are together. He will be glad he has someone so credible and appreciative of him.
A married man leaves his wife for you.
When a married man starts acting differently with his wife, it’s because he finds you as his comforter. You have been seeing each other for some time and are growing closer each day.
Your lover enjoys being with you more than he does with his spouse. When a man has a tough marriage, your affair with him gets more robust.
The time comes, and a married man opts to divorce his wife because he finds you suitable for him, and he feels compatible with you.
However, sometimes you might develop a feeling that you will always be the woman taking another woman’s husband. At the same time, your lover will be the man who cheats on his wife with you, so you are not sure if you can trust him or not.
What makes a man leave his wife for another woman?
1.There is discontentment in a man’s marriage.
Suppose a marriage has any form of dissatisfaction, whether sexual or emotional. In that case, a man will start an affair to help him get over it. A man’s wife might be neglecting his sexual and personal longings; he will.choose to always turn to the mistress for comfort.
By the time a married man starts to cheat on his spouse, it’s because he has been holding onto for a long time, and this affair might turn into a real connection.
So when the married man can not stand this neglect from his wife anymore, he will express his need to spend more time with you.Eventually, he will start planning on leaving his wife for you.
2. A man is enjoying the thrill with you.
The excitement of being in a new relationship is often fascinating. When a married man starts an affair, he tries to forget all about his marriage troubles, and the spark in the matter keeps him alive.
Marriage sometimes gets dreary, and if a man has someone who takes away the anxiety, he might not want to stop.
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Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Affairs are destructive and can easily ruin one’s union with the wife because a man is spending most of his time enjoying the new relationship and the thrill that comes with it.
So when a man feels joyous with you, trust us, he will not want to go back to his wife, thus might leave his wife for you.
3. When a man’s wife is rushing him into things, he is not ready to do them.
A couple might be in a relationship but do not agree on their expectations from each other. A man will leave his wife for you when she continually pushes him into doing things he does not want to do.
Maybe the wife wants to have many children, and the guy is not into many kids. Or the wife wants to buy a house on the lakeside, but the man’s plans are different.
When a married man realizes differences in their goals, and you are not putting him under any pressure, he will leave his wife and come to you.
4. When the marriage no longer adds value to a man.
A married man will leave his wife for you when his marriage no longer adds value to his life. When something doesn’t add value to you, it ceases to be meaningful.
This man will not find it necessary to stay with his wife when he feels the relationship is in ruins, because they are more like roommates. When the couple no longer has sex, hates her habits, and can’t stand a minute with her, a man will want to walk away from this situation.
Your lover chooses to leave his wife and come to you, especially when you add more value to his life than the wife does.
5. The married man’s wife hurts him.
A woman can hurt her husband in different ways. It can be through cheating or flirts with the husband’s friends; sometimes, she might make her husband feel inferior and disrespect him.
So the man’s heartache causes resentment to his spouse. If he is having an affair, his mistress becomes the shoulder to cry whenever the wife disappoints him in any way.
These feelings of misery and anger for the married man will make him leave the wife for you.
6. A married man develops a more robust connection for you.
If a man starts feeling there is a lack of a connection between him and his spouse, he will feel the need to pull out of the marriage.
Now that your lover is connecting with you, he will start spending more time with you than his wife because you make him comfortable. The two of you are developing a stronger bond, and the married man will fall madly in love with you.
A married man will want to leave his wife for you because there is nothing much left for them and perhaps no more feelings for each other too.
7. When there is disrespect in the marriage.
A married man will walk away from his wife and come to you when there is no more respect from his wife. If a man has a wife who wants to take control of the home, she is always mean to her partner and doesn’t respect his opinion; then, a man will see the marriage unworthy.
A disrespectful woman is hard to spend the rest of the life with, so a married man will find it better to come to you his mistress so long as you give him a peace of mind and show him the respect a man deserves.
How to love a married man?
Falling in love with a married man might be exciting sometimes, but at the same time, you might have a mixture of feelings on how you are going to love him.
Your relationship is more like a secret because the man belongs to another woman, and you are not sure whether you should continue with the affair or not.
Frustration might arise because you did not plan to fall for a married man.Still, because you are already having an affair and make you feel like a woman, you get confused about playing the game.
At this point, you feel what you have with the married man is more vital than you can imagine and are afraid of losing him.
However, you need to know how you can sustain this affair with a married man and love him.
You are going to read hard truths and understand the circumstances in which you are in to know how to love a married man;
1. You are not this man’s priority.
If u wanna win a married man over his wife you should know that man has a family and maybe children, so they take up the first place in his life. I matter what you do, don’t forget these people exist, and experience will be comfortable for you.
In case the married man doesn’t treat you like his number one, be easy because his family will always come first.Before he takes care of their needs, he might not be able to take care of yours.
2. Can you trust this man?
If a married man is having an affair with you, it implies he is lying to his wife and having you like his other woman. This man can lie to his wife and cheats on her, so you can’t be sure whether he won’t lie to you when he comes to you.
You need to consider whether the married man could tell you about his marriage from day one or he didn’t. If you could find out yourself about this marriage, then you can’t trust this man. Once a cheat will always be a cheat!
3. Your relationship might be temporary.
When you are dating a married man, you must remember that he might suddenly end the relationship when things get rough for him. You won’t have any objections about it. Your lover is married, and he is free to end it when he wants.
A time might come, and your man can no longer sustain the sneaking around and keeping up with the lies to go and see you. Once he gets used to the affair routine, he might want to get another woman. So it would be best if you are ready to move on any time he ends it.
4. What will you do if the married man doesn’t leave his wife?
A man might enjoy having an affair with you but deciding to leave his wife might be tricky for him.Divorce comes with several consequences like not seeing the children more often, which a man might not be ready to do.
So enjoy what you have with a married man and don’t hold onto his promises about leaving his wife because you might wait forever in vain.Whenever you want to move on, please do so because if this man chooses to dump you, he might not think twice.
5. The situation is more intricate if it involves children.
A marriage that involves children might never come to an end. When a couple is having marital issues, they often stick together for the sake of the children’s welfare.
Couples do this because children who do not grow up with both of their parents go through traumatic situations and find difficulty bonding with the parent who is away from them.
So you need to keep in mind that a married man might consider his children’s wellbeing before ending the relationship with his wife. You might have to stay at the second woman status forever if you are ready for it.
Dating a Married man Rules
1. Don’t act like a married man’s wife.
Much as a married man keeps promising you that he will divorce his wife soon, please don’t act like his wife already. Keep your lane and wait for the time to come; let him be the one to make the decisions without you pushing him.
Remember that your lover promises to leave his wife, chances are probable that he might do it or not. But you can’t force him because he knows what he wants. This man is an adult, so don’t try to rule him; you are not his wife yet.
2. Be cautious as you call him.
You are dating a married man, so there is an assumption that sometimes he might be with his wife and children. You might miss your man badly and can’t wait to make that phone call to him, but you have to be mindful.
Please do some research on the appropriate hours to call him so that you do not clash with his wife when she accidentally suspects your call to her husband. Wait for him to contact you or when he comes to you.
3. Don’t show any jealousy for a married man.
If you are in an affair with a married man, you have no room to become green-eyed when you see your lover with his wife or when his spouse calls in while you have your time with him.
Much as it’s natural to become jealous, try hiding it and mind your own business because there is nothing much you can do about it. Your lover is someone else’s husband, and you can’t change it. Try to bear with the situation and wait to see if he divorces the wife as he promises.
4. Be charming to the married man.
You are dating a man who perhaps is having a rough marriage and is coming to you for a difference. So you need to make sure you are not rude to him in any way, no matter what he does to you.
If you need your lover to do you a favor, then find an excellent way to ask for it without assuming you are his full responsibility. The man already has his family, so use the perfect timing when to place the request.
5. Be understanding of your man.
If you are dating a married man, you have to understand it because he has many on his plate. In case he doesn’t turn up for your date, it’s because he has family obligations or a busy work schedule.
In case this man comes to you with a bad mood, don’t try to nag him; give him some time to calm down because he might be having marriage issues. Don’t make trouble with him if he isn’t giving you attention, be patient, and wait when he is ready to talk about his distress.
1. How do you get a married man to leave his wife?
If a married man expresses his feelings of unhappiness in his marriage, he might make promises to you that he wants to leave his wife and come to you.
When he tells you so, ask him when he is coming to you and let him give you a timeline to not wait in vain. Tell him that you are waiting for him to leave his wife and start a new life with you.
2. How do you tell if a man is unhappy in his marriage?
When a man has an unhappy marriage, you will see a change in his family’s behavior. A man will make excuses not to go back home early, will stay out till late; he might stop hanging out with his family and might jokingly mention leaving his wife.
3. When to call it quits in a marriage?
If you have been trying several times to make your marriage work, but your partner isn’t making any efforts, then you can call it quits in marriage.
Perhaps times are passing.
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Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Nothing seems to change at all.Things get worse each day, no more emotional connection for the two of you and intimacy, and then you can end your marriage.
4. What makes a man leave his wife?
A man will want to leave his wife when he is emotionally connecting with another woman. If a man sees signs of neglect from his wife and does not add value to him, he might leave her and go to someone else who makes an effort to make him happy.
Mama Nkima is a marriage counselor and relationship expert who has dedicated her life to helping couples build strong, healthy relationships. She has academic degrees in Education and Psychology. She has over 40 years of experience helping couples and individuals work through their relationship issues.
She draws on her own experiences as a spiritual guide but also from years of research to offer readers practical, actionable advice.
How to Flirt with A Married Man? I often enjoy sitting at the coffee shop on my idle days just to release some tension at the expense of some lone guy. With all the eye butting and giggling like a teenager and blushy “Hey”.There is something carnal and primal about it.
The butterflies and youthfulness -long forgotten; if like me you already hit your forties- and the childishness of emotional abandonment.
Once or maybe twice I have left with a stranger’s number or him with mine, and this has always led to all the textual flirting.
It’s a beautiful thing especially if like me you are single and sometimes lonely, no offense to Silly and Pouches my lovely companion cats.
The thing with flirting innocuous as it might seem, it’s a stepping stone to a larger complicated yet simple sin.
I can’t count the number of times I have found myself in a kind of complicated situation because I flirted with the wrong guy. Or got carried away by the carefully selected words meant to lure me in a lion’s den and each time I fell for them, I fell hard; I must admit, I am a hopeless romantic 🤦🏿♀️🤦🏿♀️
What is flirting
We all fall vice to flirting.Either as:
Second nature
Flirting is a social and sexual behavior that involves a person or two individuals using spoken or written communication as well as body language to indicate interest in each other for a deeper relationship or for sheer amusement.
Flirting behavior might entail teasing, carried voice intonations, prolonged saying, and intense body language.
However, flirting varies from culture to culture depending on the social etiquette that governs a given society.
Ethologist Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt discovered that despite the differences in culture, such as those that are so prominent between places like Africa and North America, women, he found exhibited similar flirting behavior, such as a prolonged stare followed by a head tilt away with a little smile.
Types of flirting
You flirt with everything… You flirt with the old man, people and babies, and everything in between
Rainbow Rowell
You might not realize it but if you flirt a lot.Remember the times you have changed the intonation of your voice maybe even your body language so you can get the person at the grocery store to like you so they can offer you a discount?
Other times you have had to chat up someone so they can grant you a favor?
Flirting comes in all forms.
In 2015, Jeffrey Hall and Chong Xing from the University of Kansas determined that there were five types of filtration in which we all belonged.Whatever your technique of flirting, you will most definitely fall into one of the five categories.
1. The playful flirt.
People that fall in this category are what we would refer to as the most flirtatious humans.
Flirting is second nature to them. Even while in committed relationships, they will still flirt for a non-sexual gain because to them flirting is fun and more often it is the only way they know how to communicate.
Most time they are oblivious that they are flirting. For them, flirtation is natural, casual, and fun.
2. The polite flirt.
This kind of flirting is best used by introverts. It is non-confrontational, it does not involve verbatim action nor does it involve physical.
A polite flirt will not convey their level of attraction; he/she will remain formal and polite even distant despite their level of interest.
3. The sincere flirt
This one is a good listener because he is genuinely interested in what the other party is saying.
He truly cares about what other people say, thinks, or does; he is unlikely to tease but will employ meaningful eye contact.
4. The traditional flirt.
He is bound by long term societal influences. If it’s a woman, she will back and wait for the man to make the move.
However, people in this category are aware of their filtration and see it as a game and respect a time-tested set of rules and etiquette.
5. The Physical flirt.
This one relays heavily on body language. They will often use positive body language though subtly to convey their interest in someone.
A brush of the knee while talking, leaning in as the laugh is among the many techniques they shall employ.
Why do we flirt?
Flirting likes border being corky and infectious in such a way that turns the sides of our lips slowly upward into a smile
Imagine waking up to “I wish I was your mirror so that I could look at you every morning.”
Flirtings can turn a gloomy day into a bright one with just a single line, however, to what end are these sweet words being said. Why do people flirt and to what end?
Below we explore the various reasons why people actually flirt.
1. Sex
Flirting is just another form of foreplay.Think of it as farming. You level the field and prepare it for the sowing; you soften the ground before you plant the seed.
This is what flirting does for some couples. It paves the way for a sexual encounter.
2. Fun
Some people flirt for fun. It is a nice, laid back way of making jokes and saying “nothing serious”
For others, the fun is in the teasing and the unease it brings them.
People flirt to explore, Some just want to see where it will lead to to.
Rationality is yet another reason why people flirt. For example, the rational reason for a couple flirting could be to increase intimacy in the relationship.
5.Favor Seeking
People use flirting as an instrument to seek favor. It’s not unusual for people to flirt and just so to get something from someone or to coax someone into something they otherwise wouldn’t do for them.
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Some people flirt to boast their low esteem. It’s not unusual for people to hide their insecurities behind fine lines as a way to cover up for their shortcomings.
Difference between being friendly and flirting.
Multiple studies conducted over the years have resolved that we are now great at figuring out the difference between when one is flirting with us or is simply being friendly.
Some people are naturally friendly, unfortunately, they are often construed as being flirty.
You have misread one or two people’s friendly gestures as being flirtatious, admit it, we all have.
It’s often embarrassing for us when we finally realize that all the person was being is friendly.
So how do we avoid further embarrassment?
How can we tell that some are being friendly and not flirty?
Pay attention to eye contact
Pay attention to eye contact. Tina B.Jessica, PhD (aka Dr Romance), in an interview with Bustle (a women’s magazine), was quoted to have said: Friendly is a glance, maybe a nod or a relaxed ‘Hello’, but a flirty one is prolonged eye contact, lowered eyelids (bedroom eyes) and emphasis on the ‘Hello’ – leaning forward, hair flipping or straightening their clothes.
Friendly is a glance, maybe a nod or a relaxed ‘Hello’, but a flirty one is prolonged eye contact, lowered eyelids (bedroom eyes) and emphasis on the ‘Hello’ – leaning forward, hair flipping or straightening their clothes.
Tina B.Jessica
She further elaborates that, “Friendly is relaxed and just implies cordiality while flirty tries to get across a specific interest in intimacy.
Someone that is flirting with you will let you know they are available. Some blatantly though for most it will be through cheesy lines that will draw your attention to their availability
A noticeable change in behaviour
A noticeable change in behaviour when you are around someone that is flirting with you.Sudden shyness or talkativeness so that they can get noticed.
There is a primal need for us to look most attractive or desirable for the person we like as a way to get them to like us back.
Asking for help
They tend to ask for a lot of help. When we are attracted to someone, we find every reason to try and make them feel needed.
They always go out of their way to say hi. When you start realising that you are saying hi to someone more times than not, it could be they are trying to flirt unlike when someone is just being friendly.
The body language says it all. Pay attention to body language. A person flirting with you will always lean in when they are trying to say something to you.
What you should know about flirting.
Couples too need to flirt.Brady Frisby, a researcher at the University of Kentucky, says that flirting creates a private world for the pair.
Men always overestimate how interested women are. You usually when a woman is being cordially responsive it’s often interpreted as ” she is into me” which is never the case.Sometimes which is most times FYI women are only trying not to be perceived as rude.Women, on the other hand, tend to downplay and under perceive sexual interest from men
Flirting enhances one’s attraction.Steven W.Gangestad, a researcher at the University of New Mexico states that flirting is a negotiation process after months of attraction, a subtle way of testing the waters.
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Imagine how weird the following statement would sound “Hey, am attracted to you, are you attracted to me”. It is not just repulsive but would instantly make the person saying it seem unattractive.Therefore flirting is a tool that would work better to reveal your attraction as well as have it revealed in small doses. “Flirting, ” Gangestad says, “then becomes something that enhances attraction.”
The best flirters always shift their strategies based on the context. Just like every question requires a different approach, flirting with different people requires different strategies since each individual is unique and reacts differently.
Flirting is not based on the most attractive person in the room. It is all about signalling availability.
The most attractive characteristics while flirting depend on gender. For example, who women find happiness attractive as opposed to men, men will find pride attractive, something women loath.However, both genders do find an expression of shame very attractive.
Should you flirt with married men?
Should you flirt with a married man?Honestly, I cannot answer this question for you.
You are probably feeling conflicted on what to do
He is probably hot and is saying the right word.
Maybe he is everything you have wished for and now you are torn between your upbringing, societal code, all the moral values you have been taught over years.
It’s a fact that men flirt and so do majority married men. So why do they flirt?
1.Married men will flirt to feed their egos.
Married men will flirt to feed their egos. To feed their desire that they are still wanted and are still attractive.
Strange, but when you have been married long and your spouse takes you for granted, you start to wonder if she finds you attractive and the only way to prove it to themselves is getting an external opinion.
It would be strange if they asked blunt questions like “hey do you think I’m attractive?” or ” hey, do you find me attractive?!” So flirting is a tool they employ.
2. Men are hunters by nature
Men are hunters by nature. Lame excuse, I know, but nevertheless true! So men will flirt to keep their hunting skills and also to prove they still got game.
There is the thrill that comes with the chase, something they will not experience in their marriage.
3. He wants sex. Most married men will flirt hoping to get laid.
There is no intimacy in his marriage.Humans, men inclusive, are emotional beings. When there is no intimacy in his marriage, he tries to make up for it by flirting as a way of feeling wanted and desired but also to get sex else where.
How to flirt with a married man?
You are feeling adventurous and would want to source up your life even a little bit with fun, flirting with a married man, here are a few things to take to account;
Try to be casual and friendly in such a way that he can be comfortable and relax around you.Silly pick up lines while texting is a great way to start a light conversation.
Bat your eyelashes at him as though you were a barbie doll and make him feel sexy.
Keep it light. Do not be intense or serious. This could scare him away.
Be witty and interesting.Employ your witty self in conversation.
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Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
There is something attractive about intelligence.
Looking stunning and smell good each time you see him. Men a visual being. Body language coupled with good looks goes a long way while flirting with a man.
By all means, avoid talking about his family, it’s a turn-off and a definite upgrade to the friend-zone and that is not what you want.
Let him feel the electricity between the two of you. Get less chatty and let the body language speak. Now don’t go wiggling like a snake you might just become a comic. A brush of your hand on his, a simple tilt of the head would do it.Kindly for your ancestors and mine, don’t overdo it, it will lose its intended meaning.
How do I stop a married man from flirting with me?
It is a frustrating and annoying feeling when you keep receiving flirtatious messages or even signs from especially a married man and you wish they could stop. Here is how to get a married man to stop flirting with you
Be honest.Speak to him and be brutally honest about how unwelcome his advances are and remind him of his marriage and that he should respect his wife and that you would never even consider him as an option.
Constantly mention his wife and family. Yes, do it as a way to constantly remind him that he is taken and you are aware of it. Even if you were interested in him, constantly mentioning his wife and family acts as a jolt from the euphoria you might be in.
Cut all communication. If he won’t listen to you or even get the hint you are not interested, cut all communication, it doesn’t hurt. You deserve the peace of mind and his constant filtrations are not only unwelcoming they are equally annoying and bugging.Cutting all forms of communication would give you the well-deserved peace of mind.
Distract yourself and for us your energies elsewhere. Find something that can occupy you.Remember, an idle mind is the devil’s workshop. Read a book, watch a movie or simply go out with your girlfriend.Anything to keep that beautiful mind of yours occupied and him out of it.
Mama Nkima is a marriage counselor and relationship expert who has dedicated her life to helping couples build strong, healthy relationships. She has academic degrees in Education and Psychology. She has over 40 years of experience helping couples and individuals work through their relationship issues.
She draws on her own experiences as a spiritual guide but also from years of research to offer readers practical, actionable advice.
Statistics about Men leaving their wives shows that Infidelity, adultery or affairs are the leading cause of marriage breakups.Infidelity and adultery are one of those pills we’d rather dish out because they are far too bitter for us to swallow.
Your partner’s mere thought with someone else is repulsive enough, even though the reality is worse.
It makes you feel inadequate,
It preys on your very soul
You begin to worry about what you are not doing right until you conclude that you are just not good enough.
It takes away from you, locks you in a self-loathing prison, and throws the key in a pool of self-doubt.
Can a marriage survive Infidelity? But even if it did, would that marriage ever remain the same?
31% of couples think that Infidelity wouldn’t sever their bond
88% of all divorced couples attribute their broken marriage to affairs
62% of partners would leave their partner after cheating
31% would never leave their partner after cheating
60-75% of marriages continue after an affair
50% of unfaithful partners are still married
40% of divorces can be attributed to adultery
61% Of previously unfaithful men are still married
44% of previously unfaithful women are still married.
Like many other ethics-related topics, adultery is relative. How far is too far?Different couples have different boundaries. What is permissible for me isn’t going to augur well with you necessarily.
We can all agree that we feel cheated when our partners cross whatever limitations we have set for the relationship.
That is Infidelity. That’s adultery.Merely put; Infidelity is being unfaithful to your partner.
Its public knowledge that Infidelity goes beyond just physical cheating.
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Emotional Infidelity can be just as wrong as physical Infidelity.Again, your boundaries will specify when you draw the bridge and call your partner out for cheating.
Why does Infidelity end in divorce?
Will he leave his wife statistics if he commits adultery?Adultery is the cause of separation in married couples. Even though 31% of couples think that Infidelity wouldn’t sever their bond, 88% of all divorced couples attribute their broken marriage to affairs. Many marriages cannot exist post adultery.
Reasons why Infidelity ends in divorce
1.Infidelity hurts both partners but, more so, the faithful partner.
Once beaten, twice shy, the trauma and stress you go through after discovering your partner was unfaithful are almost unbearable. “Shame on me if I ever let that happen to me again.” “Not on my watch!”.
So it’s easy for one partner to want to run away from the shame endured as a result of their partner cheating.
2. It tears down trust
Trust is one of the things that are difficult to gain, easy to lose, yet close to impossible to regain.
Without faith in your partner, your marriage is like a war zone. You start to live in anticipation of bombs and missiles like there is always a devil dancing on your back! Who wants such love?
3. It magnifies other issues
Discovering that your partner cheated on you makes you wonder about what else they are hiding.
What else they dared to do under your nose. It’s like an epiphany of sorts; when the affair is exposed.
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Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Relationship issues become more pronounced; it’s like an epiphany of sorts.
There is a strong relationship between Infidelity and divorce?Strictly speaking, it just isn’t the same after you trusted someone before only for them to trash your heart.
Will he leave his wife?Statistics show 62% of partners would leave their partner after cheating, while only 31% would never leave.
Do some marriages survive divorce?
Yes,60-75% of marriages continue after an affair, and 50% of unfaithful partners are still married.
While adultery does catalyze divorce, it isn’t a deal-breaker. No matter how hard it is, some couples have made it through—a ray of hope, after all.
How many marriages hit the rocks?
It’s a no-brainer that faithful partners last longer than the unfaithful ones. 76% of the faithful couples are still married compared to 50% of unfaithful partners married.
When the affair is unveiled, some couples can’t live past it.Sadly up to 40% of divorces can be attributed to adultery only in the United States.
Women are generally more forgiving of their unfaithful partners. Of those men who have previously been unfaithful to their spouses, 61% are still married, while only 44% of women who have been unfaithful before are still married.
Generally speaking, cheating adults are much more likely to be divorced or separated than those who did not cheat. Also, note that Infidelity is not necessarily a deal-breaker for all marrieds.
Some couples that stay together after the affair, only stay together because of their children.
Others that consider thorough and intensive marriage counseling make it through the affair.
Why do more women file for divorce?
In heterosexual relationships, women file more than 80% of divorce cases. This trait is a considerable discrepancy given the profound changes in gender roles since the 70s. Here is a list of why ladies are more likely to initiate the divorce;
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Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Women tend to carry more of the emotional burden of the relationship than the men
In many relationships, candid and deep communication is non-existent.Women always initiate conversation, closeness, and vulnerability, while the men seem to be repulsed by any emotions.
Could it mean that they are tired of being unequally yoked? The emotional burden of a relationship is far too heavy for just one shoulder.
2. Men tend to be more tolerant than women.
Truthfully many women I know are short-fused and did I mention highly unpredictable. They are, therefore, less likely to stick it out when things come tumbling down.
3. Men mostly have more to lose than women
Many men believe that filing a divorce will have them deal with the shorter hand in court.
As if the odds are stacked against them in terms of finances and child custody.
For this reason, most men would rather die unhappy than dare to lose their property and children.
Mama Nkima is a marriage counselor and relationship expert who has dedicated her life to helping couples build strong, healthy relationships. She has academic degrees in Education and Psychology. She has over 40 years of experience helping couples and individuals work through their relationship issues.
She draws on her own experiences as a spiritual guide but also from years of research to offer readers practical, actionable advice.
Dating a married man has its blisses, yet sleeping with him surpasses them all by far. This topic is a taboo, it’s certainly not for the faint-hearted.
There is something strangely attractive about married men that I don’t have the eloquence to describe.Whether it is the fact that he is forbidden that makes him alluring or the flattery of his attention, I just can’t tell.
One thing I am sure of is that if you can handle the blame, sex with a married man might just be the hottest sex of your life.
What do you call someone who sleeps with a married man?
How people refer to a woman who is sleeping with a married man varies widely. You will often hear names like whore, slut, homewrecker, mistress, and the other woman.
If the woman has a long-term arrangement with the married man, you could formally refer to her as the mistress or girlfriend. If there isn’t much of a relationship going on, she is most likely a one night stand.
It’s hypocritical to me how the “other woman” is regarded negatively and held accountable for the man’s decision to engage in extramarital sexual relationships.
Mistresses aren’t nearly as monstrous as we assume.Unless 63% of married men who get involved with the mistress are into terrible girls, it is unlikely that the other woman is a horrible person.
Having sex with a married man.
Sex with a married man is wrong, at least by our societal principles. The adrenaline rush from fear of getting caught each time you break this social norm gets the blood flowing through your veins so tantalizingly that the pleasure you get is out of this world.
What’s that song? Sex by you is so amazing… I wouldn’t be shocked if that song was inspired by a married man. It’s an accurate description of the experience, isn’t it? Sex with a married man is so good because every time feels like revenge sex because the sex with you is an outlet for his unresolved marital issues.
While having sexual relations with a married man is very rewarding, you need to be ready for the sexual shaming. God forbid that when love eventually comes to you, it’s the married man it chooses for you because the prejudice and hatred towards mistresses are unforgiving.
The mistress isn’t the only one to blame for this whole mess, you know?
Rules of sleeping with married men (Advice for you)
Sleeping with a married man is generally considered nasty, there might be emotional and moral consequences for you.Regardless of how your affair began and what circumstances surround your relationship, never forget that he is still married.
You need to know some rules of the game. The unspoken silent rules that every successful mistress knows and lives by.
If sleeping with a married man is what you’ve chosen to do, here’s some advice for you.
1. Don’t get pregnant.
The relationship is already complicated as it is.Adding babies to the equation will only make matters worse.
I know it sounds counter intuitive when you have fallen for the man. It feels like having a child with him will strengthen your connection. You’re wrong!
The man will most likely never leave his wife irrespective of how steamy the sex is with you. Do you really want your child to grow without an absent father?
Permanency in your relationship with the married man isn’t guaranteed.Enjoy the sex while you can.Simply put, be present and revel in every bit of what you can now because you’re sitting on a time bomb, the clock is ticking.Every good thing comes to an end sooner or later.
Every good thing comes to an end sooner or later
Mama Nkima
3. Be great in bed.
Keep things spicy. Make sure you are the wildest blow job experience for him.
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Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Invest in that sexy lace lingerie you saw at the mall.
Erotic dancing wouldn’t hurt, would it? Men love that kind of stuff yet we all know that he isn’t getting that from his wife. So be that and more.
4. Be discrete about it.
If you want the affair last, you must keep things quiet. You could tell your best friend, that is as far as it should go.Obviously, you shouldn’t post about it on social media.
The fewer the people involved, the better off you are.First of all, you are cutting down on the backlash because people are going to hate you.
Secondly and most importantly, affairs are secretive, and once the secret is out, rest assured that it is over.
5. Don’t compete with his wife.
His wife is his wife, you’re the mistress. So, you need to never forget that he loves his wife so much.Exactly why he married her in the first place.
I know it’s tempting to be curious about whom he prefers in bed, but asking him makes you come off as insecure. That’s not a good look on you. His wife isn’t even your competition other mistresses are, so focus on pleasing and leave his wife out of it.
Guilt is a futile emotion that was introduced to us when we were younger.Beating yourself up about having an affair isn’t going to make anything better. It is pointless.
We all deserve some mercy, even the worst of us.Society expects us to conform to its norms and totems.
People, however, are rebellious by nature. You need to separate the action from your personality.
Simply because you did something wrong doesn’t mean you are a terrible person. Be kind to yourself.
7. Make your boundaries clear.
If you are sleeping with a married man, he is most likely older than you are.Older men are wiser and more likely to take advantage of you if you do not put clear boundaries.
If you want your weekend open, make that abundantly clear from the beginning and honor it.
That way, you protect your space. You are confident that he will treat you well.
8.Always be ready for his wife’s confrontation.
You can’t hide the affair forever. Even if the wife isn’t aware, she will feel it once her husband starts cheating on her, with you.
Always be prepared for a bewildered and nasty encounter for that doomsday. You’ll want to make sure you don’t scorn her and add to her anguish with phrases like “he chose me over you” because, in essence, he hasn’t.
Otherwise, she might get violent. He isn’t worth dying for because a scorned woman’s anger knows no limit.
Sleeping with a married man is a pleasurable experience, on the whole, if you do not tread carefully, it will be painful for you, him, and her.
While she is bound to get hurt anyway, the advice above protects you. You don’t have to pay the price for your boyfriend’s adultery, let him and his wife pay.
How do you tell a married man wants to sleep with you?
He is married but he is pursuing you. “Why?” you may be wondering.
I will tell you why.
Wanting to sleep with you has nothing to do with him being married. It doesn’t mean he is immoral and sure as hell doesn’t mean that there’s anything wrong with you.
Men get attracted to women all the time. They have always wanted to sleep with women since the Garden of Eden.
Married men like any man subconsciously drop hints and signals when they are sexually attracted to a woman.
I know it is confusing when you start to pick up such hints from a married man because society demands that married men be loyal. If you feel that he wants to tangle in sheets, it’s because he does.
Have you ever felt like a man was hitting on you, then you made you move only to find out that you misread his action?
Mama Nkima
It’s the most embarrassing thing on earth. To protect you from any future embarrassment here sure signs that a married man wants to sleep with you.
1. He complains about being sex-starved by his wife.
When a man begins to open up about his marital sex life, when he is positioning himself as a victim, he wants you to feel sorry for him.
He is trying to evoke sympathy from you so that later when he makes his move on you, you will be inclined to accept his request.
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Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
2. He is touchy.
Like other men, when a married man wants to sleep with you he becomes touch for no reason.Whenever he talks to you, he playfully holds your fingers or brushes your arm. He just can’t keep his arms to himself when he wants to get into your pants.
3. All of his emails and messages are sexual.
Have you noticed his messages and even emails whatever way you communicate with him resembles Mills and Boon? That’s a hint.
If he is sending you erotic messages, he badly wants to sleep with you. This can be irritating if you aren’t interested in his advances.Oftentimes though, he will get to this level of expression when you have been receptive to his previous less subtle advances.
The content of a man’s messages can give away his intention.
4. His idea of the perfect date is pizza at home.
He loves date ideas that keep you home with him.Netflix and chill, he is all about that life.Order delicious food and be lazy around, he is down.
Even if he hasn’t mentioned it yet, it’s only a matter of time. Date ideas that keep you at home mean that should the mood hit right, the bedroom is only a few steps away and that you will most likely agree to sleep with him.
5.Conversations turn sexual
It doesn’t matter how unsexy the conversation is, this man will find a way of making it sexual. You could be talking about something as harmless as traffic, then he says something like this “if only I was stuck on that road with you, what a mess I’d make… wink” that is a sign.
6. He only stares
We know men stare at women they find attractive but there is a stare that leaves feeling you naked.There’s that stare, the one that leaves a stupid smile of mischief on his face.
If he is looking at you like that, it is taking all the self-control in his body not to have you, right there, right then.
7. He sends suggestive gifts.
Gifts can be harmless and totally innocent like cute teddy bears.However, if you are getting lingerie or erotica candles and you still don’t get it, then miss wake up!
8. He tells you
This is the distress button for when all else fails. I get it, some of you don’t get hints.
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Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Luckily when a man is out of hints most often than not he will talk to about it.
To be 100% sure that he wants to sleep with you, notice how he is with others, and compare how he is with you. If you are the only one getting the “I want to bed you” vibe it’s obvious then.
Sleeping with a married man at work
Sleeping with a workmate is a bold move. Let alone, a married workmate. It takes guts. You have to be thick-skinned to do anything contrary to social beliefs.
If you really want to pursue anything with a workmate married or not, please be sure it won’t cost your job.
We see more of our colleagues than our friends and families in this 9 to 5 working hour’s culture. At work, you get to see the best version of our colleagues. The smart suits, creativity, and best behavior are what we see.
It is very easy for you to fall for someone if you are always seeing the best version of them.Little wonder that the rate of office sex is escalating. I totally understand why anyone would want to sleep with a colleague.
Whether you should sleep with a married man at work or not boils down to how willing you are to lose your job for a moment with him.Office affairs are ruinous so you need to know what you’re up against.
What to do when you have slept with a married man at work?
Co-worker sex is naughty.According to most of these folks who’ve done it, it’s totally worth it until the awkward glances the next morning.
It can be pretty uncomfortable. In case you are going through this, below are some tips to see you through this time.
1. Don’t tell anyone
This should be obvious though the guilt post having sexual relations with a married man at work can make you do stupid things, the fewer the people who know, the less the impact.
You need to remember that gossip, judgment and sexual shaming are still very much a reality before you involve anyone else.
2.Forgive yourself
What’s been done is done. You can’t go back in time darling but you can forgive yourself. It’s not the end of the world and if it’s any comfort to you, 31% of office hookups end in some kind of long term relationship. You might get lucky.
Married men are men in the first place men, any consequences you might experience from normal office affairs will only be worse if, in addition, he is married.
Can you go to jail for sleeping with a married man?
I guess you didn’t know that cheating on your spouse is illegal in many parts of the country.
According to the Los Angeles Times Opinion by Deborah L Rhode as of 2 May 2016, “A few states even permit aggrieved spouses to sue paramours for alienation of affection. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” said a 61-year-old Chicago man sued on that ground. “Is this thing for real?” In another celebrated 2010 case, a jury ordered a woman who had broken up a long-standing marriage to pay $9 million in damages.”
While you may not go to jail as clearly shown above, you might get fined should the aggrieved spouse sue.
Why would a married man want to have a one night stand?
One night stands often occur as a result of weak boundaries, drinking, and anonymity. One night stands do not necessarily indicate problems in the marriage or that the adulterer is dissatisfied with his wife.
Normally, there isn’t any emotional attachment between the adulterer and the woman with whom the one-night stand happens.
Characteristics of one night stands:
It is an affair of expediency. It is not that the married man sought it out but rather occurs as the result of an opportunity that is presented.
The majority of the time the married man has no desire whatsoever to leave his marriage.
There isn’t an ongoing relationship between the married man and you.
Reasons why a married man would want to have a one night stand
1. He is Lonely, fatigued, or angry.
Often when a man is irritated, he could do regrettable things out of rage.Married men, actually all men, like to cool off by having sex. When he is stressed and the wife is away or in one of those “don’t touch me moods”, he may get himself an available lady just for the night.
2.There is a lady willing to sleep with him there and then, talk about serendipity.
3. The anonymity provided by being in a new place gives him a cover and freedom to be single again just for the time he is in that area
4. He has nothing to lose.
In general, individuals who have had one night stands will take the secret with them to the grave.
Sleeping with a married man may be fun and all, and it will be for you – only when you are careful enough to play by the rules of the game.
Mama Nkima is a marriage counselor and relationship expert who has dedicated her life to helping couples build strong, healthy relationships. She has academic degrees in Education and Psychology. She has over 40 years of experience helping couples and individuals work through their relationship issues.
She draws on her own experiences as a spiritual guide but also from years of research to offer readers practical, actionable advice.
“When a man takes a mistress, he doesn’t turn around and divorce his wife.” ― Arthur Golden, Memoirs of a Geisha
What comes to your mind when you hear the word mistress?Probably immoral, selfish, home breaker you name it, all sorts of ugly words.
But is there more to the mistress than meets the eye? For instance, why and how does someone become the other woman or man?
Did they even have a choice?
Do they have a conscience?
What about Karma?
What are they thinking?
Too many questions, hardly any answers. For a million-dollar industry, what a shame if you ask me.
Many a day I wonder how a mistress lives through life because it takes balls to be something most women dread and some men dodge like a plague, yet still live your life unbothered.
Mistress Syndrome is a term used in social psychology to describe the phenomenon where the person who is not the primary relationship partner of an individual who is engaging in extra-pair sexual activity (cheating) is more likely to suffer from negative psychological outcomes than the one who is having the affair.
The syndrome was first identified by researchers at Pennsylvania State University in a study that looked at 122 women who were involved with married men. The findings of the study showed that, overall, the women who were not married to the men their partners were cheating with reported higher levels of psychological distress than those women who were married to their partners. Some of the most common symptoms reported by these women included anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.
Being a mistress is forbidden yet universally practiced, what a contradiction! You would have more luck finding a needle in straw than trying to decide who the root cause is because what came first?
Do mistresses exist because men like to step out of their marriages or do men have affairs because the mistress is available? You tell me.Whatever the case may be, what is clear is that affairs have existed as long as marriage has and for an act, as commonly practiced as adultery, very little is understood about it.
Who is a mistress?
A mistress is customarily a woman who has a secret sexual and to some extent emotional relationship with a man who isn’t her legal spouse.
She goes by other names too, none of them pleasant.Whore, slut, side chick, to mention but a few.However, there isn’t anything unpleasant about her because she is the nicest, kindest, and the loveliest person you know.
That’s how she hooks your men.
What is the male equivalent of a mistress?
The opposite of a mistress is a paramour according to the Urban Dictionary but can also be a male partner, manstress, gigolo, kept men, and so on. A male equivalent of a mistress has no formal counterpart.
You’d think that the masculine of mistress in every case would automatically be master, but the English language once again teaches us that rules can’t always be followed. With gender roles shifting towards gender equality, women have advanced in their sexual expression.
There have been toyboys as long as humanity itself it just wasn’t spoken about considering our patriarchal society but with women’s status being elevated since the gender equality movements of the 70s male escorts, kept men or gigolos whatever you want to call them are no longer in the dark.
There is generally a harsher judgment placed on boy toys than mistresses because again our patriarchal society biases us to think that a man cannot be a side candy to a woman. So when we see it, we waste no time in tagging the man immoral and his lover a disgrace.
Why would your man get a mistress?
While it is true that men and women have affairs for different reasons, the heart of every affair is always a desire for a connection and intimacy irrespective of gender.
It doesn’t matter what reasons you tell yourself, deep down we know the truth that we all cheat to fill a void our marriage can’t.
Here are the reasons why a man would get another woman.
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Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Their partner isn’t as nice to them anymore
At the genesis of every marriage – its sunsets and roses.Everything is easy and you like each other.
With time though, it gets old you have to put in work to be good to your partner and it gets worse as time goes by.
When attitudes change, the partners grow apart and this is a recipe for disaster should one of the partners decide to look outside for the attention the marriage is no longer giving them.
2.Their partner lost interest in their hobbies
When dating, we sometimes lie about liking certain things that our partners love. Well, no one can lie forever so later in marriage the truth comes out.
It becomes harder to watch ping pong or go moon watching without feeling burdened.
It won’t be long till the other partner feels unvalued and unloved and that is reason enough to go looking for love elsewhere.
3. They feel unappreciated.
It is easy to take people for granted especially when you have been together for a while.
I know it’s never intentional but when your partner stops appreciating what you bring to the table, it feels like death by a hundred cuts.
An unhappy person will not lose time if a chance to bring them even a glimpse of happiness manifests.
4.Their partner is a nag
Even the bible says that “you would rather be stuck in the desert than be with a nagging person” am paraphrasing.
It’s the most distressing thing – to be with a person who just won’t stop complaining. It makes everything worse than it already is, you know.
5.Their partner is no longer trying to be sexy
After years of marriage, the relationship tends to become a little comfortable, effort to look sexy for the other partner stops.
This is especially detrimental if it’s the lady who isn’t trying anymore because men are visual and the husband doesn’t like what he sees then he won’t find her attractive.
What happens when a man isn’t attracted to his wife anymore? You guessed it, he finds someone else he is attracted to.
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Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Their partner isn’t as experimental as them in the bedroom
Some things get our blood boiling in the bedroom. If your spouse isn’t down for them it can be a real challenge.
Take oral sex, for instance, many men swear by it yet many conservative wives would never dream of it.
On the contrary, there are thousands of girls out there who will gladly go down on him so it’s only a matter of time before he finds one of them.
7. They have a higher sex drive than their partner
Marriage roles and adulthood can affect the frequency and quality of sex for any couple.
In addition to and during menopause, women experience a significant drop in sexual drive yet sadly men at that age experience an increase in sexual drive.
How do we reconcile that? No wonder many men of that age get themselves some younger side candy.
8. They are bored
Marriage and adulthood life can be rather mundane and monotonous and we all know that’s no fun.
Affairs can bring back the excitement of youthfulness and vibrancy which marriage tends to dull.
Why would anyone become a mistress?
In this era and age where love rules, it is difficult to imagine why anyone would go for the unconventional thing like being a mistress which isn’t nearly as emotionally satisfying.
Well in case you are wondering why I got you. Here’s a list of some reasons why some girls become mistresses.
1. To have the man without bothering about domestic roles
The mistress sure gets the better part of the deal when it comes to this. She doesn’t have to cook or clean for him and yet she still gets to be dinned, wined, and did I mention the sex.
The wife on the other hand has to worry about the man, the children, and all domestic work and still gets cheated on.
No wonder according to an infidelity study 60% of the women would rather be the mistress than be the wife.
2. They are in love
Love sure makes go round and it makes us do crazy things. What would you do if you fell in love with a man only to find out he was married?
Only the best of us could walk away especially if the feeling is mutual. In some cases she doesn’t choose to be the mistress, love chooses her.
3. They aren’t ready for a committed relationship.
I agree relationships are a lot of work especially because of all the masks we wear, you never know when you’re being deceived.
Naturally, some people are tired of being played for a fool, so they aren’t having BS anymore.
They simply want a no strings attached arrangement which is what you get with an emotionally unavailable man. And who is the perfect candidate for that job? You got it, the married men.
4.Married men are better lovers
I can’t count how many times I have heard the phrase “nothing tastes better than the forbidden”.
Having an affair with a married man is exciting on many levels. It’s a boost to the ego because he has a wife he doesn’t need you, but because he wants you that makes all better.
I still can’t say what it is about married men, that is so alluring:
is it they are so sexy?
Is it the hallelujah of his wife’s prayers?
or the taunting of the forbidden?
Married men are something.
5. He lied about being single and it was too late to leave when she found out
You know those men who hide their wedding band.Those are the worst, they rope you in and before you realize it you are trapped.
Probably already expecting or you have a lot to lose if you walked away. So you’re stuck.
Common misconceptions about mistresses
Movies and books have made us believe that the mistress is the villain who is so selfish that she has no regard for the harm she could potentially cause to the family of the man with whom she is involved.
But is it true?
Are all mistresses sure as hell seductive as sin, ruthless, or mean?
That’s the problem with stereotypes, they are seldom true. Here is a list of some of most common ones
1. That they are always and more attractive and beautiful than the wife
This isn’t necessarily true because a man will only take a mistress who makes him feel good; she doesn’t have to look the part.
Many women get disappointed and annoyed when they meet the other woman especially when the mistress isn’t as pretty as them and yet somehow she is threatening her marriage.
That’s the point, it’s not about how she looks but how she makes the man feel.
2. That there is a specific “type” when it comes to women who are likely to be mistresses
Do you know that innocent looking girl in your class?
That girl at the front row in your church or that stranger on the street?
She could be a mistress.Virtually anyone could be, the hell it could even be you or me, there is just no formula.
3. That they are in it for the money
Now, this is laughable because not every man having an affair is wealthy.
If it was ever about the money, how do you explain – how your six-figure therapist is having an affair with your barely employed husband?
The truth is it’s not always about the financial benefit.
4. That they are home-breakers
Many mistresses don’t want to be the wife. It simply isn’t what they signed for.
They know that if he wasn’t cheating on the wife with them it would still be another girl so why not be the mistress because there has to be a mistress after all.
5. They get the best of both worlds
They get to have the man without having to do the wifely roles. But again while this is true, there is a downside we rarely notice.
The mistress gets to live by his rules and time. In reality, the wife has all the benefits and God forbid the man dies, the mistress gets nothing at all.
I guess that’s the price she has to pay for being the side salad and not the main course.
6. They do not want to be in love.
Affairs begin purely based on lust and it isn’t by intention that the partners fall in love.
It is not that the mistress doesn’t want to be in love but as per the arrangement she has with the married man she can’t afford to fall in love.
It takes emotional strength to not fall in love with a person you are fraternizing with.
7. They don’t care about the damage could potentially cause to man’s family
If this were to be true many marriages would have ended sooner. It isn’t rare that a mistress breaks off a relationship because the man was considering leaving his wife for them.
Contrary to common belief the mistress is not a monster and you’d be shocked how many marriages remain functional because of a third party providing what either partner couldn’t.
8. They are sluts
Sluts sleep around, the mistress not necessarily. We tend to think that simply because the mistress is sleeping with another woman’s man then she is whore but the truth is you might have even slept with more than her.
Everything you need to know about being a mistress (the whole truth)
What is it like to be the other woman? Here are 7 things you should know if you are curious.
1. You can’t fall in love
This is the golden rule every mistress must follow or there will be trouble.Falling in love will make the arrangement messy.
Otherwise, how do you remain detached even when you feel an attachment.
It breaches the whole “no strings attached” rule, sadly, this love thing isn’t for you. At least not with him.
He is cheating on someone with you, he’ll probably cheat on you with another. So, why invest any emotions here?
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Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Never forget that nothing is permanent
I know it could get comfortable and feel normal being with your lover, however, a mistress must never even for a second forget that it all ends, just like that.
She has to always be ready for the worst.
3. You have work around his time
When he calls her, by God you better be ready, and if he says jump, you better ask how high.
You have no real power, even though the man has more to lose, you always have to live by his rules.
You have to take what you can get and that’s it. You cannot be greedy and ask for more or your lover will be livid.
5. Get ready for the hate
Everyone hates the other woman.Irrespective of the circumstances surrounding the affair, the mistress is to blame.
But what about the wayward man, isn’t he just as guilty?
As a mistress, you must be ready to bear the judgment and scorn all by yourself because apparently, the philanderer is never in the wrong.
6. She has to be nice, be a good listener and the perfect sanctuary for her lover
As a mistress, you aren’t entitled to anger nor exhaustion. You always have to be pleasant. The bottom line, you comes second, you are never the priority. Sad right?
7 Traits of highly successful mistresses
Well, there seems to be a particular breed if I may put it that way who appears to be successful in the mistress world.
These vixens are highly sought after and always avoid unnecessary entanglements and heartbreaks. They have some traits in common.
If you would like to know what these traits are, be my guest.
1. She takes what she can get
She knows where to draw the line and she might tread the boundary however she never crosses it.
Wayward men have a thing for women who realize limits and respect them. Many ladies are way too irrational to even notice.
When the mistress is content or at least fakes being content, it takes pressure from the man.
Normally affairs are cut short when one of the partners wants more.Rarely it is a man. So if the lady isn’t either then that relationship is going to last.
2. She is never pushing the man to leave his wife
Men will always be men and while they might like fraternizing with the side candies they seldom leave their wives.
A successful mistress understands this and never would she ever push her lover to leave his wife because she knows it is an impossibility.
3. She is always warm and attentive
Nice is her first name, Attentive her last. She embodies these qualities so that every man that comes near her is lured in.
She is exactly what every man would ever ask for in a mistress.Pleasant and peaceful.
4. She doesn’t take the hatred to heart
Every mistress is no stranger to scorn, ridicule, and hatred. The successful ones though know that taking all this negative energy to hurt will only do more damage.
It’s a lot better to either ignore or pay a deaf ear or even both.
5. She moves with the flow
Being a mistress means being able to cope with highly varying situations.
She never knows what she is getting and so she is always ready for anything. And that is a very handy character in this industry.
6. She keeps her feelings check
If you haven’t already guessed emotions and being a mistress do not mix.
She can’t like the man and somehow manage to play the fun and detached mistress all at once.
Love just won’t let her.
7. She knows her place
Being the mistress can be confusing because to some extent she does wifely things like warming his bed but she isn’t the wife.
But that’s just it. She isn’t the wife and as such, she can’t be demanding for wifey benefits.
A successful mistress knows that and more so how to use her position to get what she can get.
At the end of the day, a mistress will always be harshly judged regardless of anything.
Mama Nkima is a marriage counselor and relationship expert who has dedicated her life to helping couples build strong, healthy relationships. She has academic degrees in Education and Psychology. She has over 40 years of experience helping couples and individuals work through their relationship issues.
She draws on her own experiences as a spiritual guide but also from years of research to offer readers practical, actionable advice.
Often care from married men to mistresses is just an act. But Much as it is an act, It is not rocket science to determine if a married man cares for you or not.Unless he won an Oscar in acting.Catching him in his own act is as simple as following some of the suggested signs in this writing. In this writing, Mama Nkima reveals to you subtle signs on how to tell if someone likes you but is hiding it.
It can be difficult to determine whether or not he cares for you. You may wonder, “Is he just using me for sex? Or is he really interested in me?” It can be tough to tell, but there are actually quite a few signs that a married man cares for you. In this blog post, we will discuss 40 of the most common signs that a married man is into you. Read on to learn more!
A video about signs of a married man who cares for you.
A married man cares for you if he takes you to meet his family. He thinks of you as a team player and he uses words such as “We”. He enjoys the company of your friends. He’s not afraid to engage in a battle for you if necessary.
1. He shows you to his family
Man with girlfriend at family gathering
Marriage is about showing friends and family a person you chose to be your significant other for the rest of your life. A married man shows you to his family is a sign that:
He is not happy in his current marital relationship.
It’s about time, He plans to officially end his marriage.
He has had conversation about all the difficulties in his marriage with his family even before he introduced you to them.
Your man most definitely plans to replace you with her.
He is committing to you and is assuring you it’s not about anything else other than seriously caring for you as his soon to be wife.
So another good sign he cares for you is when he takes you to meet his family.
2. He Uses “We” Referring to you and him in your Conversations
Only a man who truly cares about you would think of you as a team player.
If he sees you as a team player, In his conversations about your relationship, He would often use the word “We”. He sees you as a team member and he makes it a point to show you how he feels about your presence in his life.
3. He leaves his wife for you
The most ardent way for a married man to prove his love for you – is to leave his wife for you.
We can talk about all these other signs and reasons to determine if he cares about you and your feelings, but unless he leaves her for you – chances are he won’t leave her for you.
Never the less, He is madly in love with you if he makes you his wife and still does everything for you.
A married man cares for you if he divorces his wife to be with you without forcing him to divorce her.Obviously, this is easier said than done, and it could end up being a costly and dangerous endeavor. But if he can some how get the courage to do it, hopefully you can finally be rest assured this married man likes you more than just a friend.
4. Your family and friends love him
Your family and friends know you very well. They know your strength as well as your weakness.
For people who know you well, it’s easy for them to identify qualities in a man that well compliments your strength and weaknesses.
When the family and friends that know you very well believe that you two are right for each other, it just assures he is more than just a married boyfriend.Whatever attribute they picked from his behavior, is for keeps.
You know a married man is serious about you if your family and friends believe you two complement each other well and they love him.
5. He Meets with your friends or family
little girl visits granny with man
You know a married man cares for you if enjoy the company of your friends. A sign that he is interested in you as a whole and considering a future with you.
If you are in love with a married co-worker or any married man for that matter for quite some time and declines to be out in mixed company with you. It is worrisome.
As worrisome, as it is when a man you love declines to meet with your relatives or friends.
It is a sign that man is not serious with you and he does not care for you. He is playing with you.
He is waiting for when you are tired of waiting so he can grab another woman to fiddle with.
Unfortunately, many men seem to feel it is perfectly ok to play with a woman and throw her away.
6. He gets protective when he thinks someone hurt you
A man who is serious about you will do anything for you. He would avoid a fight when possible, but he’s not afraid to engage in a battle for you if necessary.
A married man cares for you if he does things that make you feel safe when you are in and out of his presence.
Things such as:
Protecting your heart.
When he commits, he keeps it.
He calls when he says he’s going to call
Keeping boundaries when he talks to other women.
He lets no pride keep him from apologizing when he makes a mistake
You know he is serious about you when he makes you feel, he knows the value of your heart.
If he cares about you, he’ll do anything to protect you and make you feel secure.
This is one of the clearest signs that a married man genuinely cares about you.
7. He is Patient with you
He is Patient with you
Not all men can handle women’s emotions. Only a married man that cares for you would understand and be patient to your specifics.
Don’t let him go if he understands you and shows signs of patience with you.
Married men are good at acting patience, but most of them would stay a bit and aim to get what he wants from then he flees.
Only a married man who cares enough will be willing to wait on you. To him its not just about sex with you.
Another sign a married man cares for you is if he uses words that include you in his plans.Words such as:
Let’s plan for this.
We can do it together
Let’s go on this trip together
The fact that he’s open and forthright regarding his desire to initiate long-term plans with you is an indicator of just how serious he is
A partner who loves you and wants a life with you will be happy to start to plan for it.
9. He is happy for your achievements
He is happy for your achievements
A man who does not care about you – does not care about what you do. As a result, its common behavior for a man who does not care about you to not notice when something good comes your way.
Being friends with a married man who cares about you, should in part mean he sees you. But also he should be a man that sees your achievements and be happy as well as excited for you.
Such a man is for keeps.Because he is unlike some other men who would feel jealous of a woman’s achievements over them.
10. He compliments you out of the blue
Sincere well placed compliments from someone you care about (your married boyfriend) show that he values your traits. A person who shows you that he values your traits is a sign of care.
If your significant other notices your traits and compliments them where necessary. This shows he is interested in you, he keeps an eye on you and everything that you do.
Compliments reinforce the idea that your partner loves what you do and you are a great match for each other quite well.
A Compliment provide valuable and positive feedback to your partner.
Sincere compliments can also be used as a tool to determine what aspect of your life is your partner more interested in.
Is it:
Your personality?
Does he compliment Humor more?
Is it your Intelligence?
He compliments your competence in holding a relationship.
If your married lover only compliments your appearance, it indicates that he or she places an overly high value on physical characteristics.
While it can certainly be flattering to know your partner finds you physically attractive, if that’s all he focuses on, it also could be a red flag indicating he is not really into you. Look out for signs he will leave his wife for you.
11 He remembers the little things.
He remembers the little things.
Tell him a joke about your life as a teenager, Will he remember every detail about it after a while?
Go for a cup of coffee, will he remember your preferences next time you go for a cup of coffee?
Is he doing his best to be your best next of keen?
If you answered yes to the questions above, then that man is for keeps.
Mama Nkima says It takes a person who is serious about you to want to know everything there is to know about you.
12. He loves talking to you
Another sign a married man likes you more than a friend is when he enjoys your company and finds you amusing.
A person enjoys talking to you if he like your personality and finds you interesting, fun, and comfortable to be around.
Mama Nkima says a married man cares for you if he thoroughly enjoys formally exchanging ideas via spoken or written words with you.
13. He’s attentive to all your needs.
A guy who cares about your pleasure is definitely for keeps. Only a sincere married man will truly prioritize your needs. We all need honest men.
Yes, even if he is married and still hits on you – it’s a mutual endeavor so – he still needs to care about your feelings.
As long as from there on he is honest about everything it means he truly cares about you.
He is serious about you if he does not play mind games. It means he is scared to hurt your feelings.
Does this describe your man?consider your self lucky, he cares for you.
14. He either shares details about his married life
Countless men in this world secretly suffer bullying and abuse by their wives. They are not happy, satisfied, fulfilled.
For a man to confess to anyone that he’s being bullied or abused in marriage requires an enormous amount of vulnerability.
Many will suffer in privacy without anyone to confide into. It takes more than a physical connection for a man to finally share there emotional, and physical abuse they suffer in there marriages.
If you find your self at the receiving side of complex emotions such as pain, shame, and isolation endured by a married man from his wife, its a sign that man confides in you.
Mama Nkima says Men find it hard to talk about conversations that reveal the theft of there manhood.
A married man confiding details of abuse in his marriage to you is a sign that his marriage is out of control and most of the time, it can not be saved and he is in the process of deciding whats next.
15. He goes out of his way to help you
A married man truly cares for you if he goes out of his ways to make you comfortable.
He is serious about you if your happiness is more important to him that his and puts your interests first. Men are natural-born providers. That’s how they are wired.
So you know your married friend cares about you if he makes sure he uses his provider instincts to help you achieve whatever it is you are trying to achieve.
Mama Nkima says – This becomes even more apparent at workplaces.
Does my coworker like me?
Well Does he always go out of his way to help you with your assignments?
Does he only do it for you but not other coworkers?
Be careful – that married man might be truly falling in love with you.
16. He tries to highlight the similarities between the two of you
Similar to complimenting you, Its a sign a married man likes you more than just a friend if he tries so hard to point out things you have in common.
Relationships are more about compatibility. The more you have in common, the more valuable you become to him.
You only know about such value if he makes a point in making you aware of it.
Mama Nkima says Be very cautious of face value similarities though. Make sure when he does say, its sincere and not just another hoax to drop your pants.
17. He wants to see you happy.
A married man who truly cares about you will not let anything upset you.
He makes it his duty to learn what you like and dislike. He will make sure he puts in all the necessary effort to make you smile and feel happy.
Another subtle sign he’s falling for you. You know he cares for you if he does all the above without any sign of possessiveness.
18. He takes out time especially for you
Mistresses are known to be lonely on important days such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and many more family days as there married lovers chose to spend those days with their families.
Does your married boyfriend make time to be with you on those special days and not his wife? If yes then that man is madly in love with you.
If there is one thing that gives a married man in multiple relationships a hard time to do – it is creating time for his mistress.
For married men, time is well calculated, known, and shared amongst his family.
It’s the norm all his time should be about his family and not you. a married man cares for you if he chooses to be with you in times in which he should have been with his family.
If you are in love with a married co-worker who outside of working time, still has time to be with you or even spend nights with you without lying to everyone – It’s a sign you are not just being friends with a married man. That man seriously cares for you.
19. He asks you for your Advice
If there is one best way to show that a married man cares about you, it is listening and paying attention.
Look out for a sign in him about possessing the ability to listen and values your opinions.
Men tend to wait for their turn to speak. It is hard to find a man who actively listens to what a woman has to say.
If your married man is a kind that waits for his turn to talk, and never values your pieces of advice – This man does not care for you.
He is obsessed with you if he shows you the importance of communication by caring about your stuff – not only his stuff.
Mama Nkima says – A married man is seriously falling in love with you if whenever you share to him what you are going through, he pays attention and does things to make you feel better.
He gives top priority to your opinions
20. He stays in touch with you regularly
Not just because he wants sex, romance, fun, pleasure or entertainment from you, A married man who keeps his tabs no you regularly even in the time that he should spend with his family, is a sign of a man that is jealous of leaving you, but also a sign that this married man wants you.
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Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Overly attentive to how you look
When a married man is attracted to you, he will be overly attentive to how you look. He will want to make sure that you are always looking your best, and he may even go out of his way to compliment your appearance. If he truly cares for you, he will want you to look your best at all times. This is just one of the many ways that a married man will show his interest in you. He complements your looks, even if you don’t think they are that great. He notices changes in your appearance and lets you know that he likes them. If a married man goes out of his way to make sure you look good, it’s a sign that he cares for you deeply.
22. Body language
When it comes to body language, married men who care for you will subconsciously mirror your movements. If you cross your arms, he will cross his arms. If you tilt your head, he will tilt his head. If you smile, he will smile. This is because married men who care for you want to be in sync with you as much as possible. They want to show that they are emotionally connected to you and that they understand what you are feeling. By mirroring your body language, a married man is trying to let you know that he is emotionally invested in your relationship.
23.Knows your quirky habits
If a married man knows your quirks and habits, it’s a sign that he cares for you deeply. He has probably taken the time to get to know you on a deeper level, and he understands your personality inside and out. When a married man talks to you, he is interested in getting to know you better and learning more about your life. He wants to form a connection with you, and he knows that knowing your quirks is a key part of building that connection. If a married man pays close attention to your quirks and habits, it’s because he cares for you and wants to make sure that he understands you as best as possible.
24.Finds faults in all your dates
When a married man starts to talk to a woman he loves, he will find faults in all of her previous dates. He will want to know why she chose those men, and he will try to convince her that she is better than all of them. He will make her feel like she is the only woman who matters, and he will make her feel special and important. He will talk about how much he cares for her, and he will tell her that she is the only one for him. If a married man starts talking to you about your previous dates, it’s a sign that he cares for you and wants to make sure that you are with him.
25.Avoids talking about his spouse
When a married man starts to talk to a woman he loves, he will avoid talking about his spouse. He will want to make sure that he doesn’t say anything that could potentially upset her. He will talk about how much he cares for her, and he will tell her that she is the only one for him.However, he will avoid talking about his spouse as much as possible. This is because he doesn’t want to upset the woman he loves and he wants to make sure that she knows that he is fully committed to her. If a married man starts to talk to you about his spouse, it’s a sign that he doesn’t really care for you and that he is only using you as a way to escape his own marriage.
26. He Asks questions about your life
He asks questions about your life, he wants to get to know you on a deeper level. He knows that the more he knows about you, the more he can connect with you. He also knows that getting to know you will make it easier for him to convince you to be with him. If a married man starts asking questions about your life, it’s a sign that he cares for you and wants to get to know you better. He asks questions such as “What are your hobbies?” “What kind of music do you like?” “What are your favorite movies?” So if you notice that a married man is starting to ask you more personal questions, it’s because he cares for you and wants to get to know you better.
27. He shares his emotions and secrets
When a married man starts to talk to a woman he loves, he will open up and share his emotions and secrets with her. He will tell her about his marriage, and he will talk about how much he cares for her. He will also share his fears and insecurities with her, and he will allow her to see the vulnerable side of him. This is because a married man who loves you will want to build a strong emotional connection with you. He wants you to understand him on a deeper level, and he wants you to know that he can trust you with his most intimate secrets. If a married man starts talking to you about his emotions and secrets, it’s a sign that he cares for you deeply and that he trusts you implicitly.
28. He Cares about your future plans
Thinking about the future
When a married man starts to talk to a woman he loves, he will care about her future plans. He will want to make sure that she is happy and that she is going to be okay. He will talk to her about her future plans, and he will make sure that she knows that he is there for her. If a married man starts talking to you about your future plans, it’s a sign that he cares for you and wants to make sure that you are going to be okay. he wants you more than anything.
29. You feel awkward around him
You know a married man cares about you if It feels thrilling when you are around him. The feeling is mutual. You feel happy, content, and complete when you are with him but as soon as he leaves, an emptiness sets in. It feels like a physical pain when he’s not around and you can’t get him out of your head.
You know something isn’t right but you can’t help how you feel. If you find yourself constantly thinking about a married man, then its a sign he has given you enough reasons through his care to make you comfortable around him.
It feels thrilling to be the other woman in a relationship with a married man.There is the excitement of knowing that you are doing something that is taboo and that you are getting away with it.There is also the thrill of taking him away from his family and knowing that he is choosing you over them.However, it is important to remember that a relationship with a married man is not going to be healthy or happy. In fact, it is likely to be filled with drama and heartache. So if you are in a relationship with a married man, it is important to ask yourself if it is really worth it.
30. He tries to highlight the similarities between the two of you
A married man who cares for you will try to highlight the similarities between the two of you. He will want you to feel like you are similar in some ways, and he will try to encourage you to connect with him. He may also try to make you feel like you are special and that he is only with his wife because he is not able to be with you. If a married man starts trying to highlight the similarities between the two of you, it’s a sign that he cares for you and wants to build a stronger connection with you.
31. He gives top priority to your opinions
When a married man starts to talk to a woman he loves, he will care about her opinions. He will want her to feel like she is important and that her thoughts matter. He will talk to her about the things that are important to her, and he will make sure that she knows that he values her opinion. If a married man starts talking to you about the things that are important to you, it’s a sign that he cares for you and wants to build a stronger connection with you.
32. He always behaves perfectly when he is around you
When a married man wants to show care to a woman he loves, he will always behave perfectly. He will make sure that he is respectful and that he doesn’t do anything that could potentially hurt her. He will be careful to avoid getting too close to her, and he will make sure that he doesn’t do anything that could make her feel uncomfortable. If a married man starts behaving perfectly around you, it’s a sign that he cares for you and wants to make sure that you are happy and safe.
33. He always asks about your day
A married man who cares for you will always ask about your day. He will want to know what you have been up to, and he will be interested in hearing about the things that are important to you. He will want to make sure that you are happy and that you are doing well. If a married man starts asking about your day, it’s a sign that he cares for you and wants to make sure that you are doing well.
34. He gets interested in your work
When a married man starts talking to a woman he loves, he will be interested in her work. He will want to know what she does and how she does it. He will be impressed by her skills and abilities, and he will want to learn more about her. If a married man starts asking about your work, it’s a sign that he cares for you and wants to make sure that you are doing well.
35. He always tries to make you laugh
A married man who cares for you will always try to make you laugh. He will want to see you smile, and he will do whatever he can to put a smile on your face. He will want you to be happy, and he will do everything he can to make sure that you are. If a married man starts trying to make you laugh, it’s a sign that he cares for you and wants to see you happy.
36. His behavior changes around you
Behavior Changes
A woman who is in love with a married man can tell if he cares for her by his behavior around her.
If he is more attentive and seems to want to be around her more, then it is likely that he cares for her.
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Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Additionally, if he is less attentive or withdraws from her, this may also be a sign that he cares for her.
Ultimately, the best way to know for sure is to talk to him directly and ask him how he feels about you. If he is honest and tells you that he loves you, then there is a good chance that he truly cares for you.
However, if he avoids the question or seems distant, it may be best to move on.Either way, it is important to remember that you deserve someone who can give you their full attention and love. Do not settle for
37. He always tries to brighten your day
If a married man cares for you, he will always try to brighten your day. He may do this by sending you a text message or calling you to check in on how you are doing.Additionally, he may try to make you laugh or put a smile on your face. By doing this, he is letting you know that he is thinking about you and wants to make sure that you are happy. This is a sign that he truly cares for you and wants to see you happy.
38. He never disappears without explaining his reason
There are many ways to tell if a married man cares for you. One way is that he never disappears without explaining why. He might also talk to you more than he talks to other women.Another way to tell is if he includes you in his plans. If he talks about future plans that involve you, then he probably cares for you.Finally, if he goes out of his way to help you or make you happy, then he probably cares for you.
39. He pays for your needs
When a married man starts to care for you, he will do whatever it takes to make you happy. This includes paying for your needs, whether it’s taking you out to eat or buying you gifts. If he’s truly interested in you, he’ll go above and beyond to make sure you’re comfortable and taken care of.
if your married boyfriend is constantly trying to make you happy, it’s a good sign that he cares for you deeply.
40. He opens up to you
When a married man starts to care for you, he will do whatever it takes to make you happy. This may include opening up to you and talking about his feelings. He may also talk to you more than he talks to other women. By doing this, he is letting you know that he is thinking about you and wants to build a relationship with you. This is a sign that he truly cares for you and wants to have a future with you.
41. He has told you he cares for you
It can be hard to tell if a married man cares for you.However, there are a few signs that can give you a clue. If he has told you he cares for you, that’s a good sign. He may also express his feelings to you in other ways, such as through gestures or actions. If he goes out of his way to make sure you’re happy and comfortable, that’s another indication that he cares for you. If he’s always willing to help you out and support you, that’s another sign.Overall, if the man you’re interested in is kind, caring, and supportive, it’s likely that he cares for you.
42. He makes jokes about liking you
When a married man starts to care for you, he may do things like make jokes about liking you talking to another woman. By doing this, he is trying to show that he is comfortable with you and trusts you. He may also be trying to let you know that he is thinking about you and wants to keep you safe. If he cares for you, he will want to make sure that you are happy and comfortable in your relationship.
43. He’s finding excuses to touch you all the time
He’s always finding excuses to touch you, whether it’s putting his arm around you or taking your hand. He may also try to kiss you or hug you. By doing this, he is trying to let you know that he cares for you and wants to be close to you. If he’s in love with a married man, he may be trying to find ways to touch you without getting caught. If he’s always touching you, it’s a sign that he cares for you and wants to be close to you.
44. He’s using “alpha” body language
When a married man is talking to a woman who is in love with him, he will use alpha body language. This includes leaning in towards her, making eye contact, and using strong gestures. He will also try to make her feel special and important, by paying attention to her and listening carefully to what she has to say. By using these tactics, the married man can make the woman feel like she is the only one in the world who matters to him.
If you’re wondering whether or not a married man cares for you, there are some signs you can look out for. But why would a married man care about another woman when he is already married?Below i will talk about some ideas that i have gathered as experience from my practice.
Why do married men care for other women?
When a married man starts to care for another woman, there are typically a few reasons why. He may be going through a difficult time in his own marriage and be looking for someone to talk to. He may also be attracted to the woman and want to have an affair with her. Or, he may simply be looking for a friend who he can trust and confide in.
No matter what the reason is, there is no doubt that a married man who cares for another woman can make her feel special and important. By paying attention to her, listening carefully to what she has to say, and making strong gestures, he can make her feel like she is the only one in the world who matters to him. This can be incredibly flattering for the woman involved.
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Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
While it is important to remember that a married man is still committed to his wife, if he is truly interested in the other woman, she may be able to have a place in his life.
What to do when in love with a married man
If you are in love with a married man, it can be difficult to know what to do. You may feel like you are stuck in a hopeless situation, but there are things you can do to improve your situation.
First, it is important to understand why the man you love is married.There could be any number of reasons, but it is likely that he is still committed to his wife. This means that you will need to be patient and understanding if you want to have a future with him.
You also need to be honest with yourself about how this relationship is affecting your life. Are you neglecting your own needs in order to spend time with him? Are you putting yourself in dangerous situations in order to see him? If so, it is time to re-evaluate your priorities.
It is also important to talk openly and honestly with the man you love. Let him know how you feel and discuss your plans for the future. If he is not willing to commit to leaving his wife, then it is time to end the relationship.
Be strong and remember that there are other people out there who will love and appreciate you for who you are.
Be sure that the married man you are cheating with has feelings for you or else you might consider moving on with your life.
How to know if a married man has feelings for you?
If you’re in love with a married man, it can be difficult to know whether or not he has feelings for you. You may feel like you’re being led on, but there are some ways to tell if he’s truly interested in you.
The first thing to look for is whether or not the man is willing to spend time with you. If he’s always busy or always makes excuses not to see you, then it’s likely that he’s not that interested. On the other hand, if he’s always making time for you and goes out of his way to see you, then that’s a good sign.
Another thing to look for is whether or not the man is attentive to your needs. Does he listen carefully when you talk? Does he make strong gestures, like compliments or flowers? If he does, then it’s likely that he cares for you deeply.
Lastly, consider the man’s relationship with his wife. If he’s still committed to her and doesn’t want to leave her, then it’s unlikely that he’ll leave her for you.However, if he expresses interest in leaving his wife for you, then that’s a good sign.
If you’re looking for signs that a married man has feelings for you, these are some of the things to look out for. Be patient and understanding as you explore your relationship with him. And most importantly, be honest with yourself about what this relationship is doing to your life.
How do you test a married man if he loves you?
cunning woman
Testing a married man’s love is tricky. You want to believe he cares for you, but sometimes it’s hard to tell if a married man is just being friendly or if he’s secretly in love with you. If you’re wondering how to tell if a married man loves you, here is how
See how he treats you when you’re not around.
To test if a married man loves you, see how he treats you when you’re not around.
If he’s truly interested, he’ll want to see you happy even when you’re not together.
He’ll also go out of his way to make sure you’re comfortable and safe.
Test him with a pregnancy scare
Test him with a pregnancy scare to see how he would react.
You could tell him that you are pregnant and see if he tries to talk you out of it or if he is supportive. This will help you gauge his feelings for you.
Talk about your relationship
You could potentially talk about your relationship with him and see how he reacts. If he’s open and honest with you about his feelings, then that’s a good sign. If he’s not willing to leave his wife for you, then it may be time to end the relationship. If he is not interested in being with you, then it is probably best to move on.
How do you tell if a married man wants to sleep with you?
When it comes to a married man, it can be tough to tell if he’s interested in you sexually or not.Sometimes, it seems like they’re just being nice and trying to be friends.Other times, it seems pretty clear that they’re trying to make a move.
If you’re trying to figure out if a married man wants to sleep with you, there are a few things you can look for. Here are some tips:
1. Pay attention to his body language. If he’s always standing or sitting close to you, or if he’s touching you often, that’s a good sign that he’s interested in you sexually.
2.Watch for signs of jealousy. If he gets mad when you talk to other men, or if he constantly accuses you of cheating, that’s a sign that he’s worried about losing you.
3.Notice how he talks about his wife. If he talks about her with respect and admiration, then it’s likely that he’s still in love with her. If he talks about her with contempt or dismissiveness, then it’s probably safe to assume that he’s not very happy in his marriage.
4. Look at how often he contacts you. If he’s always texting or calling you, or if he makes a point of seeing you whenever he can, that’s another good sign that he’s interested in you sexually.
5. Pay attention to what he says when he talks about sex. If he makes references to sleeping with you or being intimate with you, then it’s likely that he’s thinking about sex more than just as a friendly gesture.
It means that he is busy and occupied by his wife. When someone is married, their spouse becomes their top priority.
They will make more of an effort to spend time with them and communicate with them than they would with someone they are casually dating or seeing.
If you’re not his top priority, and he still wants to keep you around, it means he enjoys your company but doesn’t want anything more than that. Then he’s not worth your time. Move on. Or Force him to leave her for you if you wish to go that route.
If you’re trying to figure out if a married man is interested in you, there are certain signs you can look for. If he’s kind and attentive, makes time for you, and seems genuinely happy when he’s around you, then it’s likely that he cares for you and may want something more than just friendship. Of course, there are no guarantees, but these are definitely positive indicators. If you’re not sure what to do next, we recommend talking to him honestly about how you feel and seeing where things go from there. Good luck!
43 Signs a married man cares for you
He shows you to his family
He leaves his wife for you
Your family and friends love him
He Meets with your friends or family
He gets protective when he thinks someone hurt you
He is Patient with you
He includes you in his plans
He is happy for your achievements
He compliments you out of the blue
He remembers the little things.
He loves talking to you
He’s attentive to all your needs.
He either shares details about his married life
He goes out of his way to help you
He tries to highlight the similarities between the two of you
He wants to see you happy.
He takes out time especially for you
He asks you for your Advice
He stays in touch with you regularly
Overly attentive to how you look
Body language
Knows your quirky habits
Finds faults in all your dates
Avoids talking about his spouse
Asks questions about your life
He shares his emotions and secrets
Cares about your future plans
You feel awkward around him
He tries to highlight the similarities between the two of you
Mama Nkima is a marriage counselor and relationship expert who has dedicated her life to helping couples build strong, healthy relationships. She has academic degrees in Education and Psychology. She has over 40 years of experience helping couples and individuals work through their relationship issues.
She draws on her own experiences as a spiritual guide but also from years of research to offer readers practical, actionable advice.
How to make a married man want you sexually?There is no place worse to be than when you always have the company of this gorgeous married man whose voice in itself turns you on.
The downside here come in that you are lacking on how to make a married man want you sexually.Seduction is an art that needs the mastery of men, of which understanding men is simple and even turning them on is simpler.
Good thing is that there are some things that are common across all men, even for married men and you only need to play around in order to make him crave for you. Here are a few tips how to make a married man want you.
Plant the thought of your kinky sweetness, and he would not stop texting you asking you for some naughty.
1. The first sexual experience.
Your first sexual experience will mean a lot for the both you.Since he is a married man he doesn’t want the normal boring sex.Bring you’re game to the table, something extraordinary, don’t just lie there like a robot and let him do all the work.
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Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Marriage has already done enough to him and in some way taken the fun out of sex.
Role play if that is what gets him, give him a foreplay that will bring him right back to you, kiss the life out of him.Ensnare him this way and he himself will bring himself to your bed next time. Isn’t that sucess?
You would have succeeded in how to get a married man to want you.
Plant the thought of your kinky sweetness, and he would not stop texting you asking you for some naughty.
Looks say a lot. In marriage most of the times it is all about the normal boring daily dress codes, and nothing sexy. If you really need to know how to make a married man want you sexually then dress to impress him.
Leave him no space in his mind to think about his wife’s boring life. Make him leave her for you every day.
Every morning when you know you are going to meet him ask yourself if what you choose will make him want you. Gets clothes that hug your body tight, those that flaunt your curves. Most men are driven crazy by some decent dressing, just use those curves and edges in the process and he will be aroused.
First understand your body so that you don’t end up with a wardrobe malfunction.
3. Use some skin as bait.
When you are dressing, consider using skin to enchant him.Dress decently but at the same time show him a little bit of skin.
For instance do not wear a mini skirt or an extra-long skirt instead wear one that is just above the knee, and leave the rest to his imagination.
The same also applies to some cleavage, but don’t overdo it and be a scene, be decent.Choose a cleavage that he only will notice when you lean over to stand. Your body is an important seduction tool that will be turning point in how to make a married man want you.
Dress this way a few times and in no time he will be making advances on you.
4. Use colognes and perfumes.
Another tact you may have been neglecting in how to make a married man want you more than his wife is use of fragrance. The sense of smell can be used to really turn him on and even think of you when you are not around.
If possible apply perfume to places you will be sure he will be close to like your neck and wrist that next when he hugs you he gets carried away. In addition you can use fabric fragrances to smell good. The type of perfume you use will always be associated with you and even when he is with his wife and someone with a similar perfume passes along, he would not help but think of you.
5. Play hard to get
Be a classy person, don’t let him in your bed the first time he is over at your place, this shows you are cheap.
In how to get married man want you sexually, playing hard to get will make him even want you more, a challenge he will want to win.
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Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
While doing this, you should tease him and show him that you can have me but not that easy ensuring that you do not frustrate him so much.
Let him put up a little bit of a hustle, let him work his way through your barriers and when he finally gets you to bed, there will be that joy that comes along having achieved something.
Such ego boosts will make him want you sexually more as this will be a thrilling experience for him unlike in his marriage where hardly gets this excitement.
It will be like a game for him, you may even be surprised at the extents he might even be willing to go to get you to bed.
The era of technology and messaging services has made things easier which you can use to not only keep in contact with him but also how to get a married man to want you.First of all you need to know his schedules as this will give you an edge on the perfect time of texting. In your texts flirt with him, give him an idea and let it play out in his head.
You can even send him some sexy pictures of you coupled with some naughty texts, consider that most married men don’t get this, be unique.
Sexting will fuel the sexual drive in him and desire for you, next time you too meet he will really want to get you to bed.
In my article How to Flirt with A Married Man i went over a lot of the ins and outs of flirting with a married man that i think you should checkout to get a hung of how do the flirting part effectively.
7. Use your body language to tell him what you don’t have the courage to say.
You may have been asking, how do I tell him I want him sexually? Well the answer to that is you let what you cannot say be expressed by your body language.
While talking to him, pay attention to him, look him straight in the eyes like you are looking at his soul, lean slightly forward when you are conversing.
Make him feel like you are invading his personal space and that you would not mind if he does the same. You need to understand that how to make a married man want you more than his wife involves finding a voice to what you cannot say. Yes he already loves you, give him the hints that it is time to go an extra level.
Most important is that you should show him you enjoy his company by laughing and smiling more, but don’t fake it. Such body languages give him the courage and the turn on you require on how to make a married man want you sexually.
8. Have a sexy attitude
Your personality says a lot about you, the way you react and the way you converse can sell you out or make him want you even more. You should be confident in the way you do your things like the way you walk even or even the way you talk. Men get attracted to a sexy personality one that will want them to better.
If he sees that you are confident and you are rhyming, he will be comfortable around you, and that is the first step in how to make a married man want you sexually.
9. The topics of discussions
All along you have been searching on how make your married lover want you more yet you keep on having small talks with him. If you were to ask him a question make it personal towards more personal and intimate topics.
You should be able also to use this chance to disclose information about your intimacy and if he smart he will interpret such signs. Do this all along while keeping eye contact, don’t be shy.
10. Use of hands.
Tactical use of your hand can make take him from zero to a hundred in a matter of seconds.Everyone has a weak point and it is your job to know where it is for your married lover, use this and turn him on.
Apart from exploiting his weak points, a touch of hand and a gentle rub on shoulder while comforting him will also do the trick of how to make a married man want you sexually.
Intimacy is all about being physical, and this is where it starts in how to make your married lover want you more.
11.Create favorable environments for just the two of you
The one thing that will attest to whether or not your tactics on how to make a married man want you sexually are working is when the two of you meet up, all alone.
You may have been used to seeing him in the company of his friends or with colleagues.Isolate him by offering him company over a meal or a task, in order for you to seduce him and also get a progress report.
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Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Isolating him will be a signal to him that you are available and need time off.
12. Be a kindred spirit for him
Marriages can be exhausting, so try to be always be full of life and positive energy, this is what it means to be a kindred spirit.
Make him feel a deeper psychic connection. Talk about positive topics, do less of complaining, appreciate his efforts, and comfort him.
Do not be strangers to each other.After sex find a way to cuddle and just talk. Once he has this connection, he will want this to be stronger, there is where he will want your company and sexual expeditions.
These are just some of the methods you can use in how to make married man want you.
Important to know is that there is no one way that works best.. Don’t stick to one method but rather combine them for more effectiveness and understand your man and find what works to get him sexually attracted to you.
Mama Nkima is a marriage counselor and relationship expert who has dedicated her life to helping couples build strong, healthy relationships. She has academic degrees in Education and Psychology. She has over 40 years of experience helping couples and individuals work through their relationship issues.
She draws on her own experiences as a spiritual guide but also from years of research to offer readers practical, actionable advice.
How to get a married man to leave his wife? Want to know how to make a married man fall madly in love with you. Then you want to know how to get a married man leave to leave his wife.
In most cases the first part is easier, the second part is the real task.Before you know how to make a married man leave his wife you need first to be self-conscious. What do I mean by this?Understand yourself, what you are in for in the relationship, is it just the sex? Is it the emotional company? Is it because you are desperate?
Knowing this will avoid any later regrets.Understand that
it is not you that will make him leave, but his own free will. You will be only a factor that will lead to
this, so how you behave will determine how to get a married man leave his wife
for you.
Make Him Leave His Wife For You
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Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Today we are going to go through on how to tell if a married man will
leave his wife.
1. Get the facts right
How to get a married man to leave his wife
He always complains about his marriage being a bore and how his wife doesn’t satisfy him. But is he telling the truth? This is a question you need to ask yourself and be willing to look hard for the facts. Most men out there are not out of their marriages because of unhealthy relationship, some are on sexual conquests. If he does really have trouble in the marriage, you will see and if not you should be able to see through his lies. The correct information is important as it will give you which signal on how to get married man to leave his wife and give you a compass.
2. Make him miss you
Secret to how to make a married man fall madly in love with you is not to be always available. You must be asking how this will help yet the all point is how to make a married man leave his wife for you. Well, self-value is something you should not loose and this involves getting the true purpose of being him being with you.Apart from getting kinky in bed, does he really want you.Making him miss you will make him crazy for you. If he really longs to be with you he will make way, even if it involves leaving his wife. Make him want to be with you.
3. Give him the freedom of choice
As much you are really longing to have him all for yourself, do not pester him about leaving his wife. You may want to tell him all the time that he should leave his wife and be with you but understand marriage is a delicate thing.Divorces are a complicated affair as there is reputation to keep, kids, legal and financial consequences. In how to make a married man to leave his wife, most battles are mental, and part of this is to give him his freedom. Just make a polite mention, but do not pester him.
4. Loyalty has a price.
Once you have mastered how to make a married man fall madly in love with you, do not have a marriage in your head with him. Let him also see you that you can be taken by others and if he asks about this, tell him all he got to do is leave his wife if wants you all to himself. You will be surprised at how jealous guys are and if he really wants you all to himself then he has no choice but to leave his wife. As a woman also you should be wise not to invest all of yourself in a married man who is just in love with you but still with his wife. If he realizes that he has earned your loyalty without leaving his wife, he may use this to his advantage and exploit and the process of how to make married man leave his wife will have been botched.
5. Shy away from talks about his marriage.
You have made him a happy person, soon you realize that he starts to tell you about how messed up his marriage is, well use this to your advantage.
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Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Analyze his words and get the facts straight but don’t be a therapist for him. You may give him an advice that will make him leave you for his wife.Clearly that is not what you are in for, the goal is how to convince a married man to leave his wife. Make him realize that you don’t like contributing to such topics that they make you jealous. This will give him an ego boost and make him realize how much you love him. You can even tell him how when he talks about them you get jealous. Also resist the temptation to talk ill about his marriage, do not alter his decisions.
6. Deny him that which most men crave for.
Sex is something that most people cannot get enough of. This might be the reason married men are looking for relationships outside their marriages, they may have been denied the conjugal right or just they do not get enough of it. Once you have given him that cookie jar and grasped how to make a married man fall madly in love with you, it is time to use the sex card. He may always be dying to get you to bed, but tell him if he really wants to have as much as he wants then he may need to earn it by leaving his wife. You should deny him this while at the same time keep him company like before. This you will be surprised will make him obsessed with you. Some women have managed to abstain from sex entirely while being in a relationship with married men promising this only after a divorce and in so doing have prevailed in how to get a married man leave his wife.
7. Do things different that her wife does wrong.
He may have told you of all the ways her wife has fallen short. You should be noting these and how she ought to have acted right. If a chance ever comes up of a similar situation you should choose the correct action, don’t remind him of his wife and make him see no difference. Such keen attentions to details like how much sugar he wants in his cup of tea or how warm he wants his bath are factors that will win a man over. It goes to show him that you care even more than his wife.Factors he will consider, the scorecard on how to get a married man leave his wife.
8. Let your company offer a reprieve.
.Most married men are always burdened with marriage troubles of needy clingy spouses. Let your company lift this burden off his shoulder. You should be independent and be able to support yourself not always asking for help. Once he realizes this, he will realize you have something to bring to the table. When he wants to leave his wife for you, he will want to get to something better, so be better.
9. Patience
This is a virtue if you don’t have, you must develop. Most married men out there are regretting having hastened to marriage, since they were not ready. In fact he may be struggling to weather the storm inside the marriage, so take things slow with him as leaving his wife may be easy, but getting into another marriage with you may be a process.
Give time to establish trust and honesty between you two for this is how to make a married man fall madly in love, but if you really want master how to get a married man to leave his wife, be patient.
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Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Patience in the sense that you do not pester him to leave his wife, you do not over text. Let things be sequential as it is important in how to get a married man to leave his wife for you.
10. Build the relationship on friendship.
Commitment is no joke. If you think marriage is all about sex, then you are wrong. The other main reason why men want to leave marriages despite the great sex they are getting is when they are looking for a soulmate.
Not all the time will you be having sex, you need someone to grow with, something he may be lacking having jumped to marriage for the sex.
If you really want to cognize how to get a married man to leave his wife, behave in manner that he will realize that you are there for more than the sex, show him he has a home in you.
Have interesting conversations, have fun together and even find more interesting ways to grow together. Once he sees the value you are adding to his life, he will start appreciating your company and that is how to convince a married man to leave his wife without having to tell him.
You have made him a happy person, soon you realize that he starts to tell you about how messed up his marriage is, well use this to your advantage.Analyze his words and get the facts straight but don’t be a therapist for him. You may give him an advice that will make him leave you for his wife.Clearly that is not what you are in for, the goal is how to convince a married man to leave his wife. Make him realize that you don’t like contributing to such topics that they make you jealous. This will give him an ego boost and make him realize how much you love him. You can even tell him how when he talks about them you get jealous. Also resist the temptation to talk ill about his marriage, do not alter his decisions.
Mama Nkima is a marriage counselor and relationship expert who has dedicated her life to helping couples build strong, healthy relationships. She has academic degrees in Education and Psychology. She has over 40 years of experience helping couples and individuals work through their relationship issues.
She draws on her own experiences as a spiritual guide but also from years of research to offer readers practical, actionable advice.
let him deal with it – trust me he very soon will make that phone call. Only then it will be the right time to say you are sorry.
In this article I’ll go over eight things you need to avoid when in a breakup.These ideas will help you increase the chances of getting your pattern back to you without killing the little desires left for you in him.
To start off, lets begin with panic.
Panic (why you should avoid it.)
We all know even simple breakups can turn hard to mend.Simply because we are humans.
As humans, we are wired to react with panic against certain life-threatening events.
Breakup is a life-threatening event. It brings out the panic within most of us.
Panic makes us susceptible to a great number of mistakes that reduces chances of mending even a simple breakup.
After a breakup, humans tend to get them selves in a great deal of panic. The problem with panic, it creates a dire need for quick solutions to broken relationship.
I said quick. but quick can and most times does get pretty bad very quickly.
Panic forces you to gather unsought through ideas. The kind of ideas that in most cases reduces your chances to mend your relationship.
I say so because most of the times, its the wrong ideas.
Panic causes you to create ideas such as:
The Desires to recreate our relationship (I call it the dangerous desire to recreate relationship)
Rush into unwanted new relationships
Need lower self worthy
Self pity and begging and many more.
Why do we panic and lose patience whenever it comes to wanting to mend a broken relationship?
We are humans. Our mind is wired to work that way. We are wired to protect items of value to us.
A breakup takes away something of value from us.
Different psychology research shows that in a human mind, constant thoughts are given to the hardships and challanges one expects to face should one loose something of value.
Your lover was something of value to you so its only human that you cant stop thinking about your loss and challenges you are bound to face.
In your state, this is really bad.please let me show how why, but most importantly, what you should avoid.
Mistakes to avoid after a breakup
Let’s dive into some of the mistakes that you should avoid to stand chances of getting your ex back.
1.Avoid pity and begging
Begging and pity never make your lover forget what you did. If anything, Begging and pity just worsens situations.
mama nkima
Remember, You broke up for reasons, what makes you think pity and begging would magically make him forget such reasons?
Unfortunate for you, none of the reasons for your breakup is embedded in the word “forgive me please”.
Let’s understand what causes breakups.
People break up because of little small things done over time that accumulate to cover the part of his mind that loved.
It is important to remember that a person who once loved you, never stops to love you, but develops a layer of hate in their mind, that covers the layer of love he had for you.
Whats most important note is, while he decides to not love you now, Underneath the layer of hate, is a layer of love, its just covered with the layer of hate from your mistakes.
The problem with pity is you force your self on someone without giving them a chance to break down the perceived mistakes from you.
Without giving this person a chance to settle those perceived mistakes, with your pity and begging what do you think you are doing?
You guessed right. You are adding more tiny mistakes to ones already in his head.
More wrongdoings covering the love part of their brains.
Pity and begging become another collection of those small wrongdoings.
When someone breaks up with you they need space to make sense of the goods and the bad that they’ve endured in the relationship.
Back to panic in humans, the impatience in your mind, quickly turns into a machine that forces you to go and bomber this person with pleadings.
You are denying his mind a chance to evaluate the goods and the bad you’ve done in a relationship.
In his mind he wants you to get back with him but the right way.
The right way is not by begging first.Right way is by giving them a chance to decipher the whole breakup situation.
They need to make sense of their breakup decision without interruption from you.
Pleading and begging and using pity is just a way of closing their minds, removing them from their own process of trying to understand the situation.
When you plead and beg, you are forcing him to focus on understanding why you’re pleading.
This is interruption. No one wants to be interrupted. The mind when it’s busy working on a solution it wants to work on a solution.
Pleading calling texting and using pity is one thing that doesn’t go well with a brain that is trying to concentrate.
If there is one major activity that causes a breakup that would quickly have sustain to go west, pleading and using pity.
Why is pleading bad?
Pleading makes you look weak
It makes you look like an insecure person.
To you – It doesn’t really matter how you look like, but does it also not matter how your ex perceives you?
If it matter to your ex that he wants a strong independent you,
Is it really unimportant to you that you express that strength?
Do you see how panic in your brain plays you?
Do you see how panic kills all the chances of getting back with your lover?
So my dear friend you have to start grounds. The reason you broke up is because something didn’t make sense.
Let your partner make sense of the situation.
Let him process it in their own time.
Give him space and time.
Let your ex have space to think and make sense of the whole situation.
Keep your chance to say sorry for when your partner sought to see you. Don’t say sorry many times, That’s called pleading and begging.
Don’t be needy you can leave without him for a few days, lets break leaving without him in the next section.
2.Avoid showing him that you can’t live without him
How to get your ex back Mistakes to Avoid
One of the worst decisions that people in breakup makes, is to become miserable and show their partner that they are miserable without them.
On your minds you are like “if I let him know that I am miserable without him he will change his minds”.
You think if only he knows that you can’t continue your life without him, he will come back?
Listen here.
No one is attracted to miserable person.
Mama Nkima
Never ever let him see the downside of you after break up. Show your partner that you’re even stronger.
Start by understanding the reason why you broke up. Then give him space.
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Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
After giving them space, still, show them that you are strong even after a breakup.
3.Avoid the mistake of showing your partner that you can’t continue your life with them.
Thoughtful girl sitting on sill embracing knees looking at window, sad depressed teenager spending time alone at home, young upset pensive woman feeling lonely or frustrated thinking about problems
Your ex prays you breakdown. When you break up with some, they want to see you broken. so this is not the time please.
When you show your partner you can’t continue life without him. In his eyes, You are becoming as weak as hell.
You are giving him a win.which is not bad, bad think about it. Your ex prays for such breakdown after breakup. Did you really think he was going to be sad because you are sad? Your ex wants you to break loose.
That’s not how your ex thinks.After all he broke up with you.
Hold yourself up together to be strong in front of your partner.
4. Be a person who understands the reasons why you broke up.
In breakup situations, people tend to give less time to reasons why they broke-up.
Its human instincts to focus more effort to mend your differences. This habit has a negative impact.
When you behave this way, again you deny your partner space to process the whole conundrum.
Give your partner all the time he needs to make up things.
The quicker you give them time after breakup, the quicker he will be to evaluate his decision that drove him away from you.
So never ever let your partner see the weak side of you after Break-Up.
5.Avoid agreeing to everything your partner says never let him walk over you
When you break up with your lover, you want them very bad that you willing to sacrifice your self worth.
You get so desperate that your goals and value matters less to you. You let your partner do whatever they want because you strongly feel that if you do let them walk over you and do whatever they want they will eventually come back.
That’s a lie.
You make your ex to respect you even less when you become as desperate as a person who agrees to let her ex walk over her.
How do you think your relationship is going to be after you’ve come back together?
You let your ex make ridiculous demands.Because you thought that will bring him back to you, You agreed to each and every ridiculous demands he made.
Letting your partner walk over you do not get your ex back to you.Letting him walk over you makes your ex even respect you less.
This goes back to the using pity and neediness that we talked about earlier.
How happy do you think you are going to be? Are you really convinced that you are going to be happy in a relationship where your desires, values don’t matter?
Your minds says your values don’t matter as long as he’s back but how long are you going to hold up for this idea?
The moment he comes back, very soon you will realize you deserve respect which if he does not agree and wants to stick to his demands, quickly will take you back to square one; Apart again.
I don’t think this is what you want.
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Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Avoid accepting ridiculous demands from your ex.
Stay bold. Don’t let your ex walk over you in the name of them coming back to you.
Be focused. Stay within the bounds of your values and needs.
Let your ex see you for who you are not for who your mind is forcing you to let him see you as.
This is important because when respect fades away in a relationship so does the relationship itself.Nobody wants to be with someone they don’t respect.
6.Avoid becoming the most loving person for your ex
Avoiding showing so much affection to your partner after a breakup.
Our mind is wired to think that if you break up with your lover, that he will come back to you if you show him so much affection and love.
Showing him that you are the only one in this world that would ever love him the way he must be loved. is a mistake.
“How could he reject me if I showed him so much love and affection?”
See how wrong this is? the fact that you call him your ex, means he’s just not in love with you right now.
Are you forgetting that this is the same person who broke up with you?
Don’t you think he knew how much you loved him before he went up with a breakup?
The impatience in your minds is pushing you to do things without thinking.
He knew how much you loved him, but he went ahead and broke up with you. What makes you think this is going to change things now?
Showing your ex more affection after a breakup makes him feel even more trapped. This behavior makes him feel like he can’t run away from what he was trying to run away from, to begin with.
Such kind of inconvenience is the kind that even makes them run far away from you.
Avoid inconveniencing your ex.Avoid clattering their minds. The better thing to do would just be to give them space.
Avoid letting your minds make you do things without thinking.
You chase him even further when you fail to give him space.Because even after he left you, you still clatter his space – he does not feel the space to think.
People leave their relationship to get space to make sense of things.
When you fail to provide that space, you make them want to run even further to find that space.
Trying to shower him with love denies him that space and he will even want to run far away from you.
7.Avoid actions driven by anger
Anything you do out of anger seldom yields any positive benefits.
Mama Nkima
When you are filled with anger you are bound to try a lot of UN-thoughtful options.
Actions out such a state – damage your relationship even more.
Imagine name calling your ex out of anger. What about situations where you felt like threatening your ex out of anger.
These are mistakes that need to be avoided simply because the more you do such silly and unsought through actions, you only drive your ex away.
Your ex feels less attracted to you.
Would you be attracted to someone who name calls you?
Would you be attracted to someone who threatens you?
This is a break not another one of your petty fights
Maybe you are used to name calling each other when you fight during the course of your relationship, so your mind my deceives you that this is just another one of the fights that you normally have.
Maybe your minds are deceiving you that if you can just show your ex you are angry perhaps then he will understand and come back to you.
How wrong?
Name-calling, fighting and threatening remind your ex of the small small things that accumulated enough to cover the loving part of his brains.
Name calling makes affirmation to the decision he made to leave you.
In fact, to make matters worse this is kind of actions makes more affirmations that both of you don’t understand each other.
To your ex’s minds, it’s just another affirmation that he’s making the right decision to leave you.
8.Avoid being obsessed with your ex. Don’t misinterpret your ex’s actions
Obsession is due to your mind racing after Time.
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Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Within this race, a lot of mistakes are bound to be made.
Asking yourself questions such as is he missing me?
Does he still love me?
What can I do to get him back instantly?
Should I tell my ex I miss him?
Your minds racing through such questions is the leading cause of obsession. The problem with this race is your minds tend to get ridiculous answers.
Answers which leads you to act ridiculously without proper application of mind. In turns becomes just another obsession over your ex-boyfriend.
Obsession is terrible it creates false situations. In your minds, such situations are so true that you are waking up driven to do things that you wouldn’t have done otherwise.
Obsession makes you imagine your ex going out on a date with someone else.
Misinterpretation is thinking otherwise about a situation which means something else.
Imagine your ex added you on one of the social media group he is on.
To you, you let your brains race you into thinking maybe the breakup is over.Quickly you wake up making phone calls and start demanding things.
Again that’s an obsession.avoid letting your brain race you through things that are not real.
Its only fair to render all questions that currently run out of your brain as useless at this point.
Avoid trying to understand what is going on in your ex’s mind.Concentrate on you and what should go on with your life day by day.
Your ex wants you to win him back the right way. He just doesn’t believe you can. It’s really painful but avoid chances of falling into obsession trap.
You only can win him back if you give him time and stay far away from him and let them process and make sense of the situation.
So How can you make your ex love you again?
Give him a chance to decipher the whole breakup situation.
When someone breaks up with you they need space to make sense of the goods and the bad that they’ve endured in the relationship.
Back to panic in humans, the impatience in your mind, quickly turns into a machine that forces you to go and bomber this person with pleadings.
You are denying his mind a chance to evaluate the goods and the bad you’ve done in a relationship.
In his mind he wants you to get back with him but the right way. The right way is not by begging first.Right way is by giving them a chance to decipher the whole breakup situation.
How do you know if your ex will come back?
He checks up on you. He leaves an open communication Chanel.While he is still angry he finds time to say hello.
Should I tell my ex I miss him?
It depends on who initiated the breakup. If you are the one that broke up from your ex, its fair for you to tell him you miss him. But if you were the one that was dumped, No.Never tell your ex you miss him.
Showing your ex more affection after a breakup makes him feel even more trapped. This behavior makes him feel like he can’t run away from what he was trying to run away from, to begin with.
Give him space he will eventually make that important phone call.
Will no contact make him forget me?
No, No contact is just for you to give him enough time to think through the bad and good you did to each other.
Give your partner all the time he needs to make up things.
The quicker you give them time after breakup, the quicker he will be to evaluate his decision that drove him away from you.
Mama Nkima is a marriage counselor and relationship expert who has dedicated her life to helping couples build strong, healthy relationships. She has academic degrees in Education and Psychology. She has over 40 years of experience helping couples and individuals work through their relationship issues.
She draws on her own experiences as a spiritual guide but also from years of research to offer readers practical, actionable advice.