Will He Leave His Wife? The Truth About Married Men and Affairs

will he leave his wife

When it comes to married men and affairs, many women are left wondering if their man will leave his wife for them. Will he leave his wife for another woman? How can I make him do this? When is the best time to make my move?

These are all valid questions, but the answer isn’t always as clear cut as we would like it to be. In this blog post, we will take a look at why married men cheat and when most of them end up leaving their wives.

We will also explore some of the reasons why women are drawn to married men in the first place. So, if you are curious about what goes on in the mind of a married man, read on!

To begin today’s discussion, we will start by diving into a married man’s mind and figure out why do married men cheat on their wives? It is said that there are many reasons why men cheat. Some of these include:

  • They are not happy with their sex life at home
  • Some times They feel like they are not being appreciated by their wife
  • They are curious about other women and what it would be like to sleep with them etc.

In my article What makes a man leave his wife for another woman? I go deeper on the issue and narrate quite a number of things that make a man run away from his wife for his mistress. Read that article if you want to know what those things are.

The truth is that most men who cheat on their wives are not happy with their marriages. They may have married young and never really had a chance to experience life outside of their marriage. Or, they may have been in a loveless marriage for years and feel like they’re missing out on something.

How to know if he will leave his wife

There are quite a number of things that can make a man leave his wife for another woman. In most cases, it is not because the man does not love his wife anymore but because he is not getting what he needs from the marriage.

It could be that the husband feels neglected or unappreciated. He may feel like his wife does not understand him or that she is always criticize him.

Bottom line is if we know what men think when they decide to cheats on their wives, we have a better chance at determining if he will actually leave his wife for another woman (You) or not.

Read: 10 Signs he will leave his wife for you

So Why Do Men Have Affairs?

why men cheat

There are many reasons why a man may have an affair.Maybe he’s not happy in his marriage. He feels like he’s not being appreciated by his wife.Maybe he’s just looking for a little excitement in his life.

Whatever the reason, it’s important to remember that an affair is almost always about the man – not the woman. The man is the one who chooses to have an affair, and he is the one who can choose to end it.

If you’re involved with a married man, you may be wondering if he’s going to leave his wife for you. The truth is, there’s no way to know for sure. Some men do leave their wives for the other woman, but many don’t. Read: 10 Signs he will leave his wife for you

If you’re thinking about starting an affair with a married man, you need to be prepared for the possibility that he may never leave his wife. You also need to be prepared for the fact that even if he does leave his wife, there’s no guarantee that he’ll want to be with you long-term.

Affairs are complicated and messy, and they often end in heartbreak. If you’re considering starting an affair with a married man, make sure you know what you’re getting into before you take the plunge.

Some women believe that if a man is having an affair, it means he’s not happy in his marriage and he’ll eventually leave his wife.While this may be true in some cases, it’s not always the case. Many men have affairs even though they’re happy in their marriages. Read: Why he can’t leave his wife for you.Eight harsh truths

The bottom line is, if you’re involved with a married man, you need to be prepared for the possibility that he may never leave his wife.

Will he leave his wife for me?

The biggest question on every mistress’s mind. The answer, unfortunately, is not always black and white.

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Sometimes a man will leave his wife for another woman, while other times he will stay with his wife and cheat on the side.

Reading about the same question on Quora actuary a number of men admit to have left their wives for the other woman. One of the post that popped out was Would a man leave his wife for a mistress? – Quora They narated their story and different individual reasons why they left.

It all depends on the individual man and his personal circumstances.However, there are some general reasons why married men cheat that we can look at.

The most common reason why married men cheat is because they are not getting what they need from their marriages. This could be anything from feeling neglected or unappreciated, to feeling like their wives do not understand them. In some cases, the man may simply be looking for a little excitement outside of his marriage.

Read: 29 Signs a Married Man is Using You for Your Money, Sex, and Emotional Support

Read: Can I make him leave her?

What to do to make him leave her after you have his attention?

will he leave his wife

There is no surefire way to make a man leave his wife for you.Ultimately, it is up to the individual man to decide whether or not he wants to end his marriage.However, there are some things you can do to increase the chances that he will leave his wife for you.

First, try to be understanding and patient. Many men who cheat feel like their wives do not understand them or that they are always being criticized. If you can be a supportive and understanding partner, he may be more likely to leave his wife for you.

Second, make sure you are giving him what he needs emotionally and physically. If you can be the type of partner he is looking for, he may be more likely to want to be with you long-term.

Will he leave her for me if she makes him feel unappreciated?

It is possible that a man may leave his wife if she makes him feel unappreciated. In some cases, men cheat because they feel like their wives do not appreciate them or understand them.

If a man feels like he is not appreciated, he may start to look for that appreciation elsewhere.Sometimes, a man may have an affair because he is looking for the attention and affection that he does not feel at home.

Of course, this is not always the reason why men cheat.

Make His Actions Match His Promises
Order Your Help Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Sometimes, men cheat simply because they are unhappy in their marriages. They may be bored, or they may feel like they are not being fulfilled emotionally or sexually. If a man is unhappy in his marriage, he may start to look for happiness elsewhere.

It is also important to remember that not all men who cheat will leave their wives. In some cases, men cheat because they are not getting what they want from their wives, but they are still happy with the overall marriage. They may not want to leave their wives because they have children or because they do not want to disrupt their lives. Read: 29 Signs a Married Man is Using You for Your Money, Sex, and Emotional Support

The truth is that there is no one answer to the question, “will he leave his wife?” It depends on the individual.

How long to wait for a married man to leave his wife?

There is no set amount of time to wait for a married man to leave his wife. In some cases, it may take months or even years for a man to decide whether or not he wants to leave his wife. In other cases, a man may leave his wife very quickly after starting an affair.

If you are involved with a married man, you need to be prepared for the possibility that he may never leave his wife. Read: How to get a married man to leave his wife? – 10 things you should do

I have seen stories of women waiting years for a man to leave his wife, only to be disappointed in the end. If you are involve with a married man, you need to set your expectations accordingly.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should give up on the relationship. If you truly believe that he is the one for you and he has shown you signs he cares for you, then you should continue to fight for his attention and affection.

It depends on the man, the situation, and a variety of other factors. Some men process and deal with things quickly, others may take longer. If the man is unhappy in his marriage and there are serious issues that led to him wanting to leave, he may do so relatively quickly.

Other times, men stay in unhappy marriages for years because they’re not sure what else to do or they’re worried about the financial ramifications of divorce.

Still other men may be perfectly content in their marriages but feel pressure from friends or family to leave because their marriage isn’t considered “traditional.” Whatever the reasons, it really varies from man to man how long it will take for him to make the decision to leave his marriage.

Read: 5 common reasons why men leave their wives. One of them is boredom.

Will he leave his wife for me statistics

There is no definitive answer to this question, as every situation is different.However, some studies suggest that anywhere from 20-40% of men will cheat on their wives at some point during the marriage.

Of those men who do cheat, it is estimated that 60-80% will never leave their wives for the other woman.

So, while there are no guarantees, the odds are not in your favor if you are hoping that a married man will leave his wife for you. In my article about Will he leave his wife statistics I provide a couple of links to some articles that go into more detail about this topic if you’re interested in learning more.

He won’t leave his wife but won’t let me go

There could be any number of reasons why he won’t leave his wife but doesn’t want you to go. He’s still in love with her and can’t bear the thought of being without her.

He’s afraid of being alone or of starting over again at his age. Or He’s worried about the financial implications of divorce and how it would impact his children.

If your partner won’t leave his wife but won’t let you go. Its a sign that he’s afraid of the unknown, that he feels a sense of duty to his family, or that he’s simply not ready to end his marriage.

Whatever the reason, it’s important to try to understand where he’s coming from and what his motivations are. If you can do that, then you’ll be in a better position to work towards a resolution that both of you can live with.

Bottom line is that it’s ultimately up to him whether or not he decides to leave his wife and be with you.

Read: Why a man having an affair won’t leave his wife?

Why won’t he leave his wife if he loves me?

There are a number of reasons why a man who loves his wife won’t leave her for another woman. One of them is, he’s scared of being alone.Second he doesn’t want to hurt his wife or children. Or maybe he’s just not ready to let go.

There are all sorts of reasons why people stay in bad relationships, and it’s usually not as simple as just wanting to be with someone else.

If you really love this man, the best thing you can do is talk to him about how you’re feeling and see if there’s anything you can do to help him make the decision to leave his wife.

Another thing you can do is to be patient with him and try to understand where he’s coming from. If you can do that, then you’ll be in a better position to work towards a resolution that both of you can live with.

I hope this article has helped shed some light on the subject of why men stay in unhappy marriages. As I said before, every situation is different so it’s impossible to say definitively what will happen in any given case. Read: Why a man having an affair won’t leave his wife?

Will he leave his wife for me quiz

There is no sure way to know if a man will leave his wife for you, but there are some signs that may indicate that he is considering it.

For example, if he’s constantly talking about how unhappy he is in his marriage or how much he hates his wife, that’s a pretty good indication that he’s not happy and might be considering leaving. but also some times men use those statements to lie and try buy some time with you till he make his final decision.

Other signs that he might be considering leaving his wife for you include if he’s always talking about you, if he goes out of his way to do things for you, or if he’s constantly trying to spend time with you.

Of course, there are no guarantees and only he knows what’s going through his head. But if you’re wondering whether or not there’s a chance he’ll leave his wife for you, these are some.

Signs he will leave his wife for you

Signs a married man cares for you

If your man is leaving his wife for you, there are probably many reasons why. Some of the most common reasons include:

– He’s not happy in his marriage and is looking for a way out

– He’s unhappy with his life and sees you as a way to change things

– He is tired of being alone and wants to be with someone else

– He feels like he’s missing out on what he could have and wants to be with you instead

There are a number of reasons why a man might leave his wife for another woman, but the bottom line is that it’s usually because he’s not happy with his current situation. If you’re concerned that your man might leave his wife for you,

There are a few key signs that may indicate that a man is considering leaving his wife for another woman.

First, he’s spending less and less time with her. He’s also becoming more critical of her and finding fault with everything she does.

He’s also withdrawing emotionally from the relationship and seems to be checked out most of the time. If you’re seeing these signs, there’s a good chance he’s thinking about leaving his wife for you. Read: 10 Signs he will leave his wife for you

Signs a married man likes you but is hiding it

In my article Signs a married man likes you but is hiding it I list some more signs to help you figure out if a married man is attracted to you but he is hiding it.

I will not rewrite the whole article here but some of the signs are:

  • He Makes Lots of Eye Contact.
  • His Wardrobe Improves
  • He’s Nervous Around You
  • He Compliments You
  • He Laughs at Your Jokes
  • He’s Protective of You
  • He Talks about His Future Plans to You
  • He Wants to Spend Time with You
  • He’s Jealous of Other Men Around You
  • He Asks You for Your Opinion
  • He Tells You His Secrets
  • His Voice Gets Deeper when talking to you
  • He Shows Off if he is intimately attracted to you

Read more from that article if you want to know more about how to tell if a married man likes you.There are many signs that a married man may be attracted to you, but there are also many reasons why he may not act on it.

How do you get a man to leave his wife?

There isn’t always a easy answer to this question since every situation is unique.However, there are certain things you can do to increase the chances of a man leaving his wife.

First, try to understand why he is still with her in the first place.

  • Is it for the sake of their kids?
  • Does he feel like he owes her something?

Once you know his reasons, you can work on appealing to them.

If he is staying with her for the kids, let him know that you support his decision and would never want to come between him and his children.

Make His Actions Match His Promises
Order Your Help Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Explain that you would be more than happy to be a step-mom and help raise them together.

If he feels like he owes her, try to show him that you understand how he feels and assure him that you’re not looking for him to leave her.

The bottom line is that you need to be understanding and supportive of his situation. The understanding and supportive you are, the more likely he is to leave his wife for you.

Read: How to make him chose you over her.

Also Read: How to make him forget her and love you?

Also Read: How to make him choose me over her

Read: Spell to make him leave her for me

How do you get over a married man you love?

Divided couple are separated by white wall but holding hands

If at all you feel waiting for a married man that wont leave his wife for you is to much and you feel he will never leave his wife for you, then you need to know the best ways to get over him.

The process of getting over a married man you love will vary depending on your individual situation and relationship with him.However, there are some general steps you can take to start moving on.

First, it’s important to process your emotions and give yourself time to grieve the loss of the relationship. It’s okay to be sad, angry, or hurt – allow yourself to feel these things without judgement or pushing them away.

Understand that it’s not your fault and that you didn’t do anything wrong. He’s the one who chose to be with his wife, not you.

Try to take some time for yourself and focus on your own happiness. This may mean taking a break from dating, spending time with friends and family, or doing things that make you happy.

Getting over a married man can be difficult, but it’s not impossible.

Writing about your feelings can also be helpful. Once you’ve given yourself some space to mourn, start filling your life with positive activities and people that make you happy.

Surround yourself with loving friends and family members, pursue new hobbies or interests, volunteer your time to causes you care about – do whatever brings joy into your life.

Don’t try to force yourself to forget about him or the happy memories you shared together.Instead, focus on creating new memories with the people and things that make you happy.

Give yourself time and be patient with yourself, and eventually the pain will fade and you’ll be able to move on.

Read: How to stop dating a married man?

Read: Ending an Affair With a Married Man

Finally, don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you need it.There are plenty of resources available to help you deal with a broken heart.


“Will he leave his wife?” It depends on the individual man and the circumstances of his marriage.

There’s no easy answer when it comes to whether or not a married man will leave his wife for another woman.However, there are certain things you can do to increase the chances of him leaving her. The most important thing is to be understanding and supportive of his situation. If you can do that, you’re more likely to get the

Signs of an unhappily married man

Signs of an unhappily married man

How can you tell if a married man is unhappy in his marriage? 

  • Why don’t many married men leave their marriages even when they’re unhappy? 
  • What can a man do if he’s frustrated in his marriage?

Marriage is not a bed of roses.However, some marriages seem to be plagued by depression after depression. As a result, some men feel that their marriages are like a warzone. 

Not long ago, a friend of mine told me that his home felt like a courtroom each time he reached home after 7 pm. He looked visibly pained when he spoke of his marriage.James had been with Marion for about 15 years; he wasn’t willing to throw all that away just because his wife was quarrelsome.

There are so many men like James, who are in very unpleasant marriages, but cannot leave because of ABCD reasons. 

Maybe you are the man in an unhappy marriage or the wife of an unhappy married man, or the girlfriend to an unhappily married man. 

Whatever your category, I have something for you. Read on to discover the answers to all your questions about the unhappiness of a married man

What makes a married man unhappy in his marriage?

  • What are the signs that a married man is in an unhappy marriage? 
  • Why would a married man be unhappy in a marriage he chose for himself?
  • What should a married man in an unhappy marriage do?
  • Why can’t a married man leave his marriage?

Let’s start at the very beginning… What is the cause of a married man’s unhappiness? 

The reasons why a married man would be unhappy in his marriage are personal and as numerous as there are unhappily married men. 

You see, every married man that isn’t happy with his marriage has his reason. No two marriages are the same; therefore, these reasons are bound to be different for each marriage.

However, generally speaking, these reasons and factors listed below can be blamed for a man’s chronic unhappiness in his marriage. The most common reasons that unhappy men report include;


There is no doubt infidelity is excruciatingly painful to both partners but more so to the faithful partner. If the man is the victim of the affair, he’s going to be heartbroken and devastated.  

Even though affairs hurt women, they may be even more painful for a man because an affair is a direct attack on a man’s ego. It means that the married man has failed his wife so badly that she had to get it from another man. 

In addition to the pain of betrayal from the infidelity, a married man whose wife has cheated on him will be dealing with a bruised ego. Now there’s no way such a man can be happy again in a marriage like that. 

Even if posts were switched and the married man was philandering with his wife.Learning of the affair will still hurt him and even leave him feeling ashamed. 

The impact of infidelity in a marriage is often irreparable and usually imposes a lasting negative impacts on both partners causing unhappy married men.


Everyone is so vocal about violence against women.Still, people tend to be deaf by the dumb silence when it comes to violence against men. 

Whether it is the impact of Society that dictates that men ought to be hard and strong, we have for a long time ignored the impact of violence on men. and that’s the problem many men suffer in silence from the negative impact gun violence ranging from physical to emotional and even sexual.

With time like any abuse victim, these men resent their wives or worse, resent themselves.There’s no way in hell a man with all this negativity locked in his heart can be happy in a marriage that causes him pain.

Violence against men is, therefore, a contributor to many married men’s unhappiness. The fact that we turn a deaf ear to the cries of these doesn’t help the situation.

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Passive-aggressive behavior from their spouse

Wild men are more aggressive than women; women tend to be provocative and sometimes passive-aggressive by bickering and spreading rumors.

Because passive aggression is indirect, the man feels hurt, but he can’t blame the woman.

The man is aware that there is a problem that quite can’t say where the problem is coming from, so he has to walk on eggshells with his wife. Read: How to Win a Married Man over His Wife?

Passive-aggressive behavior could be just as harmful as physical aggression.Where is the happiness in this picture, I’d say, nonexistent.

4. Drug/Alcohol Abuse

Young woman with a hangover holding her almost empty cocktail glass

Drug and alcohol abuse substance abuse can be damaging to any marriage.People often do crazy things under the influence of drugs, but even dealing with a substance addict spouse can be physically and even emotionally draining for anyone.

Spouses of addicts go through a special kind of trauma, which is sadly under-addressed.Being married to an addicted spouse means that even though you are married, you still get to do most of the child-raising financial development by yourself.

You can’t trust an addicted spouse to help you in raising the kids or even for support. As a result, people married to addicts tend to be emotionally and financially stressed.Obviously, a man in such a marriage will never be happy.

Now that you know the reasons as to why a married man could be unhappy in his marriage, how do you spot one? Is there a way that you can know that a man is unhappily married? How can you tell for sure that a man is unhappy in his marriage?

How can you tell if a married man is unhappy?

The foolproof way to be sure that you will make a married man leave his wife is if his marriage is so unhappy that it is as good as over. You may be wondering about how you can spot an unhappy married man; that’s what I’m here for; I’ll let you in on a secret.

If you can master the technique of sniffing out the happy men, then you’ll have an easy ride since an unhappily married man is easy to seduce.

Ideally, an unhappily married man should be easy to smell from a mile away because his aura screams, ‘come save me.’ 

I know that only a few people can see auras, so don’t worry about how you will be able to smell a married man from a mile away; I got you.Listed below are tried and true signs that a married man is unhappy in his marriage.

1. The married man jokes about leaving his wife.

Senior man talking with his adult sons in garden, close up

Believe what you want to believe, but there’s always a bit of truth behind a joke. So, you know those times when a guy says something and then is like ‘just kidding,’ he’s never just kidding. 

 During my internship, I meant a policeman who used to joke about setting himself on fire.Obviously, I thought it was just being ridiculous until he set himself ablaze 2 months later. So, jokes shouldn’t be taken at face value; there is always an element of truth in the joke.

If a married man joked about leaving his wife, then in all honesty, if he could have things his way, he would leave her.

2. The married man boasts about everything but his wife.

Guys like to boast about the things they love. If he never boasts about his wife, the chances are that he has fallen out of love with her. 

Maybe all he talks about is all the money he has made or the beautiful children he raised.Generally, it is always going to always be everything but his wife.

If this is the case, then the married man you are dealing with has unresolved problems with his wife and some built-up resentment towards her.

3. The married man begins to give excuses not to be home with his wife.

Naturally, when everything is going well, a man wouldn’t waste a second to be with a woman he loves. 

If the married man you are dealing with is always coming up with excuses to spend time away from his wife, he probably has problems at home.

Growing up, one of my father’s friends, Smith, would spend hours at my father’s workshop just because he couldn’t stand going home to be with his wife. 

For a long time, some people even thought that he worked for my father because he was always in the back dusting old sculptures.

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Whenever he got drunk, Smith used to say that he’s willing to give his arm if you are guaranteed to never see his wife again.

Gladly he is now Happily Divorced; he didn’t have to lose an arm for it. I know Smith is not the only man who has felt that way before. If you see a married man acting similarly, there is trouble in paradise.

4. The married man starts advising young unmarried men not to think about marriage.

You know for sure the married man is in pain if he keeps advising younger unmarried men not to make the same mistake.

A man who says such a thing admits that he feels he made a mistake when he married his wife. If he didn’t feel like it was a mistake, why would he tell others that it’s a mistake for them to ever get married?

In reality, such a man is not even upset that he’s married but rather the woman he married. He’s only projecting his angry feelings for his wife when his marriage.

The fact that a married man I would say such a thing is proof enough, but he’s unhappy in his marriage.

5. The married man complains about his wife to you.

One of my favorite sayings is that out of the fullness of the heart, the mouth speaks. If all the man has to say about his wife is complaining about this, he sounds like a very disappointed man in his wife.

When you complain about something, usually the words you say are raw with emotion and indicate what you truly feel about that thing. 

So pay attention to the kind of words that he uses while complaining about his wife. They are a true picture of what he feels for her.

Obviously, when people complain, they have nothing but unkind words to say. A married man who complains about his wife is usually very disappointed, angry or unhappy with her.

6. The married man is contemplating divorce.

Men avoid divorce like plague. A married man who is contemplating divorce is most often very unhappy. Read: How to leave your wife for another woman

If he’s willing to go through the pain of divorce, I can’t even imagine how terrible his marriage must be making him feel.

7. The married man just picked up an addiction.

Happy people deal with stressful situations in healthy ways. They may seek professional help or consider joining a support group.Generally, the mode of action is to do with a problem the most logical and healthiest way.

On the other hand, unhappy people normally don’t deal as easily as healthy people, maybe because they’re already dealing with sadness, I don’t know.Still, they tend to use unhealthy means like addiction to drug use to cope.

Suppose a previously healthy married man just picked up an addiction. In that case, it is an indication that he is currently undergoing a stressful and emotionally chaotic situation in his marriage and this stress. 

Most often, the note is dealing with resentment and other negative emotions arising from his marriage.

Frustrated in marriage

Marriage life is hard and frustrating.Whether it is because you have to live with this person raised differently from you or because of the familiarity of staying together, I guess we will never know.

It is normal to be frustrated in marriage. If you catch yourself a little perturbed and exasperated by your marriage, don’t beat yourself up; realize that it is normal.

You can deal with frustration in marriage by trying the following:

  • Listening to your partner 
  • Being empathetic 
  • Agreeing to disagree 
  • Settling for a compromise. 

However, if you feel that your marriage frustrations are too heavy to handle, get a divorce.Marriage is meant to be enjoyed and not endured.

Unhappy marriage but can’t leave.

Whether you’re afraid to leave your unhappy marriage or because of unavoidable circumstances, you cannot leave, the only option you have is to work on your falling apart marriage while skillfully avoiding divorce. Read: Why a man having an affair won’t leave his wife?

Just because you’re married is unhappy doesn’t mean that he should get up one morning and throw in the towel and leave.There are so many couples who stay together even when their marriage is falling apart.

The most common reasons why married men can’t leave an unhappy marriage include;

  • The couple chooses to stay together for the kids
  • The couple doesn’t want to part with money
  • The prospect of divorce feels shameful and embarrassing.
  • The couple doesn’t want a lesser lifestyle or loss of home
  • The couple is overwhelmed by the divorce process
  • Low self-esteem breeds a fear that the person will never be loved again.

What to do when you’re in an unhappy marriage but can’t leave.

1.Avoid further damage to marriage

Sometimes couples jeopardize their marriages by making matters worse. It is bad enough that the marriage is unhappy.Adding other damaging issues could break down whatever remains of your unhappy marriage.

The damaging issues to avoid include;

  • Begging, pleading, and victimizing (especially when you are in public). This makes your partner feel trapped because they will be bothered about protecting your image. 
  • Emotional blackmailing for controlling your spouse.
  • Blaming and accusing your spouse.
  • Bad mouthing your spouse.

2. Try to manage your negative feelings.

Negative feelings like disappointment, miscommunication, or resentment should be managed and dealt with if you are trying to save an unhappy marriage because you can’t leave.

Negative feelings are the precursor of negative actions. So, if you can control negative feelings, then you are assured of controlling negative actions.

3. Deal with one issue at a time

I know that every marriage has more than one issue that is causing unhappiness. But the truth is you can’t deal with all negative things in your marriage at once; you are setting yourself up for failure.

Work on one issue at the time, fix it before you can go to the next. That is the only way you’ll be able to work through every defect in your marriage.

Unhappy husband signs

Marriage is tough for everyone, but how do you know that the man you married is unhappy? Is there a formula or step-by-step approach to unveiling whether your husband is indeed unhappy?

Look no further; here is a list of signs that your husband isn’t happy in your marriage.

1. Your sex life dwindles.

A healthy sex life indicates a happy marriage; when your marriage suffers, your sex life suffers as well.

The two go hand-in-hand with each other. So if your sex life is dwindling, it means that your spouse is unhappy.

2. Your husband feels inadequate like he can’t make you happy anymore.

If your husband has been hinting on how he feels that there is nothing that he can do that is enough for you, it is a clear indication of his frustration for feeling inadequate.

 When a man feels inadequate, he’s definitely going to be very unhappy.

3. Your husband no longer puts up a fight.

This may sound like a good thing when a man stops fighting, it means that he has given up.

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Every marriage has fights and disagreements once in a while.

If you feel like lately, your husband has been unbothered about anything, then that means that he has already moved on from you and the marriage in his mind. You’re practically in the marriage alone.

4.Either your husband stops taking care of himself, or he starts taking care of himself.

People react differently to the same thing.While one man may decide to quit and stop taking care of himself, another man may do quite the opposite and start taking care of himself.

The key here is that the change in your mind is not ordinary. If your husband is usually an untidy man and all of a sudden cleaning up, that’s a red flag. 

Likewise, if you’re normally tidy and organized and your husband won’t get out of his sweatpants, there’s still a problem.

My husband is miserable in our marriage.

Suppose your husband is miserable in your marriage. In that case, you may be wondering whether it is something that you are doing or not doing.Sometimes, a man’s mood has nothing to do with what to do or do not do.

The common reasons white a man may be miserable in marriage could be any of the following or unique and personal to him;

  • Financial challenges
  • Lack of intimacy
  • He feels unappreciated by you or at his work
  • Midlife Crisis

What do you do when your husband is miserable in your marriage? 

  • Accept that you can’t make your husband happy. 
  • Avoid telling your husband why he’s unhappy, for example, “If you didn’t work so hard, you wouldn’t be feeling exploited.”
  • Give your husband space.
  • Find the balance between distance and support.


What are the signs of a failing marriage?

Sometimes holding on hurts more than letting go. When do you know that it is time to let your marriage go? How do you know if your marriage is failing and there’s nothing you can do to save it?

Here’s a list of sure signs that a marriage is failing

-You fight too much or not at all
-You feel like two strangers coexisting
-Your sex life declines
-You become cold to each other
-You know that your marriage is beyond repair

Why is he stuck in an unhappy marriage?

I know that it may beat your understanding of why a man would stay in an unhappy marriage.Marriage is complicated but ending a marriage is harder.

There are numerous reasons why a married man would stay stuck in a marriage when he is unhappy.

Here is a list of the most common reasons why married men stay in unhappy marriages.

-For the sake of the children 
-Divorce is messy
-He is afraid to start over

What do you do when you are not happy in your marriage?

We all deserve to be happy, even the worst of us. What do you do when you are not happy in your marriage? What are the options for someone unhappy in their marriage?

Here is a list of the most logical courses of action when you are not happy in your marriage.

-Try to fix the issues causing your unhappiness.
-Try counseling


Men are good at hiding their feelings. It is normal to be confused about whether a man is happy in his marriage. With the signs mentioned above, you will be able to crack even the most difficult of men.

Making love to a married man

making love to a married man

How do you make love to a married man? 

  • How does it feel to make love to a married man?
  • Should you sleep with a married man?
  • What are the rules of making love to a married man?

Sex with a married man is nothing like you have had before. The thrill of having a piece of something forbidden makes the experience all the more satisfying.

Related:How to make a married man want you sexually

How many times have you heard the saying that a married man loves best?Maybe it is the fact that he is experienced. Or that sex with a married man always feels like revenge sex. I can’t say for sure why sex with a married man is so amazing. I can only tell you how amazing it is. 

How do you make love to a married man? What are the dos and don’ts of the game? What is that thing that you need to know before deciding to make love to a married man? 

A married man is still a man, so what goes down for a normal guy, the married man will fancy as well.However, it is important to realize that with a married man, things must be kept quiet.

Also, married men tend to like women who are confident and comfortable in their own skin, so it helps the situation if you are self-assured. 

Now let’s get to the gist of the day: how exactly do you make love to a married man? Get comfortable, grab that glass of wine and let’s talk. Read on while I let you in on all the secrets you need to know to make love to a married man.

How to make love to a married man

Hooking up with a married man is never an easy thing to do.Still, many women would kill for a night with a married fellow. Why?

Women have different motives and incentives for wanting to sleep with a married man. The most commons ones are;

  • For companionship
  • The great sex
  • For sustenance because normally in exchange sex, the man gives gifts and cash. 
  • To move up the ladder at work if he has the power to do that. 

Whatever your reasons for wanting to make love to a married man, I got you covered.

The most magical thing about making love to a married man is not the sex itself. Sex in itself is always the same. What makes your experience more memorable and ultimately makes the man feel like sex with you was better is accompanying things like seduction or foreplay.

Let’s begin with tips and strategies on how to make love to a married man.

Some tips will guarantee your success in the bedroom with a married man. 

You must do some things or know if your sexual experience will be memorable to the married man, and that’s the goal. The goal is to please and satisfy the married man.

If you want to give that married man the most mind-boggling sexual experience of his life, the tips listed below are for you. Look no further.

7 effective tips and strategies to make love to a married man.

1.Smell great.

 While perfumes boost your confidence, I get sent can increase a man’s passion for you.Smelling great goes a long way in seducing a married man making love to you. 

From the soap, shampoo news to aftershave, cream deodorant to fragrances, every scent he uses matters. When you are trying to seduce a married man, go for seductive notes like jasmine and ylang-ylang. 

Having a signature scent will also remind the married man of you when he smells it elsewhere. Use a great scent to drive any man crazy for you.

2.Flirt with the man via text

We live in an age where things are online. You meet and date online. In RL, you may never have the nerve to seduce a married man, but you can build sexual tension behind the comfort of your screen. 

Sexting is now more common than ever, and the good news is that it works. Don’t be afraid to flirt with a married man via text; that is how many relationships begin.

The other advantage of texts is that it takes away the awkwardness of flirting in person. When you meet the married man later post tet flirting, things will go down much more smoothly because you already built rapport and sexual tension via sexting.


3.Focus on the foreplay 

So many couples tend to ignore foreplay. This beats my understanding because foreplay is vital and goes a long way in making the sexual experience even more intense. You shouldn’t ignore it.

Now I know quickies have their place and are arousing and satisfying. But we must agree that nothing beats well-orchestrated slow-paced tantalizing foreplay before mindblowing sex.

The next time you are about to make love to a married man, try to incorporate some of these tips.

  • Talk to him dirty
  • Tease him through the day. Here is where sexting comes in handy. Keep the sexual tension heightened.
  • Surprise him with foreplay outside down the bedroom. Slip your hand down his pants while he is driving.
  • Look at him achingly. The eyes truly are the window to the soul. One look with desire burning in your eyes could give him an instant boner.
  • Brush your body on his arm or any part of his body for that matter.
  • Try dry humping. Now I know dry sex has a bad reputation as being virgin sex, but in all honesty, there is nothing virgin about the sensations fro grinding on a man; for both of you.
  • Watch porn with him.

Try any of the above tips for passionate and mind-blowing sex; thank me later.

4.Listen to him

There is no way you will ever know a man’s fantasies and fetishes if you don’t listen.Besides, men find a woman who listens to them particularly charming because it means you care enough to pay attention, and it makes him feel special.

It is possible to drive a guy nuts by listening to him say what you lose from trying, nothing, and yet standing to win the married man over his wife.

Make His Actions Match His Promises
Order Your Help Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Speak with your body

“If your eyes are the windows to your soul, then your face is a billboard.” You know that song… You say best when you say nothing at all, It’s true. 

Your body can convey a message better than your lips, so use it. The thing with body language is that, if probably done, it comes off as innocent. The man knows he is getting turned on in the man’s mind, but he doesn’t think you are aware of what you are doing to him. This intensifies his pleasure.

Here are a few tips on how to speak with your body.

  • Try inviting gestures like stroking your own arm, leg, or face, parting of lips, stroking of objects such as a drinks glass imply sexual readiness.Which man would resist that?
  • Lean in when you talk to him; this means that you want to be close to him.
  • Touch him. You don’t have to be obvious about this; it needs to come off as accidental. 

6. Take a shot at strip dancing

Guys like sexual adventure, married or not. A striptease will entice and arouse a man.Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to be a supermodel to be great at stripping.

The only requirement is confidence. So give the married man a treat. It helps you to stand out because what are the odds that his wife or any other mistress has given him a striptease before, almost zero.

7.Embody his sexual fantasy

Every man has a sexual fantasy.Having sexual fetishes and kinks is normal. And we all, to some extent, have a sexual fantasy.

If you don’t know what the married man’s sexual fantasy is, as him most preferably via text. If you can’t fulfill his sexual desires, that’s ok; many guys don’t expect their sexual fantasies to be met anyway. But if you can, by all means, give the man a feast.

How to attract a married man sexually.

Something very funny is that while a man can make advances that a woman anytime.Often feel as women that you can’t be upfront and let the guy know that you want to get into the sheets with him.

But you can’t deny the high from seducing a married man. The key to sexually attracting a married man is to be subtle about it. So here is a list of tricks and hacks to get any man weak on his knees in no time. 

1.Speak with your eyes

There is a look that you give a man that straight away conveys the ‘I want you now right here’ message. Only a few men can give up such an opportunity.

The easy thing about making a married man want to make love with you is that men are ever ready and willing to lay it down. Just the word, and he will do it for you.


I know you think there is nothing sexual about a smile, but you’re wrong. A smile communicates friendliness and openness. 

A smile is also very active to many guys, but the most sexual aspect of the smile is that a genuine smile can come off as innocent. 

Now, many men find innocence and bashfulness so damn hot. You can’t win anything by frowning, so smile.

3.Dress enticingly

Men are visual, but they are also territorial. A man would appreciate it if you can dress provocatively for him, but he would like it better if he knew that he was the only one that you grace the flashes of your skin.

If you can invite him to your house, open the door for him dressed skimpily. Don’t be shy about flashing some boobs or showing your thighs. 

Allow the guy to have some optical nutrition because it directly translates into sexual attraction, there and then.

4.Create sexual tension

When you have sexual tension, the sex tends to be intense and pleasurable. It feels like a release of inexplicable emotion and so damn good.

You needn’t worry about creating sexual tension. 

Here is a list of tips to keep the air around you charged with sexual energy.

  • Start in the morning.
  • Sext him all day (not all the time though)
  • Talk dirty to him
  • Restrain yourself. The longer you delay pleasure, the more intense the pleasure will be when you eventually release it.
  • Flirt

5. Be confident or act like you’re confident

Guys like confident women married men are no expedition. You see, confidence makes you come off as valuable. 

We all know that guys like high-value women. In a guy’s mind, confidence= Value. It is just the way it is.

How do you seduce a married man through text?

There’s a saying that goes that “It is words that undress you.” As a 21st century woman, you need to use the power of texting to your advantage.

We live in a digital era, and everything is done online nowadays. You can’t expect to always see your man, so use the internet to your advantage.

Make His Actions Match His Promises
Order Your Help Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Sexting is now, I think, so don’t accept to be left behind.

Make the married man wanna make love with you over text. For sure, seduction is an art; there’s no right or wrong way to go about it. You just have to master what works for you and use it like a loaded gun.

Seducing a married man is hard enough as it is. The awkwardness and the flirtatious verbal exchange of face-to-face interaction scare many women away from seducing married men. This is where texting comes in and saves the day.

How do you successfully seduce a man over the phone? Is it even possible? How do you start?

Fret not, I got you. Here is a list of dos and don’ts seducing a married man for the tips to ensure that you succeed at it.

Dos of seducing a married man via text

1. Let him know that you are thinking about him.

2. Play a game.Truth or dare or never have I ever.

3. Role-play his fantasy woman.

4.Delete your messages after sending them.

5. Make sure you are sending to the right person

6.Answer promptly

Don’ts of seducing a married man via text

1. Don’t include your face in a picture

2. Don’t sext if you don’t trust the person

3. Don’t take sexting requests too seriously. 

Examples of texts you can use to seduce a man via text

1. The asking for advice text

The key here is to act as naive as possible.

  • I want to buy things but am spoiled for choice. Can you help me pick? [attach a photo of thongs]
  • Dildo or Vibrator?

2. The role play tease

Men love role-playing. Don’t be fooled by the married man’s serious face. Deep down, he is just a guy. We all know guys pretend games, especially a sexual one. 

  • Is someone there? Mind if I Slytherin? [Harry Potter fans know what I am talking about]
  • Are we in the Room of Requirements?Because I require you.
  • “How would you like to have a sexual encounter so intense, it could conceivably change your political views?”

3. The I had a dream text

The thing with these texts is that you can claim anything. It’s a dream, after all. The kinkier you can get it, the better.These are bound to turn the man’s dick right on and make him want you like crazy.

  • I had a sex dream last night, and you were in it.
  • I am daydreaming about you only (naughtily)

4. The pun text

The pun text is a fun way to flirt. You can’t go wrong with these. The thing with sex puns is that the text could just about mean anything; that’s the fun part.

  • I’ll show you mine after you show me yours.
  • I am so desperate to lick it. 
  • Do you have something I could bless my ass cheeks with?

Dating a married man rules

You need to first date a married man before you can make love to them. This is because dating a married man is not a child’s play; it’s a difficult thing, but only the hard hearted can make it through.

When it comes to dating a married man, the rules are different from the normal dating thing. So what rules must you follow to date a married man?

Here is a list of the five golden rules that all ‘Other Women’ live by.

1. You’re not his wife, don’t act like it.

Remember that you’re not his wife, so quit acting like her. Let the wife do the wifely things, and you do you.

Don’t even bother comparing yourself to all because you only end up hurting yourself. If you want to be happy with this man, ignore the fact that he even has a wife in the first place.

2. Don’t get pregnant

Unless you plan on raising babies on your own, don’t get pregnant for the man.Married men never leave their wives, and trying to trap you with pregnancy will only drive him away from you even farther. 

Every other woman knows the pregnancy is out of the question. So take the pill dutifully and then play games with the man. For your own happiness and for the love of God, don’t get a child with him unless you’re sure he’s leaving his wife.

3.Bottle your jealousy

The chances are that the married man is still sleeping with his wife even though he is sleeping with you. You’re not entitled to acting all jealous and envious because it’s part of the deal.

Having an affair with a married man is like signing or no strings attached binding arrangement. That is all that is an arrangement.

You have no right whatsoever to be jealous, so it would be wise of you to bottle all your jealousy and act like it doesn’t exist.

4. Don’t call him; wait for him to call

Even if you were going to tell him something, the rule is that you cannot call him; you wait for him to call you.Unless you have been with this man for long, and you know his schedule.

Even then, calling the man will jeopardize what you have with the man. So work around his time. I know it is hard, but that’s the game. You have to play by the rules, or you’re out.

5.Satisfy the man

The most important thing is to please a man. The married man needs to feel sexually satisfied with you. 

That is the goal and objective of your arrangement.

How to date a married man successfully?

As established earlier, dating a married man is not a piece of cake.

Make His Actions Match His Promises
Order Your Help Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Sometimes that is all that you have to do to even dream of making love to the married man. So how can you successfully get a married man?

When you are dating a married man, remember to be kind to yourself because guilt may kick in once in a while. Also, be ready for any attacks from the public. 

To successfully date a married man, you need to also take it slow until you are sure that it is what you want and that he isn’t taking you for granted.

Married man fantasy

A lot of women have a married man fantasy. It’s probably because there’s something about the idea of being with a man who is “off limits” that makes it all the more exciting.

Some tips on how to make a married man fantasy a reality might include being discreet, being understanding of his obligations to his wife, and not pushing too hard for more than he may be willing or able to give.

Above all, it’s important to respect both the married man and his wife in order to maintain the delicate balance of this type of relationship.

People do find the idea of sleeping with a married man irresistibly tempting, perhaps because it seems like an act of rebellion or because they get a thrill from sneaking around behind someone’s back.

People often fantasize about things that are forbidden or risky. In this case, the mistress is getting a thrill from doing something she’s not supposed to do. She may also enjoy the power dynamics involved in an affair – where he’s in control and her lover is dependent on her.There’s also an element of danger and excitement involved in cheating, which can make it all the more tantalizing.

Is it OK to sleep with a married man?

Its not OK to sleep with a married man especially if he hasn’t divorced his wife yet. I wouldn’t recommend anyone to sleep with a married man. But like we can’t control ourselves sometimes, if it happened and you found yourself in love with a married man and probably already in his bed, just take a deep breath. 

Realize that you can’t undo what you have done.However, prepare for the backlash and hatred because society will pay you nothing but harsh words if the affair comes out. If you must sleep with a married man, please keep it a secret and secondly, don’t get pregnant.

The bottom line is that it has never been and never will be ok to sleep with a married man, but when has that ever stopped anyone, never.

Making love to a married man quotes 

1. “A bachelor has to have inspiration for making love to a woman- A married man needs an excuse.” by Helen Rowland

2. “Never fall in love with a married man; it is not in your best interest. They make many promises they can’t keep.” by Ali Mac

3. “I only date married men. It makes me feel powerful when men desire me more than their wives.” 

4. “Come closer until I no longer know where you end and where I begin.” 

5. “Sex with a married man is so good because each time feels like revenge, sex.”

6. “Show me someone who has never fantasized about making love to a married man, and I will show you a liar.”

I want to sleep with a married man

The easiest way to sleep with a married man is to become friends with him first. Once you’re friends, it will be much easier to build up the trust necessary for him to feel comfortable sleeping with you.Start by finding out what he’s looking for in a friend and then try to be that person. Be supportive, understanding, and non-judgmental. Let him know that you’re there for him no matter what.

Once you’ve established trust, start slowly flirting with him and see how he responds. If he seems interested, take things one step at a time until you reach the point where he’s willing to sleep with you.

Remember to be patient.Sleeping with a married man can be a very dangerous game. If you’re thinking of doing it, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

First, make sure that you are discrete. Do not tell anyone what you’re doing – not even your best friend.Second, make sure that you know the risks involved.

There is a very good chance that the married man will end up leaving his wife for you, and when that happens, you will be left with nothing.

Finally, make sure that you have your own life in order. Don’t rely on the married man for financial or emotional support; if he leaves his wife, he may very well leave you too.


How do you know if a married man loves you?

It is not that a married man will move around with a poster reading, I love XYZ.

I know it can be tricky trying to decipher a married man’s motives.However, here a few signs that a married man loves you.
-He prioritizes you
-The man spends quality time with you
-He may straight up tell you.

How do you make a married man fall madly in love with you?

Honestly speaking, you cannot make a man do anything he doesn’t want to. You certainly can’t force a man to love you, but you can do something things that will make him likely to fall madly in love with you.

To make a man fall madly in love with you, try the following tips.

-Be yourself
-Be firm in your beliefs
-Have life going on
-be confident

What do you call a woman that sleeps with a married man?

A woman who sleeps with a married man is normally called a mistress.Other names used interchangeably with mistress are ‘The Other Woman,’ Home-wrecker, and kept woman.

What do you do when you are in love with a married man?

When you are in love with a married man, sometimes you can help it. You can’t just get up one morning and stop it.

You could ignore your feelings, bury them, and try to forget about the married man.

Suppose the above solution doesn’t work for you. In that case, you could try to pursue a relationship with the man regardless of the negative reputation attached to women who go for married men.


Making love to a married man is not for everyone, but if you have the heart for it, it might just be the best sex of your life.

Married Guy has a Crush on me.

Can a married guy have a crush on me? 

  • Why would a married guy have a crush on me?
  • Is that guy from work crushing on you?
  • How do you know if a married man is crushing on you?
  • What do you do when a married guy has a crush on you?

“He is only married, not dead. Cut him some slack if he likes you.” 

Regardless of the ring on his finger, a married man is still a guy like any other and is not immune to crushing on that new hot secretary. 

I know crushes sound like a high school thing, but in reality, adult crushes happen more often than you would imagine. 

Crushes are normal, and they happen all the time. It’s inevitable for a man to crush on or be attracted to people outside his marriage, even when he loves his partner and has no desire to cheat on her.

Can a Married Man Have a Crush on you?

A married man can have a crush on you even when he is in a happy marriage.Crushes are no respecter of marital status.

Crushes feel so damn good and, if not checked, could be damaging to a marriage. You feel good when you have a crush because of the intense chemicals at play as you experience an attraction.

Serotonin, adrenaline, and dopamine are the hormones to blame for the resultant feeling of obsession and idealization of a new partner.

Why do Married Men Have Crushes?

Married men develop crushes for the same reasons as the rest of the other single men. As mentioned above, a married man is still a man. 

Suppose he has been interacting with an attractive or interesting person with whom he feels connected. In that case, he might crush on that person.

Having a crush doesn’t necessarily mean that a man’s marriage is failing.Neither does it mean his wife is lacking in any way.

It is unrealistic to expect a single partner to fulfill every single one of a man’s needs, so it’s common for a guy to do other sources of excitement and fulfillment outside the marriage. The crush provides just that.

A married man may have a crush on just because it is human nature. It’s not like that there is a special reason a married man may crush on you. 

When a Married Man Has a Crush on you

Psychologists believe that a man’s attraction can reveal potential weaknesses in his current relationship. The dynamic of what he has with you shows what he is lacking in his marriage.

For instance, if he is attracted to the fact that you give him attention or romance, it may indicate what his relationship is lacking.

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Remember, you crave what you don’t have.

On the other hand, a crush on you may just be a harmless and baseless occurrence with no emotional attachment to the married man’s marriage. 

A married guy crushing on you may mean that you are the embodiment of his sexual fantasy, and this too has nothing to do with his marriage.

When a married man has a crush on, you begin to question whether there is something that you are doing that is encouraging this behavior from him. 

This is baseless because crushes happen all the time, and they have absolutely nothing to do with the object of a crush.

How do you know that a married man has a crush on you? What are the signs that prove that a married man is crushing on you?

Signs a Married Man Has a Crush on you.

Married Men are subtle about extramarital attractions. If a married man is crushing on you, the chances are that he will want to hide this from his wife and anyone else who is aware that he is married.

A married guy will not be vivid and expressive because he is crushing on you but rather secretive. I understand why you may have difficulty ascertaining whether or not my man has a crush on you.

Don’t bother your pretty mind anymore because I have listed below are proven signs when a married man has a crush on you.

1. He pays you compliments frequently.

 When a man compliments you, it is most probably because he likes what he sees. A guy who has a crush on you will like something about you, maybe it will be your hair or clothes. They always find something nice about you.

A married man who has a crush on you will notice when you change your hair or do your nails, even small things like your perfume, he will notice. This is because a guy who has a crush on a girl notices everything about her.

It is imperative to note that his compliments are sincere when a guy has a crush on you. He will not flatter you, but you realize that he genuinely thinks you are the bomb. 

2. The married man finds excuses to talk to you

A married man who has a crush on you will not lose the opportunity to talk to you.Sometimes it might even look like it’s trying too hard like when he starts asking obvious things.

Maybe you work in the same place as the married man, he may often come to your desk and ask obvious things like;

  • Are you filing the tax return?
  • When will the returns be ready? 

The thing is what he is asking doesn’t even matter. He probably already knows the answer. The thing is that he isn’t asking to get an answer, just asking to talk to you.

If you feel like at any chance a married man gets he’s making contact and trying to communicate with you, that is a sign that he’s crushing on you.

3. He makes physical contact.

If a married man is initiating physical contact, he is going to be very subtle about it. He may brush against your arm or get an excuse to tap your back.

The thing is that he Is always trying to touch you. When a married guy has a crush on you, you just can’t get enough of your skin. Don’t be shocked when he keeps trying to make physical contact.

If the man is very bold and expressive, he may not be modest about his advances and may go out of his way to make contact and be close to you. Some guys could even rub their body against yours, whisper sweet nothings in your ear, or even blatantly kiss you.

The bottom line is that when a married guy wants to touch your body, that is a sign that he has a crush on you. He just won’t keep his hands to himself when he has a crush on you.

4. The married man becomes curious about your private life.

The only reason a man would be interested in your private life and dating life is that he is attracted to you, period. No, he is just being nice, and no, he is not just curious. He just wants to know whether you’re available, that’s all.

Next time a married man asks about your weekend or who the cute guy on your Instagram story is, then lady, he is crushing so hard.

5. His eye contact says it all.

Eyes are the windows to the soul. You can tell so much from the way a guy looks at you. 

  • Is his gaze so intense? 
  • Does he smile when you catch him staring 
  • Do you feel like his eyes are on you the whole time? 
  • Do you feel like he is undressing you with his eyes?

If you are answered yes to the majority of the questions above. That married guy is crushing on you hard.

6. His body language tells you that he has a crush on you.

The good thing with body language is that you can always trust what the body says. A man’s lips might lie to you, but his body can’t.

The most common giveaways from his body contact if he is crushing when you include;

  • His posture is open (His shoulders are relaxed, and his arms are not crossed). When he’s talking to you, this shows that he’s interested in it. 
  • He plays with his necktie as if he can’t breathe when you’re around. That’s because you take his breath away.
  • He stands too close to you, almost like he wants to fuse right into you. That’s a good sign.
  • He leans in when he talks to you in a noisy place in a place where he may not hear well that may not mean anything. But if he can hear you well and he still leans in towards you, that’s a sign, that’s a sign that he’s interested.

There you have it, if the married man does some or most of the above, the chances are that he’s hot for you.

7. The married man buys you gifts.

If a married man buys a gift, it’s a friendly gesture. It may also mean that he wants to make you happy. 

But more important than giving you a gift, what you should be looking for is the gift itself. The kind of gift today man gives you tells you the motive behind the gift that is what you’re interested in.

Suppose he buys you flowers, chocolate, or any other Valentine’s themed gift. In that case, it might mean that he thinks of you romantically. If the gifts are a little bit sexual, it could mean that he thinks about you sexually.Whatever the gift, is it is symbolic of what he feels for you.

Don’t focus on the fact that he has given you a gift but rather focus on the gift itself.

8. He may blatantly flirt with you.

You need to be careful with this because married men flirt for different reasons. 

  • A married man flirting may just be having fun
  • He may enjoy being attractive in your eyes to get a boost to his self-esteem in the process.
  • He may also be simply seeking to manipulate the relationship toward a non-sexual goal.
  • A married man might flirt because he is interested in you. 

If the married guy flirting with you is shows the other signs mentioned here, he is most definitely having a crush on you. You can’t base on the fact that the married man is flirting with you to conclude that it is crushing on you. You need other signs too.

9. His feet

They say when a guy even a married one has a crush on a woman, he’s feet always point towards her. This is because in his subconscious mind, if he is crushing on you if no societal rules or things were holding him back like his marriage, he would run to you.

Even if he’s across the room, I’m busy having conversations with other people, his feet will betray him. When in doubt about the intentions of a married man, look at his feet.

10. He is cold to you

This may sound counterintuitive, but when a married guy has a crush on another woman other than his wife, he may not want to be flamboyant or tell anyone about it.

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Being cold to you is the perfect way this guy can hide his feelings for you.

Do you remember in high school when a guy was mean to you because he likes you? That’s what’s happening now, the married man likes you, but he has to disguise it.

11.You make him nervous

If you notice that a man’s palms are sweating or that he is a little bit fidgety when he is around you, it shows that he can’t control himself around you.

That is a crystal clear sign that he’s crushing on.

How do you tell if a married man is attracted to you?

Do you think that there is a married guy has a crush on you? How do you know for sure that he is attracted, and you are not misreading the signs?

When a man is attracted to you, it means that he feels a magnetic pull from you towards him. The attraction is a very difficult thing to gauge because different people react to and express attraction differently.

However, if you know what to look for, a man’s attraction for you shouldn’t be difficult to sniff out. I have put together a list of sure signs that a married man is indeed attracted to you.

Tell-tale signs that a married man is attracted to you

A married man is going to have a crush on you because he’s attracted to you. Here are a few sure signs that a married man is attracted to you.

1. His body language

A guy May lie to you with his tongue, but his body never does. You can trust 100% what his body is telling you the truth.

If he finds excuses to touch you and wants to be close to you by standing like only an inch away, you can be sure that man is attracted to you.

2. He offers to help

When a man is attracted to you, his major goal is to please you. It always finds every way possible that he can be helpful to you to get you to like him back.

If he notices that you’re carrying heavy things and you don’t even have to ask him before he offers to help or if he is opening doors and pulling chairs for you, you can be sure that the man is attracted to you.

3.He stares

Have you ever entered a room and felt like a married man’s eyes won’t leave your body? I don’t know if it is the Sixth Sense, but you can tell when someone is looking at you.

If you can feel a married man’s gaze on you, and I don’t mean on your face. If he is staring at your attractive features, then you know for sure that he’s attracted to you

4.He never likes your boyfriends

Suppose you have been friends with this married man for long, and he doesn’t like any of your boyfriends, or none of your boyfriends is perfect for him. In that case, the chances are that he never likes any of your guy friends because he wants you to like him.

 This sign is very subtle, and you may not notice, but you need to look at the pattern. If the married man goes cold or starts ignoring you when your boyfriend is around, then it is a sign that he might want to be more than friends with you. 

5. The married man is mean to you.

When a married guy teases you or is mean to you, we all know that is because he has a crush on you. If it feels like he is getting out of his way to be outright rude or even only to you. He is trying to disguise his true feelings for you.

On the other hand, if this man is rude to you, he might not be that into you, after all, so believe him.

You can only be sure his meanness is just an act if the married man shows all the other signs he is attracted to.

6. His voice deepens when he talks to you.

Scientists have found out that women are more attracted to deeper voices in men and high-pitched voices. If the man’s voice deepens when he’s talking to you, that’s a sign, that’s a clear sign he’s attracted to you.

Because his voice deepening is subconscious and he has no control over it, it is a sign you can trust.Subconscious signs can be trusted because they show you exactly what the man feels.

How do you know if a married man is attracted to you sexually?

A man may be attracted to you on different levels and in different ways. He is attracted to you in any of the ways listed below;

  • Sexual 
  • Love affair
  • Financial wealth
  • Social strategy

The levels above the different levels a man may be attracted to you.Today the main focus is on sexual attraction. 

When a guy is sexually attracted to you, it means that he feels a surge of sexual energy from you and most definitely wants to sleep with you. Just because a man is sexually attracted to you doesn’t mean that he will sleep with you. It could all end at the attraction.

Signs that a married man is sexually attracted to you.

Related:Signs a married man wants to sleep with you

1. He will ask you to do things with him that don’t include leaving the house.

If you’re going to do things with your man for which you have to stay in, he has a higher chance of sleeping with you if you are in the house.

I know that you can have sex anywhere.

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Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Still, if a guy who is attracted to you prefers to stay in with you, you can be sure, but he’s not just attracted to you, but he’s sexually attracted to you.

2. He checks you out

Married men are no different from ordinary guys. The normal guy is attracted to a woman she will check out. If you catch this man staring at your ass or boobs, you know that he is most certainly, sexually attracted to you.

3. He licks his lips

Some men creepily lick their lips now; that’s not what I mean. You know that a married guy is sexually attracted to you when he licks or unintentionally pats his lips. 

You are looking for a man who is subconsciously licking his lips because he can’t stand how hot you look. Not the one who is creepily licking his lips for whatever creepy motive that he has.

4. He stands too close.

When a married man is attracted to you, she wants to be your space. If you’re very sensitive, you might even feel the hormones boiling in his body.

A man who wants to be too close to you might as well prefer the right into you if you get my drift.

5. He never misses an opportunity to touch you.

I feel like touching the universal language of the guys who are sexually attracted to women. It doesn’t matter what the occasion is. This man will find a reason, however small, to touch you.

Suppose this sounds like something that you are experiencing. In that case, you can be sure that the married man you’re dealing with not only has a crush on you, but he’s sexually attracted to you.

What to do when you have a crush on a married guy

What you do when you like a married guy depends on whether you like him back and would like to pursue anything with him.

If you like him, begin by flirting with him and see how to goes. Even if you are sure that a man is attracted, you are better off starting by flirting with him before making your feelings known.You could also check on my How to make a man fall in love with you if you are desperately in love with him.

Depending on his response after you flirt with him, you can go on to pursue a thing with the married man or bury your feelings and move on as nothing happened.

On the other hand,, if you do not like him, the only thing you can do is make it abundantly clear that you are interested in anything. If he persists, threaten him that you will tell his wife. That should usually do the trick.

Married Man Compliments me.

There is nothing wrong with a married man complimenting you.After all, it is only to give credit where it is due. 

Problems arise when the married man’s focus of the compliment shift from the content of your achievements to your features. 

It is okay if a married man tells you that:

  • Nice dress
  • That’s a good pair of shoes 
  • That’s a beautiful car
  • You did a good job there.

However, if he says any of the following or something similar, then it is no longer innocent:

  • You have nice legs 
  • You’re so hot 
  • That’s a sexy pair of eyes 

The point is that he’s a married man when the focus of the compliment shifts from items and your achievements to who you are and your body, then there it is no longer innocent. 

If you have no interest in pursuing a married man, this is when you make it abundantly clear to him.


Do married people get secret crushes, and if so, how do they handle that intense crush?

Yes, married people get secret crushes.Married people are only wedded, not dead; therefore, they are bound to have crushes in other people.

A married person is either sworn to or at least expected to practice monogamy, so married people tend to deal with crushes as neatly as possible.

When a married person has an intense, the norm is to let the spouse in on it. This is because sometimes, having a crush is indicative of what is missing in the marriage. This way, the couple uses it to fix the issue the crush has pointed to

Also, it easier for married people to deal with diffusing the crush when they are both in the know because crushes are alluring when left a secret, but once the other partner knows about it, the crush loses the elusiveness and may even be forgotten.

Some marriage therapists strongly suggest introducing your crush to your spouse because a crush is normally fictitious and mysterious while your partner is real. 

By introducing your crush to your partner, you merged the two worlds, the fictitious and mysterious, with the real, which may make the crush lose its power.

Would a married man with a crush on me act very cold to disguise true feelings?

Sometimes, a married man will act and distant to compensate for the terrible fondness he feels for you. A man will often display such aloofness when you and he are around his family because he doesn’t want anyone suspecting that he has a crush on you.

But on the flip side, a married man may act cold to you because he thinks you have misconstrued his kindness as an attraction. Men normally put distance and even ignore women who think that men like them when they don’t.

The only way to know for sure which of the two scenarios is to look out for other signs. What is the general vibe you are getting from the married man? Is it cordial or hostile?My 20 signs a married man cares for you has more info on that.

Can old married men have crushes?

Yes, it is normal for an old married man to have crushes. This is because having a crush has nothing to do with the fact that the man is old nor married.

If he is around a woman he finds attractive and feels a connection, the old married man may have a crush on the woman. It is totally okay and happens in RL. 

What should a married man do if he has a huge crush on someone in the office?

Having a crush on someone in the office is not uncommon. With the nine to five society we live in, people spend most of their time in the office.

It is also worth noting that you get to see your colleagues’ best version of smartness and even friendliness in the workplace. 

In such a situation, you are bound to get crushes on your colleague. No wonder 50% of affairs today start in the office. 

Final thoughts

It is only natural for a married man to have a crush on an attractive woman. The important thing is what the married man goes on to do after crushing.

Will he go on to pursue anything post the crush, or will he fight for his marriage? That is the most crucial part.

Lies married men tell their mistresses.

Tell me lies

Do married men lie to their mistresses?

  • What are the most common lies men tell their mistress?
  • What should you do if you realize that a man is lying to you?

Certainly, not everything a married man says to you is a lie.However, the majority of things that a married man says to you will be lies.Think about it, a married man isn’t obliged to you in any way. How can you expect honesty from a man who has no obligation whatsoever to you?

The only reason a married man has you as a mistress is so that he can have his cake and eat it. He wants the best of both worlds, a wife for home and a freaky mistress for the bed.Everything he says to you at this time is to maintain the balance.

Before we continue, to Lies married men tell their mistresses, If you are tired of waiting and you want to make him leave his wife for you as soon as yesterday? what you need is click here no wasting time.

I understand why a mistress would hold onto whoever a married man says for dear life. As a mistress, you want to believe that all the time and emotions you have invested in the relationship were not for nothing.

You also probably like this man, and if the lies that he feeds you are true, it means that maybe just maybe, he might like you too. You want it to be true so badly that you’re not willing to find out if it’s false.

Why do men lie to their mistresses?

What is the motive of a man when he’s lying to his mistress? What does he stand to gain from lying to his mistress? Why do men lie?

If a married man came to you and said: “Look, I am married, but I just want someone like you on the side for fun and all.” Would you be willing to go with this man? Be honest. Very few women would.

If a married man is not sly and secretive of his intentions, he’s never going to get a mistress to start with. I know it is selfish, but a guy will not let the fact that he is married stop him from being with a gorgeous girl. In that case, he would rather lie about it.

There you have it, the reason men lie to their mistresses is to get them to sleep with them in the first place and keep them. 

The truth is that if he came to you with the truth, you wouldn’t be interested.Hence, he has to continue lying to keep you invested in the relationship.

The 8 Common lies a married man will tell you.

Philandering men could easily be the most devious creatures to ever walk this planet. You see, no level-headed woman entertains the thought of playing second fiddle to another woman’s man or being the second option. 

The only reason why many women, including very intelligent girls, end up with married men is his tongue’s craftiness. The man will promise heaven and earth, but sadly, in the end, he delivers nothing but sex.

His best shot is to lie and tell you what you want to hear to keep you interested otherwise, who would fall for such a scumbag without a little nudging?

What are the common lies, and married men will tell you, and why are they effective?Listed below are the most common lies that married men will tell you.

1. “My wife won’t sleep with me.”

Have you noticed how married men paint their wives black?

  • My wife is abusive
  • My wife has mental issues
  • She mistreats me
  • My wife this, my wife that; all BS

Hearing such accusations always leaves me wondering if your wife is that horrible, why did you marry her in the first place?

Also, assuming that all that b******* was true, how is your business his wife is XZY? It isn’t any of your concern that his marriage is awful.

The only reason would feed you with such crap is a cheap ploy to solicit sympathy from you so that later when he asks to sleep with you or any other outrageous demand, you will be inclined to accept since you feel sorry for him.

Think of it this way, why would a man marry a witch for a wife? If that is true, why hasn’t he divorced her? I’ll tell you, he hasn’t left her because he lied, his wife isn’t that bad.

2. “I married early.”

So what if you married early?

  • I didn’t choose my wife
  • She tricked into marrying her with a pregnancy

This is another cheap ploy to get you to feel sorry for him. So what if he didn’t choose his wife? Or if he married early?

All that crap is none of your business. None of that is your doing. Don’t let the man manipulate you into fixing problems you didn’t even start.

He’s an adult, and as such, he should face the consequences of his decision. He married her, that is his cross to carry, not yours.

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3. “If I leave, my wife takes everything.”

This is another annoying excuse. If Donald Trump, a billionaire, can afford to divorce, who is he? Is that man richer than Trump?

He’s only using the cost of divorce and losing money in alimony as an excuse. I know for sure that if a man wants to do anything, nothing will stop him, even if it’s to live on the Moon. Men are strong-willed and are not easily discouraged.

Instead of using the divorce as an excuse, why doesn’t he tell you the truth?Which is, “I don’t want to leave my wife.”

4. “I don’t even love my wife, it’s you that I love.”

This should even be obvious. So, the man married his wife, and now he tells you that he doesn’t love her, and it is you, the girl he won’t allow to be seen in public with that she loves? Come on!

This is clearly a lie written in all caps.

5. I am not happy in my marriage.

So what? What does his happiness have to do with you?Maybe he is not lying and is unhappily married. But how is it your business?

The problem here is that he’s not telling you the whole truth.Which, in its purest form, would be something like, “Hey, my marriage is not working, and I need to use you as a distraction.” We all know that he would never say anything like that. 

Unless you are a therapist, there’s no reason he should be telling you what he’s in happiness in his marriage. That is his business, and he should be damn well capable of handling it.

6. “I am planning to leave my wife.”

This lie has many sisters and cousins and looks like it;

  • God willing, I’ll leave my wife next year.
  • I’ve been trying to leave my wife to no avail.
  • Do you think I want to stay with my wife?
  • Eventually, I’m going to leave my wife.

We all know that men are very focused people. If a guy plans to buy a car, give him less than a year, and the man will have a car. Why is leaving his wife taking him so long? That’s because he doesn’t want to. Men do the fuck what they want to do, always. 

It doesn’t matter if he even gives you a time frame, after which he should have left his wife. A man can see just about anything to get what he wants.

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Believe this lie at your own demise.

7. “I would leave my wife if it wasn’t for ABC and D.”

It is even laughable the kinds of excuses married men sometimes give for being stuck in their marriages;

  • I would leave my wife if my kids weren’t so young.
  • I can’t leave my wife because I have nowhere else to stay.
  • He would leave my wife, but his in-laws would die of a heart attack.
  • I would leave my wife if it wasn’t for [Insert ridiculous excuse]

The truth of the matter is it if a man indeed wanted to do something, not even hell can stop him.While the excuses may be true, they are all just convenient factors that he uses as a cover.

Nothing, and I repeat nothing, can stop a man from doing what he wants. All those reasons that he’s giving excuses are just excuses. Don’t fall for it.

8. “I love you.” 

The likes of;

  • I care for you
  • If things were different, I totally pick you

Love is one of the most misused words in the dictionary. Love is selfless, love is not self-seeking, and love cares.  

There is nothing selfless or caring or even pure about an affair.Because as a mistress, there’s nothing in it for you and everything in it for the man. It is a classic one-sided arrangement.

If he indeed loved you, he wouldn’t put you in between such a chaotic, tormenting, and frustrating situation.

The fact that he’s even able to sleep knowing that the man expects you to be there for him when he knows he can never be there for you is proof that you mean next to nothing to him.

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How do you know that a married man is lying to you?

Unfortunately, there is no 100% sure way to tell whether a man is being honest or not. Your best bet is to look for signs that he could be lying.

You don’t have to be a human lie detector to know whether a man is lying to you. Don’t worry about how you will catch a lying man because I have put together a list of signs that a married man could be lying. Read on to find out what they are.

Before we can start, I need to put this out there; your instincts for smelling liars are strong. The only problem is that your consciousness sometimes modifies this truth, depending on how you feel about the liar. If you want to catch a liar, you need to trust your instincts.

You also need to realize that you need to know how they normally act to know if a person is lying. Some indicator signs could be the person’s character, so you must know how they normally act to rule those out. 

8 tell-tale signs that he is lying

1.Breathing changes

When we lie, we are doing something contrary to what we’re programmed to do. It is typical for a liar to experience changes in breathing and breathing patterns. 

The liar may take deeper breaths than normal or sound breathless. A difference in the breathing pattern could be indicative of a lie.

Pay attention to the married man’s breathing pattern if you want to know whether he is lying.

2. The liar may become still and stiff.

When trying to fool people, a liar may try so hard to look normal. In trying so hard to look like nothing’s wrong, the lair may come off as still or awkwardly stiff.

Naturally, when we speak the truth, we make slight body movements. When someone is lying, they may become still. 

The liar is conscious that they’re lying to make you convinced the lair compensates by trying to appear normal. It is in a bid to appear normal that is why a liar unknowingly looks ridiculous and fidgety.

A person’s posture when they talk can communicate whatever you’re telling the truth or a lie. Look out for any stiffness or tension; it could indicate the man is lying.

3. A liar often repeats words and phrases.

When the liar is speaking, the thing about lying is trying to convince both you and themselves about what they’re talking about. If a liar is not convinced about what he is saying, it is going to show.

Subconsciously as the liar repeats, he hopes that repeating the word or phrase over and over in his mind appears true.

If the married man keeps repeating certain phrases is most probably lying.Unless a guy stammers, I don’t see why he repeats words and phrases if he isn’t lying.

4. The liar might be tempted to give too much information.

In a liar’s mind, he knows that it will leave gaps in the story by giving you precise information. He is also aware that if you ask questions to fill those gaps since he is lying, the versions of the lie will keep changing.

His best short is to bombard you with so much information so that you have no question about it. That’s the reason Liars normally tend to give too much information about a very small issue.

Suppose you asked a man, for instance, where he was the previous weekend and his response. In that case, he includes where he was seated, at what time, and many other precise details, he is lying.

No human being remembers that much detail unless he’s making it up. We remember the important things with other important things, where he was seated or what time he sat there is inconsequential to what he was doing, so he is lying.

5. They may touch or cover their mouths.

As mentioned above, we are programmed to tell the truth.Maybe as a response to prevent the liar from lying, he may instinctively touch his mouth, or around his mouth, it is as if his hands are trying to prevent the lie from coming out.

So maybe the reason he keeps touching his lips when he’s talking could be because he’s lying.

6.Covering vulnerable parts of the body 

Lying makes the lair feel exposed and naked instinctively. The liar will cover vulnerable parts of the body as a response to lying.

Suppose a liar covers their face, neck, chest, or abdomen, some of the body’s most vulnerable parts. In that case, it’s indicative that they are lying.

7. The lair changes typical patterns of eye movement.

They say that the eyes are the “windows to the soul.” That’s especially true if you want to see whether someone is lying. The thing here is to be sure you know the typical eye movements for that person.

Some people tend to look up when they’re remembering and look down when they’re lying. It may be that the man is bashful and is always looking on the floor while they talk. In this case, they may not be lying.

The key to correctly interpreting eye patterns and movements is to see whether there is a change in the norm, indicating that they could be lying.

However, there is one universal eye movement that you can trust.People who are lying look toward the door, their unconscious escape route.

He lied to me about leaving his wife.

This lie may be as old as time, but it still gets some people, which perturbs me. The truth is that MEN NEVER LEAVE THEIR WIVES, but in the slightest chance that he did, you will have a 75% divorce rate with him. So tell me, is it even worth it?

I understand if you want to sleep with a married man, heck I even get it if the only men you want to date are married men. What I don’t understand is why you want this man to leave his wife. Have you not heard about Karma?

You can have all the fun you want and do whatever you please. Just don’t fall for the married man. That is the Only Rule you must live by in the Mistresses Playbook.Falling in love with a married man is the cause of all this chaos. 

Save yourself and everyone involved, don’t fall in love with him. It doesn’t matter what he said; he lied. He doesn’t love you because if he did, you would have left his wife a long, long time ago. You deserve better; you deserve someone who will love you as much as you love them. 

Men lie to their mistresses all the time.

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
First, to get them to even allow them to sleep with them and maintain the relationship. You can’t expect honesty from a relationship that is built on a foundation of lies.

As expected, he lied to you about leaving his wife, and no, he won’t regret it. The best thing you can do is save yourself from any further damage from the torment by leaving the married man, never to return.

What to do when a married man lies to you

All of us lie; it is human nature. We can’t help it. Some people, though, lie more than others.However small a lie is, remember a lie begets a lie and so forth.

A lying man may not necessarily be a bad man. You may be conflicted about what to do because you may not want to leave him since he’s nothing but a liar. You may even already be in love with him.

How do you cope with a married man lying to you? What do you do in that case?

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The 3 step-by-step approach to deal with a married man lying to you

1, Let him know that his lies are painful to you.

Sometimes men lie to protect you from the truth. If you let him know that he is hurting you by lying, he may stop

2.Confront him the next time he lies

Sometimes men lie because they think they can get away with it. If you confront him for lying, he may realize that he can’t get away with lying to you.Because you will catch him.

3. Walk away. The man is never going to change.

At this stage, you need to realize with a pathological liar if he couldn’t heed your confrontation nor the information that he is hurting you by lying.

Walk away. You don’t need such toxicity in your life.

After realizing that a married man has lied to you, you may decide to leave him for good. I know it’s going to be very challenging, so I have put together a step-by-step guide to take you through the entire process of leaving a married man for good. 

You owe it to yourself to be happy, and this is your key to happiness, walking away from an unsatisfying and demeaning relationship.

How to leave a married man for good

Leaving something that brought you so much joy even though it also made you cry like an affair is never easy. I understand why you may be pinning and postponing the break-up with your married lover. 

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to leave a married man for good whenever you are ready.

1.Measure the Pain

Measuring the pain that the affair has caused you is all the motivation that you may need to leave him. Get a piece of paper a pen and write down and on side write every good thing that you feel you got from this relationship, the sex, gifts, you name it.

On the other side, write everything that has caused you to pain from the affair.Maybe it’s because you have to sneak around to be with the man or the time you cried. 

After all, he left you sick to go and get diamond earrings for his wife.Whatever it is that hurts you, this is the time to write and think about it.

Most often than not, the bad always outweighs the good. The affair is not made for you, The Other Woman, it is meant to satisfy the married man’s needs.

2. List Alternative and Healthy Sources to get those Perks

Obviously, the affair wasn’t all bad; otherwise, it wouldn’t be so hard to let go.Right now, you need to find alternatives for all the good things you’ve been getting from the relationship. Let’s face it; the affair had to end one way or the other. 

Maybe in the emotional satisfaction you were getting from the attention of a married man or steamy sex.There is nothing that you can get from an affair that a normal relationship wouldn’t give you.

It will be easier for you to let go when you have a back-up plan to get all the great things you’ve used to get.

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Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Involve your Friends

The chances are that none of your friends or family knew that you were being a homewrecker. It is easier for you to move on when you have an unaccountability system, and you’re going to need your friends now more than ever. 

It would be wise to tell one or two of your trusted friends.

4.Draft a Good-bye message

One of the hardest things about letting go of a relationship he’s what to say. It helps if you draft the goodbye message ahead of time.

This way, you will know what to say and what not to say. It also gives you the advantage of modifying the message to be as firm but as kind as possible.

5.Deliver the message

 The best way to deliver break-up messages in person but sometimes due to many circumstances is that maybe the married man is out of town, or you don’t trust yourself to break up with him face-to-face. You can send the message.

6. Get closure

Leaving a married man for good is like a break-up, so you need to treat it as such. You must try your best to get closure so that you can begin the process of healing.

Dating a married man is emotionally damaging for anyone. In the process, you may have had to deal with so many emotions and torture, so you particularly need to get closure; otherwise, you may never move on.

You may want to have a closure ceremony where you burn everything that reminds me of the man, or you could choose to write a letter filled with every negative emotion, then burn it. 

The bottom line is to find a way to get closure; whichever way works for you is imperative as you get closer.

7.Start fresh

Starting over after break-up is not easy; how much more after an affair? You need to be very patient and kind to yourself and take all the time you need to heal.

Remember to take it one step at a time but, above all, choose yourself at every stage.

Signs married man used me.

The thing is, you can’t win as a mistress. The man takes it all. You have to work around his time, and he can’t be there for you when you need him, but you have to be there for him at the snap of his finger.

The affair is never pretty for The Other Woman, and it doesn’t matter what the married man tells you there is nothing in it for you.

If you are dating a married man, don’t be convinced by anything he promises because the truth is the affair doesn’t benefit you in any way. As a matter of fact, it takes from you. 

How do you know if a married man is using you? What are the signs that a married man used you?Listed below are some of the most Dependable signs that a married man used you

  • He lied to you
  • He manipulated you
  • You got nothing but sex from the affair
  • He used money or his position as bait to get to you


Can a married man love his lover?

A married man loves his lover no more than he loves his favorite toy. I know it sounds harsh, but the truth is if the man loved you, if he indeed truly loved you, he would have divorced his wife the moment he started seeing you.

The fact that he hasn’t is proof that he doesn’t love you.Forget what he tells you, what does he do?Remember, actions speak louder than words; believe his actions, not his words.

It is improbable that a married man would love his lover. I’m not saying it is impossible, but the odds are stacked up against you in this situation.

In love with a married man? how to stop it.

I don’t judge you for dating a married man. I know that only a handful of women intentionally set out to date a married man; however, some of the women dating married men were entrapped by the men’s lies. 

You see, no affair is 100% emotion proof.Somewhere along the way, you’re bound to catch feelings more than man.

Now the thing with love is that love is like energy; you cannot destroy it. Once you love someone, the chances are that you’re going to love them forever. Your best shot in this situation is to love him from a distance

Loving someone you are never going to have is agonizing. For your sanity’s sake, you need to actively remove yourself from the madness of being involved with a married man.

By loving him from a distance, I mean that after realizing that you may never stop loving him, don’t let it keep with him. I am not asking you to do something that you can’t do; I know that you can never stop loving him, but you do not have to stay with you.


A married man lying to his wife about you, the mistress, will not waste a second to lie to you. It is just the way it is.

Your relationship is based on a lie, so expect it to be filled with lies here and there.

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Man possessive of me?(professional advice)

There is a difference between a protective and a possessive man.Sadly many people don’t realize that there is a difference between the two.

Is your partner possessive of you? What do you do when your partner is possessive, are you?

We are all possessive to a small extent.Something I like to call innocent possessiveness.There is a problem, however, when this innocent possessiveness becomes aggressive possessiveness.

There isn’t a ‘type’ when it comes to possessive married men. They come from all social and economic classes, ages, education statuses, religious beliefs, political tendencies, upbringing, you name it. You won’t be able to recognize a possessive man by any special category.

Does a married man have the moral authority to be possessive?

  • Why would a married man be possessive of you?
  • How can you tell that a married man is possessive of you
  • Is your husband a possessive man? 

I know that when it comes to your married man’s possessive behavior, you may have a million unanswered questions. 

Thanks to my not-so-good love escapades, I have been cursed with being with some of the most imperfect, selfish, and even possessive men that the earth has held. So I might know a thing or two about possessive behavior in your partner.

When a married man is possessive of me.

What does it mean when a married man is possessive of you? What to expect when you are with a possessive man.

When a married man is possessive of you, he is kinda selfish about the people in his life, in this case, you. He may be clingy and could even label you his for the world to see. He treats you like a thing he owns.

Being with a possessive man isn’t easy to cope with because a possessive man is often insecure and controlling. He wants you to himself so badly that the guy may alienate you from everything; your friends, family, events, your life in general. 

Possessive people don’t always start off by showing this part of their personality. If a man started acting controlling right away, he wouldn’t even get a second date, and he knows it.

In RL, possessive men are charming; they may act kindly to you and even come across as caring and concerned. You may even feel flattered and loved in the early stages of the relationship, only for him to unleash the monster after you are hooked.

Why is a married man possessive of me?

When dealing with any couple’s problem, you may feel like you have a part in it. So you beat yourself up and share in the blame. A married man is possessive because of his inner insecurities, which often have nothing to do with you.

A married man who is cheating on his wife is flawed.Leave alone the fact that may be victimized in his marriage(If that is even true) or whatever other cheating cards he thinks he has, you need to realize that you are dealing with a damaged man from the beginning.

Flawed people often come with other emotional baggage.Could it be that he was possessive all along, and you are beating and blaming yourself for nothing? His possessive tendencies likely have nothing to go with you,

Why then is he being possessive of you? What are the real reasons a married man may be possessive of you?

The real reasons why a married man is possessive of you.

Whether the possessive man is your husband, or your lover or whatever else he is to you, these reasons are crosscutting and hold true regardless of the scenario you are in.

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Being protective of the people you care for is normal.

Possessive behavior may stem from being protective, which is a natural and healthy emotion. It is normal for a man to be worried about your safety, drinking habits, or even the lousy friend he feels is a bad company. 

It only becomes a problem when this goes overboard when it goes beyond being concerned and it goes to him acting ‘on your behalf.’ For instance, when he worries that your friends are bad, so he cuts them off on your behalf or even forbids from seeing them.

One of my not-so-good experiences, Lamech, was a fine guy judging from the outside.Every one of my friends kept telling me how lucky I was to have Lamy in my life. In the beginning, it was beautiful, perfect even.

I met Lamy at a German class that I took shortly after high school. I had always wanted to work in Berlin, but that’s a story later. So that is how I met Lamy. 

We started going about 3 weeks into the program; he was so charming he literally blew me off my feet immediately. You may say he had me exactly where he wanted me; I adored the man. 

At around the same time I started dating Lamy, I started losing contact with my old friend Ron with whom I was working on a research project. 

I didn’t think there was a connection because I thought Ron was just being Ron; he was probably on one of his booze fests and somewhere in the middle of the ocean with a strange girl. 

With time though, I started noticing that I could no longer call or text nor even email Ron. The only other person who had access to my accounts was Lamy. So I confronted him, and all he could say was that he was protecting me. I was Livid.

He had threatened Ron and asked him never to call me and then went ahead to block Ron on every platform he could find on my devices. What a monster! Ron is just one of the many that Lammy cut out of my life; Miriam, Fred, Leon, and even my second cousin Frank, Etc.

Fine, I accept Ron is a bad influence, and Lamy was right to worry, but cutting him off was my decision to make, not Lamy’s!

2. He has a constant need to control things

Show me a possessive married man, and I will show you a control freak, the two go together.Having the need to put your life in order is great; however, having an uncontrollable need to control everything is where things go berserk.

It is impossible to be in charge of everything in life, especially things that concern people, because humans are unpredictable and volatile. If a man fails to accept this, he may be tempted to force the things and the people he can’t control to bend to his rule.

That Is in itself possessiveness.

3. He is insecure and has self-doubt.

At the heart of every possessive man, there is an insecure boy full of self-doubt. A man is possessive and smothering because he fears that is the only way he could ever be with you.

He fears that deep down, he has nothing to offer, and sooner or later, he will lose you to someone else who has a real thing to offer. So his best shot is to cut you off from the world so that you don’t meet his potential successor.

3. He is battling other issues like abandonment and trust issues.

Emotional problems don’t occur in isolation. Like a possessive on, an emotionally unstable man is bound legions of other issues that could have preceded the possessive behavior tendencies.

Such issues that could predispose a man to possessive behavior are abandonment and trust issues whose cause may be rooted in childhood traumatic experience.

Traumatic childhood causes abandonment and trust issues, which cause possessive behavior, resulting in controlling tendencies and even narcissism. 

In RL, that may not always be the case for every possessive man.Still, for the majority of married men, their possessiveness stems from issues rooted in childhood trauma.

4. He has a good thing going on, and he is afraid to lose you, particularly for married men.

A married man knows that he has absolutely nothing to offer you. He will be worried, especially if you are his mistress, that someone will come in and take you away from here and disturb the balance he already has in his life.

The man is living his perfect life with you as his side woman and his  wife as his major woman so someone else coming in the picture to take you away threatens this life that he has going on.

He will try to be possessive and even manipulative to keep you why you are so he doesn’t lose what he already has going on. I know that it sounds selfish, but the heart of a possessive man is selfish.

What are the signs of a possessive man?

A possessive married man tends to start and maintain his relationships using dominating and authoritative behavior. 

At the start, he may mask this behavior through subtle and kind gestures. It is at this kindness and often a very charming phase that a possessive man traps his victim.

How can you sniff out a possessive man? What are the qualities of a possessive man?

The qualities of a possessive man

1.Possessive men often have obsessive personalities. 

Obsessive personality stems from obsessive behavior, which comes from obsessive thoughts and urges. A possessive man usually has obsessive thoughts about losing you or being adequate, which drives his manic behavior.

2. The man is controlling.

Possessive men also usually have the need to control things, even people in their lives. His need to control you may come from a pure place, he may just want to protect you, or he genuinely could be trying to make you a better person.

The problem is that his need for control makes methods rather crude because instead of asking for your permission, a possessive man will go-ahead to do what if I think he’s good for 

that ‘you.’ 

Because he acts from insecurities, what he does may not be the best for you but the best for him. Even though the man claims that what he did he did for you, he did it for himself in the real sense.

3. He is an overly jealous man.

 Another very common quality of possessive men is that they are always jealous.Maybe because of the self-doubt and insecurities, he may feel ‘less-than,’ so when he sees any other guy around you, it incites jealousy.

Tell-tale signs that you are relating with a possessive man.

1. He is clingy

Good heavens! A passive married man can be so needy and clingy that you may want to kill yourself. He makes you feel like you are the center of his life, and in many ways, you are because you are his only friend more often than not, he makes it feel like without you; he will die.

At first, this is cute, but you will curse when you realize that he was serious about you being his life. He expects you to drop everything you are doing for him when he calls.

He may often also expect you to bend  forwards and backward to prove your love for him.

Make His Actions Match His Promises
Order Your Help Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Proving your loyalty will get tiring because no amount of assurance is enough for a possessive man. 

2. He Checks Your Phones.

Everyone knows that the phone is private property.Still, a possessive man does not respect any personal boundary of face and privacy. He will often do creep things. But because you’re already charmed by him, you may just ignore it and cut him some slack.

He is checking your phones and computer frequently to know whom to be wary of. 

One of my other unfortunate experiences, Tony would go through my phone frequently. He used to use the pretense that he wanted to admire my selfies, I obviously never objected.

One day I was looking for an important slip I had misplaced.Naturally, when you misplace an important thing, you turn the house around,

While I was looking, I landed on a notebook of Tony’s and oh my goodness. He had a handwritten list of every guy in my contact list and his analysis of my relationship with that man written on the side. 

Let me break it down so that it becomes clearer. For example, I had a friend named Billy next to whose name he had written, “This Billy goat is working his claws to my girl, but she is oblivious.” Then on one of my ex’s contacts, he handwritten, “The one that got away. Keep away, CR.”

I don’t even know the second one because CR wasn’t my ex’s initials; I was freaked out. He had done this with every guy and a few girls in my phonebook. 

Then it hit me, and I remembered that he often asked about my friends, and I thought he was trying to get to know them. I only realized then that the sick man was compiling a sick list for whatever sick plan he had. To this day, I thank God I was able to leave safe. 

3. He Controls Who You Associate With

At the beginning of the relationship, he will be subtle. In fact, his control will come off as kindness or concern. But slowly by slowly, he begins to cut you from some people. 

With his control tools like swing moods and other emotional authoritarian tendencies, he starts to control who you associate with.

As mentioned above, a possessive man acts from a place of insecurity and even jealousy. So he’s going to try his best to keep you away from people that he feels are better than him and could potentially replace him in your life and those who will open your eyes to see that he’s not a good man for you.

In fact, if you take time, you may see that the people he asks you to keep from are usually your most sensible friends or the good men in your life.

4. He Isolates You From Everyone And Everything

His goal is where it’s just you and him. That way, he can be a hundred percent sure that no one or nothing will ever take you away from you.

The thing with a possessive guy is that he doesn’t love you; he’s obsessed with you. That may start off as cute and loving, but it won’t end well. You are meant to be loved, not obsessed about.There’s a huge difference, love is selfless decision is self-seeking; I’m selfish

5. Your Boyfriend Has No Friends

This should be a red flag that this guy has no friends.Obviously, he will try to victimize himself and tell you how all his friends were assholes to him.blah blah blah. 

But having no friends means that there is something wrong with him.

6. He Accuses You

This may be subtle in the beginning. If the man keeps accusing you of doing things that you didn’t, he may be trying to see by reaction whether you ever would. 

In his sick mind, he believes that you might be cheating on him, so he’s constantly going to keep accusing you of all these crazy things until he gets a confession.

7. He Stalks You and Is probably tracking your phone without your knowledge.

I know that no one would ever ask for your consent to stalk your phone or do something nearly as creepy as that. A possessive guy takes it one step further, I don’t mean to scare you, but if you’re dating a possessive man, he’s probably already cloned your phones. He is keeping tabs on everything and everyone that you talk to.

The biggest challenge of a possessive guy is that he doesn’t trust you at all. To be sure that you are telling the truth, he will stalk you or track your phone or both.

8. He Has a Problem With Everyone You Know

It doesn’t matter how good your friends are, he always has a problem with them. To him, Samantha is a smoker, Mary is a drinker, Susan is a whore. He always finds the negatives of your friends. 

Obviously, it could be true that your friends are bad, but he exaggerates. He wants you to distrust everyone but him. So at the end of the day, he is the only one you trust. He wants to be your one and only, practically.

9. He Withholds Information

So your friend called while you were in the shower he won’t breathe a word about it.Chances are that he picked up, mumbled some threats, and deleted from your call history.

Even if it is something serious like a family member being sick, Mr.

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Possessive will not say a thing about it.Remember, his goal is to cut you from society and transplant you into a world where it’s just you and him. Only you and him.

I know it sounds cute initially, but it’s not; you need your friends, you need your family, and you need your life. That’s a luxury that a possessive man can’t afford to give you.

10.He Intimidates You

 A possessive man uses fear as a tool because he’s goal is to control you. The guy knows that he needs to have you afraid or intimidated by him, then he knows that he has a free pass to control you if you are afraid or intimidated by him. 

11.He Uses Information That You Have Confided In Him Against You

This is a sick ploy to control you. You may have naively told the man things about you in confidence, but he will use it against you.

If you suspect that you are dealing with a possessive man, my advice is to bait him with a juicy lie and then pick up a fight later. He is bound to bring it up. 

Before you tell him your life story, be sure that you can trust him because any man could potentially be this terrible.

12. He Is Suicidal

That is obviously a trap to stop you from ever thinking about leaving him because you don’t want his blood on your hands, and he knows it. He acts suicidal so that you won’t leave him.

That is manipulation 101, if you ask me. 

Married boyfriend is jealous.

Does your married boyfriend have the audacity to be jealous? He goes to his wife every night, doesn’t he? Now, why is he acting all green-eyed because you had coffee with Will?

Jealousy, like love, is a complicated emotion. His reasons for being jealous cannot be rationalized because, however ridiculous it sounds, he is jealous. That’s the thing with problematic emotions. It’s easy to dish out but hard to take.

But it is not entirely a bad thing if your married boyfriend is jealous. A little jealousy never had a relationship and may be good for you. Why?

When a guy gets jealous at that moment, he realizes that he could lose you. So he resolves that he’s going to treat you better otherwise so that he doesn’t lose you. So, making a guy jealous could make him treat you better.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the girlfriend of a married man called?

The girlfriend of a married man is called a few unpleasant names. Mistress, ‘the other woman,’ kept-woman, whore, homewrecker, slut, Etc are all names people use to describe the girlfriend of a married man.

Even if we had the whole day, I could go on and on about what a married man’s girlfriend is called and still finish. What you should know is that all the names have a somewhat negative connotation to them.

How Do You Tell if a Married Man is Attracted to You?

How do you tell if he is attracted to you?Attraction, like love, is complicated and may take many faces. One guy may express his attraction by being supportive and nice to you. In contrast, another man may express his attraction by being mean and cold. 

So I get it, attraction looks different on different people. So how then do you know for sure that a married man is attracted to you? Here are some of the most universal signs.

  • He wants to talk to you. If you feel like a man is making excuses to talk to you, he is attracted to you.
  • He wants to be close to you. Is he always taking the empty seat next to you? That’s a sign that he is attracted to you.
  • He mirrors your actions, this could be subtle, but if you notice he is sitting the way you sit, copying your expressions, he is in too deep.

How do you get a married man to crave you?

Married men are still men; nonetheless, so the same ways you can make any man for you should trap a married man. 

If you want to get a married man to crave for you, here are some sneaky but effective ways to go about it.

  • Have an air of mystery around you always, keep him guessing.
  • You need to look good, dress good, and smell good.
  • Have a life or at least have something going on
  • Be confident(guys find it sexy)
  • Don’t be too available.

Can a married man fall in love with a married woman?

Love is blind, isn’t that what they say? A married man may fall in love with anyone. Love is borderless.

A married man may fall in love with a married woman because falling in love for him has nothing to do with his marital status.

So, yes, a married man can fall in love with a married woman. The reasons why a married man may fall in love with a married man are numerous and varied.

Maybe he feels unappreciated by his wife, but the married woman values him, or he just feels better in the married woman’s company. On the other hand, it may have nothing to do with his wife. That’s love for you.

Why am I possessive of my husband?

In any relationship, it is normal to feel possessive of your partner to an extent.After all, many marriages are monogamous, so you may expect a level of exclusivity.

Problems arise when you feel insecure, maybe because your husband shows philandering signs or rooted psychological problems in l=you like self-esteem and self-doubt.

When you become insecure, you worry that your man could be taken away from you. So as a coping mechanism to stop it happening, you may put him on a tight leash.

You may even come across as controlling and possessive of your husband. In a nutshell, your insecurities beget possessiveness in a marriage.

Final thoughts

A married man may possess you for several reasons, which may have nothing to do with you but his insecurities and self-doubt.

A possessive man may be flattering at what cost at the beginning of a relationship.Still, as time goes and the possessiveness turns into control and something nasty, you may not feel as flattery anymore.

If you realize that a man has possessive signs and quality, run for your life as soon as possible. If he is your husband, please seek professional help. You need couples therapy ASAP.

Related:Signs a married man is attracted to you

Do married men miss their mistresses?

Do married men miss their mistresses? Yes, a married man will miss his mistress because they provide an outlet for physical and emotional needs that aren’t being met in their marriage.Unless the wife realizes what’s happening and is able to provide what’s missing, the husband will continue to seek out his mistress and the cycle will continue.

More than 74% of mistresses would agree to fulfilling many desires a man may not be able to express to his wife, such as sexual fantasies or intimacy levels that are higher or lower than what his wife is comfortable with.

46% of wives i have talked to in my practice, underestimate how important sex is to their husbands. This is scary.

A mistress can provide a sense of excitement that may be lacking in a man’s life, making him feel more alive and virile. If a man feels trapped in his marriage or is no longer attracted to his wife, he may turn to a mistress for the attention and affection he craves.

Mistress often provides an emotional connection that a wife may not always be able to provide. The man may feel like he can talk to his mistress about things he couldn’t discuss with his wife and this could lead to him feeling increased intimacy with her.

How one expect a man to just loose such connection with someone he has been seeing for a long time is beyond word?

So yes married men really miss their mistresses

Even though he may not admit or later act on it, a married man will miss his mistress, sooner or later. It is bound to happen.

Read: 20 Signs a married man cares for you

Why would a married man miss his mistress?

Married men are still men. Like any other man, when he emotionally gets involved with a mistress , he will miss her.

The real reasons why he will miss his mistress are varied and personal but to know for sure what makes a man desire his mistress, you need to be a mind reader.

However, here is a list of the most common reasons why a married man would miss his mistress.

Common reasons why men miss their mistresses

It’s hard to say without knowing the specifics of each situation, but there are a few reasons why a married man might miss his mistress.

1.Emotional connection that a wife may not always be able to provide.

A mistress provide an emotional connection that a wife may not always be able to provide (emotional affair). The man may feel like he can talk to his mistress about things he couldn’t discuss with his wife and this could lead to him feeling increased intimacy with her.

This leads hid him to miss his mistresses because he loves her. When you love someone, you want to be with the person you love.Likewise, he misses you because of his affection towards you. My 14 Secret Signs a married man is falling in love with you will give you more knowledge about how to know if he is falling in love with you.

2. He cares for his mistress.

A man can’t have an affair with you and not care for you to some extent. This is especially true if the affair was more than just a physical fling.

If the man truly loved his mistress, then it’s only natural that he would miss her after the affair ended. Even if the man didn’t love his mistress, he may still miss her if she meant something special to him.

Because he cares for you, he is concerned about you and your well being.

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Being away from you makes him wonder if you are doing okay.

If your whereabouts and safety are occupying his mind, it won’t be long before he starts to miss you; after all, you are on his mind.

3. His wife is giving him a hard time.

Another common reason a married man misses his mistress is his wife is giving him a hard time.

If the man’s wife is constantly nagging him or if they’re always arguing, then it’s understandable why he would want to spend time with someone who makes him feel good. even if that someone is his mistress.

We all know wives tend to nag even be troublesome sometimes. If his wife is problematic, he may start to long for a calm demeanor clinging onto mistress relationship as an escape from his life.

4. He enjoyed the company of his mistress.

A married man would miss his mistress if he enjoyed her company. If he always looked forward to their time spent together, whether it was simply talking or something more physical.

He will definitely miss her if he loved the way she made him feel, and he was grateful to have her in his life.Whenever he was with her, he felt like he could conquer anything.

When a man, married or not, enjoys being around a woman, it is only natural to miss her when she is away.

5. He’s horny

Sadly, this is the bitter truth.Mostly, if your relationship were purely physical, you would cross the man’s mind when he is horny. He might even reach out, hoping to get some sexual healing.

Read: How to make a married man want you sexually

Why do men have mistresses? 

Many people get married or cohabitate when they are still in limerence or infatuation. They often times do not give a relationship a chance to turn to true love or in some instances feelings fade.

When a couple cohabitates too soon and what they feel is not love, they don’t just leave. They try to make the “feelings” come back.

Over time they realize they just do not really love their partner and feel they want better for themselves. They eventually meet someone and normally don’t even intend to cheat or develop feelings but it happens.

So they end up having an affair because they feel guilty leaving someone who never actually did anything wrong, they just aren’t in love with them.

Signs that a married man misses his mistress.

Men are programmed to mask their emotions. It may be challenging to know when he misses you because the chances are that he will try to hide it from you.

Worry not, emotions leak clues here and there, so here are subtle signs that your married boyfriend misses you but is hiding it.

Seven subtle signs that a married man misses you.

1. He calls you more than usual.

Has he been blowing up your phone? Is he calling you more and more every other day? Yes, you guessed it, he misses you.

He answers your texts immediately.

Men are busy creatures, busier if he is married. If a married man is answering every text of yours as though he was some high school kid. With all the time in the world that screams, I miss you.

2. He shows up.

When he starts appearing up at your place or workplace uninvited, it is because he missed you so much he had to see you.

3. He sends you thoughtful gifts.

Has he sent you gift(s) which you know that only a person who has been intently observing you would think?

Maybe you told him your favorite toy growing up was a panda, and he sends you a human-size panda. He also noticed how much you love paintings, so he sent the most beautiful artwork you have ever seen.

If he is taking time to personalize the gifts he sends to you, that is another way of saying that I love you and miss you so much.

Read: Signs a married man is in love with you

4. He talks about you. 

“Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” If he talks about it means you’re on his mind, which means he misses you.

If a man shows the signs above, even if you don’t get a confession, he is guilty of missing you.

Would a married man ever reconnect with his mistress if he misses her?

Dating a married man is problematic; you never know what to expect. Will he reconnect with you after you break up, or will he go and never return? You can’t say for sure. 

Some men do, but others don’t. Even though you cannot predict if your married man would reconnect with you, there are things that you could do that would increase your chances of getting him back. 

Here is a list of tips to make a married man reconnect with you.

How often does a married man think about his mistress?

Research has shown that men tend to think about their mistresses more often than they admit.

Generally speaking, a man who is having an affair will think about his mistress anywhere from 10-60 times per day.

It’s safe to say that most married men think about their mistresses regularly, particularly when they’re not getting the attention they need from their wives.

Many married men find themselves feeling unsatisfied and unfulfilled in their marriages, which can lead them to seek out affairs with other women. And while it’s usually not advisable to have an affair, it’s understandable that some men may feel like they have no other choice.

Affairs can be risky and damaging, but sometimes they may seem like the only way for a man to get the emotional connection and attention he needs.

In my How often does a married man think about his mistress? I talk about this topic in-depth.Please check it out.

If a man is generally happy with his marriage but had a one-time fling, he’s likely to think about his mistress only occasionally.

On the other hand, if a man is deeply unhappy in his marriage and is actively pursuing an affair, he’s likely to think about his mistress much more

It all depends on the man’s relationship with his wife, his level of satisfaction in the marriage, and his overall level of commitment to the relationship.

Four ways to make a married man reconnect with you

Make His Actions Match His Promises
Order Your Help Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Respect the no contact rule.

Cutting all contact works magic and wonders for you. It makes him realize how easily you could dispense him, and that crap scares man.

He then decides to up his game to keep in your good graces.

2. Look good, always. You never know when the man is looking.

Men are visual, so if you look ravishing when he steals glances, there is no way in hell he is keeping his eyes and hands off that. At least not for long.

3. Be pleasant.

If you meet him in person, be cordial and pleasant. You lose nothing by being friendly and agreeable, but you get his respect and admiration and his devotion later.

5. Get in shape.

Exercise is excellent for you, but also most men would kill to have a fit woman. You look so much better when you get in shape.

After having executed the tips above you have done, sit back and wait for your man.

However, if he still doesn’t, you will be in the best place emotionally and physically than you have been for a while. So it is not wasted.

What do married men do when they miss their mistresses?

Married men deals with emotions differently. He can move on with his life irrespective of what emotions he feels or stay in pain trying to pretend he is strong without but when he actually hurts.

Men are logical, and even though he misses you, which he will, if there was an emotional connection, he won’t necessarily reach out.

On this subredit a couple of men actually admits missing their mistresses.

Kind of. I am deeply in love with my AP, who I have been friends with for a little while. I think if she told me she loved me back (I suspect she does), I might make a few big decisions.

It has also ruined how I feel in my marriage, not that there was much feeling there anyway, but I definitely don’t feel the same about my wife.


However as time has gone on I’ve realised that I don love my wife anymore and that I only wanted to stay for the kids and to save face. I miss my mistress so much. I moved jobs after it all came out and find myself parking up next to my old work just to try and catch a glimpse of her.

I think she is still single but dating and it kills me to think of another guy being with her, or her getting married to and starting a family with someone else.


Men have a more extraordinary ability to think categorically, so he will do the most logical thing: staying with his wife, albeit feeling the opposite.

While some men may reach out when they miss you, incredibly when convenient for them, the majority will brush it off and move on with their lives.

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How do I make a married man miss me?

Suppose you want to make your married boyfriend miss you, maybe to make him come back to you or get his attention.Whatever your motive to get the man jealous, here is a list of strategies you can employ to make green-eyed.

If you are tired of waiting and you want to make him leave his wife for you as soon as yesterday? what you need is click here no wasting time.

Strategies to make a married man miss you

1. Go cold turkey on him.

Cut off ALL contact and abruptly—calls, texts, social media, even physical. Give him time to miss you by going MIA.

2. Be disinterested in him.

I know you might have feelings for the man, so being disinterested may be challenging, so act. Even if you have to fake it, so be it.

He needs to fear that he is dispensable at the snap of the finger, and feigning disinterest will do just that.

Men are scared of not having what they want.

Mama Nkima

3. Have a social media presence.

Go out with your friends, take pics and post them. Have your life y=looking great online but most importantly, genuinely try to enjoy your time without him.

Seeing you looking happy without him will remind him of how happy he made you. In the end, it will make him miss you.

4.Incite jealousy

Get an old friend to act interested in you. Some men like their women to be desirable to other men. He feels better knowing that different men want he has.

Also, seeing this potential successor of him around, you will make him jealous.Jealousy is the mother of other emotions, including the longing for someone.

Make His Actions Match His Promises
Order Your Help Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Either way, you win.

6. Have a signature scent.

Whenever he smells your scent, he will immediately think of you even if it is on another woman. So get a signature scent and stick to it.

While you can’t force a man to miss you, the tips above will make it easier even for the most emotionally detached man to miss you.

Read: Miss me spell

Do married men miss their mistresses —quotes.

1. “Married men are sweet poison, he preys on your very life. Let him in at your demise.”

2. “He said he was leaving his wife, didn’t he? I hate to break it to, but he lied. They never leave.”

3. “True love is action, if he missed you too, he would pick the damn phone and call, but your man hasn’t, has he?”

4. “Don’t expect to be treated like number one when you are number two.”

5. “A mistress is a queen of ‘almosts.’ She almost has the man but not quite. She is nearly the wife but not entirely.”

Read: How to Win a Married Man over His Wife?


Do married men ever go back to their mistresses?

Even though it sometimes happens, rarely, a married man goes back to their mistress after they broke up, but sometimes it happens.

It depends on the nature and circumstances of your relationship. The fact man will come back to you when your relationship is over.

Do married men leave their wives?

No, most men do not leave their wives. I know it sounds ironic that they approach you under the guise that they will leave the wives, but the reality is that they never.

In any case, should he leave his wife for you, he is three times more likely to leave you for another. You wouldn’t want such a kind of man, would you?

Yes, he can because falling in love has nothing to do with whether he’s married or not, or whether you were married or not.

Love is just love. It happens where it chooses so that a married man can fall in love with a married woman; it happens all the time.

Read: What makes a man leave his wife for another woman?
Read: When a man leaves his wife for you.
Read: How to make a married man fall madly in love with you?

Can a man cheat but still love his wife?

Yes, you see, love is a very complicated emotion.Cheating has nothing to do with his passion for you; just because he is involved with another woman doesn’t mean he loves you any less.

A man can be very much in love with you and still cheat and even go ahead to fall in love with his mistress because he loves his mistress doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love you; it just happens like that.

Read: Why do men cheat on their partners ?

Bottom line

A married man is still a man, and like all men, he will miss his lover. But unlike his single counterparts, a married man will rarely look for his mistress when he misses her.

However, he will miss her, more than he likes to admit.

Signs a Married Man is sexually attracted to you – wants to sleep with you.

Woman listening to man

It can be difficult to tell the distinctions among the signs of a married man who is sexually attracted to you.However I have put together a comprehensive list of signs that may help indicate if a married man is sexually attracted to you.

If a man looks at you in a sexually suggestive way or makes comments about your appearance that could be interpreted as being sexual in nature, it’s likely that he is drawn to you sexually.

A Man’s true motives are difficult to decipher. Just because he opens doors for you or listens to you may not mean he is hot for you.

Signs that a Married Man is sexually attracted to you.

1. He tries to get your opinions about sex.

When a married man talks about sex, love, or attraction with you, he usually feels the same for you. Its most certainly a sign that this married man is sexually attracted to you and wants to sleep with you.

A married man is sexually attracted to you if he repeatedly engages you into intimate conversation every time he gets a chance to speak to you.

It is usually a desperate move to get you to talk about your opinion on sex.

If a guy knows how you feel about sex, he has a clue on how to get you into his bed.Talking about sex could also get you horny. When you are in the mood for sex, you lose all inhibition and are less likely to turn him down.

If he is talking about sex, guess what is in his heart. If this is your case, I don’t have the eloquence to convey how erotic that man’s thoughts of you are.

2. He tries to get you alone

A married man knows he can’t seduce you when you are in a group. He will normally try to isolate you cunningly, obviously. It is always easier to attack lone prey!

At the first job I ever worked, Mr.Derrick, my boss, was such a kind man. He had been married to Beth, the cashier, for like forever. 

I had worked for him for 3 weeks when he asked me to switch with Fred to cleaning the back office, his office. Now at face value, there was nothing devious about cleaning the boss’s office, only that it had to be the last room to be cleaned.

For some strange reason, the rule was that everywhere else had to be cleaned before that particular office. This meant that I would be leaving the office last and guess who else left the office late, Mr.Derrick.

He took me after-work drinks and dropped me home within no time, and we became pretty close. Day by day, he kept pushing the limit, from stares to hugging, and finally, he dared to kiss me.

That is when I realized that I would be entangling with a married man if I didn’t do something. A married man sexually attracted to you is somewhat scary.Signs were misjudged.

Given how quickly things escalated from innocent drinks to kisses in the escalator, I’d say he planned it all along. 

One thing I don’t regret, though, is the good times I had. Mr.

Make His Actions Match His Promises
Order Your Help Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Derrick was such an easy time.Maybe if situations were different, we would have worked because the chemistry was so thick that it was almost tangible.

3. His body language speaks volumes

Actions speak louder than words, don’t they? A man may lie to you with his tongue but not with his body. 

Body language experts have identified different postures and positions that communicate a man’s motives. A married man is still a man, so the same signs that other men do when they are sexually attracted to you and want to sleep with you, will the married man do as well.

Look out for these are the most common stances and movements that convey sexual interest in men;

If he is tagging at his sleeves, his tie, or uncomfortably organizing his groin area.

Touching his body, maybe he keeps brushing his thighs and arms, his face, that’s if he could have his way, he would be touching you in the very places he is touching. 

He leans in towards you as though he wants to merge right into you.Obviously, that is exactly where his mind is at that moment.

He takes a stance that makes him look taller and stronger. This is so he can look more attractive to you. He wants to attract you because he is already attracted to you.

He licks his lips unconsciously; I don’t mean the creepy one guys do consciously, I mean the ‘I am lost I have no idea that I am licking my lips.’ That’s the one.

He looks at you with that look. The one that makes you feel like he has already undressed you in his mind, the one that makes you smile sheepishly… 

The beauty with body language is that the guy has little or no control about it; his body conveys the unfiltered and true message that his lips won’t utter. So you can trust his body.

4. A Married Man is sexually attracted to you if He wants to be too close to you

Have you ever been in a spacious environment, but he keeps in your space like there is nowhere else he can be? As if he is trying to breathe in your skin. 

Maybe that is not your exact experience, but you have had a man be so close like he is trying to crush right into you, isn’t it? 

If there weren’t any social norms or any inhibitions, a married man close to you would rather be in you. But this is real, and in real life, you have to be civilized, so he gets as close as norms and societal dictation will allow him without coming off like a horny pig.

5. He tells you about his horrid sex life

Why does a man have to have to tell any woman how unsatisfying his wife is in bed?Unless he is trying to solicit sympathy and make you want you to prove how much better you are than his wife in bed.

Men like to act dumb, but guys are smart. They know what buttons to push to make a woman feel and do what the guy wanted in the first place. 

He knows asking you for BJ would be rude, so he talks to you about how his wife just won’t go down on him or how he would kill for a mind-boggling BJ. 

Such information would make the average feel sorry for the man and more willing to make his dreams true, especially since his evil wife won’t. 

Suppose he is feeding you stories about how his sex is lackluster or non-existent. In that case, the chances are that he is hoping that if he asks you to bed, which he will, you most likely accept.

Read : 14 Secret Signs a married man is falling in love with you

6. He’s Protective of You

When a man is attracted to a woman, he’ll want to protect her. He may stand up for her when she’s being treated unfairly, and he may even help her with her problems. His goal is to be there for her and to make sure she’s safe and happy.

If you notice your man being more protective of you than usual, it could be because he’s attracted to you. He wants to be there for you and to help you with whatever you need. His protection is a way of showing you his interest.

7. He buys you suggestive gifts

This is like the distress button a married man will push if you haven’t caught-on on any of the previous signals he sent your way. It doesn’t have to be the traditional thong and lace bra, though if he sent you those then, lady, he is so dying to sleep with you.

I remember during one Christmas holiday, I met a mid-aged man Steve, at a public library. I thought he was a little too old for the library since most of the population frequented there were late teenagers and early twenties. It turns out he was the owner.

I love books and have a bad habit of being picky, so I was spending hours deciding which book to read.After one frustrating afternoon, heaven sent me Steve, who suggested I read Sugar- Danielle Steel. He marketed it so well I couldn’t say no.

And I loved it. So Steve became my book recommender, and after a while, he was stacking up collections specially put together for me. We became good friends and went on a couple of ‘no dates’ dates. It was such a beautiful time for me.

I noticed something, though, the books he suggested kept getting more and more erotic with time. At first, I trashed the idea that he was carefully orchestrating this. 

At his suggestion, I read everything erotic; Diana Galdon’s Outlander, Dirty by Megan Hart, Crash by Nicole Williams, Delta of Venus by Anais, The Flowers of Evil by Charles Baudelaire, Lady Chatterley’s Lover by D.H Lawrence, and Inside Madeline by Paula Bomer. 

At the end of the holidays, he bought me copies of Shannon McKenna (She is the Queen of erotica) books wrapped in a delicate red wrapping and black lace ribbons. 

That is my weakness, red on black lace. It took all the strength in me not to sleep with Steve. If the holidays had gone on a day longer, I would have.

Suppose a married man is buying you vibrators, or plugs, thongs, or anything suggestive for that matter. In that case, he is sending you a direct message that he wants to sleep with you.

What triggers emotional attraction in a man?

A man is attracted to a woman emotionally when he perceives her as being kind, caring, and someone who has his best interests at heart.

Emotional attraction can be triggered by a variety of things- from a woman’s physical appearance, to her personality, to the way she makes him feel.

When a man feels that he can trust a woman and that she genuinely cares about him, it creates an emotional connection that leads to attraction.

A woman’s emotional warmth and kindness are the key ingredients that trigger attraction in a man. So if you want to attract a man emotionally, be sure to show him your compassionate side and let him know that you care about him.

Trust is also essential in any relationship, so be sure to build trust with the man you’re interested in. When he knows he can count on you, he’ll be drawn to your emotionally warm presence.

A man will also often be drawn to a woman who is kind and compassionate, someone he can trust and have fun with.Ultimately, it’s different for every man, but these are some of the most common elements that can create an emotional connection.

Why would a Married Man want to sleep with you?

You may be wondering, why a married man would want to sleep with you. Is it something you are doing? Is it him, or should we blame his wife for not satisfying her husband?

Men will always be men. A guy’s desire to sleep with you has nothing to do with anything you nor his wife do or do not do. So, why then would a married man want to sleep with another woman?

Here is a list of the most common reasons why a married man would want to sleep with you.

Why does a Married Man want to sleep with you? (Real truth)

1. He is a sex-starved man

Sex is essential for men, women too, but guys need it more. We can not deny that in many marriages, sex is either boring or non-existent. 

A married man may want to sleep with you because they want to have sex. You may argue that if it is just about sex, why me, why not any other girl.

You see, contrary to popular belief, men are not animals, and they have a type. He will not sleep with anyone for sexual gratification. He wants to have sex, but he wants to have sex with you.

Read: How to make a married man want you sexually

2. You fit his description of the perfect sexual fantasy.

We all have sexual fantasies; some of them may be realistically impossible. If someone saw a person who fits their idea of the perfect fantasy, they would obviously want to sleep with them, wouldn’t you?

Suppose he has always fantasized about sleeping with a busty, blue-eyed, bald thick girl. Then he meets busty, blue-eyed, bald thick Ashely. I don’t think you can blame him for wanting bed Ashely, can you?

3. He likes you more than friend

I know this is not agreeable, but sometimes, the guy just likes you. Men love to connect with the women they love at all levels.

He wants to connect with you emotionally, intellectually, and even sexually, especially sexually. A man may be happily married and fall for another woman. His marriage has nothing to do with whether he likes another girl or not.

Is he just flirting?

I once met a guy who told me that his hobby was flirting.

Make His Actions Match His Promises
Order Your Help Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Strange right? I don’t think he is alone. You would be shocked how many people flirt casually, just for the sake of it.

While one of the signs that a married man wants to sleep with you is that he flirts with you. How do you know he isn’t just flirting as a hobby but rather wants to sleep with you?

Here is a list of signs that a married man is flirting with you.

Signs a married man is flirting with you.

1. He will make excuses to be around you

signs a married man is sexually attracted to you

When he is creating an excuse after excuse to be with you, it is a sign that he wants to spend time with you. When a guy is flirting with you with intention, he wants to spend time with you, a drop of signs a married man likes you more than friend.

If he is coming to your office to pick a document, you could have emailed or something like that, he is flirting with you and seriously.

2. He touches you playfully.

Normally these touches are non-sexual; maybe he brushes your arm playfully or strokes your cheeks.Sometimes though, especially with frivolous men, he may touch you sensually. 

If you are not comfortable with any touches, please don’t keep silent, firmly let the man know that you don’t appreciate being touched in that way.

3. He gives you the look – a sign he wants you badly sexually 

Smiling beautiful young woman in casual clothes sitting in street cafe with a drink, working on laptop and looking with playful expression at guy with tablet and earphones from another table

There is that distinct look that guys give when they are seeking sexual relations. A man who is flirting with you checks you out every now and then.

You might even catch him staring at you. Have you ever caught a guy staring, and instead of him being bashful and looking away, he instead holds the gaze? That is flirting 101. 

How to handle a married man flirting with you

There are so many ways to handle a married man flirting with you, If you really decide to love that man, remember to tread carefully and smartly with a married man hitting on you.

How you handle a married man who flirts with you and one who is sexually attracted and wants to sleep with you depends on whether you want anything to do with them or not.

What to do when you want to pursue with the married man flirting with you.

When you like a married man, you have one of two options. You could respond to his advances and see where it goes or try to bury your feelings forever if you are bothered by the fact that he is married.

1. You need to be straightforward about your intentions

To handle a married man who is flirting with you but you are not interested, Be open and let him know you are not interested.

Sometimes letting a married man know that you are not interested in his advances works. He may stop bothering you. (80% of the time they do stop).

Try to respectfully make it known to him that you have no interest in pursuing anything with him whatsoever.

2.Focus your attention elsewhere

Some things when you ignore them, they go away.Ignoring any advances from the married man could work. 

Focusing your attention elsewhere prevents you from getting offended by his unwelcome advances, so keep busy.

3.Concentrate on his flaws

signs a married man is sexually attracted to you

Just because you don’t want anything to do with the man doesn’t mean you don’t like him; you may simply not like the idea of being with a married man. And that is ok. 

To help you in this instance, you can concentrate on his flaws. When you do, the man ceases to be as awesome as you had imagined. This will help you to move on.

4. Cut off all contact

Whether it is physical or radio contact, severing contact will first communicate to the man you are serious about wanting to do with him and help you move on faster if you liked the man.

Checkout this article below.

The Embarrassment of misconstruing a Man’s Kindness

There is nothing more embarrassing in heaven or on earth than assuming that a guy likes you in a certain way when you’re wrong. You then go ahead and make your move only to realize you misread it all, and he was just being friendly. I know I have been there.

woman feels embarrassed.signs a married man is sexually attracted to you

In my teenage years (I was an early bloomer btw), one of my father’s friends, a well-built man who had aged well, used to be extra nice to me. 

Hillary was married to a girl half his age. He was forty, and Martha was 20 when they wedded. I was 15 at that time. It was crystal clear that Hillary had a type, young and naïve, it’s what we all thought. 

One afternoon, as usual, Hillary invited me for a drink at his favorite bar at the corner of the street where I was raised. He was being exceptionally sweet that day, so much that he even let me drive his Peugeot; not even his wife touched his car, and he always said it was his one true love. 

After a few drinks and I was tipsy, I leaned in and kissed him; he was baffled for an instant, then he scolded me. I thought he was leading me on, guess I thought wrong. 

I wanted the ground to swallow me. That 5-minute ride back home is the most intense journey I have ever been on in my life.

You needn’t go through such an embarrassment; trust me, you don’t want to. In that case, read on to find out the sure signs and that the married man you are confused about truly wants to sleep with you.

Why you are confused about the Married Man’s Intentions

So, there is that married man who has been giving you mixed signals. He stares, but he also has the ‘don’t come close’ vibe. 

Married men, unlike single guys, flirt differently. A married man has to be subtle about his signals because being obvious could land him in serious trouble.

Dating a married man is a taboo, and a wedded man knows it. He is aware that not many women would be comfortable dealing with a married man like himself, so he has to keep his advances minimal.

For a girl, who can’t even decipher obvious hints, how will she sense the subtle and minimal advances? It is normal for any woman to be confused about the meaning of a married man’s advances.

Like Victoria Milan says not every married man likes to flirt.


What to do when a married man wants a child with you.

You may be confused as to why a married man would want to have a child with you. Why would he even want a child with you? Isn’t that what his wife is for? The most common reasons why a married man wants a child with you are;

* His wife can’t or won’t give him a baby.
* You have hinted on wanting to have children, so he wants to make you happy.
* He wants to leave his wife for you. He wouldn’t want to leave for an empty house, so he wants to have a child first, then he will have the incentive to leave.

Should you have a child with a married man?

It depends on your relationship, but the general rule is that you shouldn’t get pregnant for a married man. You see, even though he could, a married man might never leave his wife and family?

Unless you are ok with raising illegitimate children and most probably on your own, then go ahead.

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Yours might, however, be a different case, and the married man leaves his family.

In that case, you could have babies with him but just get ready for the backlash because, to some people, you will always be the home wrecker.

How do you tell if a married man cares for you?

A married man can care for another woman other than his wife. It is very probable. You see, a man’s affection and care have nothing to do with whether he is married or not.

Listed below are some of the most common signs that a married man cares for you?
* He listens to you.
* The married man removes his ring around you probably because he doesn’t want to remind him that he is married and wants you to like him.
* He remembers the little things like your allergy for pineapples or your favorite shoe brand.

How do you tell a married man likes you more than a friend?

Misconstruing a man’s intentions is a hella embarrassing.Married man motives are not the easiest decipher. So, how can you tell for sure that a married man wants to be more than friends?

Below is a list of the most common signs that a married man likes you more than a friend.
* He’ll straight up tell you. 
* He’ll be interested in your dating life. This is so he can gauge his competition.
* He buys you gifts. Men like to spoil the women they like. If he is getting you gifts, he most likely in another way.
* He avoids talking about his personal life because he would rather talk about life with you.

Why is a married man jealous?

A married man gets back to his wife at the end of the day, so why would he be jealous that Bob took you out to lunch?

A man’s jealousy is no respecter of his marital status.Suppose he thinks you are his even the slightest sense. In that case, his friend, his secretary, his XYZ, seeing another man around you, will spur some jealousy in him.

Final Thoughts

A married man will never move around with a huge poster that reads I want to sleep with you. If he wants to tangle with you in the sheets, he will most probably go for subtle and less obvious signals.

Your radar needs to be really good to sense his advances. You don’t want to throw yourself at a man who was only being kind. 

Life after Divorce.Tips From Professinals

Is there any life for me after Divorce?Where do I even start? I just got divorced, what next? 

I do not know any other four words as devastating as “I want a divorce.”  Divorce can leave you miserable, lonely, and need I mention, financially stuck? It leaves you wondering, now what?

If it hasn’t happened yet here at mamankima we believe prevention is better than cure so if you still love your man and you know you’re headed for divorce feel free to check out my 5 common reasons why men leave their wives and What makes a man leave his wife for another woman?

The plans and dreams you had for your marriage are all thrown down the drain in a fleeting moment. The thing with Divorce is that it is more loss than just your spouse, but also, you stand to lose your friends, family, future, and a part of yourself. 

No wonder divorce is often compared to death, and in some ways, it is like death because it marks the end of life as you know it. This can be emotionally overwhelming for anyone.Divorce is rarely easy, and after your marriage ends, you will struggle to move on with your life. 

But the good news is that you can successfully work through the emotions and start a new life. I know that this may be the hardest thing that you may have had to deal with yet. It is normal to be afraid, anxious, doubtful and hurt all at the same time.  

Stages of Divorce

To move on from a divorce, you must allow yourself to grieve and feel all the pain. You must be purged through agony and let sorrow wash all the depression away. That is the only way that you can get to the other side of healing.

Divorce consists of several stages and phases.However, it is crucial to note that going through Divorce is not a unidirectional nor sequential process. You may go through the third, then to first, and finally to the last.

You may go through some, all or none of the stages, that is grief for you. It can take many faces and shapes, but the key is to remember that it’s a natural response to trauma. So, trust that nature knows best and whatever comes your way is for the best, in the end.

The 5 Stages of Divorce (What to do at Different Stages of Divorce)

1.Shock Denial

When your partner just hits with you the “I want a divorce,” your very first reaction is often shock and denial. This stage typically lasts anywhere between minutes to a week from when you hear the terrible news. 

It is difficult to accept that you are having a divorce. This can send you into a whirlwind of emotions that prevent you from seeing the truth as you may believe that there is something you can still do to save your marriage.

When you realize how much time you invested in your marriage and family, the shock becomes even more noticeable. You may act in a way that is simply not typical but you should move on and enjoy your life after divorce.

What to do when you are in the Shock and Denial Stage

Realize that this grief stage helps protect us from experiencing the loss’s intensity. 

It could help if you kept busy as you moved through the Divorce and slowly acknowledged its impact. The initial denial and disbelief faded.


When anger and rage occur, the realization of the full impact of the Divorce dawns on you. It usually happens because you feel helpless and powerless, and you blame yourself or your partner for it. 

What to do when you are in the Anger Stage of Divorce

You could also consider exercising, walks, or boxing.Anything that you can use to release the anger is constructive for this stage.


This stage may be marked by persistent thoughts about what “could have been done,” ‘what ifs’ and ‘If only.’

Suppose this stage of grief isn’t resolved. In that case, the divorcee will continue to live with intense feelings of guilt, which can interfere with the healing process.

What to do in the Bargaining Stage

Acknowledge that there isn’t much that you nor your partner could have done to stop the Divorce.

Try not to dwell on the past and focus your energies on the future you are about to create. The Divorce has happened, and you can’t go back in time and un-divorce so please, let sleeping dogs lie. 


During this stage, the grieving person comes to the certainty and reality of Divorce.Sadness reigns during this stage. You may start off by asking yourself questions like, “Is there any point in going through life alone?”

You could become withdrawn, spend hours reflecting and crying, or on the other end, you may become harsh or bitter.

What to do in the Depression Stage

No one can’t just snap out of depression, so be kind to yourself when it takes longer to feel better.There is no timeline, be patient with yourself.

Reach out to your friends and family. It is easy to feel alone after a divorce, but if you could reach out, you would see that you have a tribe of friends and family willing to support, comfort, and help you. 

You don’t have to face Divorce alone.


This is the goal. This is the stage at which you are then ready to acknowledge the Divorce and its impacts. The negative emotions finally stop here. You feel that you are ultimately fit to enjoy a happy life. 

And you will finally understand that there is life after Divorce and look forward to great things in your life. You have finally let go of the negative emotions and are ready to move on.

What to do at the Acceptance Stage of Divorce

Celebrate and congratulate yourself for making it this far. Tap yourself on the back for being the warrior and fighter you genuinely are.

How to move on after a Divorce

They say that half the marriages end in Divorce. I always thought it was an outrageous claim, but research proved it between 50% of marriages end in Divorce. So, if it is any consolation to you, you are not alone.

If others have made it through the life after divorce, so will you. Now, I know that no two separations are the same and that the pain you are going through is maybe unbearable, but I promise you that someday, you will look back to this time with a smile.

Below is a step-by-step guide to help you move on from a divorce

1. Let go

“You can’t see tomorrow when you’re burdened down by yesterday’s load.” Letting is the first step you must make you want to move on.

Let go of the hope that your ex is coming back, letting go of the pain, forgiving, and trying to forget. It is in your best interest to bury it all, at least until you have moved on.

2. Get a Hobby

I know that the pain of going through days and nights without your ex feels like hell. The agony of waking up to no one by your side, especially when you have been married for many years, is unbearable.

Your only choice on such long nights to get over the pain is a distraction. I know how it doesn’t sound right, but you don’t have to feel all the problems; you could occupy yourself with something constructive. 

Time heals wounds, but it doesn’t mean you have to bear the hurt as you wait. A little distraction doesn’t hurt anyone. You can take piano class, start painting or even rejuvenate an old hobby to keep your ex off your mind.

3. Cut Off Communication

Divorce means an abrupt disruption of your life. It is often difficult to switch from being married to strangers overnight.

A part of you will want to reach out every now and then, but you can’t move on from someone you still see.

Cut off all contact, mainly social media and even in person.Although it seems harsh and painful, cutting all contact is actually the best way for both of you to heal and move forward after Divorce.

4.Grieve Your Loss

After Divorce, it is as though your ex ceases to exist in your life. The emotions you feel compared to the same anyone feels when a loved one dies.

We all know that you are doing yourself a disservice if you do not grieve a loved one’s loss. That is the same thing you are doing if you refuse to suffer for an ex-spouse.

I know that the pain is hard and that you might not have the energy for it, but grief is the passage rite from loss to healing, so you must grieve one way or another, step by step, day by day.

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Learn to Love Again

This is the final step when it comes to moving on after Divorce.

As discussed previously, moving on after divorce is going to be very difficult. You will have many memories, both good and bad, to torment you every now and then.

But, to forget the past, you must accept reality and embrace the future.  As humans, there will definitely be setbacks, and the only way to move forward is to take a step into the future.

You need to keep your balance in life by moving forward and giving someone else a chance to love you.

Tips for moving-on after a Divorce as a Man;

1.Build the right Support System

Guys are taught that boys don’t cry from a young age and that they have to man-up. As men often bottle up their feelings. 

To move on, you must grieve; to grieve, you might cry.  Beany men are stuck.Having the right support system means that you have a space to let it out as a man.

I know that the world is unforgiving to ‘weak’ men, so having a support system gives you that protection and cover to deal with but still preserve your dignity as a man.

2.Rediscover Yourself

In the marriage, you may have had to sacrifice some of the things you love at the altar of your wife’s happiness. With time you lost a sense of who you indeed are.

Rediscovering yourself is a way to regain power over your life. As a man, you need to feel like you are in charge of your decisions and life.

Rediscovering yourself also helps to rebuild and remold your life into what you want it to be.

3. Set new Boundaries with Your Ex

You probably still love and always will love your ex-wife, but it is crucial to set healthy boundaries.

If you do not, your ex will pop in and out of your life, and this will not only slow your healing process but will frustrate you.

Make your limits clear, leave the house, leave, and don’t look back; if it is no contact, honor it. Set boundaries and keep them for your own sanity.

4. Re-learn Dating

Having been in a relationship for long, you may have lost your game. It is, therefore, vital that you relearn dating again and get your groove back. 

You can have a few pretend dates and or thanks to technology, you can get on Tinder and even Facebook.There are a lot of great girls there.

Get back in the game and live a little. You deserve it


Holding grudges and anger will only wrinkle your face and could also give hypertension; that’s all you get from unforgiveness. For the love of God, forgive your ex-wife so that you can move on. It is for your own good.

Tips for moving-on after a Divorce as a Woman

1. Give Yourself Time to  Grieve and Heal

Grieving is crucial, but it also takes time.Please be patient with yourself and do not beat yourself up for missing your ex-husband years after the Divorce.

It took time to build your marriage, and understand that it will take even more time to tear it down. So please be patient with yourself.


Failing to forgive your ex or anyone you hold accountable for your Divorce doesn’t hurt them; you’re the only person having a grudge.

It isn’t worth your time or energy.Release whoever it is; you need to forgive.Forgive for your sake.

3. Find Yourself

You had attached your identity to your marriage and ex-spouse. Now that the marriage is over, you feel like an empty, soulless creature.

You need to reconnect with who you were, who genuinely are. You need to find yourself and become who you are meant to be for you to move on.

4. Seek for Professional Help

Sometimes you might never be able to move on until you get assistance from the rightful people. I know we tend to think therapy is for the crazy, but that’s a stereotype. 

The truth is that alone you might never get over a traumatic event without counseling. The doctor understands where all the negative emotions stem from as such will help you deal with the real root causes rather than the symptoms.

What to do after a Divorce

What do people do in their life after a divorce? The short and honest answer in that they continue to live.There is no special ceremony or rite of passage from marriage to singlehood.

But I understand your plight. It can be intimidating to start over after being married, especially for a long time. You might not know where to start. Here is a bucket list for things to do post-divorce.

To-do List after a Divorce

1. Get a great sex toy

Vibrators, dildos the girls or penis rings for the guys, get a sex toy that speaks your love language. 

Orgasms release endorphins, ‘happy hormones’ into the bloodstream which make you feel good

You just had a mind-blowing orgasm plus the feel-good hormones; it is a double pleasure.

Some different legal changes and procedures follow a divorce. You need an advisor in the game to keep you on top of things. You don’t want to miss any privileges entitled to you simply because you were ignorant about it.


Like orgasms, exercise releases ‘happy hormones’ which explains why you feel so good after running.

You need all the good feelings you can get after divorce because it is challenging and stressful. Good times will make it bearable.


You get a sense of fulfillment from doing good.Besides, you may have some extra time on your hands after a divorce.

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Helping out at the shelter at the corner might be the distraction from the pain you feel, but also it leaves you feeling fulfilled.

6. Help someone going through Divorce

In school, my Math teacher used to say that if you want to get better, teach someone the very thing you are struggling with. If it’s matrices you want to learn, look for someone to teach them. 

Likewise, when you help a new divorcee work through their trauma, you are working through yours in RL.

7. Get a Financial Planner

There are bound to be financial challenges after a divorce. It is wise to hire a financial planner to help you, or if you can, take an adult class on personal finance management.

Whatever you choose, you need to be at the top of your game financially; otherwise, you risk going broke.

How to Start a New Life after Divorce

Where on earth do I start after a divorce?  How do I start over?

We easily fall into a routine in our lives and derive comfort from the predictability of our lives.Divorce interrupts that, and then you realize that life as you know it is no more.

Naturally, the human response to the unknown is panic, so I understand why you may be panicked and confused right now. Here is a list of strategies to start a new life post-divorce.

1. Feel

You may be tempted to ignore and run away from pain.After all, who likes to feel hurt? No one. But that won’t help in the long run. You can’t hide from pain forever, and sooner or later, it will catch up with you.

The good news is that you can now begin to emotionally move on once you felt all the hurt and grieved. That is very critical if you want to start a new life.


I bet you have heard the saying that the weakest pen is stronger than the best mind.Writing about stuff takes away the power to hurt you.

You can try it now.Think of that one painful thing that won’t leave your thoughts.Write about it, do not care about grammar or punctuation, and just write. As you journal, you may be moved to cry, but that’s ok. 

After you have finished, you may even feel physically lighter.Journaling is that powerful, so use it.

3.Accept Support

We live in a society that judges emotional strength by how much pain you can take. That is the problem, and we need to change that.

Real strength lies in the ability to know when to ask for and accept help.Divorce is one of such things.Please do not hesitate to ask your friends and family to come in when you feel like you can’t go on alone anymore, please.

4. Take a Class on Personal Finance Management

Life post-divorce is financially challenging. It would be best if you can make rational and money-smart decisions.

You can ensure this by getting a financial planner.Still, since we are already short on money, it may be wiser to take a personal finance management class.

5. Date Someone New

Get out there.Remember, you are single, so get out there and mingle. You don’t have to end up alone just because your previous marriage ended.

You are still desirable and deserve another shot at love, so don’t deny yourself the chance. I know you may be thinking that you are not ready, but tell me honestly, is anyone ever prepared for love?

6. Read a Book

Books are an educational yet fun resource to get over a divorce and start a new life.

And talking about books, here is a list of books that you can read as you go through each of the stages of Divorce.

A list of 20 Books to Read for Every Stage After a Divorce

For the Shock and Denial stage

 1. A man’s feelings: Finding Closure After Divorce by Michael Eads

2.Conscious Uncoupling: 5 Steps to Living Happily Even After by Katherine Woodward 

For the Anger and Rage Stage


Make His Actions Match His Promises
Order Your Help Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Maybe you Should Talk to Someone by Lier Gottlieb

4. He’s History, You’re Not: Surviving Divorce After 40 by Erica Manfred

5. High Conflict Divorce for Women by Debra Doak

6.Bitter or Better: Your Choices After Divorce by Deborah Kidd Leporowski

For the Bargaining Stage

7. No One is to Blame by Bob Hoffman

8. Real Dads Stand Up by Alicia M.Crowe.

9. Will I Ever Be Free of You?: How to Navigate a High-Conflict Divorce from a Narcissist and Heal Your Family by Dr.Karyl McBride, Ph.D. 

10.Getting Past your Breakup by Susan J Elliot

For the Depression Stage

11.Divorce Care 365 Daily Devotion 

12. How to Sleep Alone in a King Size Bed by Theo Pauline Nestor

13. The Power of Now Journal by Eckhart Tolle 

14. When Happily Ever After Ends by Karen Convy

For the Acceptance and Moving-on Stage

15.Changes That Heal: How to Understand Your Past to Ensure a Healthier Future by Henry Cloud

16. What About the Kids?Raising Your Children Before, During, and After Divorce by Judith Wallerstein and Sandra Blakeslee

17.Divorce: Protect Yourself, Your Kids, and Your Future Kindle Edition by Randall Kessler

18.NOTHING SAYS A GOOD DAY LIKE A DIVORCE…IF YOU PREPARE FOR IT!: A Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing For Divorce, Divulges What Divorce Attorneys do Not Want You to Know, Saving Time, Money and Sanity by Helen M.Dukhan

19. The Kickass Single Mom: Be Financially Independent, Discover Your Sexiest Self, and Raise Fabulous, Happy Children by Emma Johnson

20. Two Homes by Claire Masurel

Life After Divorce Quotes

1. “You never really know a man until you have divorced him.” —Zsa Zsa Gabor.

2. “I’d rather regret the things I’ve done than regret the things I haven’t done.” — Lucille Ball.

3. “When two people decide to get a divorce, it isn’t a sign that they ‘don’t understand’ one another, but a sign that they have, at least, begun to.” — Helen Rowland.

 4. “Divorce isn’t the child’s fault. Don’t say anything unkind about your ex to the child, because you’re just hurting the child.” — Valerie Bertinelli.

 5. “I wanted to turn my divorce into a positive one. What if I didn’t blame the other person for anything, and held myself 100 percent accountable? 

What if I checked my s— at the door and put my children first? And reminded me about the things about my ex-husband that I love, and fostered the friendship?” — Gwyneth Paltrow.

6. “Do not look for healing at the feet of those who broke you.” — Rupi Kaur.

 7. “Divorce isn’t such a tragedy. A tragedy’s staying in an unhappy marriage, teaching your children the wrong things about love.Nobody ever died of Divorce.” ― Jennifer Weiner.

 8. “Don’t spend time beating on a wall, hoping it will transform into a door.” — Coco Chanel.

9. “It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

 10. “Success is its reward, but failure is a great teacher too, and not to be feared.” — Sonia Sotomayor.

11. “I was a high-functioning depressive, seemingly pulled together and buttoned-down. But inside deep, I was numb and mute. 

Now on the other side of Divorce, I know that was me fragmented and doing my best to cope. But my body knew.” — Liza Caldwell, SAS for Women Cofounder.


How is life after a divorce with a child?

Divorce is generally more challenging with a child because parents know how divorce can be psychologically damaging, so they drag it out. Some parents even delay divorce for the sake of their children. 

As a parent, after divorce, you can reduce the psychological trauma on your children by teaching them coping skills, co-parenting peacefully, and helping them feel safe and secure.

I know it is challenging, but it is possible to raise happy children post-divorce.

How is social life after a Divorce?

Losing your spouse can leave you with more loss than your family. Many divorcees lose shared friendships, family bonds, and traditions.

This is devastating for some people, and further makes Divorce problematic.

Rebuilding your social life after Divorce looks scary initially, but like all things, it will take time, effort, and patience.

Can anything good come out a divorce?

“Marriage is for enjoyment, not endurance. You never should stay in a marriage that no longer serves you.” 

While Divorce’s prospect is repulsive to many of us, sometimes Divorce is the only option we have. I know Divorce has a bad reputation, but sometimes it is for the best.

For instance, when you are in an abusive marriage. Some people have reported being happier, relieved, and even going to achieve things that their marriage would have never allowed them to.

Some have started businesses, got physically fit, or took a class to better their lives. So some good does come from Divorce after all.


Life will change after Divorce, but that doesn’t mean that it will change for the worst.There will be happy and sad moments here and there, but frankly, life does get better after grieving. 

You may be sitting on the fence and scared about making the decision to divorce. Take your time and make sure that separation is the best choice for you. 

Once you have decided to divorce, keep in mind that life after Divorce is going to be problematic and challenging. But with time, it gets better. 

What Guys Do After a Breakup

What do guys do after a breakup? How does it feel when a guy goes through separation? Why do men act the way they do after a split?

Guys deal with breakups differently from women, that’s for sure. But how much different is a breakup through a man’s lens? 

Guys are taught to be macho even in the face of trauma, especially emotional pain. They are told right from childhood that real men don’t cry.

Little wonder guys try to act strong when in actuality, he is falling apart. He will wear the “am good mask” only to breakdown and cry in the shower when no one is watching.

To fully understand how men feel and cope after a breakup, you must first comprehend male psychology after a breakup.

Male Psychology after a Breakup

‘Male psychology after a breakup’ is the mental characteristics or attitude of the human male identity and the issues men confront after a breakup. 

In a nutshell, it is the concept of masculinity and machismo after a breakup. What makes men do what they do? Why are they so prideful?

Why do men behave the way they do after a breakup?

Guys are taught earlier on in life to man-up.Hence, after a breakup, a man’s first instinct is to numb all the pain to avoid potential moments of ‘weakness’ because of the painful emotions after the separation. 

The aforementioned is the primary reason men usually engage in mood-altering behaviors as an escape to dull the split’s pain. 

The same reason why guys rebound with so many women is because the high from flirting and hooking up distracts them from the breakup’s hurt.

It’s absurd, but many men believe in the saying that “to get over it is to get under someone else.” In other words, rebound until it hurts no more.

Why are guys so prideful and egoistic after a breakup?

Naturally, men and their egos are inseparable.However, men seem to be holding on to their pride a little too tighter after a breakup. 

Men try to act unaffected by the breakup to feel superior by compensating for an inner shame and insufficiency for failing at the relationship that just ended.

Men see failure as a sign of weakness, and for someone raised to be anything but weak, guys tend to react with pride to soothe their bruised egos and appear in control. 

The bottom line is that pride is just a cover for the emptiness they feel within.

Stages of a breakup for guys when he was dumped

Grief is personal and different for everyone, but generally, some emotions and phases always accompany a breakup and any loss. 

1. Ego (he acts like it is her loss)

Men are naturally egoistic, but during the relationship, guys tend to suppress this part of themselves.

Men will often mask their pain with pride and act unaffected by the breakup. They are so good at this that anyone would be fooled by this façade. 

He is out with boys having fun at the bar or even in bed with the hot secretary he told his girlfriend not to worry about.

With all this going on for him, anyone could imagine that he has long moved on. But has he really? 

2. The man becomes a social butterfly

In this stage, the man is on a rampage. He has one night stands, partying like a problem, and generally back on the social scene.

Unlike women, men don’t internalize the trauma after a breakup there and then. He will feel the pain, yes, but he will shrug it off and try to go through life as if nothing happened. 

For this unrealistically speedy recovery from the breakup to be possible, he has to make up for the void. He was used to the constant texting during the relationship, calling, which he doesn’t have now. 

To compensate, he may distract from the pain by talking to other women through texts and phone calls. He even isn’t interested in them, but he has to do it to cope with the loss.

3. It finally dawns on the guy that he may have lost his ex, forever.

The man just realized the “am okay” mask, and that all the rebounds haven’t helped with the pain. 

It is at this stage that depression and sadness sets in. The guy is just beginning to feel the full magnitude of the breakup’s hurt at this stage.

4.Testing the waters

Men being king of distractions, the guy may try to soothe himself by further mingling; after all, there are plenty of fish in the sea. 

He is hoping to feel better because men typically deal with pain by shrugging it off.

Toward the end of this stage, he realizes that no amount of sex or high can numb this pain, so he becomes desperate.

5.Begging and anger

After failing to get the perfect antidote from all his escapades from the above stages, he decides that maybe his ex is all he ever needed. He then goes on to beg and bargain as if his life depends on it.

Sadly for him, generally by this time, his ex has almost even forgotten about him. This further aggravated his pain, and this makes him livid.

It is at this stage that most men say some of the most hateful things out of anger for instance; 

•    “I never loved you anyway?”

•    “Why on earth did I even date you? You are unlovable.”

•    Etc.

6.Initial acceptance

Having been through the emotional roller coaster, it hits him now that it is truly over. This is the most painful stage for guys. 

It is when he doesn’t shower or leave the house. The man probably lays on the couch with his ex’s picture on his chest, crying his heart.t

The only silver lining in this whole depression, and that is that this is also the stage when the man begins the healing process. It is the phase where he looks at the demons of his breakup in the face and fights them one by one. 

7.Moving on

Finally, he is ready; he has been tested and tried and has made it through. In reality, very few men reach here. 

There are so many guys moving around still haunted by the ghosts of their exes years later.

But if he has made this far, he can rest assured that he has paid the sacrifice and is now a free man. Free to be able to truly love again.

Stages of a breakup when the guy wanted the breakup


He’s over the moon that he is now a free man. He may even go-ahead to have an ‘am glad to be single again’ party with his friends.

Then he genuinely believes that he has made the right decision, and he couldn’t be happier.


Like all good things come to an end, the high he felt in the previous stage begins to wear off, and he begins to doubt whether he should have held on a little longer.

He may begin to panic at this stage.


This is the stage where one begins to regret and feel bad. It is too late to apologize and make up with the man’s ex, but he is paralyzed, so he can’t move on either.

He is stuck in the middle of a situation; he knows that he put himself in.

4.Sadness and depression.

Grief kicks in after realizing that he has just lost probably the best thing that happened to him.

This is the stage men cry in the shower and can’t seem to stop listening to Adele and Phil Collins. 


Acceptance and moving come only and only after grieving. At this stage, the man can accept the repercussions of his decision, pick up the broken pieces, and move on with his life.

How guys feel after they break up with their girlfriend

Different guys feel differently after a breakup depending on varied factors but, most importantly, the person and the relationship’s dynamic. 

The most common emotions that the majority of men feel are listed below.


When it is the man who has initiated, he feels relief. Like a burden has been lifted off his chest. 

Suppose you have ever wanted to end a relationship. In that case, you understand that the moment pre-breakup is tense because you didn’t want to hurt your partner. But once the relationship is dissolved, you feel lighter.

2.Artificial happiness and pretense that the man is okay

Men are prideful, especially after the breakup. They always have this constant need to put on the ‘am doing great’ mask. 

This obviously works against him, but a man and his pride are inseparable. 

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Order Your Help Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?

Like all life-changing decisions, the man is bound to feel uncertain and guilty after the breakup. He is going to beat himself up for not trying hard enough.

Men do like and being in love; he had a good thing going, but rather than fight for it, he let slip right through his fingers.


Post-breakup men are no stranger to the outbursts of rage and fury. The guy is maybe angry with himself or his ex. 

Whoever the anger is directed to doesn’t really matter; you need to be aware that men tend to experience fits of rage after the breakup, so be ready.

How do guys deal with a breakup?

Have you ever wondered how a man deals with a breakup? 

Different men cope differently. The thing with grief is that it is personal, the experience varies depending on the individual. 

Some guys may go quiet; some may socialize more.There is no one size fits all accurate way that guys deal with a breakup.However, below is a list of the most behavioral patterns guys take to deal with the separation.

1.Distracting from and postponing the pain.

This is typical male behavior to the stressful and hurtful situation. Guys deflect and distract until it goes away somehow. 

For a while, this works for the majority of men. They just drink and fuck the pain away. But for how long can a man self-destruct before grief catches up with him? 

It is okay and even healthy sometimes to numb pain, but moderation is the key. 

2.Numerous one night stands

Some men go to sleep with uncountable women. They live by the motto, “Get over it by getting under someone.” Talk about sexual healing.

3.Drugs and alcoholism.

Some guys take to drug abuse and alcoholism.

You cannot deny how good the ecstasy from drugs and alcohol is. That stuff hits differently.

You can’t blame a guy for using to feel good about the breakup. 


Other guys may hit the gym, so they can sweat all the pain out. This is, of course, not for everyone. The world can only take a few hot men at a time.

5.Adopt a new hobby or revive an old one

Many guys often join a sport, learn to play an instrument, or rekindle his love for chess, basically any activity to distract.

In a nutshell, guys will deal with a breakup by doing something. They need to get busy.

Power of silence after break up

The silence after a breakup does you more good than you can imagine. It may be challenging to execute at first.Still, with determination and keeping the end in mind, anyone can succeed at keeping silent.

The good news is that silence after a breakup always works. It never fails. You can always rely on no contact to make your ex realize your value and even return to you.

Besides, doing no contact and radio silence allows rediscovering yourself.During your relationship, you picked up your partner’s quirks and became accustomed to them. 

Sadly it means that you could have also lost a sense of self trying to adapt to your ex.Silence gives you time to regain what the relationship took.

A relationship is basically an exchange of power affair; one partner always has more influence than the other. The silence after a breakup turns tables; it signs the power back to you. 

You move on faster, could get your ex back, regain your power in the relationship all from going silent. No wonder people say silence is golden! You have so much to gain and nothing to lose from doing no contact. 

Signs he is hurting after the breakup.

Men are perfect after hiding their genuine emotions. Even worse if it is negative ones like a breakup.

Here is a list of undeniable signs that he is hurting after a breakup even though he may mask it. 

1. Your ex is avoiding you

When your ex is dodging you, it is because he doesn’t like the pain of seeing you again. He has already been through a lot to get to the point where he is now.

Seeing you or hearing your voice will take him back to where he started.Regression hurts even more.

2. The guy blocked you on social media

He can’t stand to see how so much better you are doing without him. It makes him realize how terrible his life is without you.

He is also worried that he might see another man with you, which is a punch in the face for any man.

To save himself from all that, he would instead block you in advance, a better and more proactive approach.

3.Trash-talking you

When we are in pain, we tend to project your emotions on those around us. He doesn’t think that you’re trash.

Subconsciously he feels that if he can get others to despise you as your ex does, it might become real when everyone is against you, and he wouldn’t be the only trashy one.

Sadly for him, it never works.

Make His Actions Match His Promises
Order Your Help Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
People can tell when someone is speaking from pain, and when they are being honest, nobody will buy that crap that he is saying.

But that he is trash talking you is a sure sign that he is hurting.


Feeling bad is a pain in itself. The mere fact that he is feeling remorseful is proof enough that he is hurt.

Men show regret and remorse in different ways. He may reach out with a gazillion apologies or post “am sorry” hints for you to find on his social media.

When the man is getting out of his way to show you how bad he feels for hurting you and the relationship, he is sorry, but he is also in pain.

5. You meet your ex, and the man looks like a shadow of himself

This may be the most satisfying thing on the planet. My high school boyfriend broke up with me for the captain of the swim team, Lambert. She wasn’t even all that pretty, but he did.

I remember being so heartbroken, I didn’t want to leave the house, but well, school is essential, and its’ not like heartbreak is reason enough to skip school. And I still think it should be, but that’s beside the point. 

I had to suck it up and wear the biggest smile my sleep-deprived face could afford and go to class. 

That weekend, one of the days I will never forget, the principal’s son asked me out. I don’t know about your school, but at mine, it was a huge deal.Arthur was and still is the hottest guy.Obviously, I said yes.

You should have seen Derricks face when he realized that while he got Lambert, I got Arthur. It was a win for me. Long story short, Derrick was so hurt it even showed in his face over the next couple of days.

There is no way all that misery and zombie face he wore isn’t proof of his pain.

Man vs.woman after break up

“Women break up harder, but men break longer.” Men are taught to handle and deal with their emotions differently and earlier in life. 

That is the main reason for the disparity in how men and women deal with a breakup.

My best friend’s boyfriend broke up with her in our first year of college.

Sheila was devastated. For months, even though she is a gorgeous girl with a gazillion prospective suitors, she refused to go out with any of them, claiming she wasn’t ready. 

Around the same time as Sheila’s breakup, one of my homeboys, Dave, broke up with his girlfriend Pam of two years to start dating a girl from the next flat a week later.Shocker!

Fast-forward 8 months, Sheila is dating a wonderful man.Meanwhile, Dave just realized he wants Pam back, and the breakup was all a mistake. 

This may not be every guy’s experience, but on the whole, a lot of guys go through something similar.

Men vs.Women after breakup examples

While it is true that men and women process breakups differently, they both go through the same grief and loss.

Below is a list of fundamental differences between men and women.

1.Women are less likely to desire their ex after a breakup.

“Why do women look hotter after you leave her?” “I swear all my exes have been pranking me. Why are they waiting for me for me to first breakup then they transform into goddesses?”

I can’t count how many times I have heard guys saying that or something similar.Meanwhile, after the girls have moved on, they want nothing to do with their ex. 

A crazy friend of mine once told me if there was a million-dollar prize to get back with her ex, she wouldn’t, but for a billion dollars, she would then dump his ass after she cashed.

2.Women feel. Men act, more accurately, men distract.

After a breakup, women mop around and cry their hearts out; simultaneously, the guy is out, drinking and fucking if he is not the gym.

Women are programmed to feel. They feel the hurt and emotions of the loss from the breakup, so they cry and get over it faster.Women find it hard to get physical shortly after the split.

Men are the opposite spectrum; they find it almost impossible to allow themselves to grieve but have no problem picking up that stranger girl for a one night stand. That is just the way it is.

Why do guys go cold after a breakup? 

Guys go cold after a breakup for many reasons.However, it is essential to realize that the reason a guy becomes distant doesn’t always have anything to do with you. 

Here is a list of the most common reasons guys go cold after a breakup.

1. The guy is trying to move on.

For some guys, the only way he can move on is if he puts distance between you and him. It is difficult to move on from somebody you see or talk to every day, if not impossible.

2.Naturally, the boy is mean.

Sometimes, he isn’t cold to you after a breakup; he has always been mean. When you are in love, you tend to overlook any imperfections in your partner.

Could it be that you missed all the cues during the relationship and are now seeing the cold side of him after removing the love lens?

3. The man is hurt.

You would imagine that when a man is hurt, he would just say so.

Make Him Leave His Wife For You
Order Your Spell Now. Society wants you to put want they want first, When is it time to put what you want first?
Sadly, not all men do. In fact, the majority of guys will withdraw, shut you out and curl up in a ball after you hurt them.

He may be cold to you after a breakup because he is feeling hurt by your actions or the division itself.

4. Your behavior.

Maybe you’re thirsty and clingy after the breakup. Guys know that if he tolerates any advances from a girl he has no interest in pursuing, he will be entangled to prevent that. He goes cold as a defense mechanism.

Do guys think about their ex after a breakup?

Yes, men think about their exes after a breakup.Obviously, men being men will try to hide it.

Here is a list of scenarios in which a guy thinks about his ex after a breakup.

A list of 8 scenarios men think about their ex.

1. When a man sees a cute couple.

2. When he passes by your favorite diner.

3. When he smells your signature perfume.

4. When he is in the shower.

5. When he hears your song.

6. When he sees the souvenirs, you forgot at his place.

7. When he has to cook for himself or clean up after himself.

8. When he is horny.

Why do breakups hit guys later?

After a break up a man has one of two options.

a. To wallow in sadness or,

b. To ignore the pain and move on to the finer things in life

Naturally, men are hard-wired to go with ‘b,’ which means that they don’t deal with emotions head-on like women do but rather men go through apathy.  

A guy will often distract from using mood-altering behaviors like alcoholism and rebounding.

With time pain resurfaces; you can’t distract forever.Sadly though, by this time, he has already moved on. It appears as though the breakup just hit him. 

In actuality, men and women go through the same grief and loss; the only difference is that guys first go through a distraction phase that girls don’t.

related:How to get your ex back

Songs to help a guy through a breakup

1. “Because I Had You” by Shawn Mendes.

2. “I hate u, I love u” gnash.

3. “Stay With Me” by Sam Smith.

4. “We Don’t Talk Anymore” by Charlie Puth.

5. “Breathe Easy” by Blue.

6. “Too Good At Goodbyes” by Sam Smith.

7. “Love Yourself” by Justin Bieber.

8. “Somebody That I Used to Know” by Gotye.

9. “When We Were Young” by Adele.

10. “You’re Gonna Be Okay” by Brian and Jenna.

Movies every guy must watch after a breakup

1. “Shawshank Redemption.” 

2. “Rudy.” 

3. “Superbad.” 

4. “Interstellar.”

5. “Good Will Hunting” 

6. “Fight Club” 20th Century Fox. …

7. “Miracle” Buena Vista Pictures.

8.Gilmore Girls


10.Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Guys after a breakup quotes.

1. “If someone you love hurts, you cry a river, build a bridge, and get over it.”

2. “Never be sad for what is over, just be glad that it was once yours.”

3. “If you can’t save the relationship, at least save your pride.”

4. “In a world where you can be anything… be yourself.”

5. “Life is about change, sometimes it’s painful, sometimes it’s beautiful, but most of the time it’s both.”

6. “Don’t be afraid of change; you may end up losing something good, but you will probably end up gaining something better.”

7. “At some point, you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart, but not in your life.”

8. “If You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.” – Dr.Seuss

9. “The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination.” – Don William

10. “Maybe some people just aren’t meant to be in our lives forever.Maybe some people are just passing through. 

It’s like some people just come through our lives to bring us something: a gift, a blessing, a lesson we need to learn. And that’s why they’re here. You’ll have that gift forever.” – Danielle Steel

11. “The journey in between what you once were and who you are now becoming is where the dance of life really takes place.” – Barbara De Angelis

12. “You have to take the good with the bad, smile with the sad. Love what you got, and remember what you had. 

Always forgive, but never forget, learn from your mistakes but never regret it.People change, things go wrong, but just remember life goes on.”

13. “It’s not about who you’ve been with, it’s about who you end up with.Sometimes, the heart doesn’t know what it wants until it finds what it wants.”

14. “We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere.” – Tim McGraw


Do guys hurt after a breakup?

Yes, it is normal for guys to hurt after a breakup. Guys go through a lot of pain after a breakup.

The only difference is the boys mask the pain so well it always looks as though they are unaffected by the breakup.

Don’t be fooled by the “I couldn’t care less” attitude; he is hurting.

How long do guys need to move on after a breakup?

Because guys act strong after a breakup, they tend to take a long time to move on after a breakup.

The typical guy takes anywhere from a week to 6 months to move on from a long term serious relationship.

This time is adjustable because we all grieve differently. The faster a man can go through the stages of a breakup, the quicker he will move on.

Do guys miss you after a breakup?

Yes, and very much so. If the guy didn’t, why would he come back because guess what, men always come back? It is usually too late when they do realize, but they do.

Final Thoughts

Guys, after a breakup, go through a rollercoaster of emotions. When a relationship has just ended as a guy, you may wonder where to even begin.Because contrary to popular belief, men care about love.

With patience, effort, and vulnerability, any man can make through the depressing time after a breakup.


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